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Who the hell is Black Isle Studio


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Bye then. Seeya at the Mistress' Forums... NOT!



LOL, missy looses me and keeps you, she should get some sympathy cards!


Be sure to kiss ass while you are there.

Let's keep the T&A in FanTAsy


***Posting delayed, user on moderator review***


Why Bio Why?

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Bye then.  Seeya at the Mistress' Forums...  NOT!



LOL, missy looses me and keeps you, she should get some sympathy cards!


Be sure to kiss ass while you are there.

I kiss no one's ass, instead I use a bit of common sense. You should try it sometime.

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Still.....someone needs to tell Alexia who Black Isle Studios is. Having never played any of their games I'm not in much of a position to do so. :p

Even if we did, I doubt she would understand...

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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Personally I think each company had their strengths. BIS liked to focus their games to a target audience(Roleplayers with PST, Dungeon Crawlers with IWD) while BIO likes to try to cater to everyone in every game. IMO that made BIS better because they never claimed things that weren't true. They claimed PST was deep and edgy, it was. They claimed IWD was a fun combat based dungeon crawl, it was. BIO claimed NWN was a great roleplaying experience, it was a hack and slash action-RPG. I think BIS fans would stop complaining about Bioware games if they just told the truth about them instead of trying to make them sound better than they are. Personally I liked them, but was very disappointed after all the hype, something that never happened when I played a BIS game.


I think neither company was better than the other, neither company was/is a wannabe, they both just did things differently. I preferred the BIS approach of focusing on niches to BIOs approach of trying to appeal to everyone(jack of all trades, master of none), but thats just my opinion.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Oerwinde, this is the "Way Off Topic" section. Would you please stop making sense ? :p


Pretty much sums up my own thoughts.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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BIo didn't lie about NWN. It is ture, theyt ry to please everyone and that is a weakness; but to imply they flat out lied is pretty silly. The OC (and NWN as a whole) didn't accomplish everything theys et out to do; but it wans't some deliberate cover up of its weaknesses and wasn't like they purposely sabatoged anything. At least, it's hard toa ccuse them of sucha thing when there is absolutely no evidence that they lied.


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They lied in the sense that they said NWN OC would be the equal to the BG series. But then why anyone would beleive them knowing that NWN was not single player oriented for parties is beyond me.

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I don't think they lied. I think they tried to accomplish that goal; and didn't quite make it. That's completely different than lying. Did they hype it? Sure. But they ddin't lie. of course, there are those who feel the OC is better than the Bgs eries. i dsiagree; but more power to them. LOL


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they were all too willing to promise anything in order to keep the hype going about their game. if you had asked, "will it provide an effective substitute for a housewife?" then they would have agreed that it made an excellent cup of coffee.

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They definately hyped it. The only way they didn't lie is if a completely different group worked on both games. That may true in some areas but they still had common designers like Gaider. Bottom line is they hyped it and said something that ended up not being true and disappointed a lot of gamers in the process and I am sure BioWare knew well ahead of time that it was very different in the single player OC


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  • 6 months later...
The first IWD actually had a very good story that was unfortunately obscured by the large amounts of combat.

It would have been a great story to base an RPG on rather than a combat-driven dungeon crawl.


Gotta say that Icewind 1 was the worst game I've played that used the infinity engine. By the time I reached Dorn's deep, which was ridiculously overladen with storyline characters, I was so fed up with the thing I just ploughed through it and even slaughtered that elven bird without even registering it. I only recall her cos you get one of the magical armours listed in the manual off her corpse (I was more concerned about the stupid fire giants at the time so I skipped the dialogue!). Turns out she was important to the storyline of both IWD and IWD2! (The only thing I really liked about IWD was the town layouts of Kuldahar and Easthaven and the music in those places!)


IWD2 was a close second though. The greater flexibility of character creation helped but was ineffective at hiding the fact that the game was very boring and repetitive with an absolutely linear storyline allowing no deviation from the path. The set encounters drove me mad. Any other poor bugger playing HoF must also have screamed at the encounter which lined your characters up, unscreened by summons in a shooting gallery format, to face ranks of mages, archers and bears from the host tower encounter! (Music in IWD2 was erratic as well, starting up for no obvious reason just to shock you out of contemplation whilst you looked in your inventory - half the time the wasn't even anything there, the rest of the time it was one lowly goblin!)


Thought BG1 and 2 were great, thought the expansions to both were a bit **** really. When I finally understood PS:T I thought it was great, though it was seriously hampered by little or no introduction to the scenario (which would have helped massively immediately prior to character creation!) and a truely dire manual which left me wandering all the way through to the final encounter looking desperately for the armour mentioned in the manual.


Fallout 1 was great but fallout 2 was released way too early! They were fixing problems with bandits dying and turning into bookshelves about two weeks before release. It was therefore bug ridden throughout which really wound me up. When the patches came out I wasn't even sure I wanted them (I gained 4 charisma for losing an ear in Reno, with patch I would have lost that gain, the associated NPCs and an additional point!)

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A division of Interplay axed before the **** hit the fan more precisely.


But Fallout 2 - man if you played the first release before any of the patches came out... anyone else remember hunt the car (often the only place it might be rediscovered was NCR) or more amusingly spot the trunk? That trunk appeared on every map, usually imbedded into the wall of a building (San Fran had it in the wall of the BoS outpost!). Damn that was the most screwed up game I ever played on release!

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A division of Interplay axed before the **** hit the fan more precisely.


But Fallout 2 - man if you played the first release before any of the patches came out... anyone else remember hunt the car (often the only place it might be rediscovered was NCR) or more amusingly spot the trunk? That trunk appeared on every map, usually imbedded into the wall of a building (San Fran had it in the wall of the BoS outpost!). Damn that was the most screwed up game I ever played on release!


Yeah, luckily I got it like 3 days before the patch came out that fixed the car. One thing that I find funny is that a lot of people credit Tim Cain for how awesome the Fallout games were. Yet he claims he's just a programmer. Bugs were the major downside of the fallout games, and all the games that come out of Troika. Programmers are responsible for bugs.... See where I'm going with this?

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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