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Wish they didn't make Whispers of the Endless Paths garbage. Would have rather seen something like an accuracy or deflection debuff. Or just removed the whole cone thing.

How did they nerf it? Just wondering.


It deals half of the damage of a normal greatsword to its primary target now.

If I'm typing in red, it means I'm being sarcastic. But not this time.

Dark green, on the other hand, is for jokes and irony in general.

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Nerfing stuff like improved critical is kind of stupid given the multiplicative nature of conversions: diminishing returns the more instances you have. It wasn't worthwhile taking before and now it's garbage - same as the upgrade to Zealous Focus that gives you +5% (which was pretty bad in PoE already). Compare that to Exhalted Endurance (Robust) and how can you not ask yourself what they are sometimes thinking?


Some of the nerfs were pretty obvious and needed (Cleaving Stance and so on). I also don't like it when items make abilities pointless because they are too good - but some nerfs are really pointless and even counterproductive.


I know Josh likes the "nerf hard and then buff back up incrementally" approach - bit why nerf bad stuff in the first place?

I guess SA forums,Twitter and Tumblr are not the best advisors when it comes to game mechanics...

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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I know Josh likes the "nerf hard and then buff back up incrementally" approach - bit why nerf bad stuff in the first place?

I guess SA forums,Twitter and Tumblr are not the best advisors when it comes to game mechanics...

Because this is a blanket nerf? With this approach all OP abilities get affected, without the need to actually understanding which abilities are in fact OP.


I mean does anyone seriously believe that obs actually reviewed all those "1000+" changes individually? But hey, it gets the job done right?

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Is there any way to NOT download patches on Steam, except going offline at game launch?


Sadly no, it's the reason I always buy SP RPG games on GOG, because steam does not allow to disable upates totally. Only way on Steam is: Start offline, go to games, right click on game- properties, go to Updates and select "only update this game when I launch it". This way as long as you are in offline mode you will not update game you can play as you want.


Alternatively you can just copy crucial files from POE2 folder (like items, abilities, status effects etc.), update game and them copy paste old files and replace them and you have new game with old abilities, items etc. Nothing nerfed.


So, you mean i will be good if i copy the items.unity3d file from assetbundles and reapply it after 1.1 comes out?

Also, if that is so easy to change files with text editor(i didn't check that myself), is there a chance that you would upload the items revert back to pre 1.1 as an override mod, so we don't screw up when the DLCs appear and bring new items?

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Not that it was ever needed prior to this (but it was always available), does this mean now that people will just be abusing empower > rest after every few fights?  If so, is that really the "challenge" people were asking for?  Taking a difficulty that was so trivial after level 8 that empower > resting was just pure cheese, to now feeling like they might want to use it?  In the end, you would end up with about the same difficulty you had before when not abusing that system.  Unless they do something about the resting mechanic, it doesn't really matter how many enemies they throw at the screen, and they aren't going to raise the stats so high that you miss more often than not either.

Edited by Sanctuary
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Yeah my highest soul annihilation pre patch was 290, but it regularly hit around 200.  Currently at level 12 post patch I still haven't got it over 80.



Wait, what???? Soul annihilation got nerfed that hard? Time to delete my cipher and back to my paladin/unbroken immortal tank. :blink:

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I think it got nerfed from 1 raw damage per focus to 0.5 raw damage per focus (at least that's what I read on Reddit.)

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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Not that it was ever needed prior to this (but it was always available), does this mean now that people will just be abusing empower > rest after every few fights?


Empower was nerfed as well, so it's probably no longer enough to carry you through tough fights all by itself.

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Ah, I remembered one other thing: I can understand (though I don't really agree with) removing Brilliant out of Set to Their Purpose.  It was OP, but I'd have preferred some type of re-balancing be done to Brilliant instead of having it effectively removed from the game.  But even then, why downgrade it all the way to the T1 Smart?  At least give the ability the T2 Accute, the opportunity costs of an ability selection & the additional phrase required to cast after being upgraded are completely not worth a T1 buff.


I think Brilliant needs to change all together.  Why?  Look at the level 9 Invocation His Heart Did Fill With the Light of the Dawn.  AoE cone is the same as Set to Their Purpose, and it gives one resource back to those it hits plus the Chanter.  So, Set to Their Purpose with Brilliant, as a level 7 Invocation, does what a level 9 Invocation does, but better.   So, if they were to retain what Brilliant did, but reduce its frequency then they would have to also do something new for His Heart.  I honestly think it is more balanced to completely change Brilliant, and leave His Heart as is.   The Chanter can still slowly replenish resources to his team at a large cost of phrases, but not cause an AoE resource regen passively that can be maintained 100% of the time with a smaller cost. 



Yeah, I agree. I'm fine with Chanters having something that gives Brilliant inspiration, but Brilliant itself is just a little too powerful. Just rework brilliant itself.


Also with the removal of Brilliant from Chanters, does *any* class have the ability to give a Brilliant inspiration?

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Apart for the Brillant removal, it does not look SO bad overall.

It won't be the last balance iteration I presume.
So I think I'm going to keep on playing PoE1 a little bit. I still have to prove myself that Rogue isn't that bad  :cat:

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Rangers are very viable ^ and they will be even more after 1.1 when a bunch of op classes get nerfed. if you want pure single target dps which is scarier go melee rogue (which is squishier so that is a trade-off)


Overall I like the changes except maybe the nerf to chanter's bride inspiration - should be acute at least, it is getting over-nerfed. Also, the change to time-parasite on cipher is a bit concerning - 25% is fine if it stacks with a bunch of enemies like parasite is working currently. If it does not stack anymore, it should just be a flat 50% but add a bit of duration (1.5-2s) for every enemy affected. OTHERWISE as people pointed out single-class cipher won't be worth it because all it has literally is time-parasite. 

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Apart for the Brillant removal, it does not look SO bad overall.


It won't be the last balance iteration I presume.

So I think I'm going to keep on playing PoE1 a little bit. I still have to prove myself that Rogue isn't that bad  :cat:

Josh once explained how he likes to overnerf things and then reiiterate over the whole thing with smaller re-buffs in order to find the perfect point of balance. I can't say that I agree with that approach but because of that I think there will be a lot more patches with incremental rebuffs. It was so in PoE. Several stuff got nerfed pretty hard after release and then rebuffed with several patches. Look at FoD, Animal COMpanions, Spiritshift, Backstab and many, many other things. 

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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How is shields' scaling now?

Still +1 per enchantment level?

Deflection is broken in POE and POEII, I don't think it's fixable. The fact that you don't need a shield to deflect damage I don't understand. The fact that a person carrying a bow can be more effective in deflecting a shot or two handed sword than a person carrying a shield and sword because he is "higher level" is beyond me.


The only way to make shields effective is to give shields and weapons delfection stats and remove the deflection stat from characters themselves.


The main issue in this game is one that plagues D&D as well. People go for the "My Deflection is higher than your max accuracy" sweetspot making your character invulnerable. I think it is far better to make your character more relyant on the type of equipment and have your character focus on a specific fighting style rather than just boosting stats.

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How is shields' scaling now?

Still +1 per enchantment level?

The only way to make shields effective is to give shields and weapons delfection stats and remove the deflection stat from characters themselves.


I like that idea. But you would have to alter the way armor and more offensive setups work to compensate.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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I have tested that on Raveline Old town. I am not happy but... Fighter is killed. 


Now Berserker is better on all points, sadly.


Damage : Berserker.

Accuracy/Hit to crit : Berserker.

Speed : Berserker.

Penetration : Equal with devoted, or Berserker.

Critical : (even VS devoted) berserker.

Defense : Fighter (True, but a Paladin stay in front of him, by far...)



I prophesied this few month ago, with the big nerf of disciplined strike and now cleave stance, fighter go back to trash tiers.


...Like POE1. Yes, he is VIABLE. But now his "niche" is dead.


Cleave stance needed a nerf, no problem with that, but not at this amplitude...


I will do my andreacolombo but : It is not the nerf that is annoying but more than for an optimal team I don't see why I will take a fighter now... The question is: what does it bring to a team now ?


Tiers list coming soon on the decicated topic...

Edited by theBalthazar
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Not that it was ever needed prior to this (but it was always available), does this mean now that people will just be abusing empower > rest after every few fights?  If so, is that really the "challenge" people were asking for?  Taking a difficulty that was so trivial after level 8 that empower > resting was just pure cheese, to now feeling like they might want to use it?  In the end, you would end up with about the same difficulty you had before when not abusing that system.  Unless they do something about the resting mechanic, it doesn't really matter how many enemies they throw at the screen, and they aren't going to raise the stats so high that you miss more often than not either.


I agree this is a problem, but (in addition to the Empower nerf helping) it is less of a problem than in the first game, where you could restore all the Vancian spell casts by running back out of the dungeon and resting. This is an easy thing to self-impose limits on for role-playing reasons, for instance, by refusing to rest in an unrealistic spot. So it doesn't bother me much.


(And I'm speaking as someone who really likes the resource-management aspect of having a lot of per-rest stuff like the first game; I'm on that side of that argument.)

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Just want to chime in on PoTD


The tuning for the fight in the flooded district in Port Maej is very overtuned - I'm level 3 with the 3 party members I can have at this point with no purchased adventurers.


I was able to get past it only by glitching the 3 dudes on the balcony and even then just barely because their defenses are just too high for this level


I thought that was fun. :) That's what you want out of PotD, overtuned fights. It is an optional fight -- you can move on and then come back and do it later if you need to. That's the kind of fight I like to see overtuned -- your progress isn't gated by it, so why not make it super hard?



I dunno it makes the bear cave look like a joke - when are you supposed to come back to it? The engwithan site to pick up Aloth is full of a massive ****block as well.


Seems like being able to hit level 4 is pretty important off those quests to progress



I agree. But I did stumble upon a non-combative solution that I am not entirely sure how I hit it. There is a way to come into the map from below and sneak to the gang leader.


I do enjoy a tactical work out. But when I went in with a 4 party group at 4th level and kept having party members getting one shotted, I stopped trying. I was ready to pass on this task until I found this bypass.



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I will do my andreacolombo but : It is not the nerf that is annoying but more than for an optimal team I don't see why I will take a fighter now... The question is: what does it bring to a team now ?


Armored Grace, but only because it slipped under the radar and they forgot to nerf it. It's but a matter of time.

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"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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