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Mira vs. Bao-Dur

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I'm a little biased here, but I don't go anywhere without Bao-Dur. He doesn't have as much to say as Mira, but there's not much out there he can't unlock, slice, disarm, or repair. The combination of insane awareness + computer + repair skill is also useful in digging up interesting little subplots.


On top of that, if you're interested in eventually making him a Jedi, no amount of "Yes, General?"/"Never Mind" aboard the ship is going to get you influence. He has to be convinced by actions, not words.


As for the guy who called his voice "annoying"...


*shakes her head in dismay*


....bet you're a hit with all the ladies. Study him, young padawan.

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Mira is way to weak and her wrist rocket was fun, but not that fun... :blink:


So it's Bao-Dur all the way for me, he's a great tech guy and awsome in hand to hand combat. And when turned a jedi guardian he's equally awsome with a double blade lightsaber... :blink:


So am ALL for Bao-Dur, hard to guess eh? :o

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Mira is way to weak and her wrist rocket was fun, but not that fun... :blink:


So it's Bao-Dur all the way for me, he's a great tech guy and awsome in hand to hand combat. And when turned a jedi guardian he's equally awsome with a double blade lightsaber...  :blink:


So am ALL for Bao-Dur, hard to guess eh?  :o


Mira is not a melee fighter, even when turned into a jedi, IMHO. Give her two fully upgraded blasters and don't turn her into a jedi until level 21, and she'll do more damage than most of my saber-wielding party members. She usually kills most enemies before my melee fighters even have time to reach them. She also has enough skills to handle pretty much anything when my Exile isn't there to take care of it (Dxun tomb).


As long as there are melee fighters keeping the enemies away from her I find her far more useful than Bao-Dur. And if there aren't any melee fighters to help her out, adhesive grenades from her grenade launcher usually does the trick instead.


A bit surprising she's so useful, seeing as she has much worse starting attributes (str + dex + con etc) than anyone else. Mira has a total of 73 compared for example Hanharr who has 83. Perhaps it's not all in the numbers... :)

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I made Mira a Jedi so that she wouldn't get her behind handed to her by Hanharr on Mal V.... and that's it. I never took her out of the boat once I had the influence to make her a Jedi. I level her to have force-wave so that she can knock him down and stun him long enough to hack him to little Hanharr shaped bits. :)


Now, Bao-Dur :wub: ... he is just an all around perfect stud-muffin! He has all those lovely skills... he has the super sexy voice... he is singualry devoted to his "General"... he rocks as a melee fighter... AND he is cute as a button. :o Okay, I horned, fissured button... but a botton none the less! :-"

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I used Bao just for his skills for making the items on the work bench. Otherwise, he stays on the ship.


Mira or Visas are my range fighters. I give Mira the best rifle I can, since scouts have a rifle bonus. I also put her in light armor to get her better resists. For the final battle with Hanharr, I get her a good lightsaber (as she is always a Jedi for me at this point) and a good set of robes because I use the Jedi buffs to have her beat Hanharr at the end.


My preferred group is Handmaiden and myself tanking up front with Visas with a blaster in Jedi Support mode behind us.

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Hanharr was very easy at Malachor. Adhesive Grenade, Master speed and master rapid shot. Adhesive grenade every 3rd round if he is still alive but I think I only ever needed two of them.


Mira does have a zabrak vibroblade and Echani sword (or Sith Tremor sword) as backups but she never has to since most enemies die before they reach her.

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I'd take Bao-Dur over Mira any day. He has better attributes, besides.


I don't like Mira much. A lot of people here say she's a 'spicy, hot redhead', but I'd have to disagree. She could do with an attitude adjustment and her hair is more... orange, frankly.



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My criteria: Who looks better in the dancer outfit?


The game is so easy, I put party members for entertainment. I just let them autolevel up, don't care what stats or abilities they have. I would solo but having Mira and Handmaiden barely wearing any clothing makes the game more fun.

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Guest Damar Stiehl

In terms of skills, both Mira and Bao-Dur easily exceed 20 in every necessary skill, which guarantees automatic success with nearly anything. And it's not as if there's a shortage of skill boosting items, spikes and security tunnelers.


In terms of fighting, once they become Jedi, they're also about equal if properly equipped - what Mira lacks in strength she makes up with superior dexterity and Force abilities. It's especially pronounced if you hold her levels before converting her to Jedi.


I end up picking Mira purely for visual appeal. There's nothing quite like pairing her up with Brianna for that unique Jedi Pimp feelin'.

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Most definatly Bao --

a) his arm is useful for breaking force fields

b) his voice :(

c) he kills with a lightsaber

d) his tech repairing skills -- computer, repair, and security...



KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


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Definitely Bao-Dur.


Revan had nothing over Exile in terms of 'whiny, simpering meatbags', IMO, but at least they tended to be funny.


Bao feels like a long-lost friend, a comfort. He's there because he's lost, himself; he sees you almost as his only family, and he wants to be there. That's very endearing, when everybody else on the ship is fighting like cats and dogs. His skills rock and he does decent damage unarmed, although you have to keep an eye on his hit points.


Mira's attitude gets on my nerves at times. Maybe she is irresistibly drawn to you by the force, but nobody's preventing her from going back to Nar Shaddaa, if she liked it so much. If I want someone street-smart, I'll take Atton--at least he can admit it if he's wrong.


Her comments are sometimes interesting, but sometimes just an annoyance I could live without. Fairly useless in comparison in terms of skills, and high maintenance. I prefer melee over ranged fighters, and either way she's always getting creamed. I made her a Jeedai because it was something else to do with her, but she never has been very effective at that, either, no matter how carefully I plan her levels. Maybe I should just stop leveling her altogether until I get the INF up.


Favorite melee team hands down is Bao and Atton, both Jedi. Really appreciate them now since I'm playing a Consular.

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"Mira's beter with ranged attacks." So what? A few more DEX points and that Scout bonus? BAB is ridiculously overdone in the game, so anybody can hit any target. Give Bao-Dur some points to DEX and those DEX boosting Underlays, Implants, Belts. Besides, he tears it up in melee. BTW, Handmaiden is better in melee. Echani Strike for bonus damage and Knockdown effect.


"Wrist Launcher." Duh, you can throw grenades! :thumbsup: Darts and rockets not that useful.


"Doesn't trigger mines." Here's a thought, radical as it may be. Don't walk over them!! (w00t)


I had to reload more than a few times in Jekk'Jekk Tar. She had no Stealth skill (blasted Auto Level Up), so she kept triggering wave after wave of Ubese. BTW her supposed "leet" blaster skills werent much of a help. Heavy Mandalorian/Heavy Sonic dual.


And the walking carpet was really pounding on her. Rapid Shot + getting hit + run awaay + Life Support Pack, repeat for 5 minutes.


I'll Take Bao-Dur over Mira any day. Though Handmaiden is always my first choice.

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If forced to choose between just those two, I'd take Bao as well. Mira triggers a fun Atton cutscene & dialogues but otherwise she just gets parked in the ship for the same reason Kreia does - don't like her attitude.


I had no problems with Hanharr later - just leveled her up on the spot (no Jedification) and gave her a sword and whacked away. Used two medpacs. :thumbsup: Course, that was about 23 levels she had all at once. Heh.


Bao is rather dull, IMO, and his voice also isn't my cup of tea, but since he doesn't talk much, that's no big deal. Good melee support - I'd take him.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Any of your NPCs can pretty much deal with anything in this game since it is so easy. The only reason Mira would have trouble with the Ubese and Hanharr is if you purposely hold her levels back in hopes of getting more Jedi levels. Not worth it I think, her free precise shots and targetting feats are way more useful than any Jedi levels. Just level her up when you first get her and give her a good rifle (NOT blasters) as it is unlikely you would have maxed both two weapon fighting and rapid shot trees. It is better to max out rapid shot first. The only time I would even consider turning her Jedi is at level 21. Also it is very hard to find two good pistols but you could possibly have Bao or T3 craft a disruptor rifle and upgrade it as much as possible before the encounter. Later I would give her the best blaster pistols.


She just mowed down all the Ubese without a problem. A bit of running involved though LOL.


I like Bao well enough but his "Yes General" can get on my nerves after a while.

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I'd say Bao-Dur. I like his calm and collected disposition.


Equip Bao with the Tech-Specialist belt (not that he needs it) and he'll cut through any security measures (as if he doesn't do it already?) like hot knife through butter.


He's not a bad shot with a blaster rifle either.


Then you can always hand him two lightsabers and watch the fun commence. >_<

Bugs? Klingon Software does not have 'Bugs'. It has FEATURES and they are too sophisticated for a Romulan pig like you to understand!

HK-47: "Recitation: First, weapon selection is critical. If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself."

HK-47: "Answer: Select grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets and plasma charges. Mines are also effective, since many Jedi will run to meet you in hand to hand combat. Silly Jedi."

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I especially liked Mira's character. She'd definately make it into my party if it was between those two. She's also more talkative. Bao-Dur is a great, mysterious character as well, but I like Mira's attitude and personality. :D

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I didn't level up Bao-Dur until he could be recruited as a Jedi Guardian.

He spent the rest of the game wearing the Peragus miner's uniform with Biorestorative Underlay V and ArmorPly Overlay II (yeah, it's a bug).


I'd bet the last thing half of my game's hostiles saw before dying was an airborne Iridonian in a miner's outfit flying at them with a blue double-bladed lightsabre in his bionic grasp. Scary!! :wacko:


Mira is fun, but her special talent with minefields just can't compete with Bao-Dur's use of Master Force Jump.

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He got the skills, the staying power, the damage dealing ability and the good looks. Don't need either of the other two :wacko:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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T3 was a lot better in this game then in the first. He had more personality! :D


Ok, here's my top picks, I'll post my PC's classes:


Alaric Qel-Droma's Wolf Pack (I live in Reno, so excuse my use of this :():

Alaric - Guardian/Marauder

Kreia - My uber-build specialty..Haven't yet used female (I may never do female ;)), so I can't speak for Desciple, but...

Hanharr or Brianna as a Sith Marauder...


Jorias Kell's Defense Force:

Jorias - Guardian/Sith Lord

Mira - Sith Assasin

T3-M4 (Fully upgraded with custom items :D), or Canderous as a "Gunnery/Blade Master", both set to Ranged AI scripting.


These are the two Tomb groups I use:

AQD's Tomb WP:

Atton - Fully upgraded with the best stuff available I could build by the time I tackled the Tomb

Visas - Ditto as Atton

Hanharr or Canderous, either equipped as "Gunnery/Blade Master".


JK's Tomb DF:

Mira - Uber-build

Brianna - Uber-build

GOTO - Packed with everything that I would have packed T3 with had I been using him for the Tomb..One-shot kills with the dual Mandalorian Rips...:D


I don't use Bao-Dur because unless I let him become a Sith Marauder, he is wholly useless, and the current Prestiege Padawans Mod doesn't let Bao become a Prestige class...Although, I am going to take care of that issue with my mod...;)

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