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  1. Hi everyone Coming back to PoE 2 after a long break. I originally finished the game twice on potd at the beginning of covid and absolutely loved it. With the release of games from owlcat and larian I've been pre occupied, but with avowed coming up I'm returning to deadfire! I never did the dlc so excited to jump into those. I previously finished the game with a SC wizard, really fun, and then a battle mage wizard with spirit lance. Party complemented, first run using companion base class and second using the unity engine to make them whatever I wanted. Parties were largely heavily optimized, very micro intensive. I'm looking to go at it again with a slightly different build in mind, a twin combo of the scordeos set. The idea is to build stacks with the pistol, get melee recovery down and then fly in and hopefully proc blade cascade with my quick recovery build up from the pistol and then SoT and let him just go buck wild. I know it's cheesy but like I said I'm on a third run and this just seems both fun and funny. I know it's slightly unopitmal until i get scordeos edge, the plan is go for faction quests only and rush the main quest to trigger honor among thieves whilst still leaving most side quests/tasks open to complete. Using the unity engine again so the plan is Xoti lifegiver/priest. Literally a buff and heal bot. Ydwin cipher using 2 handed gun/bow. I'm looking for suggestions for 2 front liners (Eder +1) who can soak the pressure while my mc builds stacks. The damage is less important on the Frontline, but THE most important thing is, I really don't want to micro them much at all. They just need to have high engagement, to keep mobs at bay, with xoti doing more than enough to keep them alive. I know AI exists but I basically only use the auto attack function because I can never get it to work and they end up burning slots I dont want them to, or running to weird places. I remember with my battlemage, the micro was really heavy, lining up the buffs, constantly checking if they're up or down, recasting etc. That's why I want to rule out wizard multi on any of them, because I just dont want to deal with it. Xoti will already be a little micro intensive, casting every druid/priest buff in existence. Ydwin will be self sufficient because I only have to check on her every 5-10 seconds or so to use focus and then let her go back to shooting on her own. I don't mind to take the classic herald build for one of the tanks, but I find I basically never use my paladin abilities and just want the aura. Chanter, like cipher, is great because it's doing it's thing passively with an occasional check to use my phrases and then back to do it's thing. With that in mind any suggestions? MC can be micro intensive, almost definitely fighter mutli with something. Given xoti will be my only micro, I dont mind to micro the mc also, so wizard is possibly fine here, but if there is something better I'm happy to take that also. I think action speed is literally the most important thing, as he will be in miscreant leathers anyway and I'm just looking to shoot and slash as quickly as is humanly possible, and between xoti and fighter, I should be survivable enough, especially given I have 2 front liners to body block for me. The 2 tanks... does a solo class chanter work? Or am is it just better to go herald for the passive paladin aura, even if I don't use the paladin resources mostly. 2nd tank I have literally no idea what would be micro light. Unbroken fighter + something? Thanks everyone in advance!
  2. To begin with I love multi-classes and all my characters are multi-class. I don't play on very hard difficulty levels and more into the roleplay aspects of the game. Main character is: Templar = Paladin (Kind Wayfarers) & Priest (Eothas) This character is a tank using Xoti's Lantern for party buff from Thrashing Aura, and I max out Religion (which in addition to adding the Thrashing Aura buff, fits nicely in the roleplay aspect of the character). I like using Maces with this character for armor modal. Also as a priest I use this character in a buffing role, and using the Godlike, nature race adds a nice power-up. I also love love love the joint Paladin and Priest personality affinity system, which based on my choices of subclass provide my preferred all around kind and good guy roleplay. Then the buffs the personality affinity system provide to the character (Paladin: defense; Priest: offensive cleanse area for vessels) are amazing. Every time I restart the game I try to do a different combination for the main character but then quickly scrap it and restart with this OP build. Then after maxing out affinity for the scripted companions including completing their side quests, I then create the following additional characters. Mindstalker: Rogue (Street Fighter) & Cipher (Soul Blade) This character is a DPS, dual-wielding melee death god-like god. Soul Annihilation is the best part of this build and melts through enemies. I also lean into the riposte mechanic by equipping the Casita and maxing out his intimidation passive. I also add Mechanics skill to this character since it fits roleplay wise. Warden: Fighter (Tactician) & Druid (Fury) This character I max Athletics and Metaphysics with a thunder pistol Cadhu Scalth shield build. The protection this character has against spells is solid and in turn is my primary magic DPS caster. I rarely shift with her. I make sure godlike, moon for the regeneration benefit which she rarely needs. My Mindstalker helps to flank all enemies so this character can frequently gain the Brilliant inspiration. Sage: Monk (Shatter Pillar) & Wizard (No class) This is my primary DPS two-handed powerhouse. The Citzal's Spirit Lance (summoned) is its primary weapon mid- to end-game. The magic self-buffs that are free to cast make the Wizard class a huge benefit to any melee build. It is insane to me that you can cast 10+ free buff spells in a row without using up your turn and still attack (or in this character summon the spirit lance then attack next turn). Wildrhymer: Ranger (Sharpshooter) & Chanter (Troubadour) This is my primary DPS ranged powerhouse. I use the Red-hand which is quite powerful against most enemies. And my primary use of the chanter role is summoning some type of beast or spirit to assist in battle. I would imagine this team would work very well on POTD but I don't even know since I never play above Classic difficulty.
  3. For the next game, I think that the known characters of our group should be divided into two groups: Those who accompany you to the battle in your travels, and those who stay at your base, and give you advice. Among those who accompany you, you should see Maia, Pallegina and Durance. (Apart from the new colleagues you meet during the new adventure.) And among those who are at your base and talk to them from time to time, I would put Aloth, Eder, Fassina, Ydwin, Kana and Hiravias. (Oh, and also our dear Vela) What is your opinion?
  4. So, I entered WM at level 7, struggled mostly at the beginning and the end of it, took a short break in base game at the end and gained 1 more level. Now, is being level 12 too easy for WM2 potd and should I thus upscale or is it still fine? It seems weird, essentially not 'grinding' many levels, barely doing more than what is readily available in the DLC and then getting the prompt that I was actually overlevelled for part 2? Or am I maybe even in a bad middleground and should I work my way to level 13 and then upscale?
  5. - so for the umpteenth time I rushed killing Darzir so I could get Maneha ASAP, and like every time before I won only through the intense micro-management of my Cipher, except this time I had two. This fight made me realize lacking a serious frontliner is a real pain in this game if you don't wanna micro-manage a bunch of casters, and I really, really don't. So how about it? What does a party that can do most/all content without needing a lot/any input from me look like? My brain says Fighter/Barbarian/Paladin/Chanter should be the core, but I can't seem to make a Fighter who doesn't just feel like dead weight, and the party never feels as robust as it seemingly should. Is there something I'm missing? I'd love to hear some tips and tricks on how to make effective parties with minimal micro required. Play on Hard.
  6. I have 2 Rangers, 2 Paladins, 1 Cipher and 1 Chanter. I really like this setup so far, also, I cannot think of any classes that would make snese for Sagani/GM/Kana/Pallegina aside from their standard one, aside from Eder, who I think makes quite the fitting Kind Wayfarer Though I could imagine him as a Ranger as well, with his high affinity to animals. But 3 Rangers would be a bit insane I think xD So, stats look like this: Orlan Ranger MC: M17 C3 D19 P20 I15 R4 Arbalest as main (One-Eyed Molina with nexus patch) Sagani Ranger: M20 C4 D17 P19 I15 R3 Hunting Bow main (Currently still her personal one) Eder Paladin KW: M17 C10 D14 P14 I18 R5 Greatsword main (Justice so far, but Imma buy some others soon) Zealous Focus Pallegina Paladin: M16 C10 D15 P14 I20 R3 can't decide and constantly switch between SnS with Outworn Buckler, or dualwield small weapons. Zealous Charge (that thing saved me so many times) is insane. GM Cipher: M16 C8 D14 P16 I16 R8 Warbow/2handed main, switch between the 2 depending on scenario. Haven't found any unique Warbow/Poleaxe/Estoc yet, currently she has Durance's Staff and a Fine Warbow with Wilder enchantment on. Quickly became my second-hardest and most efficient hitter next to MC Ranger. Went down only once (against my first encounter with an Ogre Druid - never again), Kills second highest number, deleted Raedric with Soul Ignition after buffs. Kana Chanter: M20 C8 D15 P14 I18 R3 am really not sure how to build him effectively as a support ranged unit. Just Ila constantly is good enough I guess, collecting phrases for an emergency heal or a summon, but eh, I feel like he's a bit underutilzed there, aside from the tangibly ridiculous speed buff he gives my MC. Also, he has Gallant's Focus to buff the backline even more... I thought (and tried) a gunslinger style setup, but it's weird... Kana I feel like I need the most advice with. The others work very well so far and I feel neither like they are carrying the rest of the party nor that they are underutilized, but Kana is in a weird place imo. But of course I am open to any kind of advice/criticism
  7. I am stuck in early Act 2. I rushed to Sagani and GM and then wanted to start clearing the surrounding areas. Only, no matter if Woodend Plains or Stormwall Gorge, I canNOT get past the groups of lions (especially the one with the Adragan and the other new humanoid monster). I tried surrounding them, I tried Alpha-striking different enemies (can't insta-kill anything there), I spammed all of my limited spell arsenal, I ate food. Nothing works for me. I don't think it is a problem that I am too weak (level 5), I firmly believe that either my party setup just doesn't cut it (which would suck) or that I just can't come up with the proper strategy here. My party consists of Ranger MC (20/4/17/18/15/3) Boreal Dwarf with Wolf pet Sagani Eder Kana Grieving Mother Durance (who I want to ditch because he just doesn't fit my goody-two-shoes heroine) Considering how easy Maerwald was with Ranger/Eder/Kana/Durance/Aloth, I am at a loss what exactly is my problem now. Am I gimping my combat prowess with 2 Rangers maybe? My current plan for this party would be that all but Durance are my permanent companions, and 1 slot I switch around as I please. Is Kana a good enough replacement for a priest (for buffing and such) or would some other class be a mandatory addition to my team like this?
  8. so, yeah... I struggle a lot deciding on which caster class to pick for my MC. They all are very appealing to me, I played them all up to Caed Nua on potd and loved it all. Now, as I haven't been past CN, I have yet to meat GM and Hiravias, but thanks to me spoilering back when, I know for a fact that I'd want to keep them in my active party a lot. Only, equally I want to keep Aloth and Durance in my party. Not that I will have them all 4 as 'permanent' companions, but I will probably use them all a lot... Now my question is in the title. Which caster class is getting the most out of using two of them? As far as Act 1 goes, I *think* Wizard is the best in that regard, as I can either slot different spells for different specialties on me and Aloth, *or* I can balance spell usage between the 2 and reduce my need for resting - the latter should also be true for the Druid.
  9. This game does not have fast travel so it's really boring when you want to switch a party member that you have to go the ship or find a tavern. I find it an unnecessary overhead and sometime I just stick with a combination that I don't really like just because I don't want to spend time traveling 2-3 screens JUST to swap party members. It's really annoying and I really think we should have an easier way to swap party members. Sometime you just want to do it because you are doing a quest were you need a high streetwise char or a char with a specific bg for that storyline or maybe just to crack a lock that requires that char that has higher mechanics but it's currently on your party. There are a lot of examples.. Also when you swap party member they automatically take their equip in their limbo, which is really insanely annoying as you have to strip them every time which adds more overhead to the already boring swapping experience. I think characters inventory should _always_ be available regardless of whether they are in your party or not so you can easily swap their gear. This was brought up many times in PoE 1 and I'm frankly surprised we see these very same problems here.. Would that be that hard to implement or do you just like the fact that players should not be allowed more freedom?
  10. Hey guys, Long time forum lurker and recent member here. I'm sorry if this was asked before but I couldn't find anything. I'm playing single class monk (again :D) in party with regular companions. What enchantments do you usually pick for Tuotilo's Palm shield? It seems in my last game i was bad and left it without any upgrades.
  11. I have been playing NWN2 solo for a couple of years now and one of the first things I did was to figure out how to resurrect Amie Fern. She is a Generalist Wizard and great for crafting. She is one of my favorite characters and I keep her right up to the very end of the original campaign. She is not very interactive as she has no dialog after West Harbor. But she does make a very useful member of the party, albeit a mandatory one. I have never seen any references to anyone else keeping her in their party and I was wondering if anyone ever had? I would be happy to explain how if anyone is interested. I almost always play as a Ranger btw, usually with at least three levels of multi-classing. Really like having the animal companion!
  12. It seems that party banter while travelling (not on ship) have suddenly ended to me. I had Parvati&Max banter, then after I recruited Ellie I had a couple of dialogs between her and Parvati as well. But after Felix has joined my party shortly after I had no banter at all. I nearly done Roseway now and I tried different companions, but there were no dialogs for any combination. I thought that elevator to SubLight on Groundbreaker usually triggers banter, but nothing happens:( Have someone experienced the same issue? Could it be some bug, or I have to wait? What can trigger the banter?
  13. Hello folks, I'm interested in your best and/or most fun party composition(s). Maybe even just one multiclass you had massive fun with. Just write down your comp/class and why it was so good/fun to play for you. Maybe someone is willing to share his/her experiences ? Greetings Dyxx
  14. Which is the reccomended party on each dlc to have optimal and more interesting interactions with the companions?
  15. I am looking for 5 builds that match according to some rules I have for them. First a couple of rules. I want to have 5 multiclasses. I want to use all classes once except for ranger I do not want to use it. I want to have a Tank, a melee DPS off-tank, a ranged DPS (preferably something with an arquebuss), a magic DPS and a Healer/Buffer. Apart from that anything goes. Feel free to share builds if you feel like it.
  16. Goodmorrow to you my lovelies! I have been pondering about builds for a while and started about 5-10 topics to get ideas. I have finally come to a conclusion and would love to hear your thoughts about it. It is also partly for role playing as in that they're basically 5 bodies shared by one person so the same name etc. Kind of like a hive mind. They will all be human. And fill the roles of https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveManBand Mike One: The Leader Shieldbearer/Troubadour. Sword and Board: Tank. Mike Two: The Lancer Streetfighter/Forbidden Fist. Rapier and Stiletto. Flanker. Mike Three: The Big Guy Devoted/Berserker. Dual wield Battle Axes. DPS. Mike Four: The Smart Guy Psion/Wizard. Rod, AOE. Mike Five: The Chick Lifegiver/Eothas. Hunting Bow, Healer What do you all think about the weapons and class combinations? I'd highly prefer to not stack any classes nor have a ranger in there. Thanks in advance and have a lovely day! I'm getting desperate for a comment after hitting so many views :D feel free to shut it down if you disagree with the builds as well!
  17. What is a fun melee build preferably multiclass to have 5 custom characters of and works to just cut through enemies? Which race etc. which skills are important which weapons/armor? This is just ment for a modded adding exp straight to level 20 playthrough. Might want to fight some megabosses and do some of the DLC like FS and SSS with it. I kind of want to RP like an elite bodyguard unit including the captain (MC). Edit: I might've not made things entirely clear but I ment an exact build you would just copy as 5 like for example 5 devoted/berserker class or something. Not just a subclass or class every member has in common but the entire exact multiclass. Thanks for all replies!
  18. I would like to hear everybody's favorite role-playing custom party. My favorite was probably my first playthrough with customs. which included Luke a mountain dwarf drifter veteran of many wars. Unbroken/Shieldbearer. Una his right hand a Blood thirsty loner wood elf who is an expert hunter. Bleak Walker/Assassin (build from Fextralife) Kaden the bloodthirsty warrior island amaua out for revenge after his entire family got killed by some principi pirates. Devoted/Berserker Alde a former slave wild orlan who still believes in Eothas despite what he has done. Eothas/Troubadour Sullivan a nature godlike human hated and blamed for everything bad by his superstitious human village Evoker/Ascendant This was mine let me hear yours! Feel free to write as much as you want I will read everything.
  19. Hello again! I'm looking to build an all moon godlike party and would want for them to all be of one paladin order but I don't know which order or which multiclasses I should pick. Any thoughts?
  20. Alright i've been hearing a lot about this build and I'd like to know which race/subclasses armor etc. I mean it's heavy armor right or? And which stats should you max like Con or? Also which weapons are good? I'd like to know because i'd like to face the megabosses with 5 of these herald builds just for fun Thanks in advance!
  21. Sorry if i'm starting too many topics it's just that i recently discovered this forum and I've been playing this game for a while, only thinking about ideas, and to find out what other people would think that know more about this game. What is your favorite race to play like if you'd start a custom party of 5 what race would you pick and what builds? I myself really love mountain dwarves just because of the look pretty much. Reminds me a bit of The Hobbit movies. I'd love to hear your detailed thoughts as well!
  22. Like the title says I would love to hear your builds that would fit well together. 1 Tank 1 Melee DPS 1 Ranged 1 Magic 1 Healer Custom characters all. Thanks in advance!
  23. Has anyone of you made a 5 man party whom all had the same subclass to RP or just because a subclass is effective if so. Would you all mind sharing your builds? I want to RP a group of characters who are like alternate versions of the same character or just a true companions group from the beginning. Preferably ala the TVTrope Five Man Band. I thank you all in advance and have a pleasant day!
  24. I would like to make a full 5 man custom party where all of them have Devoted as the Fighter subclass. But I don't want to just to use one build for all five. I want to roleplay a bit with them. I already searched youtube and found some Fextralife builds but I was wondering if someone has an idea for a party that would fit well together. Cheers in advance my fellow gamers!
  25. First time poster here! So, I've been enjoying the game, and playing an Ascendant Cipher has been fun, but the duration for the übermode always feels just too short, doesn't it? Even if you can use the Salvation of Time to make it last a bit longer. (And to be honest, one Ascension is plenty against the vast majority of fights.) Now, I ran into the actual gimmick once I hit level 13 on the Cipher and got Ancestor's Memory. I discovered that the Brilliant Inspiration is busted when a slot caster class gets it. The fun here really begins when a friendly Priest gets it, and can from then on cast Salvation of Time as many times as you like (1 spellslot comes back every 3.0 seconds from Brilliant). So, buff up, Ascend, and enjoy your Eternal Ascension! No more need to build it up again, and since there are a couple of guns with nice activated abilities that basically fill your focus with one shot, it's easy livin' from there on out. This is not a superbusted thing, I feel, and not really something that one really needs, but it is a fun trick and smooths up those long boss fights considerably.
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