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Fallout: New Vegas

J.E. Sawyer

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As I am playing on computer, I will not care about such stuff. :o


It's not as if Fallout 3 was perfectly smooth on PC either, so optimization is welcome on all 3 platforms for me. :)

As for the supermutants, I'm still hoping we'll see a couple of supermutants with hair and closed lips, but even without them, I like the new models and the new animations.

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Well, Fallout 3 ran ok-ish on my computer with the settings I've assigned. As it has been said that the engine was optimized here and there in NV, I doubt that it will run more bad than Fallout 3 so... And even if, I could simply buy new hardware. Try this on a console. :>

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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My prediction: we will love Fallout: New Vegas, the reviews will say "it's all the same again but buggier" and award it 80+ scores. The general mass will not like it as much as Fallout 3 and it will only be a moderate success sales-wise. Fallout 4 by Bethesda themselves will be a huge hit, thus making the possibility of another Obsidian Fallout an impossibility.
TBH I think even in the worst case scenario, their carving/curiosity would overwrite the bad press and NV would be a huge monetary success.
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furthermore, animations is the last thing in a video game people should care about, graphics is second to last.


I disagree. Animation is very important in a video game. Watching people move in Oblivion always pulled me out of the game. They sort of jerked along like pupets.


My brother showed me Oblivion on PS3 and it indeed was pretty as hell up to the point he went to wander in the wilderness and encoutered a bear. I didn

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Why are you thinking that NV will do less sales-wise than FO3? It's basically the same game with more weapons and a few new gameplay tweaks like weapon mods. ANybody who enjoyed FO3 should enjoy NV.

Because it's exactly that; more of the same. I'm afraid the changes most of us here value so highly are too subtle to be noticed by the general public and they'll be disappointed.


How in hell does saying that they can't do combat and their engine sucks contradict the fact that they sell a lot? No one argued that, mkreku. Stop strawmanning for one, mkay?

I'll stop "strawmanning" as soon as you guys stop presenting your BS opinions as facts, mkay?


Bad writing, bad combat and sucky engine.. if that was true, you don't see a contradiction with a game being a huge success, getting top grades everywhere and selling millions? THINK.

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Yeh, yeh, it's the same thing with the flies and the bull****. Just because many people like a game, it doesn't mean that it's a good game. Maybe it's just damn simple and easy to master for lots of people. Someone remembers "Moorhuhn"? It got millions of players, but damn... it was so ****ty damn boring and whatnot short time game.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Bad writing, bad combat and sucky engine.. if that was true, you don't see a contradiction with a game being a huge success, getting top grades everywhere and selling millions? THINK.


It's a sandbox game. People are willing to look the other way on some of the not-so-great things just because it's a sandbox game. Mediocre writing, frustrating & average combat and dated engine they don't seem to matter as much as being able to freely roam in the wilderness and exploring.

I still don't understand how the game got top grades. Yes I can see why it could get scores around 8 or 80. That award for best writing was just confusing. I wonder if the people who voted for that even finished the game.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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That award for best writing was just confusing. I wonder if the people who voted for that even finished the game.


What? did FO3 win an award for best writing? :) that is simultaneously the funniest and saddest thing..

Fortune favors the bald.

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How in hell does saying that they can't do combat and their engine sucks contradict the fact that they sell a lot? No one argued that, mkreku. Stop strawmanning for one, mkay?

I'll stop "strawmanning" as soon as you guys stop presenting your BS opinions as facts, mkay?


Bad writing, bad combat and sucky engine.. if that was true, you don't see a contradiction with a game being a huge success, getting top grades everywhere and selling millions? THINK.


Nope, I don't see the contradiction. A game can be a great success while lacking in some pretty important areas.

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That award for best writing was just confusing. I wonder if the people who voted for that even finished the game.


What? did FO3 win an award for best writing? :) that is simultaneously the funniest and saddest thing..


Yup. "At the 2009 Game Developer's Choice Awards, it won overall Game of the Year along with Best Writing"

Hate the living, love the dead.

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Why are you thinking that NV will do less sales-wise than FO3? It's basically the same game with more weapons and a few new gameplay tweaks like weapon mods. ANybody who enjoyed FO3 should enjoy NV.

Because it's exactly that; more of the same. I'm afraid the changes most of us here value so highly are too subtle to be noticed by the general public and they'll be disappointed.




I see your point, and I agree that gamers who are either A) sick of Fallout 3 or B) Never liked it to begin with probably aren't going to find anything in NV to change their minds.


That being said, the game (FO3) sold very well, as you pointed out, and there's no reason to think most of those fans aren't going to come back for more of the same.


And while some of the changes (such as improved writing and MC mode) may not be noticed by most fans, things like lots more guns and weapon modifications, certainly will. Those things are gold in any game. Only ninjas and lesbians rank higher on the sell-o-meter.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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I have no doubt that I will not like the gameplay in New Vegas (running around, gunning down stuff all the time). What I am looking forward to is how the story will evolve and the general additions to the Fallout canon. Also I am interested in the characters in the game and their stories.


As example, I still don't like that the game only features one area and not a real worldmap with various locations, etc.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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So if FO:NV is released and is exactly the same, minus 'the bad writing' will everyone be prepared to state the gameplay graphics etc are 'crap'? Or will they miraculously do a turn around and become good?


Already stated that the graphics are crap. The gameplay is not only the combat, and the exploration and interaction with the environment was decent to good in Fallout 3 so as long as the combat is moderately improved (I expect the AI to be as bad as Alpha Protocol and the shooting to be just a little less clunky) I'll be okay with that.

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Bad writing, bad combat and sucky engine.. if that was true, you don't see a contradiction with a game being a huge success, getting top grades everywhere and selling millions? THINK.


It's a sandbox game. People are willing to look the other way on some of the not-so-great things just because it's a sandbox game. Mediocre writing, frustrating & average combat and dated engine they don't seem to matter as much as being able to freely roam in the wilderness and exploring.


This is it. Personally I've played pure sandbox games without any story (other then I create for myself), with utterly horrible engine, full of bugs and unbalanced game mechanics (something like The Sims would be prime example of such game). Personally because I like Fallout's world aspect so much, I'm willing to tolerate at lot of crap just to experience it. Sure it won't be perfect, actually far from it, but it still provide several hours of quality exploring and adventuring.


Obviously if you hate sandboxes and don't find the world of Fallout interesting, then bad writing, crappy engine and poor combat mechanics certainly won't help you to like the game. I think out of those, bad writing is the most hardest to fix but not impossible (unless Codex, Gromnir or NMA make the rules what's bad or good writing... then it's impossible).

Let's play Alpha Protocol

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Because it's exactly that; more of the same. I'm afraid the changes most of us here value so highly are too subtle to be noticed by the general public and they'll be disappointed.


I don't know. More of the same seems to work just fine for all the Halos, Call of Duty and Total War games out there.


The only game I've heard that specific criticism against was Left 4 Dead 2, but that seemed to sell well enough regardless, so it doesn't seem like a great deterrent.

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I heard, L4D2 was fantastic :wacko: anyway, recycling the same idea works when it's a good one. Beths idea of "good" is sandbox-games, which are dime a dozen these days. and apart from that Beth's games really don't have anything to offer. I think New Vegas is gonna be their "sleeper hit", because it improves on all aspects of F3's gameplay. and not because it's gonna be popular with the F3-fans crowd (which it certainly will)

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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The only problem I can see with NV is the engine :wacko:

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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