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I think I'll give WiC a try once I find the full game.


anyway, any other suggestions? real time tactical or strategy modern warfare games? preferably something from 2000's

Make sure to play the Complete Edition of WiC, because the Soviet missions are integrated into the main campaign.


Also you may want to check out Defcon. But it's very different from WiC, Act of War and C&C Generals.

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Risen 2 will be one of the few non-Obsidian games that would get an instant preorder from me. Salivating.

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Nothing impressive about hose graphics comapred to BIO or Betehsda games. They get no respect from me because CDProject would be nothing in NA if they didn't ride off of BIO's coattails.




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Nothing impressive about hose graphics comapred to BIO or Betehsda games. They get no respect from me because CDProject would be nothing in NA if they didn't ride off of BIO's coattails.




lol U mad?

Fortune favors the bald.

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Yes, yes I am. I got baboolzed into paying full price for TW1 thinking it was gonna be an awesome game. Sadly, it was not. And, I blame the pimping CDProject got from BIO. :lol:



Edited by Volourn


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Nothing impressive about hose graphics comapred to BIO or Betehsda games. They get no respect from me because CDProject would be nothing in NA if they didn't ride off of BIO's coattails.




Bio, I could maybe agree with you... But Bethesda, they own Ugly more than Obsidian did with AP. Sometimes Volo... You amazes me, even for the likes of you.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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Bah! Less talk about The Witcher 2, more talk about Dead Island!


I just realized they're both from Polish developers.. those guys sure have some talented artists.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Nothing impressive about hose graphics comapred to BIO or Betehsda games. They get no respect from me because CDProject would be nothing in NA if they didn't ride off of BIO's coattails.




How did they ride their coattails ? I know they used the same engine as NWN, albeit modifying it heavily.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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"How did they ride their coattails ? I know they used the same engine as NWN, albeit modifying it heavily."


BIO pimped them on their site giving them insta access to a large potential customer base. For a time, even, CDP devs even posted on the BIO forums.


I know, for sure, I likely wouldn't have paid much attention to the Witcher if it wasn't for the tie in, and I bet that's true for more than a few including those on this site if they just admit.


Heck, I was really looking forward to TW pre release even being accused of being a TW 'fanboy'. L0LZ Do a search on old posts on the subject.



"It's not like NA is the key market for CDProjekt. Most of those Witcher sales are from Europe."


For a non NA company, TW sold pretty well in NA. Not to mention, many of BIO's fans (menaing customers on their sites) are from Europe so anyone who claims the BIO connection didn't help CDP/TW is delusional quaklity of the game aside.


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You do realzie a game's success is more than just about your own personal dislike (or dislike) of an engine right?


NEWSFLASH: I didn't claim the AurOra was responsible for TW's success so why argue otherwise? L0LZ


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I remember I saw a small news in my gaming mag, and the speech made me think "Great, this sounds like Torment!". Years later, after forgetting about the game, I saw a preview in the same mag of The Witcher, and I thought "Isn't that the game that caught up my attention a while back?" :thumbsup: .

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"How did they ride their coattails ? I know they used the same engine as NWN, albeit modifying it heavily."


BIO pimped them on their site giving them insta access to a large potential customer base. For a time, even, CDP devs even posted on the BIO forums.


I know, for sure, I likely wouldn't have paid much attention to the Witcher if it wasn't for the tie in, and I bet that's true for more than a few including those on this site if they just admit.


Heck, I was really looking forward to TW pre release even being accused of being a TW 'fanboy'. L0LZ Do a search on old posts on the subject.



"It's not like NA is the key market for CDProjekt. Most of those Witcher sales are from Europe."


For a non NA company, TW sold pretty well in NA. Not to mention, many of BIO's fans (menaing customers on their sites) are from Europe so anyone who claims the BIO connection didn't help CDP/TW is delusional quaklity of the game aside.


Interesting definition of riding coattails you have. The engine usage is probably the only argument one can make for that, as much as that is anyway.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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