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Still playing Space Rangers 2 :)


I can't remember the last time I ran into a game that was such a time sink. It has given me too little sleep the last two weeks... and I haven't even tried the planetary rts combat yet :grin:


The text adventures are a mixed bag, but generally fun. I've been captured (by a fleet of Peleng battleships, I was heavily outnumbered) and imprisoned for my crimes then survived months in jail, balancing my popularity with the inmates vs. the wardens, I've visited and solved the mystery of the haunted house of horrors, solved the murder case on the remote science station and so on. I still couldn't solve the Maloq shuffle puzzle and it was such good money :)


Still, I've got a very big ship and a lot of very big guns. Even going toe to toe with several Dominators barely scratches my paint now and 97% of the galaxy has been liberated.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I couldn't figure out how to finish off the big bosses in Space Rangers 2. I could take out a Dominator Fleet, but those things kill me in two turns. I even recruited a bunch of guys for a run at them, but nada.

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I couldn't figure out how to finish off the big bosses in Space Rangers 2. I could take out a Dominator Fleet, but those things kill me in two turns. I even recruited a bunch of guys for a run at them, but nada.

I managed to kill one of them (Blazer) through a combination of opportunism and dumb luck :grin:


I managed to overhear a conversation between several alliance battlefleets that they were going to take on the enemy in a sector, so I tagged along intending to do a bit of scavenging and killing off some of the smaller enemies. Having filled the hold with fat loot, I noticed that Blazer was severely wounded (less than 1500 hull points) after finishing off the bulk of the battlefleets and new Dominator ships were entering the battle. Going 'Banzai!' I just charged it and kept sticking with it, exchanging shots at close range and killed it :)


It is just hilarious how things play out sometimes in this game because of all the AI autonomous players. I've had missions succeed and fail without me doing anything. Like trying to please the Peleng by blasting a garbage transport to smithereens. I succeeded without ever seeing the ship, as a pirate took it upon himself to destroy the ship (it probably refused to "donate" its cargo to the pirate) :)


Edit: So far, I've found that resilience is worth more than offense, so high Armour Cladding on hulls together with good repair bots makes you almost immune to anything but facing entire flotillas on your own (&^%$# raiders and pirates sometimes gang up on me).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Dungeon Siege 1. Fun to revisit a little, but one doesn't stay very long. heh It needs a modern-day resolution mod. 1024x768 looks rather terrible on this monitor even when I set monitor to 4:3...not sharp at all. At least zoomed all the way out.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Decided to give DA: Awakenings a try... firmly not as grindworthy as Origins was.. so far it feels like the pacing is a lot better.


I'd say the VO is fairly good quality.. but the one problem I have is that one actor provides a bunch of voices.. and one of them is a significant character...


It's one thing when it's a bunch of random one line npc's in the background.. but when it includes the Senschal you talk to, one of the bad guys, and a few others.. it gets a bit noticable. Can't think of the guy's name, but I'll always remember him for playing Giles old friend in the Ripper/Janus episode of Buffy tVS..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Just played the Alien Swarm campaign with a bunch of TV Tropers on normal.

Some good fun, though I screwed up a couple of times.

Had to go when we were beginning another because I was straining my eyes and I had to eat.

Did you talk in tropes all the time? Did it become super annoying? :shifty:

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Just played the Alien Swarm campaign with a bunch of TV Tropers on normal.

Some good fun, though I screwed up a couple of times.

Had to go when we were beginning another because I was straining my eyes and I had to eat.

Did you talk in tropes all the time? Did it become super annoying? :p


Actually just a little. Most of it was actually 'what setup should I use' 'I'll use the medic', 'come in, come in!' 'stick with the team'.

You know, the usual. :shifty:

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I'm playing through ME2 with a male Shepard, and as I suspected all dialogue (even the lame "boohoohoo, why didn't you call me?" on Horizon) is exactly the same as with a FemShep, just horribly voiced. :p


But at least I can get into Tali.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I think I'm going to have to give up playing WoW due to my internet connection. It is just really crappy. Sometimes I get around 200 latency, but it shoots all over the place if anyone else in the house is even online. It's bad. LotR Online is bad too, about 150 latency, but it is more stable. WoW just drops out after awhile.


I need to move.

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Divine Divinity 1.005a, feels great to be able to play it in high res. At the same time is pretty annoying, especially when you have to light candles,... pixel hunting at its worst. And i don't want to lower the res :/&


edit: huh it's not any different on lower resolutions. huh. must be the mouse then. <_<

Edited by Majek

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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I've slipped back into TF2. I don't know why. I'm supposed to be doing Starcraft 2. Or my The Darkness replay. Or a KOTOR 1 & 2 replay.


But no, it's Team Fortress 2. All over again.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I finished re-playing Dragon Age: Origins (plus the sub-par Awakenings expansion), and now I'm in need of a new game.


Was tempted to re-play Mass Effect 2, but I really don't like the main story in that game. Enjoy the sidequests (ie. recruiting my party members), but find the main quest incredibly boring. Alpha Protocol might be a go, but I'm in the mood for a game where I can do a bit of free roaming between missions. That's the one thing I disliked about AP: it was either a mission, or I was alone in my apartment. No NPC interaction during down-time.


Maybe I'll go out to EB games and see what they have in the bargain bin.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I can't get myself to play anything at all... it's summer, damn it!!!


All the more reason to play. God damn Sun and heat.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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moar League of Legends


slowly going through trying out all the different champions

still can't decide on which ones i want to unlock. i really like Jax, and Warwick, and Ryze, and Mordekaiser, and Annie, and Amumu, and Nasus, and aaaaaargh can't decide!

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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