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It's up to the publisher how the DLC is distributed, in this case EA is trying to play hardball with Steam and prop up their own Origin(and GFWL apparently). Steam does support DLC if the publishers choose to use it.

Rather round the wrong way. Steam wants all DLC for games sold on it to be available 'native' on Steam, so that they can get their cut. Other DD channels aren't effected, only the one which wants compulsory DLC distribution rights. Or in other words it's a specific, and specifically, Steam TOS condition causing the problem, and specific Steam action to remove EA's games.


Stick Steam DA2 key into Origin, purchase DLC, problem solved.

Next problem to work on, having terrible taste in games (ahahaha).

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Red Faction Series Abandoned After Disappointing Sales


Damn I've always enjoyed the RF games.

As much as I loved the original Red Faction, the second game was such a disappointment that I wrote off the franchise back then. Then I bought some bundle from Gamersgate one day, to get the third installment (Guerilla, which I've yet to play), but I didn't even know that there was a fourth game?!? :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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It's up to the publisher how the DLC is distributed, in this case EA is trying to play hardball with Steam and prop up their own Origin(and GFWL apparently). Steam does support DLC if the publishers choose to use it.

Rather round the wrong way. Steam wants all DLC for games sold on it to be available 'native' on Steam, so that they can get their cut. Other DD channels aren't effected, only the one which wants compulsory DLC distribution rights. Or in other words it's a specific, and specifically, Steam TOS condition causing the problem, and specific Steam action to remove EA's games.


Stick Steam DA2 key into Origin, purchase DLC, problem solved.

Next problem to work on, having terrible taste in games (ahahaha).

That's interesting, is this a new development or has it been going the whole time? I've never bought any DLC from Steam...

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Rather round the wrong way. Steam wants all DLC for games sold on it to be available 'native' on Steam, so that they can get their cut. Other DD channels aren't effected, only the one which wants compulsory DLC distribution rights. Or in other words it's a specific, and specifically, Steam TOS condition causing the problem, and specific Steam action to remove EA's games.


That doesn't really explain why only EA games are pulled, considering that other games do the same thing (see Dirt 3). I guess you could argue that since they're selling their DLC through GfWL it's different but.. I'm not convinced. Granted, Valve is by far one of the strictest digital services but I don't think it would be too difficult to arrange different conditions for free-to-play titles and normal titles.

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Red Faction Series Abandoned After Disappointing Sales


Damn I've always enjoyed the RF games.

As much as I loved the original Red Faction, the second game was such a disappointment that I wrote off the franchise back then. Then I bought some bundle from Gamersgate one day, to get the third installment (Guerilla, which I've yet to play), but I didn't even know that there was a fourth game?!? :ermm:


Guerilla is probably the best game in the series. You should play it.

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Heh, if yes, that would only be America's Army 3 then

I didn't mean games that I own on Steam, I meant games that I own, that can be bought through Steam. like I said I hate Steam and I only use it to play games that were gifts or that require Steam to run at all.

Say what ?


If you haven't played any of those games on Steam, or haven't expereinced the lack of DLCs or the inability to use custom content, then what on earth you base your hate on ?

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Red Faction Series Abandoned After Disappointing Sales


Damn I've always enjoyed the RF games.

As much as I loved the original Red Faction, the second game was such a disappointment that I wrote off the franchise back then. Then I bought some bundle from Gamersgate one day, to get the third installment (Guerilla, which I've yet to play), but I didn't even know that there was a fourth game?!? :ermm:


Guerilla is probably the best game in the series. You should play it.

I've taken a couple of weeks off from work after the coming weekend. I might just catch up on my procrastination :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Stick Steam DA2 key into Origin, purchase DLC, problem solved.

Sorry, not really seeing the upside here.


Red Faction Series Abandoned After Disappointing Sales


Damn I've always enjoyed the RF games.

As much as I loved the original Red Faction, the second game was such a disappointment that I wrote off the franchise back then. Then I bought some bundle from Gamersgate one day, to get the third installment (Guerilla, which I've yet to play), but I didn't even know that there was a fourth game?!? :ermm:


Guerilla is probably the best game in the series. You should play it.


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what on earth you base your hate on ?

I can't play any of the games I have on Steam without logging into Steam first, if for some reason Steam won't let me log in, I can't play the game period. this alone is enough to hate it. and then there's the constant updating of the friggin' client. currently, with only 2 games installed (Alien Swarm and AA3), my Steam folder weights at almost 9 GB. :ermm:


the only reason I don't delete Steam completely is the fact that I have a couple of friends there that I don't want to lose contact with, I play AS with them occasionally. this is yet another reason why Steam just isn't for me

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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I have to admit its a bit annoying, the last month or so Steam won't let me go to offline mode.

Just flashes an error message, and tells me I have to restart in online mode.


But then I haven't been in a gaming mood the last month, so it hasn't bothered me enough to dig into whats causing it..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I think this years gamescom should be much more interesting than E3.

Isn't it always the case?

No. Last years gamescom was rather drab.


But it's really about time to get new stuff announced from Obsidian, Rockstar, and possibly Bioware.

I very much doubt Bio will be announcing any new games, at least. With SWTOR and ME3 on the way, I'd say e3 2012 is the first we'll hear of anything new. Possibly an expansion for DA2, but I suspect if there were any such plans, they've been postponed and that team put to work on Legacy, as well.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I very much doubt Bio will be announcing any new games, at least. With SWTOR and ME3 on the way, I'd say e3 2012 is the first we'll hear of anything new. Possibly an expansion for DA2, but I suspect if there were any such plans, they've been postponed and that team put to work on Legacy, as well.

Yeah, but Bio has a gazillion people, they better work on something else. Wasn't there once a rumor about something called Project Zulu?

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I very much doubt Bio will be announcing any new games, at least. With SWTOR and ME3 on the way, I'd say e3 2012 is the first we'll hear of anything new. Possibly an expansion for DA2, but I suspect if there were any such plans, they've been postponed and that team put to work on Legacy, as well.

Yeah, but Bio has a gazillion people, they better work on something else. Wasn't there once a rumor about something called Project Zulu?

True, but I still doubt they'd announce anything just yet... But hey, I wouldn't be opposed to it! :ermm:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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"I very much doubt Bio will be announcing any new games, at least. With SWTOR and ME3 on the way, I'd say e3 2012 is the first we'll hear of anything new. Possibly an expansion for DA2, but I suspect if there were any such plans, they've been postponed and that team put to work on Legacy, as well. "


The BIo you are referring to - EDMONTON- is NOT working on the MMO. BIO EDM is only working on ME3 which is less than a year from release. DA3 is pretty much already being developed as certain people have 'spoiled' it. BIO EDM has hundreds of people so no doubt that they cna handle more than 2 projects.


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