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Found 15 results

  1. -Adding a new way to transport base materials such as grass planks and weed stems long distance to reduce tedium involved with base building. The addition of a new perk or ant armour tier to increase capacity to 10 would help but my preference would be either some way for bugs (ants) to help or a sled that can be pushed by the player with a smaller capacity than the weed pallet but still larger than the current 8 max for the sake of not simply adding static gameplay changes (BURGL perk on = x better at thing) although I do like current perks too many could easily get sickening.
  2. Coming across multiple issues with the ps4 version. Combat UI is horrible to the point of nearly making the game unplayable with overlapping windows for the action bar and combat text. Movement becomes broken when switching to a custom formation and I can no longer move through narrower areas if my character is moved to the back. Load times are insane! Nearly a minute and a half to load an area that's one room and a single npc making quests or tasks where you need to move in and out of multiple areas repeatedly a chore. I could understand the time if you're loading a larger map for the first time but not consistently. I'm really enjoying the game but some of these issues are sucking the fun right out of it and I'm just curious as to whether or not we'll see fixes for these soon? Thanks in advance for any information. Edit: Also now experiencing multiple crashes at random points, lagging and freezing during combat, PC's being dragged around an entire map to attack enemies and the Take all command not working after ship combat.
  3. I've noticed that since the turn-based mode became live that when I first log in to the game my party moves extremely fast. It's even faster than fast mode. After about a minute or two of moving around it eventually slows down to normal. Related to this, if one character is effected by a slow movement effect, the entire party will then walk until the effect wears off the one character. This is all while out of combat.
  4. I constantly move my party as one unit, in the default 2x2x2 formation, and I constantly see one of my back row characters "spazzing out" upon stopping. This mainly happens when the party is hugging a wall or turning a corner, although I've also seen it happen when I just move the formation a short distance and in a straight line. I can stop this annoying glitch by 'straightening' the formation or moving it forward a little bit, but this happens a LOT so it's an ongoing annoyance that kills immersion for me. I'm sure I'm not the only one experiencing this so I did look for previous posts, but I couldn't find anything. (Probably due to inaccurate keyword searching, but I don't know else to describe this phenomenon other than 'spazzing out' or 'shaking'). Please let me know if you've noticed this happening also, or if you know how the issue can be improved or eliminated altogether. Thanks!
  5. There's a lot of bugs in the game. 1. Completing daily quests doesn't register. I just cleared the required quest with only Lem and nothing. It's happened with the clear on Legendary as well. 2.Whenever I open chests I get 50% of items from the B deck and the rest from the first 2 decks. I only care about getting more deck 6 items and I get one every 7 chests, if I'm lucky... Am I supposed to do something to improve the odds? 3. Teleport sometimes moves characters from different zones as well. It happened to me in the battle for the dam when I cast it with Seoni, Lini was moved as well. 4. Acquiring allies with spells or cards, even when it's from the deck doesn't trigger the close location option. 5. (The worst one) whenever I use the "move at the end of your turn" location power the game gets stuck and I can't do anything. Relaunching the game multiple times can randomly "fix" it, but it's still annoying. 6. Allies often have the ! as if they had something they can do despite not being the case. 7. The treasure book that you can reveal at the end of the turn to draw a new spell doesn't work correctly, it doesn't ask to banish another spell. I'm probably forgetting a lot of them..
  6. when selecting the entire party my characters move extremely slowly when i select them one by one they all walk in normal speed except for my main character? they dont seem to have any debuff, its the same even when they are naked, also i dont have slow-mode activated can anyone shed some light on this issue?
  7. One of my rangers' pets stops moving in stealth mode. Send pet somewhere, pet goes. Enter stealth mode, pet stops moving. Drop stealth, pet resumes movement. Every other char and pet continues moving normally in stealth. I run 4 rangers and currently also Sagani. Other 4 pets are fine, 1 is misbehaving, Duk's pet. This was happening before 2.0. Was hoping it will be fixed in 2.0 so I waited a few days but the issue persists in 2.0 as well. I tried removing from party and readding, changing formations and so on but doesn't help. It is super annoying as I always move in stealth as default as I believe everyone does in new areas. Savegame, output_log, dxdiag: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2zq1BH5JRHffnNUQ191TmZvLXZzRkFjYjFlbWhCV21maVQ3TUMtSHJlSWdFc3RFSlBiV2M&usp=sharing
  8. Is there a way to make the camera follow the characters, so they're always in the middle of the screen? It sure would make moving around easier.
  9. Simply; I am trying to enclose enemies in a door way so that my two front-liners can keep enemies from maneuvering to my back-line where the squishy mages and archers are. My issue is that my front-line keeps trying to move forward to engage new enemies rather than sit tight and let the enemies come to them. Worse, enemies keep getting attacks of opportunity on my front-line because they insist on fidgeting around. So my question then; Is there a way to tell my team to stand still rather than constantly trying to advance? I've turned on 'Disable Auto-Attacks' but it doesn't seem to take affect at very close proximity.
  10. So I ran into a problem just now. After some dialogue in the Gilded Vale, I went and saw the vision with the soldiers near the ruins of that one temple near the tree full of dead bodies and after that my movement was impaired. I'm not sure if I hit some hotkey but the marquee function is gone and I can't click the ground for movement anymore.
  11. The Torment:ToN video showed off a movement/animation system using irregular speed and inertia. ("improved on PoE technology, or something like that) Maybe not for combat, but for just moving around, I would really love to see that being traded back to PoE. PoE's animations are fine, they do the job, but they look robotic and especially compared to Torment's movement, they just hurts the eyes a bit. I understand in RtWP combat these would change the mechanics too much, but for out of combat movement, they'd be wonderful to have. It's super late in development, I realize that. But, perhaps it could be applied as a patch after release. Thoughts?
  12. Buffs display : 1. Engage in combat, buffs stay on. 2. save, load 3. BB Wizard Attack and the like are shown as white squares (Defender was fine) Stop Characters (shortcut x) fails while in pause : 1. pause 2. select everyone + order to move 3. press x to stop the group 4. only some (if any) members' moving position will disapear. if unpause, the other ones will keep moving Enchant interface while trading fails to render (pic 01) 1. talk to a vendor 2. right click on an item 3. Click Enchant 4. the enchant ui borders only will appear item disappearance 1. found a bow 2. gave it to BB Rogue to replace his equiped one 3. move BB Rogue's bow to his inventory 4. equiped bow disappeared Item prices at vendors 1 choose an item : pic 02 (fine hide armor : 300cp) 2 click on an item to move it at the bottom : pic 03 (fine hide armor now at 3200cp) 3 cancel the item to move it back in the list : pic 04 (fine hide armor now at 4800cp) price listed at the bottom center (total) was the price shown after back in the list (4800cp) ex 2 : hammer and chisel pics 05+06 (75 in list, 50 in tooltip when at the bottom+75 in the total price, 75 when back in the list) Duplicate rendering of characters and environement : pic 07 couldn't replicate but append 2 times, in the inn first floor and Tygil's Curriery probably due to the locked doors Attack interaction with doors 1. click on the blade icon at the bottom 2. click on a door 3. blade icon stay on the mouse but behave as moving/interact 4. click once again on the blade icon, click on the floor to get back the moving icon Gained an item, not in inventory/stach/treasure items (Skaenbone below Tygil's Curriery) windows 8.1 64B I5 3470, Ram 16G, AMD 7950
  13. So, as of the latest update (I think?) it's been a pain in the ass to move my character around (w/ mouse+keyboard). He doesn't move at all (or just barely) unless I hold down the sprint-button, and even then I can almost only move him left and right. Up and down is still a major issue. So I decided to try out my Xbox 360 gamepad instead. You'd think that this'd work better since the game was designed for use with gamepads. Nope. Wrong. No cigar there. I can't even move him an inch now. He's just tapdancing on the spot. And even when I do manage to move him, it's like trying to run through thick mud or something. Snail pace. I'm not using any emulation software, the gamepad is a wired one and I'm using the latest drivers (1.20 something). Somehow, I need to enter the options menu in the game's Main Menu, change something and then change it back (and confirm it) to be able to control the game with the gamepad. I couldn't select any choices in the menu without doing that first. Help?
  14. So I have been playing Baldur's Gate "Enhanced" over the last few days. The idea behind it was to update the game to the latest version of the infinity engine. Now, I haven't played this game in a very long time, but this is what is striking me now. It seems like pace and movement is really slow. Maybe its the limited animations of the characters, or maybe its just how i perceive movement over the ground. Either way, it seems like a huge hassle to move across one of the maps and there is nothing really entertaining to look at while you do it. Its almost like driving a car if you will. Notice how when you are in a small car close to the ground, more similar to over the shoulder and first person movement, it feels like you are going faster even though you aren't? Just like in a massive SUV or Hummer it makes you feel like you are moving slower even though you are going the same speed? Anyway. That all is to say, I find myself getting a little bored and a little sleepy playing even the Enhanced Version of Baldur's gate just because of movement. How will Project Eternity address modern animation and over land travel to make it "feel" like a more modern game and still have a play style and camera position of a classic? And what do you all think? Am I too caught up on this movement thing? How do you all deal with it? Anyone else experiencing these feelings while replaying some of the older infinity games?
  15. What kind of movement options will be available? Traditional point&click like in IE? WASD? Will there be a zoom? If so, any plans for an auto-zoom to show all party members? And what about the dialogue? Will it be a carbon copy of IE games or can we expect some innovation, like finding from the journal the dialogue that triggered that entry?
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