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ToI is fun. Perhaps not as well suited to this game as Ironman is to other games since there's no evac option.


In any case after the first wipe I figured "just need to level up" but I was wrong


The thing about the bear cave is that you could go grab eder/aloth from gilded vale and then go back and do it.


You could get kana and durance before taking on the gilded vale temple ruins, and then get prepped for the next hard fight which was the phantoms/spirits to get Caed Nua.


This is different - even if you can hit level 4 by cheesing the gerocci street - you can't progress and get aloth without dealing with the boars. It's just not tuned properly.


Which is to be expected - it is a beta. I just want to provide my feedback.


For the record - if an encounter *requires* the player to use stealth to circumvent, or some kind of kiting/cheese strategy like what I did to get past the grocery street fight - it is not properly tuned.


Properly tuned means with prep (attainable gear, leveling, etc.) and consumables you should be able to do it with any class/weapon/gear etc. and the story companions.


I do not believe the current engwithan ruins are possible with some compositions (such as my chanter skald + story companions) without extreme cheese tactics (pathing exploiting, kiting the lack of disengagement attacks).


I mean those options should be usable, but you should be able to play the game conventionally - for example I always had to kite the nature golem dudes in magrans fork (or black meadow I can't remember) but you could level up a bit and come back and do them

This doesn't seem to be an option in this bottleneck

Don’t get some of the hate for the new POTD - I am glad to see there are others on the forum who, like me, see this as a tremendous step in the right direction. We as a community can’t complain about the extreme lack of difficulty in POTD v1 and then complain v2 is too hard. Come on! POTD is supposed to be a supreme challenge. By the way, many of us (and I’m

Not even a great player like andreacolumbo or boeroer or others) are progressing through POTD pretty well.


FYI I took the advice of another poster and hired a Cipher hireling. Empowered whisper of treason is a godsend and helped me through the early drake fight among others. Now that I’ve got Pallegina and chanter Summons the game is going very well! Though the Steel Garrote Paladins just whooped my ass...

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I'm enjoying the new PotD as well.  I always grab a hireling that I spec to Herald at the start of new games, so I didn't really feel the pain of newbie island that others are feeling.  Getting Aloth was a bit dicey, but once I had him I was able to take care of half the looters with chill fog.


After that quests around Queen's berth and Dunnage for a few levels. 


Then Hasango.  Hasango hasn't really changed much but the boss room is a lot harder than before if you don't rush down the totems.


I would normally do Poko Kihara before Hasango, but that place is just scary now.  You'll want to eat those disengagement attacks to avoid the Titan's grab, because it's a OHKO on many characters at level 10, lol.  And kite him around until you can focus down the Risen.


The old city area was easier than Poko Kihara, but it's received some love too, and I learned the worm boss can grab and smash too (He's way beefier now as well).


That's pretty much as far as I've made it atm.  I'm a bit sad that the unexplored islands were untouched, makes exploring a bit boring in comparison.

Edited by Climhazzard
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Yeah, Old City has the worm boss... Who is pretty nasty now. The worms in general arent slouches in general.


Id also say the fight where you pick up Min's Fortune and the Rotghasts spawn is pretty rough. You just get swarmed by those things. There are some great fights in the game now.

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ToI is fun. Perhaps not as well suited to this game as Ironman is to other games since there's no evac option.


In any case after the first wipe I figured "just need to level up" but I was wrong


The thing about the bear cave is that you could go grab eder/aloth from gilded vale and then go back and do it. 


You could get kana and durance before taking on the gilded vale temple ruins, and then get prepped for the next hard fight which was the phantoms/spirits to get Caed Nua.


This is different - even if you can hit level 4 by cheesing the gerocci street - you can't progress and get aloth without dealing with the boars. It's just not tuned properly.


Which is to be expected - it is a beta. I just want to provide my feedback.


For the record - if an encounter *requires* the player to use stealth to circumvent, or some kind of kiting/cheese strategy like what I did to get past the grocery street fight - it is not properly tuned. 


Properly tuned means with prep (attainable gear, leveling, etc.) and consumables you should be able to do it with any class/weapon/gear etc. and the story companions.


I do not believe the current engwithan ruins are possible with some compositions (such as my chanter skald + story companions) without extreme cheese tactics (pathing exploiting, kiting the lack of disengagement attacks). 


I mean those options should be usable, but you should be able to play the game conventionally - for example I always had to kite the nature golem dudes in magrans fork (or black meadow I can't remember) but you could level up a bit and come back and do them

This doesn't seem to be an option in this bottleneck


While I have not tried it with other but Assasin (who either had to be ranged not utilizing her abilities or melee while being a liability) and companions, I do not believe the encounter in question is impossible without using non-traditional techniques so in this sense its "properly tuned". 


The encounter is imo tuned to the use of environment (choke points)  and available resources  (scrolls and explosives) and planning. It's not tuned to running in the open and hack and slash everything no. 



All those potions/scrolls/etc have like a 20% chance to hit on these boars. They were running up and hitting my PC in a breastplate for 50.


I'm sure the potency of your PC has a lot to do with it. God help you if you make a priest and you have to pick up Xoti if you're only doing story companions.

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Edit: quoted wrong post, but nerf to wildstike seems really odd. Shifter was already not nearly as strong as initially believed/hoped. The lack of gear synergy is just too much of a detriment. 

Edited by Anoregon
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ToI is fun. Perhaps not as well suited to this game as Ironman is to other games since there's no evac option.


In any case after the first wipe I figured "just need to level up" but I was wrong


The thing about the bear cave is that you could go grab eder/aloth from gilded vale and then go back and do it.


You could get kana and durance before taking on the gilded vale temple ruins, and then get prepped for the next hard fight which was the phantoms/spirits to get Caed Nua.


This is different - even if you can hit level 4 by cheesing the gerocci street - you can't progress and get aloth without dealing with the boars. It's just not tuned properly.


Which is to be expected - it is a beta. I just want to provide my feedback.


For the record - if an encounter *requires* the player to use stealth to circumvent, or some kind of kiting/cheese strategy like what I did to get past the grocery street fight - it is not properly tuned.


Properly tuned means with prep (attainable gear, leveling, etc.) and consumables you should be able to do it with any class/weapon/gear etc. and the story companions.


I do not believe the current engwithan ruins are possible with some compositions (such as my chanter skald + story companions) without extreme cheese tactics (pathing exploiting, kiting the lack of disengagement attacks).


I mean those options should be usable, but you should be able to play the game conventionally - for example I always had to kite the nature golem dudes in magrans fork (or black meadow I can't remember) but you could level up a bit and come back and do them

This doesn't seem to be an option in this bottleneck

Don’t get some of the hate for the new POTD - I am glad to see there are others on the forum who, like me, see this as a tremendous step in the right direction. We as a community can’t complain about the extreme lack of difficulty in POTD v1 and then complain v2 is too hard. Come on! POTD is supposed to be a supreme challenge. By the way, many of us (and I’m

Not even a great player like andreacolumbo or boeroer or others) are progressing through POTD pretty well.


FYI I took the advice of another poster and hired a Cipher hireling. Empowered whisper of treason is a godsend and helped me through the early drake fight among others. Now that I’ve got Pallegina and chanter Summons the game is going very well! Though the Steel Garrote Paladins just whooped my ass...


My early hero is a dwarven hirling Herald. Shieldbearer Trubadour. 

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Well I've been soloing on a swashbuckler (Black Jacket/Trickster). Not the best character for the job by any means, but it got me to progress... slowly.


After defeating the boars and wyrms, because my character could, I had to stealth through pretty much everything else in the Engwithian ruins, because my character couldn't :) This let me reach Neketaka and the various vendors though. Then I realized I had picked the wrong POE1 story so no Legendary armor for me, and I had no idea what to get instead. So bought nothing, came back at level 7 and attempted to do the Xaurip island. Nope. I could kill *one* of them, at a time, with effort. Still managed to recruit the Xaurip mother on board. Came back to the Engwithian ruins, managed to clear the Foreman's quarter of its Bugs and Brine Imps and get the medaillon. After a ton of resets/retries, I managed to kill one skellington fighter in the training hall.


It dawned on me that my higher level wasn't cutting it, I just needed better gear, as my plain warhammer was the only weapon able to give me 100% penetration. So I went back to Port Maje and bought Shattered Vengeance, the most incredible weapon ever, with +13 accuracy and 9 crush penetration. They were no longer a threat. One thing I noticed was that the skeleton warriors were using swords, with 10/10 slash/pierce penetration. Check your tank's armor, if it's a chainmail (like Xoti's), he's good. If it's Eder's Saint's War Armor, he's going to get overpenetrated by pierce on every hit. You don't want that.

I get the feeling that the planning required to beat a triple crown solo is going to involve some teamwork from the community.
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Well I've been soloing on a swashbuckler (Black Jacket/Trickster). Not the best character for the job by any means, but it got me to progress... slowly.


After defeating the boars and wyrms, because my character could, I had to stealth through pretty much everything else in the Engwithian ruins, because my character couldn't :) This let me reach Neketaka and the various vendors though. Then I realized I had picked the wrong POE1 story so no Legendary armor for me, and I had no idea what to get instead. So bought nothing, came back at level 7 and attempted to do the Xaurip island. Nope. I could kill *one* of them, at a time, with effort. Still managed to recruit the Xaurip mother on board. Came back to the Engwithian ruins, managed to clear the Foreman's quarter of its Bugs and Brine Imps and get the medaillon. After a ton of resets/retries, I managed to kill one skellington fighter in the training hall.


It dawned on me that my higher level wasn't cutting it, I just needed better gear, as my plain warhammer was the only weapon able to give me 100% penetration. So I went back to Port Maje and bought Shattered Vengeance, the most incredible weapon ever, with +13 accuracy and 9 crush penetration. They were no longer a threat. One thing I noticed was that the skeleton warriors were using swords, with 10/10 slash/pierce penetration. Check your tank's armor, if it's a chainmail (like Xoti's), he's good. If it's Eder's Saint's War Armor, he's going to get overpenetrated by pierce on every hit. You don't want that.

I get the feeling that the planning required to beat a triple crown solo is going to involve some teamwork from the community.


Well, there is a speedrun on youtube on potd / expert mode in about 26 minutes.

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I get the feeling that the planning required to beat a triple crown solo is going to involve some teamwork from the community.


Well, there is a speedrun on youtube on potd / expert mode in about 26 minutes.



You know what I mean :)

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I'd like to add here that the Gorecci street fight ended up being really easy for me once I used an explosive on the group to the right. I did the fight on both level 4 and level 5 (requires starting at 4 from blessings of berath or doing the main quest in the ruins first, which also gets you aloth). 


I had a MC Shieldbearer/Troubadour tank with dagger and large shield modal slightly to the center of the room with Eder as swashbuckler dual wield and priest Xoti with a crossbow to the right (just the three of them).  That setup worked for me, but I'm pretty sure any MC with Eder as tank instead will also work. Just make sure you pick large shield proficiency for him and buy him one, and invest in the explosives skill. 


Start fight stealthing to the platform to the north with the mage. Engage by throwing incendiary (blinding) grenade on the platform with your tank. Make sure your tank is using a greatshield for the pull with the 'the wall' modal so the rifle wielding rogues cannot one shot the tank, second wind if needed. Have Xoti use a ranged weapon to attack the blinded mage on the platform. Then run in with your stealthed DPS of choice and start killing targets one by one while your tank engages the enemy fighter on the stairs and the two enemies very slowly wading towards you from the left. Since I was a chanter, I could also summon three skeletons on top of the blinded mage, but again, any ranged dps capacity will kill her as well. For me, skeleton summon + swift winds of death + a few auto attacks from crossbow Xoti was enough. I ended the fight having only used 1 grenade, no other consumables and never dropped any character below 60% hp. 


Overall, I like the difficulty increases as I now actually have to think about how to play it. I'm less happy with how my original main character, a beckoner, got completely destroyed by the nerfs. I'd appreciate some way to retrain a subclass, since troubadour now just seems better, even at summoning, than the actual summoner. 


Fixing the retraining bug was very high on my wishlist, so thanks for that :)

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it only hits one additional target not everyone around the fighter like before


at least thats what the description said. i havent actually tried it in game.

Whatttt?! That sucks. It's been fun with a Swashy :)

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Your tears of unfathomable nerfness are delicious!


Jokes aside, is the consensus now POTD is properly tuned, at least in the first 10 levels? All I did was Benweth fight, took me a couple reloads, it was very fun and challenging.



I believe ranged mobs positioning is key here. Remember White March open fights vs Endless paths chokepoints, and teleporting ondrites afterwards.

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Your tears of unfathomable nerfness are delicious!


Jokes aside, is the consensus now POTD is properly tuned, at least in the first 10 levels? All I did was Benweth fight, took me a couple reloads, it was very fun and challenging.



I believe ranged mobs positioning is key here. Remember White March open fights vs Endless paths chokepoints, and teleporting ondrites afterwards.


I don't think that is the consensus at all.


Please try to beat the ruins using a skald chanter as your PC and let me know how that goes

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Did they fix the issue with losing trainings after a respec? Or is it intentional?


It was in the patch notes that they fixed it.  I am about to test it personally.  I will edit it in this post in a moment.


EDIT:  It is not fixed for me.  Once I respec I lose both the point I invested in Sworn Enemy and the point for chanter phrase Soft Winds on my Herald.  So, I have Hel-Hyraf and FoD, but nothing else.

Edited by Ganrich
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Up to now i like the pach as it is. Future balance god maybe will buff again something, but at least potd deserves his name.


Just a note of mine: fire godlike retaliation does not scale with level. Is supposed to do so or they just forgotten to lel scale it?

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Your tears of unfathomable nerfness are delicious!


Jokes aside, is the consensus now POTD is properly tuned, at least in the first 10 levels? All I did was Benweth fight, took me a couple reloads, it was very fun and challenging.



I believe ranged mobs positioning is key here. Remember White March open fights vs Endless paths chokepoints, and teleporting ondrites afterwards.


I don't think that is the consensus at all.


Please try to beat the ruins using a skald chanter as your PC and let me know how that goes



Thanks for the tip! Done, it's fun spamming invocations and critting with mace. 


Made the hardest encounter on first island (pre-aloth fight) with a 4man party (swashbuckler edér, xoti contemplative, skald warden, and Seer hireling).  Took me 4 reloads: fight at narrow ramp, bear+edér on choke, skald behind wih pistol spamming aoe stun, xoti on heal/xbow duty and seer shooting/resummoning bear/charming drake. I'm pretty confident it could be done on Trial of Iron with a second hireling crowd controlling (wizard or druid).


Both Engiwithian pit fight and Gorecci street are not fair fights without hirelings. Which is fine by me: hirelings are 250gold each and it's only reasonable potd encounters are designed for a full party the moment you are able to make one.

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Just to get back fast on the fighter state, here's a resumé

-They nerfed his only powerful tools, because they were obviously too strong. BUT ! But it was only a problem for multiclasses having a warrior as a secondary class, since it was his only strength as a single class (proving how pointless it was to single class it)
-His high level tools are bad (cost way too much for the result) and got no buff.


After the patch and with the buff of difficult/potd, never ever pick a single class fighter, because it's dead.
-Unbending cost a lot for being just a decent tanking skill now, the nerf hammer was too strong on this one
-Cleave stance is okay i guess, the upgrade will still give recovery bonus when outnumbered so that can't be bad (but now other classes have better attack speed/damage boost)

-Charge isn't a damage dealing skill anymore, letting the fighter with only Penetrating Strike left to deal damages.

In 1.1 the Fighters will be low tier : Agro meatshield as a tank (because hey, he has a stance that gives him +3 engagement, aaand that's it), useless dps : All his skills are bad/broken (but discipline strike&penetrating strike which are good at best). His skills needs to be interesting/ to work.

To finish, before the patch comes out or for the next patch, he needs buffs.

He needs badly a buff on :

-Power Strike/Inspired Strike : reduce cost and/or improve damages, it cost 4 discipline and does less damages than 1/2 cost single attack low level skills of some other classes
-Same for Sundering Blow (but not as much because the debuff is nice)
-Inspired discipline : It cost way too much, even tho it's a good buff, it takes a third of your discipline points

-Refreshing defense : Fix the refresh

-Unbending : Reduce the cost by 1 or improve it back a little.


-And maybe even cleave stance so it touches 2 more ennemies (and not just one)

Edited by Veolfen
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Just to get back fast on the fighter state, here's a resumé


-They nerfed his only powerful tools, because they were obviously too strong. BUT ! But it was only a problem for multiclasses having a warrior as a secondary class, since it was his only strength as a single class (proving how pointless it was to single class it)

-His high level tools are bad (cost way too much for the result) and got no buff.


After the patch and with the buff of difficult/potd, never ever pick a single class fighter, because it's dead.

-Unbending cost a lot for being just a decent tanking skill now, the nerf hammer was too strong on this one

-Cleave stance is okay i guess, the upgrade will still give recovery bonus when outnumbered so that can't be bad (but now other classes have better attack speed/damage boost)

-Charge isn't a damage dealing skill anymore, letting the fighter with only Penetrating Strike left to deal damages.


In 1.1 the Fighters will be low tier : Agro meatshield as a tank (because hey, he has a stance that gives him +3 engagement, aaand that's it), useless dps : All his skills are bad/broken (but discipline strike&penetrating strike which are good at best). His skills needs to be interesting/ to work.



To finish, before the patch comes out or for the next patch, he needs buffs.


He needs badly a buff on :


-Power Strike/Inspired Strike : reduce cost and/or improve damages, it cost 4 discipline and does less damages than 1/2 cost single attack low level skills of some other classes

-Same for Sundering Blow (but not as much because the debuff is nice)

-Inspired discipline : It cost way too much, even tho it's a good buff, it takes a third of your discipline points

-Refreshing defense : Fix the refresh

-Unbending : Reduce the cost by 1 or improve it back a little.


-And maybe even cleave stance so it touches 2 more ennemies (and not just one)

With that i can delete my fighter/monk and fighter/barbarian xd Have to stick to my troubador or troubador/wizard.

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Just to get back fast on the fighter state, here's a resumé


-They nerfed his only powerful tools, because they were obviously too strong. BUT ! But it was only a problem for multiclasses having a warrior as a secondary class, since it was his only strength as a single class (proving how pointless it was to single class it)

-His high level tools are bad (cost way too much for the result) and got no buff.


After the patch and with the buff of difficult/potd, never ever pick a single class fighter, because it's dead.

-Unbending cost a lot for being just a decent tanking skill now, the nerf hammer was too strong on this one

-Cleave stance is okay i guess, the upgrade will still give recovery bonus when outnumbered so that can't be bad (but now other classes have better attack speed/damage boost)

-Charge isn't a damage dealing skill anymore, letting the fighter with only Penetrating Strike left to deal damages.


In 1.1 the Fighters will be low tier : Agro meatshield as a tank (because hey, he has a stance that gives him +3 engagement, aaand that's it), useless dps : All his skills are bad/broken (but discipline strike&penetrating strike which are good at best). His skills needs to be interesting/ to work.



To finish, before the patch comes out or for the next patch, he needs buffs.


He needs badly a buff on :


-Power Strike/Inspired Strike : reduce cost and/or improve damages, it cost 4 discipline and does less damages than 1/2 cost single attack low level skills of some other classes

-Same for Sundering Blow (but not as much because the debuff is nice)

-Inspired discipline : It cost way too much, even tho it's a good buff, it takes a third of your discipline points

-Refreshing defense : Fix the refresh

-Unbending : Reduce the cost by 1 or improve it back a little.


-And maybe even cleave stance so it touches 2 more ennemies (and not just one)

With that i can delete my fighter/monk and fighter/barbarian xd Have to stick to my troubador or troubador/wizard.


Well they will still be decent, you'll have the fighter passive regen, a bit more accuracy (so you will have high crit chance thanks to discipline barrage) and the passive 15% damages improve on your weapon, the barbarian & monk class will do the job for what's left  :unsure:

Edited by Veolfen
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I'm kind of sad to see the resource-regenerating upgrade for The Bride Caught their Ruse go. I mean, I know why it's out, and it's probably better for the game's health in the long run, but


1) it came online so late either way

2) it made playing a Loremaster really fun, and befitting the class name


Still, I'm not complaining, I'm just unhappy to see an enjoyable synergy get squashed.

Edited by Skazz
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I'm kind of sad to see the resource-regenerating upgrade for The Bride Caught their Ruse go. I mean, I know why it's out, and it's probably better for the game's health in the long run, but


1) it came online so late either way

2) it made playing a Loremaster really fun, and befitting the class name


Still, I'm not complaining, I'm just unhappy to see an enjoyable synergy get squashed.


Should of just made the Brilliant inspiration self only.


It's only okay for solo Chanters and for multi Chanters they need to be level 19.

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Just to get back fast on the fighter state, here's a resumé


-They nerfed his only powerful tools, because they were obviously too strong. BUT ! But it was only a problem for multiclasses having a warrior as a secondary class, since it was his only strength as a single class (proving how pointless it was to single class it)

-His high level tools are bad (cost way too much for the result) and got no buff.


After the patch and with the buff of difficult/potd, never ever pick a single class fighter, because it's dead.

-Unbending cost a lot for being just a decent tanking skill now, the nerf hammer was too strong on this one

-Cleave stance is okay i guess, the upgrade will still give recovery bonus when outnumbered so that can't be bad (but now other classes have better attack speed/damage boost)

-Charge isn't a damage dealing skill anymore, letting the fighter with only Penetrating Strike left to deal damages.


In 1.1 the Fighters will be low tier : Agro meatshield as a tank (because hey, he has a stance that gives him +3 engagement, aaand that's it), useless dps : All his skills are bad/broken (but discipline strike&penetrating strike which are good at best). His skills needs to be interesting/ to work.



To finish, before the patch comes out or for the next patch, he needs buffs.


He needs badly a buff on :


-Power Strike/Inspired Strike : reduce cost and/or improve damages, it cost 4 discipline and does less damages than 1/2 cost single attack low level skills of some other classes

-Same for Sundering Blow (but not as much because the debuff is nice)

-Inspired discipline : It cost way too much, even tho it's a good buff, it takes a third of your discipline points

-Refreshing defense : Fix the refresh

-Unbending : Reduce the cost by 1 or improve it back a little.


-And maybe even cleave stance so it touches 2 more ennemies (and not just one)

With that i can delete my fighter/monk and fighter/barbarian xd Have to stick to my troubador or troubador/wizard.


Not quite dead, they made knockdown relevant again by adding 25% dmg to mule kick. Armored Grace became the best recovery of the game since all the equipment having recovery time were nerfed to 10%, including untalented dual wield.  

Disciplined strike or its variant is still one of the most helpful tools to crit or buff builds.


But I find every multiclass more powerful than their solo counterpart, not only the fighter. despite having powerfull skills sooner, most classes powerlevel abilities are not worth it

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