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The Witcher 2

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Actually, there is a heterosexual romance in the game... that you can't have sex with. Heh.


But you have to pay extra cash for that one! And I mean real-life money!

Well, when you marry someone IRL, you don't exactly get free sex either...

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that's a pretty big slam towards Heterosexual gamers.

Gaider can't get laid IRL so what do you expect? He's a writer, somehow he has to express his frustration.

So for the good of BW he should get laid.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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So.. that must mean TW2 is a fialure evn though it hasn't beenr eleased yet, right? I mean, only failed games give such discuounts prior/early on during release? lmao They must have had a very minimal amount of pre orders to simpyl be giving away such a hyped up game like TW2 for sucha low sum on release day? Even if it's a special that effects multiple games. HA!


P.S. Of course that's silly, plenty of new games have discounts. It's hwo they entice customers into buying other games too. R00fles!


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So.. that must mean TW2 is a fialure evn though it hasn't beenr eleased yet, right? I mean, only failed games give such discuounts prior/early on during release? lmao They must have had a very minimal amount of pre orders to simpyl be giving away such a hyped up game like TW2 for sucha low sum on release day? Even if it's a special that effects multiple games. HA!


P.S. Of course that's silly, plenty of new games have discounts. It's hwo they entice customers into buying other games too. R00fles!

you know that no matter what the Witcher will still be better than DA2?

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I like the gog preorder so I'll stick with it. Hopefully they keep up the promise of no DRM though, or I might rage-cancel.

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But nothing awesome happens when you press A!




Personally I go for the special edition. I like my disk, manual and stuff. But the head. Ugh. Give me a Witcher Amulet instead.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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I like the gog preorder so I'll stick with it. Hopefully they keep up the promise of no DRM though, or I might rage-cancel.

The no DRM thing was what sold me on the GOG preorder too. Crossing fingers and hoping the game is good.


@Volourn: Yeah, almost as bad as offering ME2 for free just to get you to buy DA2 :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Hm, would have to preorder from US Amazon if I want the physical CE. Ah well, GOG it is.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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"@Volourn: Yeah, almost as bad as offering ME2 for free just to get you to buy DA2"


Perhaps, I needed to add more sarcasm to my post.




"you know that no matter what the Witcher will still be better than DA2?"


The Witcher? Nah. Played it and it sucked.


The WEitcher 2? It might be but I don't buy sequels to crappy games when they first come out. That said, TW2 is definitely abtter RPG than TW1.


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What didn't you like about The Witcher, Volourn ?

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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What I personally didn't liked in The Witcher 1 is all that endless running around one has to do. That's also the reason why I could never get me to finish it...

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What didn't you like about The Witcher, Volourn ?


As far as I remember, The Wolourn, often express discontent with just about everything in The Witcher 1. Bad combat, bad story, bad writing, something along those lines.

Maybe he still enjoyed the art direction?


No, I recall him saying that the art direction is crap.


Also, the game wasn't made by Bioware so it sucks by default.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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"Also, the game wasn't made by Bioware so it sucks by default. "


The funny thing about the silliness I quoted I was likely the biggest Witcher fanboy prior to its release. I was pimping it everywhere claiming it would be awesome and getting flak for being so positive about it here and on the Codex. In fact, I am very dissapoint in myself for being suckered into thinking the Witcvher would be an enjoyable game and I alrgely wouldn't have noticed it all if it wans't for the BIO connection. Also, everyone with a brain knows what you claim is bullcrap. I like TONS of non BIO games. So why lie? What's the point of lying about something that is so eaisly disproven? LMAO


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As far as I remember, The Wolourn, often express discontent with just about everything in The Witcher 1. Bad combat, bad story, bad writing, something along those lines.


This is pretty much my experience with the Witcher. I do think they absolutely nailed the setting and atmosphere, and there were a few nice ideas along the way (alchemy, the small artwork montages showing consequences to your actions) but overall I think it was a pretty bad game. Almost all of that was down to crappy execution though, at least in terms of story, writing and all that, so I hope they can get it right with the second game.

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It mostly comes down to if your personal taste is reflected in the stylistic and mechanic choices a developer makes.


FOr me Witcher was one of the more enjoyable rpg experiences I've had. Only Daggerfall, Fallout, and Wizardy 8 were more enjoyable as far s rpgs go.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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For me, The Witcher had two main problems. One was all the pointless back and forth. It's just tedious.


The other problem was the shallow combat. With the stances and the different signs CDProjekt could have designed a really interesting combat system, but instead they went for the simplest, most boring system ever which was made worse by the almost complete lack of challenge. This is somewhat mitigated in the first few hours of the game, if you play on hard, but it still ends up becoming a rote process of mopping up enemies around you.


What it did very well was the art design, the plot and a lot of the writing, and that was enough for me to ignore the flaws. Thankfully the game's problems were more of the boring than of the broken variety, allowing me to have an easier time ignoring them.


In any case, if they manage to improve the combat sufficiently, the sequel could become one of the best games ever. I'm eagerly hoping for that.

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The question is how challenging Witcher combat should be, considering witchers are supposed to have superhuman abilities. Random mooks (both human and monster) shouldn't pose a problem even in great numbers.


I compare it to combat in Arkham Asylum. It is also pretty much a QTE event, but as long as it's fun who cares?

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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