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  1. I'm not sure if the developers read this or not but I'm new to threads and love the land of Eora. The history and lore that was built in pillars of eternity was amazing and I'm hoping that carries over to avowed. With that said I am excited for avowed but a little disappointed with only being able to choose Elf or Human and hope that if not on release a patch will come out down the line allowing us to use some of races that are featured in pillars.
  2. My character is stuck walking and using shift makes him power walk basically, it looks like your standard role play walking in any game. When I started I was running and sprinting when holding down shift. I can't find anywhere in the controls where you can switch between walking and running, so I am permanently walking. Please help me, I can't play the game like this.
  3. I'm not sure where to write my grounded idea sketches. Do I get an answer as to whether it is right here? Thank you so much for the great game and all the imagination you leave us! The File "Ideenskizzen_Grounded.docx" (35 kb) is in german, should I translate it with google translator, or would you do it yourself? I would appreciate a short message about the receipt of the file. Ideenskizzen_Grounded.docx
  4. Dear Obsidian In response to your fantastic game, please consider my priority list for The Outer World 2. Please please include; Customisation of the SHIP! or possibly the ability to build a ship from scratch!? A Player Home: How about we can terraform a moon and build a settlement/moon base? Implement some of the 'build' software from Grounded? More of ADA! And generally more of everything! More planets, moons, stations - a new star system maybe? Awesome work! Love this game! Everyone boycott Bethesda and all hail Obsidian!! P.S. - Please join forces with CD Project Red and make an epic open-world high fantasy game to rival the burnt out franchise that is The Elder Scrolls? Further suggestions encouraged in the comments..
  5. Zaimos Curi Race: Island Amauna Class: Rogue Culture: the Living Lands Background: Scientist Zaimos Curi started out a small time thief who was not the most cruel and uncaring thief but did what was necessary to make a living. He was relatively intelligent and good with picking locks and looking into the mechanism of booby traps and disarming them. He was also clever and brought a rationale approach to matters. He became a friend and lover of another Amauna named Saebat Holai but she was not a thief and was instead a scientist studying the relationship between plants and animals and the soul magic of animancy. She wasn’t to any degree awakened or sensitive to soul magic but rather she was collaborating by writing correspondence and reading/research to other scientists or animancers and studying to find any animancy relationship to conventional categorizing and physiological biology of animal, plant, and mushroom organisms including mystical beasts. Zaimos found he had a knack for science in particular building apparatus using his mechanics skill and he also pitched in to contemplate matters of reading research findings and case studies. And finally research demands money and materials including rare reagents and as a thief he could contribute there as well. Eventually his love died of a sickness and rather than try to continue her project in the Living Lands he elected to travel to Dyrwood Caravan and restart his life there. He is wounded from his loss of his love and still is neither cruel or uncaring but also not the most benevolent and honest and is more self centered on becoming powerful and wealthy and falls in with the Doemenels but again he is really not cruel and not at all sadistic. ——————————————————- Stats so far (assuming I remember correctly and don’t make error): Rogue Level 10 Might 17, Constitution 10, Dexterity 12, Perception 16, Intellect 13, Resolve 10 Skills: Stealth 1, Athletics 1, Lore 2, Survival 1, Mechanics (everything else) Back row Gun switching fighter and after 2 guns are shot off then can switch to one handed (two melee slots options so can hit through immunities) of vulnerable targets but try to avoid being targeted himself. A glass cannon type. 4 total weapon slots. 1: Blinding Strike 2: One Handed Style 3: Dirty Fighting 4: Vicious Fighting 5: Escape 6: Quick Switch 7: Crippling Strike 8: Arms Bearer 9: Withering Strike 10: Weapon Focus Ruffian Plan for future?: 11: Deathblows (a full party helps enemies have multiple status afflictions)? 12: Shadowing Beyond? 13: Smoke Cloud? 14: Backstab? 15: Feign Death? 16: Enigma’s Charm? Marksman or Gallants? Defensive talent?
  6. I've recently created a new character in Pillars of Eternity. Being an avid roleplayer, I've written a profile and backstory. I'm posting it here to show it, and I'd love to hear what people think! Alendra Davar Full name: Alendra Eleanna Davar. Birthdate: 2808 AI. Age: 15-16. Titles: The Watcher. Race: Meadow Folk. Class: Cipher. Culture: Aedyr, Living Lands. Background: Aristocrat bastard (originally), Colonist. Backstory: The bastard daughter of Lord Santach of House Anuasal - an Aedyran noble family - and Gwreiddyn, a housemaid who died giving birth to her, Alendra was raised amongst the nobility for the first decade of her life. However, as she was a bastard, she did not receive her father’s noble name, taking her mother’s given surname of Davar instead. Alendra’s maternal grandfather, Caillte, was a Glanfathan tribal who, in the year 2784 AI, had been forced into indentured servitude in House Anuasal for reasons unknown. At the age of 10, it came to light that Alendra had the mental abilities of a Cipher, and a powerful one at that. Filled with prejudice and fear of her abilities, Alendra’s “noble” father had her, without warning, unceremoniously thrown out of the house and onto the street one rainy autumn morning. Alendra was forced to survive for weeks and months, begging and stealing for food. Almost a year after she had been cast out, Alendra was found by a man named Anam Cara, a member of her grandfather’s Glanfathan tribe who had come in search of his long-lost kin, but found Alendra instead. Anam Cara was a Glanfathan warrior and a Cipher like Alendra herself, and he took Alendra under his wing to foster her, teach her and train her in the ways of the Cipher as well as physical combat. With the help of an animancer, they also discovered that Alendra and her mother were essentially the same person; upon death during childbirth, Gwreiddyn's soul had immediately reincarnated into her daughter. However, Alendra does not possess any memories of her previous life. Due to ignorant persecution of Ciphers, the two had to leave the heart of the Aedyr Empire. As Anam Cara did not wish to return to his tribe, they signed up with a group of colonists and travelled to the Living Lands while keeping their Cipher abilities a secret. Alas, a few years after arriving at the colony, they were found out. The colonists proved to be far more ignorant and fearful than even Lord Anuasal, and they gathered a mob, complete with pitchforks and torches, to lynch them. Anam Cara sacrificed himself, staying behind so that Alendra could escape. After these harrowing events, Alendra travelled the world aimlessly, with no destination in mind...that is, until she joined a caravan heading to the Dyrwood under the leadership of Caravan Master Odema. Name etymology: Santach; Gaelic word that means “selfish, greedy”. Anuasal; a Gaelic word that means “lowborn, ignoble”. Gwreiddyn; a Gaelic word that means “root, origin”. Caillte; a Gaelic word that means “lost”. Anam Cara; a Celtic phrase meaning “soul friend”. Credits: Sathynae, for the image.
  7. I started the game on XBONE X with a male character, played an hour and saved the game. The other day I wondered why they NPCs addressed me as a female. I looked at the character screen and saw that the mustache was gone and and that I have a female character now. But why?
  8. Hey! Just curious what people are going to play as their 1st build. I’m personally thinking of a charming sneak thief that is high in leadership. I’m wondering if I can do a totally pacifist play through. I’ll sneak everywhere in disguise and if I get caught try to talk my way out of it, and if all else fails my companions can get their hands dirty. I’m just curious if this is even plausible early game... can you befriend marauders? Not kill aliens or robots? Thoughts please! Thanks!
  9. The lighting in the character creator is too dark and is making all of the hair options look like variations of black. I've seen other forums of users complaining about lack of variety in hair color, but I think the problem is lighting, not variety. I created a guy with dark grey hair and in-game his hair is almost white. For context, the lighting on the skin is fine. For some reason the hair is just super dark in the creator. Please fix the lighting in the character creator to more accurately reflect it's true color in-game.
  10. Hi, i just wanted to purchase Valeros for 5,49.- , something wetn wrong, and when i tried it again, the game says i already purchased this item, i will be implemented freely". The the Store popup says "Please wait while we attempt to purchase Armored Valeros".... like forever. Help
  11. Bug report. When I go into the character inventory, and toggle between first and secondary weapon, The character in the Inventory screen changes colour to a pale white. ( Note; This was happening when I equipped the War Bow or the Hunting bow as a secondary weapon. This effect was happening within the Inventory screen only, The character remained the normal colour in Gameplay. ) I am experiencing this on PC, playing the latest version update.
  12. Sorry if i'm starting too many topics it's just that i recently discovered this forum and I've been playing this game for a while, only thinking about ideas, and to find out what other people would think that know more about this game. What is your favorite race to play like if you'd start a custom party of 5 what race would you pick and what builds? I myself really love mountain dwarves just because of the look pretty much. Reminds me a bit of The Hobbit movies. I'd love to hear your detailed thoughts as well!
  13. What do you think: is it possible to see new playable races (or godlike types) in future games, DLC? Or its just not illogical - to make new playable races because you are not a new character in this adventure (you continue your epic adventures in Eora as Watcther for POE I). In the other hand - you can change race even if you transfer saves from POE I. I even asked Alex Scokel during stream last week - is it lore ok to change race in POE II if you transfer your save. And he said - it's ok!).
  14. I played as a wizard and accidentally kill eder in the first fight with fire spell ! When the ship wrecked and i regain consciousness at the beach ,eder is gone !! Is it a bug ? Because after fight he should be resurrected ?No?
  15. Why in 2018 have Obsidian decided to help perpetuate the myth of race by including racial differences during the character creation. Race has been proven to be a social construct time and again but games like this continue to reinforce the myth. Why are they not using their game to promote racial equality. I would also like them to correct the game by including a larger diversity of genders during character creation instead of being forced to choose from the oppressive heteronormative binary male/female. Luckily there is a precedent of Obisdian correcting their finished games when they removed the offensive and transphobic Firedorn Lightbringer epitaph from Pillars of Eternity 1. I'm sure that Obsidian will do the right thing and I thank them in advance.
  16. I desperately and seriously request that someone on here please kindly create and upload online these here attached portraits as various useable working in game "player character" portraits to be actually used in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire the upcoming PC RPG game please!:>>>...
  17. Hello everyone! I would like to share my thoughts and to read other opinions on several topics: 1) Player AI scripting system. For some reason people like to simplify everything, including AI settings, but that's not always good. Hopefully PoE 2 has passed 2kk USD and we have a chance to get masterpiece AI. It's so intriguing what kind of player AI scripting will we get in PoE 2, cause I don't like PoE 1 AI script system at all, but it's still better than no AI. For me the best, fascinating and almost ideal AI scheme is implemented in - Dragon Age: Origins. It's so awesome when you can customize any skill usage upon any situation (target evaluation, hp %, etc.) Also, besides player AI scripting it's very important, it would be great if there will be no things like kiting or spreading up the mob group like in PoE 1 2) I would really appreciate some kind of interaction with other players co-op (like in Baldur's Gate / Neverwinter) or specific arena mode or something like that for PvP (like in Dungeon and Dragons Online) 3) I've had some blurry answers from Josh Sawyer via twitch / youtube about character transaction from first part to second, but many things are still unclear. Like what's up with char. reputations and talents like Gift from the machine, The merciless hand / Second Skin, blood pool sacrifice bonuses. As I understand PoE 2 will be in Deadfire archipelago and all PoE 1 encounters were in Dyrwood, but where is it? Probably far far away in Eora... How choices we made in PoE 1 will affect PoE 2... cause there are so many of them!!! For me the iconic transaction was BG1 to BG2, with Drizzt Do'Urden and Elminster, a few but so awesome. Something like possessed Falanroed... for instance! And it's really interesting with blood pool sacrifice, I mean they talk a lot about Eder and Aloth... What do you think lads?
  18. Now that the graphics are so much better why can't we have portraits be of the actual player model. I always hate having to choose a portrait that doesn't look like my character, so I would love if we could just take an in-game picture and have that as the portrait.
  19. Now that the graphics are so much better why can't we have portraits be of the actual player model. I always hate having to choose a portrait that doesn't look like my character, so I would love if we could just take an in-game picture and have that as the portrait.
  20. I was surprised not to find a huge thread containing the backstory of every Watcher you've created, so I'm starting it. I mean, yes, you used to be a raider from Deadfire Archipelago but why did you become one? Why did you leave your old life? Why are you traveling? Did you have any friends? A love, maybe? Who are you really and what made you the person you are today? It would be nice if you included an image of your character as well as their initial stats. Since this isn't related to character building but more to story telling I decided to post it here. If the mods think this is the wrong place, please move it to an appropriate one.
  21. I've finished adventure 2 on normal and got four loot cards (instead of the whole five, but whatever) and one of the Loot cards was an item (mask) that I didn't want at that moment. When it was time to assign which cards my party will keep and which they will leave behind I decided to leave that mask behind. Now I'm having second thoughts. It's a unique Loot and I'm a completionist. Is there any way to get that card back? Or for that matter to get any good rare item back that I had to discard in favor of other items? Did my party lose that item forever? I've read the forums and the closest solution I've found was to have a pack rat character to store all the good, but not great, items. If I take that approach, do I have to bring that character with me on every adventure? Or is it enough to have that character just in the rooster?
  22. After the latest update all my experienced characters disappeared except the two locked in an adventure. Is this supposed to happen? I evolved all 11 characters through all the possible adventures and now everything is lost, this is insane. Does anyone else is having the same problem or know if this wipe was informed by the devs?
  23. I was hoping to get a more detailed discussion on deck C going. From what I've understood, you can never get the cards of Deck C without buying that add-on, but if you spend the 10000 golds to get it, anything spent on the characters before then is wasted. So if you're going to get it, you should get it first. That means that just for this Deck C you not only pay 2000 more gold than what's needed for the characters, but you have to wait until you've gathered a LOT of gold. Is it worth it? It's not possible to see what you'd be buying in the game, so I don't know precisely what it contains. From what I've seen, the overwhelming majority of the cards are already in the game, and there's little that's actually useful. There's the Deathbane Crossbow, and ... I don't know. There are some animals Allies that could be pretty useful to Lini. Given that the 3 characters I want to get the most right now are in this pack which costs nearly 3 times all the gold I've earned in the game so far, waiting to get it would be very annoying. On the other hand, if I eventually want the cards and I have to pay 10000 golds just for them, that might be painful. is there anything really amazing in there?
  24. I will start with this sub-forum entry word "Talk about your gameplay experiences, hopes & dreams". There is no doubt that PoE is the one of the best RPGs ever made ... it brings me to the 20th century where Baldurs Gate starts its journey. PoE Developers were for sure inspired by the BG and BGII series from which the whole game benefits... Beside of that there is one thing that shocked me right at the start of the game. Every RPG starts with CHAR creation and customization. At this moment for me right there begin the whole game and for me (unlike the others) this is the place where I receive the first and one of the strongest impression of the RPG. Here for me starts impersonation with the main character and with the game itself. This section, which will welcome players into the game in my opinion should qualitatively correspond to that what will follow in the next parts... For me when it comes to the character customization this is the weakest part of the otherwise great game. It is absurd that the easiest part of the development has been so neglected. The main issue from my point of view is character 3D face visuals. Especially DWARFs they doesn't look like they come from fantasy game and they are not at least partially similar to available portraits (which looks exactly like many expect in fantasy RPG). Dwarf face looks like some weird teenager no matter what head option is chosen all the faces available for DWARFs are derived from human race. All the options has nothing to do with dwarfs looks terribly ugly and totally inappropriate for that race. I don understand why developers could neglect Dwarfs in such way one of the fundamental races in fantasy world. Why they don't go same way as with Godlike, Aumaua and Wild Orlean which are great and as different as should be from the others. So back to my foreword... DEVELOPERS is there any chance that this tiny but very important aspect will be corrected in some of the future patches? I wish my dream come true! Anyway thanks for an outstanding game!
  25. when selecting the entire party my characters move extremely slowly when i select them one by one they all walk in normal speed except for my main character? they dont seem to have any debuff, its the same even when they are naked, also i dont have slow-mode activated can anyone shed some light on this issue?
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