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Mass Effect 3


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It's not about the plot. The plot is going to suck, this can be predicted with confidence. Getting there will hopefully be interesting.


Hm, pretty much the truth for a lot of games.

That's pretty much what I thought when I first played Mass Effect 1, which is being held up as a beacon of satisfying plot development by a lot of people right now. ("Could it be more boring-conventional-action-movie??!")

Edited by Enoch
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Aside from Jade Empire, which I have recently gained a newfound respect for, I've never thought a Bioware plot to be stellar. But the dialogue, presentation, and characters are usually pretty fun.


I can think the ending is absolute crap. I can hate the transparently forced attempts at provoking emotion with the kid. But I get a bit of chill at Garrus in the trailer saying "go out there and give them hell. You were born to do this." Yeah, it's cliche, but the delivery is perfect, the music is an excellent choice, and I've become attached to that chitin covered monstrosity.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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"You know, I had my doubts about the Council, but after years of ignoring your warnings they're finally willing to step up and tell you they just can't help."

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Well, can't be sexist, can they? :lol:

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Kinda bizarre isn't it, the interest in a game is at its highest before you even really know what you are dealing with. Hence these VPN shinanegans just to shave a few hours off being able to play.


Game publishers have found a way to tap into repressed memories of having to stare at the christmas presents for ages before being alowed to open them.


It's not healthy behavior and should not be rewarded by preordering.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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i thought the plot was pretty decent in baldur's gate. BG2 plot and Kotor 1 plots were ok. nwn plot was probably the lowest point. mass effect 1 plot was weak, part 2 was barely present.


i'm expecting the plot for part 3 to be poor at best.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Delivery has so much to do with the storytelling, and I think that's where Bio lost me. KOTOR1 onwards they've been very determined at fusing together their cutscenes, dialogue scenes, normal play camera perspective, writing, etc. all together into their particular brand of 'cinematic' experience, and it just really bores me. Even if we set aside any concern for 'deep' stuff and say, what's cool/badass/sets off your inner six year old boy, I find Irenicus' cutscenes a lot more vivid and 'cool' than all the cutscenes I've completely forgotten in KOTOR1, or what little I've seen of the ME series. It just looks all too similar to a bad movie for me to imagine it as anything otherwise.


Increasingly I think that it's not just a case of good/bad writing, ratio of cool stuff, or technology, but how different genres and styles cultivate different ways in which we treat the game content and imagine things off it. I don't know if I would claim BG1/2's plot to be any better or different than Bio's later offerings, but it was about the way in which the isometric perspective, sparse voice acted lines, the UI, and all of those other things combined to make you imagine the world in certain ways. ME just never gets me going in that way - and, in fact, neither did TW2, although I really liked that game.

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Bioware has restricted it to registered owners on release going back a long way. I seem to recall Neverwinter Nights.


Even KOTOR on the 360. And that was just a UPC that everyone shared.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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You joke but... the hair in the demo wasn't as nice as the hair my FemShep had in ME 2.


The hair for me1/2's default femshep is turned blond on importing. Or, at least, I don't see why it would happen to me and not everybody else. You can change it, naturally, but I thought the available reds were too deep, so I just kept it the way it imported.

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I really hope that your actions will have real impact on the story. One thing I really disliked about Mass Effect 2 was how other than Mordin, none of your other teammates were really that important.


Why did I have to go recruit Thane? His assassin skills never got used. Why did I have to recruit Jack? Her uber biotic power got used once and she could have been replaced with Samara/Morinth, Miranda can replace her too but someone dies as a result. Why did I have to recruit Kasumi? I didn't have to steal anything from the Collectors.


It seems like a cadre of highly trained, but expendable, mercenaries could have done just as well as this super uber team you had to recruit.

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I really hope that your actions will have real impact on the story. One thing I really disliked about Mass Effect 2 was how other than Mordin, none of your other teammates were really that important.


Why did I have to go recruit Thane? His assassin skills never got used. Why did I have to recruit Jack? Her uber biotic power got used once and she could have been replaced with Samara/Morinth, Miranda can replace her too but someone dies as a result. Why did I have to recruit Kasumi? I didn't have to steal anything from the Collectors.


It seems like a cadre of highly trained, but expendable, mercenaries could have done just as well as this super uber team you had to recruit.


Wasn't the point of the suicide mission that they didn't know what would happen after crossing the Omega relay? Makes sense that they'd want to cover their asses with all kinds of teammates.

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I really hope that your actions will have real impact on the story. One thing I really disliked about Mass Effect 2 was how other than Mordin, none of your other teammates were really that important.


Why did I have to go recruit Thane? His assassin skills never got used. Why did I have to recruit Jack? Her uber biotic power got used once and she could have been replaced with Samara/Morinth, Miranda can replace her too but someone dies as a result. Why did I have to recruit Kasumi? I didn't have to steal anything from the Collectors.


It seems like a cadre of highly trained, but expendable, mercenaries could have done just as well as this super uber team you had to recruit.


Wasn't the point of the suicide mission that they didn't know what would happen after crossing the Omega relay? Makes sense that they'd want to cover their asses with all kinds of teammates.


It would make sense for them to be prepared for everything. It would also make sense for the writers to put all those characters to use.


Think about it this way, if you go see a a bank heist movie and they spend a significant amount of time developing a character as the best, most bad ass getaway driver in the world. Then the bank robbers manage to escape by sneaking through the sewers and the movie ends up with no car chases. Would you not think, "what the hell was the point of that getaway driver character?" Yes, it makes sense logically for that character to be there but in terms of the narrative structure, there's no point in developing a character that won't play a significant role in the plot.

Edited by Giantevilhead
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Well, from what little I played, it seems like instead of "prepping for the suicide mission" you're "prepping for the last fight". I only played 2 hrs or so, but one of hte major themes/styles is that you're getting EVERYONE you can to be on war footing for you. This includes getting "War Assets" like a video Journalist (btw, the "super punch out" journalist returns).

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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