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Mass Effect 2 Discussion


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Mordin will survive if he's loyal and with you during the boss fight, or sent with the crew. I think.

I haven't heard of him dying in either of those situations. It's when he isn't chosen for anything that he tends to die and it doesn't seem to be tied to upgrades or anything.


Time spent killing the final boss doesn't seem to have any effect. Bumped it down to casual and took him out with 5 shots from the widow. Mordin still died.


the final time we played end sequence, our final boss battle party were as follows: miranda, grunt, Gromnir. we had jacob lead the normandy survivors back to ship.


all team members were loyal.


all ship upgrades were complete.


no casualties.


HA! Good Fun!


I replayed the final battle 7 times on various difficulty levels. No effect. His death must be set in stone before the final confrontation. Not sure how far back one would have to go to reset that though. I would expect you would need to restart platform section over, but the autosave is right at the boss and the mission save is back at the Normandy.


I went back to before the IFF so I could grab his loyalty quest. Having to play the entire mission over again with a chance to fail anyway would be more of an annoyance than redoing 3 missions.

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the final time we played end sequence, our final boss battle party were as follows: miranda, grunt, Gromnir. we had jacob lead the normandy survivors back to ship.


all team members were loyal.


all ship upgrades were complete.


no casualties.


HA! Good Fun!


That was my exact party setup as well. Miranda was that play through's love interest, Grunt was the squad's tank, and Jacob was pissing me off so if someone was going to die leading the rest of the survivors back to the ship, it would be him.


All survived.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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This confuses me.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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This confuses me.

The first one is the original, it makes ammo infinite. The second one is the no infinite ammo variation, I still recommend you download the first one since it has the readme.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Not finished the game yet but here are my 4 favorite things about ME2 and my 4 least favorite.




1. Interrupts. BIO didn't deliver them in ME1; but boy the wait to see them in play for the sequel well worth it.


2. The Collector Ship. Some of the best collection (lolz) of music + atmosphere + battle ever.


3. Upgradeable ship where upgrading it *actually* matters.


4. Companion quests. Yeah, they're almost unifrmly emo; but still well done overall.






1. Dumbed down character system. This includes combat, and inventory. 'Nough said.


2. The lack of ability to either buy and or stock up on ammo/healthpaks inbetween missions. I mean, wtf? Omnigel, or the lack of it, goes along with this.


3. No land cruiser. This is underrated from ME1. I loved cruising around with it. Yeah, it wasn't perfect; but that's why you fix and twink it. You don't get rid of it. Hell, the easiest way to do this was not have as many super bumpy planets but more smooth surfaces. LMAO Make it as upgradeable as Normandy 2 would be awesome.


4. Jack = worst BIO npc ever. No contest.




P.S. I also notice that unlike when ME1 was on the horizon and after it came out NOBODY has complained about the dialogue wheel. I guess most people's beef with it was because it was 'new' and they loathed changed. Now, that people are used to it, they have no or little problems with it. R00fles!

Edited by Volourn


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yeah... without benefit o' meta-knowledge/hindsight, the player gots little notion as to how much resources will eventually be needed, so is making sense to let loose rapine and plunder 'pon unsuspecting planets 'cross the galaxy-- eventual end up with excess resources and surfeit credits. the whole economics and resource acquisition scheme is flawed. is no genuine strategy or intelligence involved. is no skill related to resource acquisition. so far, the best argument we has heard for planet harvesting in me2 is that it gives the player a break from frenzied gaming-- creates a relaxing interlude.


I just get the urge to point out that 1) it might not be perfect, or even good, but at least there is an actual economy this time around, unlike in ME1 and 2) I did not end up with excess resources - because I only gathered them up at the rate I needed them. Not sure who's holding the gun to people's heads and forcing them to gather all the stuff in advance. :sorcerer:


Mordin will survive if he's loyal and with you during the boss fight, or sent with the crew. I think.


Or if you leave him holding the line. Of course, some people have him die even with 100 % team loyalty, but the chap lived just fine for me.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Been reading through this thread at random, and I can see that I'm probably alone in this, or at least in a very definite minority, but I liked Jack.


Just finished my first playthrough last night. MaleShep, imported from ME, and romanced Tali. Although I tried to play paragon as much as possible, I found myself picking renegade dialogue choices and interrupts fairly often, because it felt like the right thing to do at the time.


Few missions I didn't complete, I didn't ever go back to Ilium and talk to Liara again after helping her out once. I also didn't do much planet hopping outside of mission requirements. Once or twice when I needed some resources, but I only ever explored planets in the same system as the mission location. Oh, except once, when I stopped a ship (MSV Broken Arrow?) from crashing into a planet. I really dislike timed missions.


Probably my favourite part of the game was Tali's recruitment mission and I really hope Kal'Reegar returns in ME3 with a bigger role. I also enjoyed meeting up with, and getting messages from, various ME characters. I thought that was a nice touch. I think someone mentioned it before but they seemed to have messed up with Conrad. I know I treated him well in ME, but he didn't remember it that way. Also enjoyed Legion's recruit and loyalty missions. The Geth are much more interesting when they're not simply Sovereign's puppets.


I hope they release a patch that lets me take off the bonus armour helmets soon. How the hell could Bio miss that?.


Ah well, FemShep import this time around.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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P.S. I also notice that unlike when ME1 was on the horizon and after it came out NOBODY has complained about the dialogue wheel. I guess most people's beef with it was because it was 'new' and they loathed changed. Now, that people are used to it, they have no or little problems with it. R00fles!


Maybe it's because none of use have run into this again?


You're right!

I'll stop him!

Not if I can help it!


Or maybe people have just resigned themselves to the fact that it's not going to change. Bioware did a better job with it this time around. Much fewer instances of the summary not matching the spoken dialog in meaning/tone. Fewer instances of dialog being shared over multiple responses as well. If they only have two lines, they only give you two choices.

Edited by Deraldin
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"Not sure who's holding the gun to people's heads and forcing them to gather all the stuff in advance."


answer: bioware


you may not have noticed, but there is at least one mission that compels immediate attention... without any warning. lost our fish that way. in any event, if you not know when you is gonna be forced into completing some quest or side-quest it makes perfect sense to prepare for the possibility that, without adequate warning, you may find yourself unable to go on a platinum or iridium run. also, given the fact that fuel costs credits, it is also reasonable to probe planets the first time you is in system, rather than making a costly return trip at some later time.


resource acquisition in me2 is a mindless and repetitive endeavor that requires no skill. horrible resource acquisition is made worse 'cause the developers not give the player any clues regarding what quantity o' resources is appropriate AND they adds a cost factor into fuel and probes, without no context to make an educated decision regarding optimum or reasonable expenditure for probes and fuel. is as if the biowarians were contemplating some sorta strategic resource management mini-game, but then they simply stopped 1/3 into development. is clearly the most pointless feature we can recall in a bioware game, and is arguably the most asinine.


as for vol's idiotic observation about the lack of fury over the dialogue wheel... maybe vol didn't notice, but as dialogue wheel is old news, few is the people trying to sell the notion that the dialogue wheel is innovative or a monumental rpg advance.




Gromnir got banned from bio 'cause we criticized the dialogue wheel. every dialogue wheel thread on the me1 boards were locked. chris priestly rationale for locking: the potential for spoilers. HA! dialogue wheel is a resource saving device for developers to be getting multiple uses out of a single vo recording... nothing more. Gromnir were more than a little surprised by the sheer number o' folks who fell for bio's line o' crap regarding dialogue wheel innovation, but...






is old news and nobody cares no more. folks who ain't yet figured out that dialogue wheel is little more than a bit o' biowarian sleight o' hand ain't never gonna realize. we could be likes karzak and scream 'bout dual-wielding thieves and curse bioware at every opportunity, but that would be a waste o' our effort. dialogue wheel was part of me1 and me2... and it will be part o' me3. sure, whenever we hears claims o' dialogue wheel "innovation" or "brilliance" we respond with no little venom and mockery, but there ain't been many such comments in some time. after all, mass effect were a 2007 game... would be pretty tough for bioware to sell the dialogue wheel "innovation" a second time +2 years after the fact. hell, even vol would be unlikely to buy that kinda nonsense.


HA! Good Fun!

Edited by Gromnir

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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resource acquisition in me2 is a mindless and repetitive endeavor that requires no skill. horrible resource acquisition is made worse 'cause the developers not give the player any clues regarding what quantity o' resources is appropriate AND they adds a cost factor into fuel and probes, without no context to make an educated decision regarding optimum or reasonable expenditure for probes and fuel. is as if the biowarians were contemplating some sorta strategic resource management mini-game, but then they simply stopped 1/3 into development. is clearly the most pointless feature we can recall in a bioware game, and is arguably the most asinine.

What about the Galaga-esque fighter minigame in Jade Empire?

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No, the mission to visit the Collector-Ship comes several missions (of any type) after the mission on Horizon. But if you want to bring Legion on Tali's recruitment mission, you may not have enough time to save everyone.


It depends on what you've done when you go on the mission. You get two missions after the IFF before you lose crew members, so you have enough time to grab Tali and get her or Legion loyal before you start losing crew members. I'm going to end up losing Thane because Garrus is stuck in an infinite loop until I do his mission so I can't grab the weapon upgrade.


If you haven't recruitet Tali when you go on the IFF mission that means that you have to do at least three missions after the IFF mission if you want loyality for Tali and Legion. You can get everyone alive through the suicide mission with only 4 loyal squadmembers, though. And of course the upgrades.

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resource acquisition in me2 is a mindless and repetitive endeavor that requires no skill. horrible resource acquisition is made worse 'cause the developers not give the player any clues regarding what quantity o' resources is appropriate AND they adds a cost factor into fuel and probes, without no context to make an educated decision regarding optimum or reasonable expenditure for probes and fuel. is as if the biowarians were contemplating some sorta strategic resource management mini-game, but then they simply stopped 1/3 into development. is clearly the most pointless feature we can recall in a bioware game, and is arguably the most asinine.

What about the Galaga-esque fighter minigame in Jade Empire?

JE's "space invader" mini-game was Bio's best minigame. I'm not a big fan of minigames, but JE's minigame (just like JE) was pure fun. Even better than KotOR's beloved pazaak! JE > KotOR.


As, for ME's dialogue wheel, I never understood where all this hate comes from. Sure, PS:T-esque dialogues where deep, but people often forget that that dialogue system in PS:T was actaully part of its gameplay. The best part of its gameplay mind you, considering how lousy the combat was. Likewise, the dialogue wheel is part of ME's gameplay. Unlike, PS:T where the focus was on narrative exposition, ME's focus is on cinematic interaction. I think the dialogue wheel fits in quite well with that. Instead of reading streams of text, your character would act it out. Its not often that the character actually speaks out the dialogue options to begin with. Only Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Deus Ex, and The Witcher come to mind. Now as fun as the dialogue was in Indy, in ME1/2 it's even better as the spoken dialogue is an acted representation of the choice, rather than transposed recitation. That's awesome and pure cinematic. It's like watching a movie except you can will the actor to perform a certain way. You're the puppeteer and your character is the marionette. I think it's this seamless disconnect that makes ME's dialogue pure fun. On one hand it's not totally non-interactive as to rob the participation from the player. On the other hand, it's not a straight recitation of the text which doesn't add any excitement or suspense as to the execution. Instead, Bio's produced a supremely awesome and fun innovation.


The only sucky thing about the ME dialogue wheel is that not enough games use it.

Edited by jaguars4ever
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Fair enough, valid points. For me, the tediousness functioned as an automatic limiter - I only did them when I absolutely felt I needed to get something. And in the end, when I had the Prima guide with the planet resource list, when I wanted to max out some research. :ermm:


As for the dialogue wheel, I prefer it when it comes to fully-voiced PC dialogue. Gives me a reason to listen to it as well as picking the line - but when it comes to choosing between wheel+fully voiced and full lines+no voicing, I do not have a personal preference.


The AP stance system might be an interesting take on it, on a conceptual level it seems like it could be (even) better.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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The dialogue wheel is an innovative and important addition to the RPG genre.

I don't know why everyone keeps harping on the dialogue wheel, it's just a slightly different way to present the classic multiple choice dialogue with the addition of short descriptive phrases instead of the whole text.


Yes, it's slightly more convenient to use, but it's not a radical change or some great innovation. It's in the same league as having "G" throw grenades instead of having to select them, handy, but nothing to have long discussions about.

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Guest The Architect

Okay so I haven't finished the game yet but I know that several of your party members can die in this suicide mission, but has anyone worked out what exactly determines who dies (if anyone)? Is it loyalty? Is it who you choose when you're splitting your team up? Is it something sneaky like how many side missions you do, or upgrades you acquire? I wonder. Because I want to try and kill off Miranda, Jacob and Jack and make sure I don't screw up and actually kill off someone I want kept alive.


And also, **** you ice brandy - thought for sure I'd be able to take advantage of Dr. Chakwas, but looks like I needed some stronger stuff.

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Okay so I haven't finished the game yet but I know that several of your party members can die in this suicide mission, but has anyone worked out what exactly determines who dies (if anyone)? Is it loyalty? Is it who you choose when you're splitting your team up? Is it something sneaky like how many side missions you do, or upgrades you acquire? I wonder. Because I want to try and kill off Miranda, Jacob and Jack and make sure I don't screw up and actually kill off someone I want kept alive.


And also, **** you ice brandy - thought for sure I'd be able to take advantage of Dr. Chakwas, but looks like I needed some stronger stuff.


I think if want to 'kill' 3 people there will be other deaths as well.

There are three parts during the suicide mission. During the last part, Shepard goes to fight the end boss and the rest defends a door. If you had any deaths of teammates during the previous stages it is likely that one of the defenders of the door will also die. If you take two people with you to the last boss and they are both not loyal they will die, but you will probably die, too (haven't tried this yet, but it's very likely because one of them has to pull you into the Normandy).


My Tip would be:


Miranda, Jacob and Jack must not be loyal. All others must be.


1st part: Tali/Legion as tech specialist. Garrus as 2nd team leader.

2nd part: Samara as biotic specialist. Garrus as 2nd team leader. Jacob as crew escort (Jacob will die).

3rd part: Miranda and someone NOT Jack with Shepard ti fight the last boss. Jack has to be with the defenders. (Miranda will die, Jack probably, too)



I'm not sure about the door defenders. My guess is that you need 7 people to defend the door to have everyone of them survive. If that's true than killing off someone before that part means one of the defenders will die. Unless you have Zaeed. Then you still have 7 defenders left.

Edited by Chrisimo
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Jack and Tali got killed instantly on the Normandy.


Guess not upgrading the ship had something to do with this...





Missing armor upgrade = Jack dies

Missing weapon upgrade = Garrus or Thane dies

Missing shield upgrade = Tali or Legion dies (if you have both with them during the fight on the Normandy, someone else dies)

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