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Found 4 results

  1. Hello. Looking for a high Crowd Control Area of Effect party build. I would very much prefer to have all of them as part cipher preferably the same subclass for role-playing services (they all communicate telepathically or a One Mind Five Bodies kind of thing). I'm planning to make them all Death Godlike hence why the name. I'm looking for a damage heavy obliterate anything that moves ASAP kind of thing. Or a CC them to death kind of thing. I will be playing them as evil and most likely kind of like the Bleak Walker mentality so cruel and aggressive so I'll be fighting a lot. But yeah as long as they share a same subclass i'd be pretty happy. Also I do not mind if they would all spam the same abilities over and over again or if all five of them use the same abilities on the contrary that sounds like fun. Cheerio!
  2. I am looking for 5 builds that match according to some rules I have for them. First a couple of rules. I want to have 5 multiclasses. I want to use all classes once except for ranger I do not want to use it. I want to have a Tank, a melee DPS off-tank, a ranged DPS (preferably something with an arquebuss), a magic DPS and a Healer/Buffer. Apart from that anything goes. Feel free to share builds if you feel like it.
  3. What is a fun melee build preferably multiclass to have 5 custom characters of and works to just cut through enemies? Which race etc. which skills are important which weapons/armor? This is just ment for a modded adding exp straight to level 20 playthrough. Might want to fight some megabosses and do some of the DLC like FS and SSS with it. I kind of want to RP like an elite bodyguard unit including the captain (MC). Edit: I might've not made things entirely clear but I ment an exact build you would just copy as 5 like for example 5 devoted/berserker class or something. Not just a subclass or class every member has in common but the entire exact multiclass. Thanks for all replies!
  4. It almost feels like my install was defective. Is everyone else only seeing 5 different head/face options for human males? I feel the need for increased customization but all I can find is portrait packs and ofc once you build your character and start the game you can't change the model's actual face.. But yeah does anyone have more than the 5 by any chance?
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