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RPGs you still haven't finished

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That would be two games in 22-23 years...


NWN1, managed to get halfway through chapter 4. Failed Will check against boredom :sleep:


Oblivion, Borrowed a colleagues game to try out for a week (since it's available pretty cheap from EB games here in Adelaide, I wanted to try before I buy). The only thing mildly interesting were the Dark Brotherhood quest. Nice engine though, maybe somebody will someday release a game on it that I would like to play :dancing:


Otherwise, I think I've completed each and every crpg that I've played =]

Edited by Gorth

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Gothic III because the lag-every-1-minute in 1.00 version was really really getting to me. I know I'll finish it at some point though.

System Shock II, never got that to work properly on my game. I couldn't get into what little I saw either.

Thief II/III, both got savegame corruption before the very last mission and that killed me off. the thing is I love the city missions but especially in Thief 3, I get fed up with mid-game where you have to go to caves and all that stuff. Thief is only really great inside urban settings, without crazy magic and all that.

Vampire: blah blah Masquerade, I played the 1.00 version (heh) and the performance was really bad; it also got me that every piece of spoken dialogue, there woudl be a 2-second hang after they had finished the talking, so all combined it really really slowed me down. I liked the game though.

Morrowind, got nearly to the end of the main plot then thought, this game really sucks. Oblivion was pretty fun though, but Morrowind was just ugly to look at, and even more lifeless.


Never even played ToEE. I havent finished Shining Force 2 yet, but I'm still playing it.

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Gosh, I finish very few games. I'd say for every 10 games I play, I finish one. I'd say adventure games are the only ones I tend to usually finish, and that's pretty much a dead genre.


Here's a few:

Quest for Glory V - Why did I finish all the others and not this one? Because it was bad.

Baldur's Gate 2 - 2 frickin' long.

Every JRPG except Secret of Mana and FFIV -Always hit a brick wall boss that meant I needed to go level. I don't grind.

Every Elder Scrolls game - They have endings? Wouldn't that require a plot?

NWN1 - *snore*

Arcanum - Not sure what happened...I think I got confused about my goal in life.

Any action-RPG after Diablo - I clicked enough in Diablo to not need to ever click again.

PS: Torment - There was a lot of reading, and again...what is my goal here? I'm dead?


Games I'm thankful I finished - Deus Ex, Quest for Glory IV, KotOR, Fallout, BG, JA 1 and 2, Xcom 1, Kings Quest 5, Space Quest 3.

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Usually I stop playing a game once I hit a hump point where you MUST be four times more powerful than the last fight you had to beat the boss...


FFVII I haven't beaten but got to SAFER

Xenosagas, usually got pretty dam close and quit in boredom.

Wish I could say LOTR: The Third Age

probably a half a dozen others that I forget.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I played quite a lot of Gothic 3 before losing interest in it completely, and I doubt I'll ever play it ever again.


I gave up on Wizardry 8 and Wizards & Warriors pretty quickly, Wiz8 because I just couldn't find the fun and W&W because of bugginess.


Other than those, the only ones I never finished were really old, like the EotB series, or the first RPG I ever played, Dragon Wars.

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I'm a games reviewer, for crying out loud! For every 100'th game I play I finish one!


Ok, here goes:


Baldur's Gate

Baldur's Gate 2

Planescape: Torment

Icewind Dale 2

Gothic 3

Every stupid Final Fantasy after I and II (although XII is released here in two days.. hmm..)

Elder Scrolls: Arena (too buggy)


Neverwinter Nights 2



Dungeon Siege

Dungeon Siege 2

Diablo 2


Titan Quest

Arx Fatalis

Fallout 2 (I don't know why!)

Fallout: BOS

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2

Champions of Norrath (or something..)

Ultima IV

Ultima V

Ultima VI

Ultima VII

Ultima IX

Ultima Underworld 1 & 2


Betrayal at Krondor

Freedom Force

Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2

Dungeon Lords


Most Might & Magic's except the early ones



Spellforce 2

Summoner 1 & 2

X-men something something


Ok, I give up. There are too many!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Nox was fun...not the best game even for it's type, but it had a warped sense of humor here and there.

I grew bored with it after a while. Haven't played it since then.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Baldur's Gate modding
Baldur's Gate modder/community leader
Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition beta tester
Baldur's Gate 2 - Enhanced Edition beta tester

Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition beta tester

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I am pretty shocked at how many people have not finished or even started so many great games.


I guess in the end the developers are right, people don't in fact finish most games, heck they barely start, so why bother giving them a game that takes more than a few minutes to finish.



Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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I am pretty shocked at how many people have not finished or even started so many great games.


I guess in the end the developers are right, people don't in fact finish most games, heck they barely start, so why bother giving them a game that takes more than a few minutes to finish.




Personally, I feel it's more that life tends to get in the way and while I would like to get back to the games, after a certain time away from them, the draw lessens simply due to temporal and emotional distance.


My personal list:


SMT: Nocturne

SMT: DDS 1 (Never got 2 due to not finishing 1)

Shadow Hearts 2

Final Fantasy 7-9 + 12

Arcanum (Glitches after transferring to the final hell realm caused me to stop)

Deus Ex (Got as far as the Paris Catacombs before my HD crashed)


LoZ: OoT and Windwaker (Got through Majora's Mask though!, Still working albeit intermittently on the new one)

Planescape: Torment (Just before that maze)

System Shock 2 (Stopped when getting stuck in a wall at the end lost near 7 hours of progress, I should really save more)

Fallout (Never really got into it due to life)

Gothic 2

Diablo (I was a kid when I first played it and the devil on the cover scared me, so I didn't get very far)

Any Elder Scrolls game I've played

Thief (Never got very far to begin with)

Most of the older JRPS I occasionally try out (ChronoCross, etc)\

Legacy of Kain (the original and thus none of the others)



I'm sure there are many more I've forgotten but those are the ones that come to mind at the moment. For the most part, I only play RPGs/the occasional FPS or Adventure, so my failures are at least limited.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had

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I am pretty shocked at how many people have not finished or even started so many great games.

I tend to finish far more strategy/simulation/citybuilder or light-action (ie Tombraider/Drakan) games than RPG's.

I play RPG's fairly slow, trying everything and may spend so many hours 'tinkering' with in-game things that I lose focus or interest on progressing the plot itself.


Early on, I'd buy a lot of games to check them all out, without researching them at all, and only a few would really engage me; kind of like how there are a lot of brands of colas you can buy, but you're likely to find only one or two appealing enough to finish the bottle. Probably a bad analogy I know, the hour is late.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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RPGs I've never played (which would be an interesting topic in itself):

NWN1, Bloodlines, Deus Ex, Fable, PoR2, both Diablos, both Dungeon Seiges, most of the Ultimas, all of the FF's but the first 2 (on GBA)


RPGs I played but didn't finish:

Arcanum (world was interesting; characters weren't; game mechanics sucked royally)

Wizardry 6 (computer died), 7 (got frustrated), & 8 (lost interest at the very end)




Pool of Radiance (original)

Curse of the Azure Bonds (got stuck and couldn't get out of Zhenthil Keep)

QFG2 (I stunk at the combat system in those games)

Gothic 2 (played for a few hours and decided it wasn't for me)


RPGs I finished but regretted after the fact:



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Never played:

  1. KOTOR1/2 (I hate Star Wars presently)
  2. IWD2 (see: IWD1)
  3. BG1 (will play someday)
  4. Jade Empire (not touching it with a 5m pole)
  5. all Troika games

Barely touched:

  1. IWD1 (1 hour was enough to decide that it is not my cup of tea)
  2. FF V (got bored)

Half-way to almost:

  1. Fallout Tactics (real life interference)
  2. Jagged Alliance 2* (real life interference)

* I'm so sorry, CrashGirl.

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My RPG resume isn't too impressive, I know. But I've never had a PS1 or 2 (so none of those Final Fantasy games for me), and I grew up on action games. How many of you can say you finished Duke Nukem:Zero Hour for the N64? How about Road Rash 3 for the Genesis? Anybody? Bueller?


Tried and trashed:


Morrowind, Fallout 2, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights


Played and finished:


BG, BG2, KOTOR, KOTOR:TSL, Jade Empire, Bloodlines, Fable

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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KotOR2 (likely to revisit some day though)

NWN (not very likely)


Barely touched:




Beyond Divinity



Have it, but haven't even installed it:


Fallout 2

NWN expansions

NWN2 (will be installed and played very soon)


Deus Ex

System Shock 2



You may shoot me now.

Edited by Pope
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Well, for my part, I finish almost game I play. The excpetions are games that I am just trying to see if I like them. Obivously, if I am just trying something and I don't like it, then I'm not going to finish it. Those decisions are usually made in the first 30-60 minutes of play.


Games that I have invested serious amounts of time in and don't finish are very rare:


Baldur's Gate: I played this game for a lot of hours but each time I hit the level cap, I lost interest and stopped. There just wasn't any reason to keep playing once my party stopped leveling. So I didn't. If the level cap had been properly matched to the game I would have finished it.


Fallout 2: I loved Fallout 2 and spent a lot of hours with it, but it was SO similar to Fallout, that the further I progressed into the game, the less I felt I was playing something that was actually new. Even the story was almost identical. Eventually I just petered out on it. I was pretty close to the end by the time I stopped, I think though.


Diablo 2: Same thing as Fallout 2. Diablo2 was so similar to Diablo that I lost all interest in it shortly into Act 2. It was a fine game, but I had spent hundreds of hours on Diablo already, so I just couldn't find it fresh and interesting


Thief 3: I played well into the game, but eventually ran into some bug that got me stuck behind a chest and I couldn't get free. I had no save that was even remotely recent, and being stuck like that really irritated me after all the time I had invested in the game, so I just quit and said I would wait for the patch. The patch came out and I never started a new game though. I might play this again soon though. I love all the Thief games.


I'm sure there are a few others. Can't think of them right now though. Liek I said they are pretty rare. I even finished PS:T which was a game I didn't even really liek all that much. Heck, I even tried to replay it, but that didn't work out so well.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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I just remembered some to add to the list


Chrono Trigger: Literally at the last boss.

Final Fantasy VI: Halfway through

Final Fantasy IV: Just over barely touched.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I finished Road Rash 3 :devil:


Mad props. ;) Those last series of races seemed like they were a half hour long.



Back on the RPG front:

I got tired of the endless reloads from high-level wizards owning me in BG2:ToB, but I wanted to see how it ended so I cheated my way through. So, technically, I finished that one, although I didn't put much work into it.

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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I finished Road Rash 3 :devil:


Mad props. ;) Those last series of races seemed like they were a half hour long.



Back on the RPG front:

I got tired of the endless reloads from high-level wizards owning me in BG2:ToB, but I wanted to see how it ended so I cheated my way through. So, technically, I finished that one, although I didn't put much work into it.

I had to cheat the final boss. MASSIVELY cheat the final boss.


I also had to cheat the final boss of the first Baldur's Gate. But, no need to cheat the final boss of regular BG2.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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sticking to the pc .... can't remember all the other formats (nes - sega - snes - nintendo 64 - ps - ps2 and so on) finished some, some games didn't finish do to renting the games - hard to finish an rpg you rent without spending a small fortune (better off buying the game but at that point didn't have it)


installed and started rgps +

sacred hit a road block lost interest

nwn 1 and all expansions barely started never got to the expansions

diablo 2 and expansion got tired of

nwn2 almost finished

toee don't remember why i haven't gone back to it

might and magic 5 bored

dungeon siege bored

few more i can't recall the names off hand


none rpg

heroes of might and magic 3 + armageddon blade and shadows of death finished most of it


warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos + frozen throne installed never played



finished rpgs +

iwd - how - totlm

iwd 2

bg - totsc

bg2 - tob

diablo - hellfire


again a couple others don't recall at the moment :'(

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Restricted Area - made it through half-way for each character and then started experiencing some major bugZ and the storyline though interesting, just could not compete with the repetition of the h&s of the same dungeon over & over.

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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