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  1. Hello, The goal of this topic is to list all the problems we (PS4/XBOX players) found on Deadfire Console version. Feel free to add the problem/bug/crash you constated and rate it with a severity note (from ++1 to 10, ++1= it break the game and make it unplayable, 10 = visual bug nothing too bad but should be fixed)... I will try to edit this topic regularly to add new problems we found in the list... I start with : Very SERIOUS problems which make the game broken, or break the gameplay : • The game crash and the PS4 is returned to desktop (this happen too frequently for a PSN Store game) - Advice : Save each time you finish a fight or before you enter any area, the game is unstable, and must be considered as an Alpha version still under developpment, if you get less than 3 crashes per hour you should be happy . Severity = ++1 • Sometime Deadfire completely freeze the PS4 and we can't do anything except removing power (very very dangerous for the PS4 or any computer), it happened to me in Poko Kohara (can't remember the exact name) in the outside while i opened the inventory, game freezes for 1s on equipping item in inventory - Severity = ++1 • Too frequently, when we try to click "Enchant" on an unique weapon, the game is crashing, and we get a blue screen, i thought i found a way to avoid this while enchanting a weapon which don't crash, i mean one i already tried to enchant like Xoti reaping hook and the enchant screen displayed, but 10 seconds after it crashed the game, great another blue screen, i am not frustrated, not a bit i swear - Severity = ++1 • Under some circumstances (dying in a random?area) the game save can be corrupted (if it happen to me ....) - Severity = ++1 • Sometime transition from one area to another make the game return to home screen and the following message "An error occurred you returned to the home screen to avoid corrupting the save", for me it happen mainly when i am on the ship and want to go in my personal quarters (under the bridge) or if i want to leave personnal quarters to return to world map - Severity = ++1 • Sometime the game crash during save, very nice when you save after a though fight like the one with Concelhaut, i recommend you to buy this broken game if you want to test your nerves and ability to stay ZENNNNNNNN - Severity = ++1 • When swapping characters in any location the game shuts down with PS error code (annoying because you can't complete their personal quests!)- Severity = 3 • Too frequently we click or select an interaction which is right in front of us (door, chest, attack enemy) or we launch an AOE spell and the companion (or watcher) go straight in the opposite side, very very annoying specially during a fight when your tank go at 10 km and can't protect the group or if there is traps around.. Also, because of this sometime it take hours to enter a room, because the interaction is misplaced, we have to trigger cursor mode (triangle) and search the exact point which trigger the interaction/room entrance, ... reloading a save seem to fix this, but it is very disturbing - IT BREAK THE GAMEPLAY PLEASE FIX THIS - Severity = 1 • Once you get further in the game, with the DLC, there are spots where even moving is nigh on impossible, it considers you in constant combat mode while no foes, so you cannot click on items and certain portals needed, I found to remedy that was to open as much things like maps, status, etc. so it forces it to jump, and then detects those portals; Once teleported, it bugs like that again and you need to spend minutes trying to force it. Then once you get further than that area, it keeps crashing in a battle. Note from the player (I was not the frustrated player this time) : Between that and the absurd loading times, I actually yesterday calculated it and for 5 minutes of actual gaming, you spend an hour of loading, crashing, etc.; I'm sorry but between fulltime work and other hobbies, this is just not acceptable for a 59 euro full price game and warrants a refund • Sometime the game start to lag, the game stop responding during 1-4 seconds and then return to normal.. Severity = 2 • Too frequently, while in a store inventory, we can't select any store item (mean we can't buy anything) - Only way i found to fix this is to restart the game - Severity 3 • Loading time are long, too long for a 2020 game, even with on a PS4 Pro + SSD (have both), there is a lot of room/houses/area to explore (mean wait when we enter and when we exit, and waiting from 40 seconds to more than 1.5 minute is frustrating for a console player) - Severity = 3 • Paladin "Lay on Hands" ability is broken, it don't heal, which make the paladin a bit useless - Severity = 2 • Auto pause is bugged (for me auto pause is set if a trap or secret detected) when a secret or a trap is detected during fight, the game auto pause as intended, but it is almost impossible to remove the pause (usually if not during a fight pressing two time square on PS4 remove the pause - this don't work during fight) - FIX : if this happen to you and you can't remove the pause during a fight, disabling the auto pause from the settings should solve the problem, don't forget to re-enable it after your fight... - Severity = 4 • One character block another, this is very very annoying, it was the same in POE, if in a corridor and your tank ended up in the back, he is stuck and can't melee attack because other characters are blocking the path. Severity =2 • During fight, the status window come on top of the spell windows, and we ca no more see half of the spell bar, it is really problematic, because we already fight blinded and with one hand tied in the back, and with this let's say we fight on one feet, blinded and with one hand tied in the back - Severity = 2 • It would be nice if we could zoom in/out the world/Sea map/any map, as we can do when we navigate or are walking, some of us have difficulty to read small characters... Severity = 5 • In the old city, when the group is walking, each time he get the status "Intoxicated" from those poisoned smoke/water (if it is water) the group is stopping and i have to enable cursor mode to get through it (very annoying when it happen every 20 seconds) - Severity = 4 • We should have a way to move an item from watcher/companion inventory to the reserve in one click, in the actual state (may be i miss something) i have to select an item and move it to the stash, manually and one by one, it should be a key (PS4 controller have at least 13 buttons which can be used) to automatically move an item to the reserve (group stash) - Why not "Square" button on PS4 like it was on POE - Severity = 3 • AOE Spells should be more visible, the AOE area should always be visible like it was on POE (if i recall correctly), and we should see the area of effect of spells like the druid Relentless Storm, the first time i launched it i didn't realized it was an AOE, because we don't see any AOE... - Severity = 5 • In a city like Neketaka, we should be able to travel from any room, shop,.., (from the 2nd floor terrace of The Wild Mare in Queen's Berth for example) to any other location in the city, because entering or leaving any room take between 40 seconds to 1 minute, repeat it 3 time to leave the terrace of tavern and enter Neketaka, it is too much, so the best way (you could completely re-code the game for console, this would be the real best way) to avoid this problem would be to be able to travel from inside a shop to any district of the city - Severity = 2 • Wizard "Dimensional" spell do not work as it should be, it don't stun enemies which are between the caster and the ally target. Severity = 2 • Wizard "Expose Vulnerabilities" seem not working, it don't expose vulnerabilities like on POE (we don't see anymore what are the target vulnerabilities, on POE, we have all the infos in the target info windows, if vulnerable to cold, fire, slash, and how much), another broken thing in Deadfire Ekera - Severity = 2 • Sometime (happened several times after i finished a scripted event with Ooze in Neketaka, and during burning house event with the thugs in the back of the house ), if we display the map or any item information pressing "O" to return to the game do not work, only thing which work is force quit the game, anr restart from a save (Fantastic) = +1 • On Xbox, the A button stopped working after some hours of game, the user reported it is the same with all his save, he can't interact with anybody, anything, the button is working, the controller is working ... • In Junvik Village, Gabel shop is bugged, we can open the store inventory but can't buy anything from her, navigation in her inventory is not possible Bugs, and Problems which must be solved asap to enhance the customer experience (Customers = us the players) and prevent other players to avoid buying Deadfire. • Sometime, in our inventory the little description popup disappear, pressing Triangle button work, but... - Severity = 10 • In POE, Wizard Wand had two damage type (piercing and crush), like Scepter which have (crush and slash), now it have only piercing damage type, and a lot of creature are immune to piercing damages, it is a bit unfair, wand should have like scepter two damage type because we wizard don't have much weapon choice it is wand, scepter or staves - Severity = 5 • "Plucked fruit" quest seem a bit bugged, i speaked to Rongi with Serafen which had required "bluff", but dialog choice is still in red... I read the note in his chest and waited on the beach several night around Midnight, but he never came, i felt a lot of frustration to eventually leave the quest for later completely disappointed... Severity = 5 • Sometime after having been close to a sigil (nightmare or any other), even after the fight the curse stay (even one hour after) and we have to save, and reload to "clean" our character and remove the curse... - Severity = 5 • During a fight, we should have access to more informations on the spells, like it was on POE (duration, time it take to launch, area of the spell, if the spell is ZDE or Enemies only, ...) in the actual state we fight with one eye closed, and one hand tied in the back, you can't expect us to write on a paper all the useful informations to be able to have them during a fight... - Severity = 2 • We should have a way to see the position of the character which is attacking (in turn mode)- in the actual state, even on a 50" 4K tv it is very hard to see the location of the character which will attack, i remember on POE (or may be another game) a command which enlight the character, so we can see his exact location... Severity = 7 • Sometime an enemy have been knocked by Eder (enemy is on the ground, on his back), and when another attack this knocked enemy, the attack make the enemy stand up, even if the turn is not ended and still have the knocked status.. I don't know if it is a visual glitch or a bug ... Severity ? • Sometime when we open a container, we see the content changing in front of us, example : a weapon disappear and is replaced by a potion, i don't know if it is a visual bug, but ... Severity = ? • When a new character is recruited it would be nice if we could see his attributes before choosing his class/multiclass - Severity = 8 • When Eder is killed and get second chance during fight, and it is his turn, he can't attack, he is stuck, the only way is to press square (end turn) or triangle (postpone? turn), this give enemies the chance to kill him (another time) - Severity = 2 • During fight on ship (boarding) companions which are not in the team should be controlled by the player, because they use abilities with friendly fire and kill us, it is very frustrating, and we don't get a game to be frustrated (frustrated because the AI can not be set manually, i mean by us), if we could set AI, it would take 20 seconds for us to prevent companions controlled by AI to use friendly fire spells definitively - ... Severity = 2 • The game is big, but we see always the same tips on loading screen (so much loading screen, always the same tips), we should have plenty tips, many many, not always the same 10 (i say 10, but i haven't counted, in any case there is too few tips on loading screen)... Severity = 8 • Wizard "Essential Phantom" is attacking enemies charmed by Seraphin (they are in green and there is other enemies around, but this stupid phantom attack them and remove the charm), Fantastic when enemies are almost immune to our damages and it take several turns to have enough energy for Seraphen to use its LV1 spell ... Severity = 5 • it would be useful to have the exact life remaining (a number) close the enemy lifebar, it would be encouraging for us when fighting a difficult enemy, and will permit to see what we are doing are useful or useless... On an enemy which have a ton of life, sometime it is very hard to see if we damage his life, even if we see our damages... - Severity = 7 • Ring of Overseeing and any item which have overseeing effect (Ring of Overseeing, Aloth armor) don't work (we can't see the effect on the character (summary, the section with all attributes and curent effects, confirmed by comparing the AOE with and without it, no difference - Severity = 7 • Why are the potions so expensive in gold to craft ? I don't understand why I should pay for something I will craft by myself, is the 3500 gold part of the fabrication ? Gold is a poison if we eat it, if I recall correctly It was the same in POE... Ingredients and potions dropped by enemies or found in containers are so rare, why adding money to the recipe? - Severity = 4 • During ship fight (sea battle) we should have acces to the entire maneuver history, sometime we want to turn starboard and starboard to use specific side canons, but an something happen (a phone call, someone speaking at home) and we can't remember if we turned starboard or the other side, and we can't see the last maneuver in history because it is a "new page", in the actual state of the game we should write every maneuver to be sure we remember, because they will be wiped from the history screen... Should be fixed - Severity = 5 • As a Wizard, i notified we found very very few magical weapons (scepters/wand/little staves) and not a single one unique magic weapon, since i started, and as far I know, no Mage soulbound weapon(scepter, wand, magic staff) in the base game, one wand (useless against a lot of enemies which are immune to pierce damage) in of the dlcs, i found a lot of unique melee weapon, some unique pistols/blunderbuss/rifle, but not a single unique wand/scepter/magic stave, may be later in the game (according to the wiki) but if i should finish the game to have a decent weapon for my wizard, it is a bit frustrating (even in "Magic" shops like Arkemyr shop, there is only unique melee weapons or bow/crossbow not a single magic weapon)- Severity = 8 • In localized version of Deadfire (example french) why trying to translate the name of ship weapons (canons), and other gear ? I defy you to found any information about "Couleuvrine impériale", nothing on internet, nothing on the wikies and because during a ship fight we can't see what weapon do what, what range, how much of turns ? Do you expect us to keep any gear information in head, you try first ? leave their original English name so it is easy for us to found informations about it.. It is the same problem with area name translated, it is very hard to find any informations about "Promontoire de Periki", Names should never been translated, it is kind from you, but it don't help us (the contrary) - Severity = 5 • During Ship fight companion/Sidekick/crew which are far from the enemies are not fighting, they stay doing nothing, do i miss something ? ... - Severity = 6 • After a ship battle when we are victorious and we have the loot window, we can't press "square" on PS4 to get all the loot in one shot and send it in the group stash (reserve) we have to take each item one by one, i notified it do not work mostly when there is a lot of items (more than one page in the loot window)... - Severity = 8 • During the navigation on the world map (ship moving on the sea) we should have a way to mark a known destination / or a point on the map, so we could point the ship the the marked location direction and navigate to it. In the actual state, if i want to return to Neketaka and i am far south east, i have to check the known destination windows then click a destination then estimate the good direction and move, and repeat several time until we reach our destination, sasdly the destination don't remain displayed on the navigation screen as it should be... I don't want to use the auto navigate because one time the ship gone into a tempest... May be i miss something but in this case things should be better explained... - Severity = 5 • When selecting a single item in a sell menu by pressing x, it is moved to the basket right away. But if you have few similar items, game will first suggest you to define how much things you need to sell (it's logical), but then you need to move it with the stick to the basket, which is ridiculous - (Possible fix = Long press X on PS4 to sell the entire pile of items - it take me time to discover it) - Inventory and sell items should be more handy - Severity = 5 • On town screen (Map ?), moving mouse cursor with a stick is also completely ridiculous, it should be with r1\l1 or with arrows, same goes for level up menu - Severity = ? • Controller Touch ad should be mapped to the inventory or map, or better be customizable. currently it is mapped to the tutorials, which are mostly not used during the majority of the game - Severity = 5 • no POE save import for a new game. I was not expecting this at all. How could it be wiped out from game? (Me too, but we can at least re-create all our POE choices (and name the set of choices) while pressing Square during New Game creation, and then Selecting the set of choices in the end of NG creation) - Severity = ? • On Xaur tuk tuk island (in the cavern where you found Mother Sharp Rock crew member), two Xaurips are not marked as a combat objectives. when you kill the rest, they are attacking you, engaged character is defending, but it is not counted as a combat mode. as a result, Mother Sharp Rock is still frightened to exit the cage... Possible fix kill those two Xaurik while using the wheel menu->Attack - Severity = 5 • The quest screen should have an indication when a quest is validated (each time going in the quest list and checking the quests one by one, if we have something to do in neketaka for example is painful)... Severity = 4 • After we finished Palegina quest and saved Giacolo, later i returned on the Dunnage and the godlike are still here, we can re-enter the room like if Giacolo was still here and the quest not finished - Severity = 5 • when we are in shop inventory, there is no way to compare a seller item to our items (example : compare a seller glove to our gloves)... • When we are selling items, in the trade window, if we sell more than 20 different items, we can no more see the first item in the window, we can't double check if we don't sold something important to us, this because the sold items section have 20 slots and can't be scrolled down up left right to see all the items... We only see the last twenty... • During scripted interaction (when we have the sort of book on the screen) we can't go up and read previous text - Is is problematic because some event need us to read carefully and understand what we do or have done to decide carefully - Severity = 4 • After healing the Green Lady and her daughters, we receive the "nature's mark" but there is nothing in the Effect screen... Something is missing ? • While we are in a shop inventory we can't press "Triangle" button for more informations on an item (to see the benefit of an enchant for example), neither do the same on a Grimoire to see which spells are inside... - It should be fixed - Severity = 4 • Most of the time, when we change the team composition (remove a companion to add another companion), the group is not complete and one of the companion (the new one or the removed one) is alone wandering and not part of the team, very annoying when you enter a battle thinking your group is complete and finally it is not, also the removed companion can be here and bug the fight, because ha have a turn even if he can't do nothing (no fight) and random companion in the group (may be more) can't do nothing to (can't attack even if it is his turn) - Severity = 2 I will continue to add problems i found while hoping someone on Obsidian side will read this and FIX THOSE PROBLEMS, because in its actual state the game provide more frustration than pleasure and is mostly not playable, some games are time eater because you farm, or because there is a lot of things to do, but Deadfire is time eater, because we spend 30% of our playing time to relaunch the game because it crashed, or because we spend a lot of time searging internet a solution to bypass a bug we found in the game... The best advice i can give to any player who want to try Deadfire, is save constantly, save your game each 5 minutes, save after each fight, save before going in the inventory, be very careful because the game crash very very frequently.
  2. CONSTANT RANDOM CRASHES -- An Unplayable Game Hello Obsidian. I am revising this post because the "bug" I originally wrote about is much, much worse than I originally thought. I am getting constant random crashes. They occur 100% of the time. They make the game completely unplayable. If the opening PoE1 recap isn't skipped, the game will freeze/crash before the introduction cinematic (narrated by Eder) can play. If I skip the recap, the intro movie plays (Deadfire has not yet crashed mid-intro) and the first area--the In Between--loads and the game appears playable and stable. However it will always freeze/crash before the Watcher/Soul character makes it all the way to the Adra Pillar at the far right of the screen. Often the audio will cut-out, or seem to, a few moments prior to the freeze/crash. Exactly one time an audio line played to the end after the game froze, however. I have attempted everything I can possibly do on my end to diagnose and/or workaround the problem, including but not limited to: Windows compatibility mode (Win7, Win8, even WinXP) settings. Administrator privileges off/on. Countless possible Deadfire configurations--windowed, fullscreen, every quality preset, every available resolution, multiple vfx enabled/disabled combination. The gamut. Steam did, of course, verify the integrity of the game cache. I also redownloaded the game, multiple times, after manually purging it from my system (not a fun thing to do when you suffer from bandwidth caps) Oh, and I've also tried running the game off of an SSD, off an HDD, from the default Steam install directory and from a unique Steam install directory. I was able to get the game to run off of an old laptop, with an integrated GPU, albeit very poorly (10fps are far from optimal; combat is impossible) that doesn't even come close to the minimum recommended specs... but it doesn't crash. Using Steam cloud saves to load saves from the laptop to my PC (in the starting island, the world map and inside the cave) and... you guessed it, Deadfire still crashes on me, usually a few seconds after loading up the area. Sometimes I have time to move my party, but the game usually crashes before anyone can make a it a half-dozen steps. To be perfectly honest, I've been a PC gamer for a very long time and I haven't had this much trouble with a game since I bought a copy of Daikatana out a bargain bin for $0.99, and that game was quickly re-purposed into a Frisbee. My PC specs are as follows: 3.55ghz quad-core i5 CPU 16gb memory 2gb HD6870 GPU Windows 10 x64 (Note that this is a PC that ran Pillars of Eternity perfectly. And also note, as I've proved, that Deadfire is capable of running on a toaster.) My working theory is that this may be a compatibility problem between whichever version of Unity Deadfire is using and my GPU drivers, but only because ATI drivers are typically the cause of my headaches (whenever I upgrade, I'm going nVidia and never touching ATI again). But at the same time, the game does load and appear to render properly, so I have no idea. No ideas, just lots of frustration. Output file retrieved after recap crash: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13RPzhDTiaT_MdV-IeoeAOz8yzT1atwjX/view?usp=sharing Output file retrieved after in-game crash: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AxLN1f9scVlJvda2K00c7b6FeacD8GQp/view?usp=sharing .... NOTE I originally posted about this problem here, but am reposting it now because my initial assumptions about what was happening were incorrect. I will request moderators lock/delete the original thread. .... EDIT1 I am experiencing greatly improved stability after patch 1.02. I can now play the game for 20 minutes--sometimes longer--before seeing a crash! And, now, when the game crashes a window pops up informing me of the creation of the output log, which is handy. I've attached the new output log file to this post. output_log.txt
  3. Hi, I'm running the new update through Xbox game pass . The console locks up when constructing Base components . e.g Walls or Floors . happens in Creative and Game mode The system will eventually kick me out returning to the Xbox home screen other crafting items work fine
  4. So, I complete He Waits In Fire, and go through all the cut scene and dialogue material, and at the end when Eothas releases you and the game SHOULD continue on its merry way, it just..... hangs. Freezes. Stops responding. What's the fix?
  5. Hi, I am currently playing the Tartarus Mission and my game has repeatedly froze and then crashed in the same spot every time. The spot where it freezes is when you are trying to leave The Pit and you enter the room with Chairman Rockwell and the cameras set up. Once I open the door and walk in it just freezes and then a few moments later the game crashes. I have tried playing from a different save in the same mission and I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Neither option worked. Not sure this is relevant, but I am using one of the earlier Xbox one models and am playing the game through the Xbox Game Pass.
  6. Greetings, I would like to report this bug and hope for a fix asap. I was following a guide by Emeus (https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76280-finished-triple-crown-solo-as-cipher/) to get triple crown solo achievement. In the Final battle vs Thaos and the 2 guys I managed to fight only Thaos and the top guy, Woedica's Judge. Woedica's Headsman was in the Fog of War all the time, out of combat. So after I defeated those 2, I sudenly became out of combat. I thought of this as an opportuntiy so I saved my game. After that I went to kill the Headsman, in the middle was the soul of Thaos, but no body, it somehow got bugged out and dissapeared I guess. After I killed the headsman, my character got bugged. Entire interface got frozen. I couldn't move, nor use any skills. The game itself is running, I can see these lighting animations and my character swinging weapons for example. Looks like there is some trigger failure for the final cutscene? I was thinking about quitting my game after the bug occured so the ironman save would be overwritten and maybe after restarting the issue would resolve on its own, but I am afraid that this might ruin the entire run for me. Can anyone advise if I can swap save games in ironman mode? I mean I make a backup of the save before fighting the headsman, and quit the game after the fight so it will be automatically overwritten and if it doesnt fix the problem after restarting can I swap it back to the save before the mentioned fight? Any other sugestions are pretty welcome, I want those achievements! Here is a screenshot post fight. as for the save game it takes more than 4 Mb, should I upload it on some hosting site and paste the link or what? Hoping for some solutions! output_log.txt
  7. This has been submitted to Obsidian, support ticket #5715. I thought it best to post here as well, in case anyone else is having this issue. I started the game with Dyrwoodian Sloop (like everyone does) and by about level 10, I had enough to purchase the Galleon. I'm playing in Story Mode as my time is limited, so it's been pretty easy to rack up the coin. Since switching to the Galleon every ship battle has frozen the game before the text prompts come up, prompting Windows to close the game. I switched back to the Sloop today and got through one ship battle (I immediately went to boarding) but the second time I was attacked the game froze again. I will update when I hear from Obsidian.
  8. Game freezes or crashes shortly after Rymrgand smashes the ground with his axe upon refusing to serve him. I don't know what happens after that because after the camera follows the purple fracturing effect, the screen either freezes or the game crashes. I've attached the crash log. The screen freeze is similar to that of the Fort Deadlight bug. 2018-08-06_184944.zip
  9. Hello. This is my first time using this forum so I hope I am doing this correctly. I have just got POE 2 and while I am loving the game, it is almost unplayable for me. It seems that my game crashes every 10 to 15 minutes. The crashes usually happen when I either open up my inventory or search something. I can still hear the music in the background and can even hear myself selecting characters but the screen is frozen in place. I have also gotten crashes going into new areas. I have updated my graphics drivers thinking this was the problem but alas, it still persists. I will attach my output log and crash folder. Any help would be appreciated. Please let me know if anything else is needed output_log.txt output_log.txt
  10. Miscreant's Leathers +6 The Bloody Links +8 Boots of the White +2 I have placed these items on my watcher and gain Freeze defence, but placing them on any other character "together" I lose Freeze armor rating. Doesn't lose other rating just Freeze
  11. guys, i must say i am an old old customer of your games, and never run into such a nasty issue with no workaround so far. ive seen steam forums still report this since may, but who knows, maybe i can get some help. i waited so long to play this game since i finished the first and tyranny, such a shame. the game freezes. i can hear sounds. the UI seems to produce sounds, but the screen is frozen. i play on steam, i tried moving to game to windows 8 compatibility mode. i updated my nvidia drivers. i have enough memory and all should be well, but... that is not the case. Please advise. please.
  12. On MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017). I have a level 11 Eder that I'm trying to respec. If I do it on my macbook pro, I get prompted with a "are you sure you want to reset eder to level 1" dialogue, and the moment I click "accept" or whatever, the game hangs and then my mouse cursor beachballs. If I do the same thing on my PC, I immediately go to the character level up screen after clicking accept. Dropbox link to save game and output_log from my mac (along with screenshot of my system information): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sr51p5ry2w5lmj2/AABCAXmnBlPqp2F8tqtV51Bma?dl=0
  13. Player Character freezes during combat after attempting and failing (abandoning) to perform an action from another class, most likely, that of the enemy. For instance, Marauder might try casting a spell or chanting. After abandoning action, the character becomes unresponsive until death or reload.
  14. Hiho, As the title says. There's a specific spot, just in front of the door to the forge, that if my camera happens to pan over it, causes the screen to freeze. You still have audio, and you can hear interactions with the game (UI, characters moving, etc.), but can't see any of it because of the frozen screen. I've tried panning over the area with all graphics options disabled, but it still freezes. It has even caused my PC to BSOD with a "video_scheduler_internal_error". [edit] Original video was corrupted during the recording of the bug and Google didn't know how to handle it. Fixed the video and re-uploaded. output_log.txt
  15. Game freezes every time I get to character creation menu, installed with steam, reinstalled twice, verified game files twice.
  16. So, I've seen a few people discuss this in other threads, but not this exact issue. I'm not completely sure what the problem is here. Seems like a potential driver issue, but I'm not 100% on that. I have rolled my my nVidia drivers to see if that would stifle the issue, but nothing has seemed to help thus far. My current drivers are 397.64. I've made it to the character creation screen several times and every time, without fail, my game seems to crash. You can still hear the music looping, but both of my displays go black. This prompts me to do a hard reset because there is no other way to access my computer. Up until I've reached the character creation screen, everything seems to work like it should. I'm unable to upload a save file because I can't even save the game before this error occurs. Another weird fact about this, is after the hard reset, my resolution has changed to 640x480 (in black & white) and was unable to change it until I updated my computer (although I was already at the latest version of windows at the time). I'm genuinely puzzled as I've never had this issue on my computer playing any other game than PoE:II. I really would love to give this game a shot, but I can't get beyond the character creation screen. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  17. Summary: the game freezes/crashes during the introduction cut-scene, specifically during the final line of the opening narration (at or shortly after the colon preceding the last clause). Assuming the final clause is a separate audio file, it may be crashing while trying to load it, as the voiced narration ceases at the moment of the freeze. Screenshot: I'm unable to provide a screenshot, as I noticed the Steam overlay ceased to function at some point during the cinematic (I could take a screenshot when the first paragraph was on-screen, but could not by the time the third paragraph was visible); the Print Screen command only copied the desktop at the time of the freeze. Details: I've tried to run the game about a dozen times w/ various settings ticked in the options menu, trying various compatibility modes. Am currently running the game on a Windows 10 x64 PC w/ an older HD6870 GPU, which I know has had some problems with Unity, but PoE1 ran perfectly, so... I dunno. I've also (of course) verified the integrity of the game cache and tried running the game with administrator permissions, with and without the Steam client. Completely deleting and re-installing the game is a last resort as, unfortunately, I suffer from that terrible condition known as bandwidth caps. Save file: not applicable. Output file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AxLN1f9scVlJvda2K00c7b6FeacD8GQp/view?usp=sharing Notes: I've currently got the game installed to a nonstandard directory -- D:\[[ Steam ]] -- I'm going to try reinstalling it to C:\, which is an SSD; if that doesn't work, I'll also try running the game on an older laptop running Windows 8 (assuming an integrated HD4000 card is up to the task) and will report back w/ the results.
  18. Hello! After successfully finishing a quest, my party crashed during rewards distribution, specifically when Seelah is about to receive her card, a Iomedae blessing when leveling up from LVL 33 to 34, if I remember correctly. Everyone else receives their cards normally, but as Seelah doesn't get hers, the game is stuck on this screen. I can go back to the Main Menu, it's not like the game completely froze. Any thoughts? My PFID is B835362AA5C67BCB # 2241 and here goes other specs: Thanks for the help. General (For all issues) What device type are you on? Android/iPad, etc. iPAD What version of the OS are you running? Android 4.4, iOS 9.3, etc. iOS 10.1.1 (14B100) What model is the device? Galaxy Tab 3, iPad Mini 4, etc. iPad Air 2 What is your PFID#? (Located in the settings menu) B835362AA5C67BCB # 2241 Gameplay Is pass & play on? Is permadeath on? No and no. Tutorial, Story Mode, or Quest Mode? (If not quest mode, did you recently enter it?) Quest mode Characters in Party Seelah, Lini, Merisiel, Kyra and Ezren Location of each character - - Turn Order - - Scenario & Scenario Difficulty. If on non-normal difficulties, which wildcard powers are in play? It is on quest mode, Legendary, but I can't recall turn orders nor wildcard powers... What card was encountered when the issue occurred? (Or check, or card just played, etc) - - Did the issue occur on the first explore or a subsequent explore? If subsequent, what card did you last encounter? What was its resolution? (IE, you just encountered an enchanter and failed the check, and on an additional explore you ran into a blessing of the gods but didn't auto acquire it) - - Did other characters aid the check? What did they use to aid it? - - Was the encounter a Horde? (Skeleton Horde, Goblin Raid, Zombie Nest, Zombie Horde, Garrison Location Power w/ multiple characters, Henchmen encounter in Black Fang w/ multiple characters) - -
  19. Hi, I made a post here previously about a strange issue where the game kept freezing for a second every 30 seconds or so. I decided to revisit the game and for the most part the game runs fine. However I am getting a few performance issues. Firstly the game will have a 0.5 second freeze when a NPC starts talking (Text above them in a city or the keep). Also this freezing issue can happen when something loads in. When my chanter summons skeletons the frame rate will drop. In Defiance Bay after entering the city, the frame rate drops down very low where all of the civilians are talking near the south gate entrance. I love the game by the way. I just would like to know if I can make changes to make the gameplay more smooth, or if these are known issues. Small things like this can draw me out of the game. Thank you My PC Spec: i5 2500k Nvidia 980 GTX 16 GB RAM SSD drives
  20. Hallo I tried to play the tutorial quest. After defeating the villian with the warrior the game tells me that the villian has escaped and the Location is closed. But there is nothing i can do to go on. I check the YouTube Videos showing that normaly the Location (the farmhouse) Closes automaticaly but not in my case. I hope you can help me. And to your questions: General (For all issues) What device type are you on? Android/iPad, etc. -> Tablet and PC with Bluestacks Emulator What version of the OS are you running? Android 4.4, iOS 9.3, etc. Android 4.4.2 What model is the device? Galaxy Tab 3, iPad Mini 4, etc. -> Samsung Galaxy Notes 10.1 or Windows 10 PC What is your PFID#? (Located in the settings menu) CE203b1b8f00759d Gameplay Is pass & play on? Is permadeath on? no Information Tutorial, Story Mode, or Quest Mode? (If not quest mode, did you recently enter it?) -> Tutorial Characters in Party -> warrior and Bard Location of each character -> at the farmhouse Turn Order -> Scenario & Scenario Difficulty. If on non-normal difficulties, which wildcard powers are in play? What card was encountered when the issue occurred? (Or check, or card just played, etc) Did the issue occur on the first explore or a subsequent explore? If subsequent, what card did you last encounter? What was its resolution? (IE, you just encountered an enchanter and failed the check, and on an additional explore you ran into a blessing of the gods but didn't auto acquire it) Did other characters aid the check? What did they use to aid it? -> no help ... activ character was the warrior Was the encounter a Horde? (Skeleton Horde, Goblin Raid, Zombie Nest, Zombie Horde, Garrison Location Power w/ multiple characters, Henchmen encounter in Black Fang w/ multiple characters) -> Encountered the villian
  21. Description: I'm playing the first part of The White March expansion. My party is in the village of Stalwart and every time I try to travel outside (in any direction of the White March or the Dyrwood), after accepting the timing of the trip the screen goes black. The music continues in the background and you can see the game cursor, and you can even feel the noise of the menu that opens by pressing esc, but do not see anything. Then you need to press exit in the darkness and try to return to the main menu and reload the game, but the bug is still present. The trip simply does not happen and when you try to return to the main menu for a while you see that the party is still at the point from which you tried to start the fast -travel. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: 1) Load one of my savegames. 2) Try to travel outside Stalwart. 3) Bug. Savegames: https://www.dropbox.com/s/66p8xcqp2m5ft7d/Save%20Games.7z?dl=0 DxDiag.txt output_log.txt
  22. I'm only getting round to playing The Stick of Truth now & I've found a glitch in the first mission that has me stuck. Whenever I try to approach Token's house (from either direction) my character freezes & none of the buttons work except the pause button. It's only my character that's frozen as there is still movement on the screen from the NPCs. I've searched for a fix but can't even find other people having the same problem as me (at least on that stage of the game) tho I did notice some people saying it froze on them at Clyde's house later in the game. I've rebuilt the database & restored the file system on my machine in the hope that it would help but no joy. Halp please
  23. Hello, I just tried many times to run PoE in windowed mode (in 1600x900) on Mac OSX, the resolution changes without problems but when I uncheck the 'fullscreen' option (or use command + f shortcut) the game freezes and I have to force quit. I also tried to use lower resolution but it doesn't work. Thanks for any help! EDIT I use GOG (not Galaxy) Processor 2 GHz Intel Core i7 Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6490M 256 MB Software OS X 10.9.5 (13F1112) E2350 Display 1920x1080 Player.txt
  24. This seems to get progressively worse until it takes about a minute to disarm traps. The game stutters more and more when disarming traps until eventually it freezes for 10-20 seconds. This only happens when disarming traps, and the only issue I'm experiencing. The rest of my computer seems to continue normally (ie: a video, or audio continues playing while this stalling happens).
  25. Hi, Since yesterday I'm having a serious problem with the game. Every time I try to load any of my saves, the game freezes and stops responding, forcing me to quit it via task manager. I've updated my graphics drivers, tried it with Steam both on- and offline, I reinstalled the game and tried to run it as admin, but nothing helped. The problem started with the game slowing down considerably and falling to something like 10 FPS, several hours into the new White March expansion (right after the wolf cave). When I restarted it, the loading problem began. I should note that my computer is well above the minimal specs and I've had absolutely no issues with the game so far (something like 30 hours in). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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