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The heroic epic argument is what I'm sold on at the moment. Games 1, 2, and most of 3 got people really invested. But when it came time for the catharsis, the game failed to deliver. So feelings and interests that have accumulated over those games end up dropping like a rock instead of being fulfilled.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Has there been a video game ending that has caused this much anger within the fanbase of the game in question before? I'm honestly curious, because I can't recall this much bitterness toward a game's ending as ME3 is getting.


The closest recent comparison would be (ironically enough) BioWare's other recent title, Dragon Age 2. I followed the Dragon Age 2 fiasco, and while there certainly were a lot who disliked the direction the game went, I don't think the numbers of haters rivaled the sheer number for ME3's ending.


FFXIII-2 got pretty bad , but nothing like this.


ME3 has the worst ending I've seen in a game. It's almost like two endings have been hammered together,badly.

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Guest Slinky

ME3 has the worst ending I've seen in a game. It's almost like two endings have been hammered together,badly.

Hmh, I'd say NWN2 and KotOR 2 has worse. At least for me they were.

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Those two games had worse endings. NWN2's ending was simply awful. But it didn't have the buildup of two preceding games, tons of recurring characters, and it didn't take the entire setting with it.


But thanks for that. I'll never be able to enjoy NWN2 again since it's in this perspective.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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ME3 has the worst ending I've seen in a game. It's almost like two endings have been hammered together,badly.

Hmh, I'd say NWN2 and KotOR 2 has worse. At least for me they were.


I did not include KOTOR2 because it was never finished as intended and I never played NwN2. I'm sure there are games out there somewhere with worse endings I've just never played them.

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Guest Slinky

Those two games had worse endings. NWN2's ending was simply awful. But it didn't have the buildup of two preceding games, tons of recurring characters, and it didn't take the entire setting with it.


But thanks for that. I'll never be able to enjoy NWN2 again since it's in this perspective.

Do what everyone else does, forget the OC exist and enjoy the hell out of MotB :)

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They had Martin Sheen, why didn't they force as much Martin Sheen in there as the thing would bear. What little there was was awesome.


To me it felt like a final level was missing. Fight your way through remaining Cerberus to duke it out with Illusive man in reaper tech mechs. Probably would have been a bit much on second thought.


It was a bit anti climatic just wobbling around with a basic pea shooter, constantly irrirtated at how long it took to get to things. Kinda like the dream sequences. The writers assumed a level of emotional investment which wasn't present.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Having Cerberus be the final level would have been a massive disappointment. Getting TIM instead of Harbinger was already less than cool.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The one thing I still want to ponder on.. Part of ME1 was the whole. Sovereign getting access to the Citadel, which would let him summon the rest of the Reapers directly to the Citadel, and also allow them to shut down all the other Mass Relays...


So, the ending reveals


that the God-Spirit-AI-Star_Child happens to be in residence at the Citadel (apparently lurking at the base of the presidium)... So how come he couldn't do all of that on his own?



And for the other minor plothole.. The Reapers "abduct" the Citadel and take it to Earth.. why the hell didn't they then use it to shut down the Mass Relays as they always do and was part of their original Plan A??


Also, one point for the whole series has been that when the Citadel shuts its "arms" it's pretty much untakeable, But.. There's a freaking big open hole at one end of the cyclinder... Exactly how hard is it for a few starships to fly into an opening that's roughly 7km in diameter?

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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This is a head shaker for me, it does work for you to not know everything, but in a game where you're just some grunt or something similar - best example is FS2. Shame, really.

I appretiate it when I'm not treated like some god who has to know everything. How long have they been reaping? Who cares? They've been at it long enough to give you shivers. The difference between "millions" and "2 million" won't make a difference.
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That's the thing, nothing is really answered. What you do get is a whole bunch of added questions.


Oh, sorry, you get told that the reason the synthetic Reapers were created and do the whole cycle of killing organics?

Is to prevent organics reaching a point of advancement where they can create synthetics that would kill all organics..

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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ME3 has the worst ending I've seen in a game. It's almost like two endings have been hammered together,badly.

Hmh, I'd say NWN2 and KotOR 2 has worse. At least for me they were.


For the life of me, I can't remember how NWN2 ends. But with MotB, at least it wasn't the "end" of that storyline, per se. Similarly, KOTOR2 certainly left things hanging, but it always seemed like it was setting up KOTOR3. The fact KOTOR3 never came (or morphed into TOR MMO) was another issue.


I think what makes ME3's ending so bad, and why it's worse than the two you mentioned, is because ME3 was supposed to be the absolute final game in this trilogy. It was THE end of the line, and was supposed to answer every linger question from the previous two games. Unlike the other games, ME3 wasn't just a bad ending to a GAME, but it was a bad ending to an entire SERIES.


The reaction might not be as bad if there was a ME4 that BioWare said would be the conclusion. But ME3 is that game, and that, I believe, is where the backlash stems from.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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This is a head shaker for me, it does work for you to not know everything, but in a game where you're just some grunt or something similar - best example is FS2. Shame, really.

I appretiate it when I'm not treated like some god who has to know everything. How long have they been reaping? Who cares? They've been at it long enough to give you shivers. The difference between "millions" and "2 million" won't make a difference.


Well I don't really need to know everything, but we don't really get much of anything

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Has there been a video game ending that has caused this much anger within the fanbase of the game in question before? I'm honestly curious, because I can't recall this much bitterness toward a game's ending as ME3 is getting.


The closest recent comparison would be (ironically enough) BioWare's other recent title, Dragon Age 2. I followed the Dragon Age 2 fiasco, and while there certainly were a lot who disliked the direction the game went, I don't think the numbers of haters rivaled the sheer number for ME3's ending.


Command and Conquer 4. Although, the ****tiness of the rest of the game helps ease you into the ultimate disappointment of the supremely idiotic ending that goes against everything that has been established in the entire franchise much like how waking up in a tube full of ice, not being able to feel your limbs, while your mind clears from the sedatives wearing off, help ease you into the inevitable realization that your liver has been cut out and sold on the black market.

Edited by Giantevilhead
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Judging from everyones comments, it seems like the writers were simply too incompetent to write a good ending and the are oblivious of it as well.

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Still don't get the hate about the ending. Is it really just about the last cutscene? Come on, even if it's the same cutscene with different color, each ending has a different meaning.



Finished the game on insanity. The final Earth level was a blast.

Edited by Bendu
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Bendu, did the ending actually reflect any of the choices you made in the game? Did you actually feel a sense of closure to the investment in the decisions you'd made and the effects your Shepard had on the galaxy?


Did the developers outrightly say "we won't give you an A, B, or C ending" and "we plan to answer all your questions"? Did they in fact give you an A, B, or C ending? And were questions actually answered?


Did the end sequence (not just the cutscene) actually relate in any serious coherent manner to the previous games?

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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See, they're Shivans!


Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Those who are following the ending upheaval, Hudson has a response.



In my personal opinion. What he says they wanted people to feel about the ending and what I felt about the ending are the exact opposites. He describes the story as a hopeless struggle for basic survival. But for 95% of the game, my Shepard wasn't hopeless and he was doing more than surviving. He was excelling. He had, in many ways, accomplished feats unmatched in hundreds of years. Feats unmatched by the previous games. The final moments did not give hope and victory, but took it all away.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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