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I bet they don't give a damn about Obsidian as a company





I do. Not out of any overly developed sense of altruism, perhaps, but because their own of the few developers that still makes games that I tend to like. Even though I can't say that anything that they've done over the last few years is an all time fave or anything, still the hope is always there.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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I never said that I willfully ignore the games, but carry on as you do best.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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If someone with some actual skills was hired to make a ES game, I might actually buy one. Not that I care about the lore or setting.

What he said.


Not feeling bad about not buying it just because it's OE :ermm:


Exactly. I buy games that interest me, who makes them is irrelevant.


Yeah I don't get that. I mean I get it as an overall philosophy, but you both spend a lot of time on the OE forums. Obsidian provides these forums for their fans (and a few trolls). If you enjoy these forums and want them to stick around, there is really only one way to show that, and that is buying their products. They are trying to run a business after all, not a social network.


Now I don't think that means you need to buy every one of their products, but I do think they all deserve your consideration. If their products really aren't worth your consideration, then I don't see why you would hang out here. Do you bring your own beer when you go to a bar?

Exactly what Hurlie said(, too). There's no way I'd be thinking about the game if it didn't have the Obsidian logo on it. Now I'm at least going to give the demo a shot...


I feel that most people are here because of Black Isle and Chris Avellone, I bet they don't give a damn about Obsidian as a company

Well, that's just final proof that you are an idiot. I certainly hope that there is a minimal amount of people like you around here, but the way some people around here live in a nostalgia dreamworld, I wonder...

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Yeah I don't get that. I mean I get it as an overall philosophy, but you both spend a lot of time on the OE forums. Obsidian provides these forums for their fans (and a few trolls). If you enjoy these forums and want them to stick around, there is really only one way to show that, and that is buying their products. They are trying to run a business after all, not a social network.


Now I don't think that means you need to buy every one of their products, but I do think they all deserve your consideration. If their products really aren't worth your consideration, then I don't see why you would hang out here.


I never said I didn't consider it, just that I don't buy game based on who makes then. When DS3 was first anounnced I was interested, then as I learned more, I lost interest. Then I tried the demo and was satisfied in my decision on not to buy it.


Do you bring your own beer when you go to a bar?


I did this once, didn't go down well.

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I feel that most people are here because of Black Isle and Chris Avellone, I bet they don't give a damn about Obsidian as a company


MCA doesn't create those games alone and there are plenty of other good designers/writers working for Obsidian (in case we are just talking about designers here).


I'm personally here because I enjoy their games (as I enjoyed Black Isle's games) and because I'm bored out of my mind most of the time :ermm:

Hate the living, love the dead.

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Chris Avellone doesn't even post in here, so if you are a big fan or stalker of him, there must be better places to hang around.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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. "But I compared it to the movie Independence Day once before, it was a great looking game released at a very good time, but it hasn't held up as an important piece of software or anything."


ID4 was ana wesome movie then, it's an awesome movie now, and it will always be an awesome movie. Just because it hasn't spammed a billion sequels (yet) doesn't mean it wasn't important. The fact ID4 is almost alway mentioned hwen talking about the aliens attack earth genre, special effects, and there's the fatc the movie is ALWAYS on tv during a certain holiday says how significant it was/is.


DS - while Im loathe it - is a very popilar IP but it looks like Obsidian and SS has mishandled it. DS3 looks like a financial failure and all the spin in this thread doesn't change that fact. Certainly no NWN2, KOTOR2, or FO3.5 that's for sure. More along the lines of epic fail of AP.



p.s. Chris Avellone is awesome but I doubt most are her for him. That's silly ignorance talking.


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DS3 looks like a financial failure


What do you base that on? (not sarcastic) I haven't been able to find any data on it's sales figures and I'm actually curious if it did well or bad.

Fortune favors the bald.

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you are an idiot.

ooooh, such high praise from you, I must be dreaming

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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DS - while Im loathe it - is a very popilar IP but it looks like Obsidian and SS has mishandled it.


It was a very popular IP, but not anymore for a long time otherwise the movie and Space Siege would have sold better.

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DS3 looks like a financial failure


What do you base that on? (not sarcastic) I haven't been able to find any data on it's sales figures and I'm actually curious if it did well or bad.


You should know by now, Volourn doesn't need facts. He just knows things and we should take his word on everything. I bet he even knows who really killed JFK but refuses to tell us.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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DS3 looks like a financial failure


What do you base that on? (not sarcastic) I haven't been able to find any data on it's sales figures and I'm actually curious if it did well or bad.


You should know by now, Volourn doesn't need facts. He just knows things and we should take his word on everything. I bet he even knows who really killed JFK but refuses to tell us.


ooh I know that one too! Lee Harvey Oswald did it.

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I feel that most people are here because of Black Isle and Chris Avellone, I bet they don't give a damn about Obsidian as a company

I'm here because (some of) the Black Isle Boards people are here, I couldn't care less what the sign on the upper left says.


I get games that appeal to me, if they happen to be made by Obsidian, great, but there are lots of cool developers out there.

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I was never on your side :banghead:


Maybe we need more official factions here, get some political debates going...


Haters(+ trolls) vs moderates vs fanboys?



vs MotB


Edited by Purkake
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ooh I know that one too! Lee Harvey Oswald did it.


Quiet, you mouthpiece of the Illuminati.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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DS3 looks like a financial failure


What do you base that on? (not sarcastic) I haven't been able to find any data on it's sales figures and I'm actually curious if it did well or bad.


You should know by now, Volourn doesn't need facts. He just knows things and we should take his word on everything. I bet he even knows who really killed JFK but refuses to tell us.


ooh I know that one too! Lee Harvey Oswald did it.


Yep, with magic bullets.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Haters(+ trolls) vs moderates vs fanboys?


We are vastly outnumbered, but of course we can always ban people if they get the better of us. :banghead:


In regards to the topic - I just discovered the now dead Beyond The Red Line (Battlestar Galatica) mod for Freespace and it was actually pretty frakking sweet. Even though you only get 2 missions.


Then I found out that most of the team has moved on to a similar project called Diaspora. I'm looking forward to this!


Also, saw the trailer for Prototype 2 - looks pretty sweet.

Fortune favors the bald.

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ooh I know that one too! Lee Harvey Oswald did it.


Yep, with magic bullets.

Which he had saved specifically for the boss fight.


Then I found out that most of the team has moved on to a similar project called Diaspora. I'm looking forward to this!

Looks interesting. Didn't like the bit about their artists getting lured away to work on somebody elses MMO though :banghead:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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"What do you base that on? (not sarcastic) I haven't been able to find any data on it's sales figures and I'm actually curious if it did well or bad."


Even the most positive spin has the game selling more than 400k with the lowest at 50k. With an IP like DS, the advertsiisng, a well known RPG dev company like Obsisian, SS's pedegree, that just isn't good enough for a mainstream game. - espicially since SS themselves seems to have satted that they were looking for 1mil+ sales minimum... and, I doubt they mean over a lifetime but within the first month or so. Throw in subpar prfoessional reviews, and the lacklustre reaction tot he game (Obsidian hardcore fanboys aside) it hurts a lot. Even AP seemed to have more posisitve defenders here for it. the Codex which is reknown to spending thread upon thread bashing popular mainstream titles like DS3 barely has a couple of threads dedicated to it. DS3 is no FO3.5 that is for sure.


Just remmeber, btw, that DA2 sold more BY FAR, had better overall reviews (around 80ish as opposed to low 70s ala DS3 last I checked),and is being spammed about on the Codex forums because it's a subject that matters) yet people are trying to claim (and failing) that it was a 'bomb' 9which it isn't).. so, I wonder what that makes DS3 since DA2 was developed in less time with a pre made engine and the like.




"You should know by now, Volourn doesn't need facts. He just knows things and we should take his word on everything."


You say this sarcastingly tod eride me byu the funny thing is the facts are usually on my side. Like the last peon who thought I was making up the 'fact' that the DS series is a million+ selling series.. and, I was proven right and backed up by others and of coruse, that person shut their mouth sicne they were embarassed.


My question is... prove me wrong as I am right 99.9% right when it comes to game facts.




Face it, dudes. DS3 is no NWN2, KOTOR2, or FO3.5. It will lucky to be AP. And, the peopel trying to blame it on the DS IP are so full of it it's completely laughable. There is a reason why Obsdiian jumped on the DS IP.. and, it wasn't because it was their favorite RPG series ever... they did it for the same reason they jumped on the NWN, KOTOR, and FO (added bonus that about 6 of the Obsidianites worked on thee arlier FOs)IPs - for the moolahs and the 'slam dunk' sales.





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Nobody is really saying you are wrong Volourn. I don't remember anyone claiming that DS3 is a success yet. But the numbers are still fairly uncertain, and I, like a few here, are hopeful that they will turn out well in the end. I mean, I would think that everyone here would want Obsidian to succeed, so there is no reason to be so aggressive about what might turn out to be a bomb for them.


I for one am very hopeful for DS3, it is a great addition to the Obsidian stable of games.

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Yeah volo, and when Greg and Ray talk about 10 million sales for Bioware titles they mean in the first month too. Wow, at best estimate DA2 was a failure by a factor of 5! At best estimate (your figures) DS3 was a failure by a factor of 2.5!! DS3 is thus twice as successful as DA2!!! FACT!!!!




Haven't played any DS game personally and have zero intention of doing so. Open to the possibility that DS sold millions too, shame you don't have a single actual bit of evidence to support it (deferred kudos to whoever dug up the sales charts, shame they don't have numbers).

Edited by Zoraptor
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I want Obsidian to succeed and be rewarded when they make good, quality games like NWN2 and KOTOR2 not crap like AP and DS3. It's bad enough we're stuck with betehsdas trotting out thew orstb ever successful franchise ever with the crappy ES series.


It's why i didn't waste my $ on S:RPG.


It's trash, and BIo shouldn't be rewarded wasting their time on such trash.


DS3 is a horrible addition to the Obsidian stable of games.


I'm only being 'aggreswive' because some of the same people touting DS3's 'success are the same ones who somehow laughably deemed DA2 a 'failure' depsite it being more successful in every menaingful way - sales, ratings, fan response, and quality (yeah personal opinion so I don't need people saying they think it sucks).


Agasin, to clarify, I want Obsidian to succeed but my making good games like NWN2 and KOTOR2 not bad games like AP and DS3.



"Yeah volo, and when Greg and Ray talk about 10 million sales for Bioware titles they mean in the first month too"


Out of context quote for the win! The dcos never claimed to expect or want DA2 to sell 10mil copies. Never. Only ignorant people think they did.


Nor did I ever claim that SS said they expected DS3 sales to be 1mil within a couple of weeks either.


But, hey, why deal with actual stuff people actually stated when you can make up lies or twist things into balony.




P.S. No matter what you claim, DS3 is not as successful as FO3.5. So there!

Edited by Volourn


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