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Dragon Age Origins


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Only way this has a chance at GOTY is if its a Biowares Game Of The Year Award. No advertising. Many better looking games out. And even worse a Halo clone.


Haha, nobody can take that too seriously, it's too cute :p

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am not minding that you folks don't like the bio characters... though you ain't got near 'nuff to judge. the thing that we find irksome is those 'mongst you who laud obsidian characters, but slam bio. am not sure how many times we has heard how fantastic chrisA is as a writer. fine... but if lack o' originality bothers you, then fact that ravel has made an appearance in every obsidian game since ps:t should be worth comment. fall-from-grace is the redeemed whore and mystery-that-is-woman character. nordom didn't exactly inspire with growth... had more lines than bio's hk-47, but served same comic relief function. gann? jolly rogue womanizer with mommy issues? similarly, who woulda' given a damn 'bout dove character if she had been human, 'cause the paladin type who figuratively sees world black & white is made interesting by making literal see black & white... and adding wings? that blind sith in kotor2 with her fortune-cookie dialogues that could be exhausted in your first on-ship conversation, were a real fantastic example o' character development.


am not minding if you folks pre-judge characters without playing game... 'cause that is what people do. some o' you has already decided that you like or dislike da so it genuine won't make much difference once you plays game. you already gots mind made up and the actual play experience will justify your deciscion regardless. even so, some o' you folks prove to Gromnir why we loathe the gaming community. originality o' characters for you is based not on what they says or do in game, but rather is based on physical character design and a 3-line summary. make an amorphos blob with mpd from different dimension the new love interest and no doubt you peoples would think is kewl, regardless o' how actually developed.





HA! Good Fun!


Actually Obsidian is just as much guilty of the same syndome. KOTOR II characters we re-imaginings of Torment (as was the entire plot practically) characers and MotB follows the same mold. However I think even though they are all very similar, at the very least they are somewhat refreshing and there is the occasional attempt to defy cliche's. Bioware doesn't even try that and after 4 games serving up lukewarm characters and stories starts to be irritating. Either Greg or Ray once said that there was nothing wrong with the "ancient evil returns" storyline, which is really a subtle way of saying that even they know its all the same. Now polished presentation and fun gameplay can stretch out the same concept for a while, (evidence by the fact that they are still around), but you cant really keep beating the same dead horse forever. I hate to say it but there was, in fact, more innovation in Fallout 3 over Oblivion, than there was in any Bioware game after Baldurs Gate II.


Its not a matter of judging, but every clip I've seen of DA that deals with characters screams deja vu, and nothing Bioware has done leaves hope for a different outcome. I suggested several times in their forums that a bit of innovation wouldn't hurt, even before DA (with varying degrees of politeness), and my part with that is over.

What I intensely dislike, and borderline despise is their self promotion, (just compare AP dev diaries and DA presentation clips) which I could come to terms with if not for their attitude. Unlike Obsidian where devs openly admit their mistakes and the problems of their games, the guys at Bioware have an opinion of their infallability, probably strengthened by the rabid fan base, and they tolerate no criticism.


For those reasons I bash them, and will bash them until they change their ways, and offer some f-ing innovation.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Hey, how do I post the result of my modish colour personality test?


This is the code I'm using:




This is a quote from the BioBoard of someone who just finished playing the game. They're a non-native English speaker.


"So first, a story. Only dissapoinement here was with City Elf origin, which I expected to be darker and deeper. Much darker and much deeper.

Well, en revanche, both dwarwen origins were AWESOME! I loved the background of kastaless dwarf with his carement about his sister and grayness of his boss and his job. And about noble one? You could actually PLAY the polytics game here with your brothers during dialogues. And also, it ended VERY opened so I am looking forward how does that resolves. And good is that even those origin stories arent too linear so even if the end is same, way can be different a bit.


For game story, I went a bit after Troll battle from preview videos. I must say, origins were great, but this part absolutly amazed me. I am kind of person what gets excited before such an events of massive occupation. And the end, godness, I cant wait when Ill be able to continue in main story further.

Interesting also is how it resembles STAR WARS. Think about it. Ancient order with people with inhuman powers and battle mastery fightning with evilness and human conspiracy. And what happens after Troll, well... its like end of one of the STAR WARS moves, I wont say which . :p

And what I find even better, that your main enemy isnt really the blight or the dark spawn or huge huge huge arcidevil. It is something much much smaller and still larger in same time, again, I wont say anything.


Gameplay? Game was fast, without glitches, problems with pathfinding, invisible walls etc, at the other hand, loadings were awfully long.

Characters could be developed in a lot of walls, tactic mode was really created well and its very deep. And in a Third Person view, it is comfortable and I actually had no need of tactical view, mainly thanks to well-designed radar and map.


So, result? BRING IT ON!"

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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"What I intensely dislike, and borderline despise is their self promotion, (just compare AP dev diaries and DA presentation clips) which I could come to terms with if not for their attitude. Unlike Obsidian where devs openly admit their mistakes and the problems of their games, the guys at Bioware have an opinion of their infallability, probably strengthened by the rabid fan base, and they tolerate no criticism."


FDalse. BIo accepts criticism. In fact, they've admited mistakes multiple times. You, obviously, just ignore it because it would disprove your point and show your hatred as the delusion it is.


Self promotion? Every company self promotes including Obsidian? And, why shouldn't they? It be illogical if they didn't. Unless they want to fail. If you don't promote yourself nobody else will.



As for their characters being 'repeats'. This is baloney. While characters share similarities theya re not the same. The closest to characters being the 'same' is Bastilla and Aribeth and even they have differences. It's also not like Obsidian or other companies are any better at this. NWN2, KOTOR2, SOZ, and others all have the same sort of stereotypes. Nothing wrong with this, imo.



"For those reasons I bash them, and will bash them until they change their ways, and offer some f-ing innovation."


So you gonna demand innovation when you are repetive? L0LZ




"I hate to say it but there was, in fact, more innovation in Fallout 3 over Oblivion, than there was in any Bioware game after Baldurs Gate II."


No. First off, you don't hate to say it as you love to bash BIO. Your hate on for them is incredible, and borders on psychotic. Why not simply move on, and ignore them. Second, there was NOTHING innovative about FO3 over Oblivion. And, guess what? There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. Plus, BIO's games continue to ad/twink things. And, most importantly, they are MOSTLY fun even KOTOR which is overrated and their worst game.


Innovation, in the end, is absolutely overrated. Fun is what matters. If you don't find BIo's games fun move on. But, you won't. 'Cause bashing something you hate seems to be the in thing on the net instead of concentrating on thinsg you actually like. *shruG*


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And the reason I will win is because I will base my operations in a five-star hotel with a flat screen TV, jacuzzi and room service. This is the way of Blue.


Maria, being Green, will set up her base of operations in a Yurt. Very ethical, but not conducive to plotting world domination.


Mwuhaahahhahaaahhhaaa!! (etc).




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Oh hell, now the other MC is doing it. It spreading like a virus, this time tomorrow half the Obs posters will have it...


Who's to blame, huh? o:)


By the way, I found all the Duel decks at very reasonable prices on ebay (20-22 British pounds, shipping included). I think I will just skip the collecting aspect of the game as it will probably cost me a fortune.

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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Oh yes, indeed! Whita-Blue POWAAAA!!!!

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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Oh hell, now the other MC is doing it. It spreading like a virus, this time tomorrow half the Obs posters will have it...


I prefer to think of it as a field of brilliant, red poppies springing from the ground after a heavy rain and choking the life out of any non-poppy in our field.


And the reason I will win is because I will base my operations in a five-star hotel with a flat screen TV, jacuzzi and room service. This is the way of Blue.


Maria, being Green, will set up her base of operations in a Yurt. Very ethical, but not conducive to plotting world domination.


Green isn't ethical; that

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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No, must... reisist...


What is this 'counterspell' of which you speak?


I see you got rid of your red/white. Did you know it was voted the least popular color combo?


Just saw this at the Codex: http://dragonage.bioware.com/characters/leliana


Look at the goddamn loading meter. What the hell is going on?! o:)


I have no idea. It looks horrible.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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What is this 'counterspell' of which you speak?




The cheapest of the cheap. Particularily satisfying to see after going through the trouble to field an 8/8 creature.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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I see you got rid of your red/white. Did you know it was voted the least popular color combo?


It mirrors my popularity. o:)

I got rid of it because Gorth asked me to shorten my sig.


In Tragic the Bothering I never played white or blue, and rarely green.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Blue is obviously cheating once again.


Anyways, the nice thing about black is you can build your graveyard with a revolving door.


Edit: Man, blue really is the new pink.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Just saw this at the Codex: http://dragonage.bioware.com/characters/leliana


Look at the goddamn loading meter. What the hell is going on?! o:)


Is that the head going down a sword loading meter or something else?


I thought it was kinda...weird.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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