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I just started playing avowed and I'm loving the gameplay, but there is a big issue with the journal entries from an accessibility point of view. I appreciate there's a very strong style and aesthetic vibe with them, but there really should be a way to read them with a plain font and high contrast, I've found I currently can't read them unless I'm within 3 feet of my TV and that is not something I want to do Absolutely not trying to drag the game, I really do love it. I just think this should be considered with the accessibility that already exists
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I’ve always loved the customization of builds with the use of armor, weapons, mutations, and trinkets. But the new RNG trinkets are ruining that fun for me. The last piece of my build relies on a 0.027522935779817% RNG chance to get the science cone I want or to even play with some of the cool new effects. Please add a station that can be called the “Infusing Station” that will allow dismantling of cones and waffles into crinkles. We can then use the station to combine the crinkles into a cone at the cost of fusion crystals. Maybe even allow us to replace an infused weapon’s effect with our desired crinkle at the cost of fusion crystals. Make this station rewarded in NG+ 5 or higher so it’s rewarding for us to customize our trinkets giving us a reason to get that high. I’ve reverted my save back to a regular yard because of this trinket RNG. I want to run around and have fun not sit at the super duper or killing bugs for hours hoping I’ll get the trinket I want in the next 10 years. Please add this. Love you guys, love your game, keep up the hard work!
On a multiplayer (or single player) world, when you get the slime lantern and don't analyze it, you're unable to forever. There's no way to get another rotten slime lantern nor analyze the used one. It's worse when you play with others as they could use the lantern and not analyze it. Maybe be able to craft them? Or put more in the world? maybe be able to buy them for raw science? Help the completionists please!
• Make locked doors able to be opened while the player is in editor mode. • Set the camera type while in Handy Gnat to be a toggle, so the first person camera can be the default when switching to Handy Gnat if players prefer. • Creature battle music overrides the Music Player Gizmo, make the gizmo always have music priority. • Add an option to the Telepotty Gizmo to teleport players (possibly only the instigating player or selected by a filter) to the device when receiving a signal. Also enable a setting to make the device invisible to compliment the previous addition. Add the ability to face players in a certain direction when teleported, or have them face in the same direction as the device. • Add the ability to resize props or other object/gizmos while in editor mode. Also add more terrain options that could be resized to make a player's own terrain and ground, instead of being restricted mostly to the flat ground. • Add a UI message gizmo, to display messages on the players HUD with customizable text. Also add a feature to the Quest Gizmo to have it displayed on the side like how it is during survival mode, and adjust how text is displayed with the regular floating text, as it seems to be visible from far even when using the 'only visible when close' option. • Add MIX.Rs or other defense mechanics to Playground Mode. • Add creature pathing nodes that can manipulate the pathfinding of creatures or force them to walk across a set path. Otherwise tweak the pathfinding of creatures indoors, as most creatures will endlessly walk into walls in an attempt to follow their usual path. Even weevils will ignore mushroom slurry beside them as they attempt to walk into the wall. • Add a physics weight that can be picked up and dropped onto a pressure button to activate it for puzzle elements. Consider the Weighted Storage Cube from the Portal franchise for inspiration. • Trap suggestion for either late game survival or Playground exclusive: Automated Turret. Similar to the already manned turrets, however is able to autonomously target creatures within range at the cost of reduced firepower and requiring expensive resources, possibly only while they are hostile to avoid unintentionally aggrevating creatures. In Playground Mode it could be remotely turned on and off, maybe even turned against the player in PvE scenarios. • Add buttons/levers or other logic based gizmos to Survival mode, possibly by enabling a custom game setting or unlocked by a late game BURG.L chip. The ability to remotely open doors, trigger traps, and activate all sorts of mechanisms will add huge replay value and make the game more enjoyable and inventive as well as open the game to a wider player base.
I get that lil-fist was used a little too much on bosses and needed to be nerfed, but nerfing every aspect of it now makes it useless. It's so weak, I can't ever see a reason to use it. Punching does less damage so it takes longer for it to do meaningful attack damage, and the reset upon taken damage makes it near impossible to get the hit counter high enough for meaningful attack damage. One of these changes alone is a significant set back to lil-fist users, but both! It already receives a full reset after you are no longer being targeted, why does it need another full reset to worry about. Wouldn't it have been better to attack the source of the problem and made bosses resistant to lil-fist or punching. But I digress. First Idea: Change the new counter system; 3 approaches here. Instead of a full reset to the hit counter, why not have the count lose a set number per attack received. Every time I receive a hit, my hit counter decrease by ten. Have the decrement proportional to the damage received. The harder I get hit, the more my hit counter tanks. That way a player doesn't have to constantly have to fight to keep their hit counter alive by perfectly blocking every attack around them. Instead it would be more about trying to maintain a high hit count throughout the fight. Don't decrement or reset the hit counter at all during the fight, but instead have a limit on how high the hit counter can get and have it increase with each level of lil-fist. Like a max of 20, 40, 60 for each level of lil-fist. Second Idea: Gauntlets; Change nothing about the new lil-fist balancing and instead add something new. A problem with lil-fist is that it can't be scaled like other attack specific mutations can through the different tiers of the game. Take chopper for example: there is a tier 1, 2, and 3 axe, so as you fight stronger insects there is stronger axes to pair with chopper. Now what if chopper only applied to the tier 1 axe, making it mildly useful against weaker insects but useless against stronger opponents. Lil-fist doesn't have a specific weapon to scale through the tiers of the game with, that's kind of the point. Gauntlets could change that. They don't take away from the over-all scheme of lil-fist, it's still punching, and it gives the ability to hot-swap between punching and and another attack method. Make it a two-handed weapon, and give it boxing like animations. The different tier idea: Tier 1: Plant fiber wrist wrap. recipe: a couple of fiber bandages, crude rope, and mite fuzz model: plant fiber wrapping around the fist and wrists, similar to how boxers have their hands wrapped, with the crude rope going over the knuckles and red tuffs of mite fuzz sticking out from underneath. rough photoshop of idea Tier 2: Insect gloves. recipe: some berry leather, silk rope, and some tier 2 beetle part. model: black or purple boxing gloves with silk rope around the wrists and beetle parts plating the impact area. Tier 3: Ox Beetle Gauntlets, recipe: two ox beetle horns, lint, pupa leather. model: basically if you use the horns as punching gloves
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A fledgling barbarian discovered the majesty of being a wizard after taking down the Termite King. Seriously I'm loving the staves and the wizard hat. I would love to see some wizard robes and slippers to complete the outfit I currently have the black ox armor and leggings for that sweet, sweet charge time reduction. I'm hoping the armor set bonus could reduce charging time on the staves or add some sort of dodge effect to keep our squishy mages safe. A sleek benefit could be a decrease in stamina consumption while using staves. Loving this game! Thank you Obsidian for an awesome game. I really appreciate having a fun new experience with my friends. Have an awesome New Year!
Grounded 1.1 adds the following feature: When sleeping, if your wakeup time was in the middle of the night, you now will wake up in the morning. I think this makes the game a bit more confusing by optimizing for the opposite scenario that I expected. If you sleep at 20:08 you wake up at 6:00, sleeping for 10 hours. That's a long sleep! In this case the previous behavior of waking up at 4 AM is preferable in my opinion. You can prepare for and start your journey before the sun starts, and can already be in place to explore once it rises. Moreover if you fall asleep at say 1 AM, you still wake up at 9 AM. 2 AM, 10 AM. That behavior annoying eats into your daytime exploration. The patch did not change this behavior. What I really want is the ability to sleep until morning, even if shorter than 8 hours. I could return back to the base after a long day, do some early nighttime work, and then fall asleep without having the extra time awake cut into my day as it currently does.
While I appreciate that buttons can be remapped, I really believe that Huck as a default should not be universal to anything you carry and on the RB for a controller. Huck should be a contextual function for actual throwable objects, and therefore on RT while holding them. For example, it is frustrating to accidentally huck a weapon or tool you are carrying, to then have to chase it down and find it during a fight, when RB is better served with something like equipping last used item/tool/weapon (which is what I do) so you can quickly switch between say a melee and ranged weapon, or if you are digging with a shovel to a weapon just used. And when you do have a throwable equipped, like a bratwurst, LT drops it but RT does nothing. By reassigning RB by default and enabling RT to function as Huck with a throwable - including the brat/splatburst as outlined above, spears (LT jabs and RT hucks), and grass planks/weed stems (LT drops/stacks, RT hucks), etc. - this greatly improves contextual actions "in the moment" and expands control options for players. Thank you.
#1) Fix the bug where you have the build wheel open, hover over an object to build, press A, and the menu switches to another random tab. Seemingly crashes the menu? I don't know why it happens, but it's frequent enough to really be annoying. #2) Bigger pallets! Building is super fun in Grounded, but the cost of building a grass wall for example, 4 grass planks, is fine but I feel like the current pallets we have to store grass planks to build with are too small, ESPECIALLY if you are loading and then moving the pallet, using the entire pallet of planks to make like 5 walls, then having to pick it back up and run all the way to more resources, sucks. Definitely so if you are building in an area with no resources like elevated up on the oak tree. Soo... bigger pallet choices please! #3) Shields usable while wielding a Staff. All 3 staves are used visibly in ONE HAND. As someone who has a super tough time consistently perfect blocking, I rarely find myself having success using anything without a shield. So I'd like to be able to use some sort of shield with a staff, even if it's a new kind of shield meant just for mages. #4) More armor with different play styles. I mentioned above how I'm pretty much always hiding behind a shield to stay safe. I want to use Ladybug armor, but I am endgame at this point and the tier 2 defence isn't worth it to just have the block bonus. So I would like more tier 3 armor with some of the unique bonuses that previous tier armor had. Like ladybug, then a higher tier version of the red ant set with higher hauling bonus for endgame players. May I suggest ATLEAST a way to artificially raise an armors tier level through further upgrades? I'd get my ladybug set to lvl 15 to get it to tier 3 strength if I have to. #5) More building pieces. I have fallen in love with making interesting builds and base ideas. But I often run into the issue of using a half wall, or half floor, and having an awkward 'Quarter Wall' or 'Quarter Floor' hole to cover up with another full size variant. So I would like VERTICAL half walls and quarter walls/floors. Another thing I wanted were half stairs, which we just got for patch 1.1. Very glad to see that! #6) Bla Bla, I love building. More decorative pieces please. Rugs, different wall materials and FLOORS ESPECIALLY! I always have to use grass because stems are too uncommon around my base and bur floors need lint! (>w<*) Rugs, Table Lamps, Shelves, Functional Windows (Can open and close, or Shutters), a new type of building material that is clear (Maybe crystal or platic) so we can make real windows and Greenhouses. #7) A Tier 3 Bow. We have a tier 3 crossbow, we just need a tier 3 bow. Maybe multiple kinds from some of the other high level creatures in the yard (Perhaps a Widow Bow that adds poison damage to every arrow. And if used with poison or super poison arrows, it stacks damage) #8) An eventual expansion to the yard. Inside the house, in the basement, inside the shed. In the house we could fight bed bugs, scorpions, millipedes, or wasps (if they flew in the open upstairs window and set up a nest or something) in the basement what if there's just a giant deep freezer knocked over and has covered a large majority of the basement in icy frost. Our first COLD biome. #9) And finally, new creatures. Mentioned above, some of the cool creatures I could see in the house and basement. But I would like to see some more variation in the creatures in the different areas of the yard. In terms of docile, or neutral, creatures, Caterpillars, Butterflies, Earth Worms, and Snails/Slugs. Aggressive creatures like the Brown Recluse (in the house, maybe the basement I mentioned), a Camel Spider or Scorpion replacing the wolf spider in the sandbox, a Tarantula, maybe around the hedge, or in someone's room in the house as an escaped pet, Wasps/Hornets, with a fallen nest we can enter, small Frogs! We have all the Tadpoles in the world, where da frogs at?? Ant hill queens.. (It's common knowledge that every ant colony has a queen. I'd like to see a queen ant boss fight for all 3 ant hills currently in the game. Fleas! I hate fleas, but they could certainly be added to Grounded and be a fearsome foe. The scrapped Huntsman Spider idea, and Lizard bossfight (Make it work! That's just more unique content please! Even if they're just bossfights.) Sorry it's so long, I just started playing about a month ago, I'm super passionate about seeing new cool stuff to experience. I've loved my time on the game so far.
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Good morning. When playing with people from anywhere besides your domestic country there's always this high ping sign on the right of your screen. I understand there will obviously be higher ping due to that but it takes you out of the immersion. You should instead put that sign in the menu for example when you press the menu button then it shows high ping. That way you'll know when you want to. Constantly seeing it on screen definitely breaks the immersion. Thank you Obsidian. I love grounded and the team working on it.
So after much deliberation over the course of the weekend, my friends and I (more commonly known as the Cheesebags) love the game to bits so far and have come up with some cool ideas for things we'd love to maybe see in future updates. I will sort the lists into categories for convenience. Possible new Creatures: We decided to ballpark some new ideas for possible future creatures to add to the garden. Due to the wasps in the banner image on the steam page we assume you already intend to add them into the game. So we have left them out of this list, but below we have some of our other suggestions. Bees Mosquitoes Butterflies Moths Dragonflies Caterpillars Centipedes Fleas Earthworms Silverfish Snails Frogs/Tadpoles Utilities: Ladders We reckoned that ladders would be a useful way to ascend a built wall that might take up less floor space than stairs. Zip-Lines These could be a great method of travel between two fixed points, they could work either in a traditional sense and you'd slide from one higher point down to the lower. Or maybe they could work with some kind of pulley system from two points of equal height. Rope Swing For this we figure like in lots of games you could either have a fixed anchor point built and you could jump to grab it and swing back and forth to clear some kind of gap. Or maybe it works on a portable sense somewhat akin to Indies Whip but functionally works the same, maybe with a sticky tip of some kind to attach to surfaces. Elevators/Dumbwaiters These could be excellent for those that built raised bases. Perhaps using some sort of pulley system one might be able to raise/lower a platform with chests on or a grass pallet. This would for sure help for more convenient item hauling in a vertical sense. Rowboats We assume that the pond is going to have more to it, but we figure that a boat of some kind would be fantastic in traversing across the water. They would possibly be made from acorns leaves or lily pads. Rain Catcher This Item is dependent on a weather topic that will follow below. But if rain was ever implemented a receptacle of some kind to catch the rain would be brilliant. Stationary Slingshot Turret This idea came about thinking about a kids slingshot, and maybe moving forward with that in mind maybe there could be some kind of stationary slingshot style item to launch the players over a great distance for easy travel with the gliders. This could be a really high demand recipe as it is a rather strong item to have. Quality of Life: Inventory sorting function This was one of the first things we came to yearn for in game, we fell that the ability to auto sort a storage container, your own backpack & and easier way to merge you personal inventory with that of the contained would be a much welcome addition. Inventory stack increase Due to the limited amount of storage space in the backpack and the containers, we really feel that the stack size of items could be increased to some degree. It feels like 10 is far too low as the inventory in your backpack alone fills up too quick and maybe increasing up to at least 20 would be great. Craft 'X' quantity of item function This comes about due to the fact we feel crafting larger quantities of items takes too long when doing them one at a time. For example, being able to adjust the number of how many woven fibres you want to make based on the amount of planet fibres in your backpack and craft all at once would be a huge time saver. Pallet capacity increase Similar to the inventory stack quantity feeling too low, we feel the same issue extends to the pallets. Considering how many grass planks in particular you need to build larger structures it would be very handy if the amount of planks you can get onto each pallet could be increased to maybe 30. This would prevent having to stop building and gathering planks almost every living second of the game as you burn through them so fast and building. Storage Chest Naming This one isn't nearly as major as the custom markers on the chests a already pretty cool. But maybe being able to add a name to a storage container just to further mark it with a specific kind of item would be neat, Equipped items not taking up an inventory slot So far we feel that we dislike that the tools and certainly the armour take up a backpack slots while equipped. I'm not sure and the best way to go around dealing with this in the game in the cleanest way for the UI. But its definitely a thought we'd like to put out there to discuss with everyone. Ability to move built structures For far it's been a bit of a pain placing a structure or utility item down in the wrong place and having to recycle it (receiving less materials) to move to another spot. Only to then to not have enough materials now and having to stop and go harvest more. Maybe having just the ability to move a completed base piece would be handy but obviously could be avoided currently by being very careful with where you but down blueprints. It would still however be a very handy feature to have. Custom Blueprint Group This one is inspired by other building games, namely Planet Zoo. In this game you have the ability to create a 'group' blueprint based on a structure you've made so that you could save it to a library and the whole blueprint of the structure could be placed in one motion to make it easier to make duplicate structures. This would be a fantastic feature to add as I would like to repeat a few structures we have made within the garden. Filter Specific Trail Markers This one is another minor one, but even though there is already a way to hide the trail markers from the UI. We feel that being able to isolate certain ones, namely the quest ones while keeping all the other ones could be great. Because in our game at least, we know where to go for each of the major landmarks now but still use a lot of our own custom trail markers. But having our own in addition to the quest ones can be quite overwhelming and would like the ability to filter certain ones away. Additional 'Major' Features: Different weather variations This one I'm sure has been brought up by others, but a weather feature with some of the usual classics, rain, drought, snow, overcast, humid could be neat and effect the game play in various ways based on each individual weather. I wont go through all of them as this paragraph would be gigantic but maybe a few examples might be that some of the games creatures might act differently or perhaps the rain might be very dangerous to travel through but would obviously be a plentiful source of water. Season Variations This one is similar to the weather note prior where maybe just some of the games features, game play mechanics and of course visuals might change up to complement the passage through the different seasons throughout the year in the garden. Understandable this one is a giant effort to bring to life but would be awesome on the less. Base Building: Below are just some off the cuff ideas we had for other base building items that could be added to spice things up. Bunk Beds Slime Mold Ceiling Light Flower Petal Roof Pieces Support Pillars/Columns Bug Cage Trap Equipment: This is the same as the above category but for general equipment. Thistle Armour (returns damage back to attacker) Wing suits (possibly made from insect wings wasps/dragonflies etc) At this moment in time these are all the suggestions for game play changes and possible future content that we the Cheesbags have come up with. We hope that future readers of this like some of our ideas and would be open to discussing their opinion on what we have brought up below, or even add their own ideas! And lastly to the team over at Obsidian, we hope this might be useful information to all of those working on the game. Keep up the great work, even in early access we are having a blast and cant wait to see the next content update from you guys. Stay Fresh! - Corey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just under here I'm going to keep the ideas from everyone in the thread so that in the event of crazy amounts of ideas flooding in we can keep most of the coverage from the topic up near the top for easy reading. I will credit everyone accordingly for their ideas Tamable creatures This is one that I reckon comes up a lot for many players. But I do really like the idea of being able to tame certain insects to maybe just have around player bases in order to defend them from threats. Then also down that same vein even have some mounts to ride around on much like in honey I shrunk the kids. Being able to ride an Ant or a Ladybug would be terribly fun and a great addition to the game.
Hello, I happened to have had the opportunity to try out the game during your free weekend period that recently ended. Thank you for the event. Even though my time was short and progress wasn't gargantuan there were some things on my mind that I though would be worth jotting down to share in the hopes of helping this game be even better. I tried searching around for the items I was going to detail here and have not come across any relevant threads to append to. Apologies if I did miss any existing ones (perhaps my searching skills aren't good enough). In no particular order here are my research notes thus far: Platform: PC Steam Build ID: 7103683 Intense Title Screen Graphics Upon loading into the title screen and main menu I couldn't help but notice my GPU spike to 100% usage and sit there Checking another tool the FPS was clocking in at ~375 FPS Note: attached a snippet of MSI Afterburner monitor for details and potentially relevant data from other components The computer was mostly idle until launching from steam and then you see the GPU just go from low to 100% and stays there My in game graphics have been reduced to utilize ~70-80% of my GPU when actively playing in a world, but I can't restrict how ham my GPU is going when in the title/main menu Multiplayer Issues I've both hosted and joined a friend's world As the non-hoster there were consistent issues for us as opposed to the host never having these issues We've played other survival games and have not experienced these kind of issues that we have had in Grounded Randomly our inventory would sometimes blank out completely and if we quit + rejoined our inventories would return to normal Specific inventory issue seems to occur with multiple stacks of one plentiful item type at a time displaying as "X-3" or "0" Hard to specify, but there is a general intermittent choppiness as the non-host which I think contributes to the weird physics interaction at times Trampoline Interactions So, trampoline elevators made sense for going up, but... When jumping onto a second story trampoline into the sky and aiming for the trampoline on the ground level this results in damage In the event that I was low enough to die my body would continue to bounce forever in the same spot (was solo at the time so no clue how ally interaction to incapacitated player would be) Additionally, the backpack that is left behind upon player dying ends up bouncing forever I was hoping that trampolines would help break a large fall (imo, this is up to you if it should still cause damage since it makes sense as well) In regards to player/backpack bouncing indefinitely perhaps you nudge them away from the center point of the object in question so they will eventually get to a spot that they cannot bounce Yes, I realize that a player can relocate the trampoline to stop the perpetual bouncing, but that's not always the first solution that comes to mind if it can even come to mind at all (I've only realized this after having written this part out) Stuck on Grass Performing xtreme dandelion tuft landings or hopping wildly around and down onto two blades of grass can sometimes get you stuck Sometimes I am able to wiggle out while other times it feels like the perfect storm of wiggle physics that keep you perpetually suspended forever Playing solo with no one to help? Always having to carry an axe? Keep enough to make an axe on the spot at all times? What if the axe breaks? These are the questions that worry me every time I leave the safety of my grass-free base Perhaps the game could have some way of detecting a player that is indefinitely suspended (aka 'stuck') and shatter the grass Physics Gone Wild Loose objects, particularly grass planks, tend to cause some extreme behavior at times On more than a few occasions my partner or I would trip/clip/blip into a grass plank and skyrocket into the air (almost as high as the laser on a tripod) Multiple grass planks resting on one another may sometimes spontaneously combust into a violent explosion sending grass planks everywhere This might not be a terrible thing the more that I think about it, but certainly hilarious once (maybe only just once or twice) Some closing remarks. Kind of rambling so feel free to skip. Have you considered selling this game as a 4-pack? Perhaps a discount on the 4-pack? ^_^ If it wasn't for the fact that my friend told me about the free weekend and that it was free to try out this would have been a pass. It wasn't until I got into the groove and the motions of the logistics did I truly understand and enjoy this game. Which is certainly hard to convey on the storefront. This game really reminds me of Raft on many levels and I love Raft yet also took a pass on that game on a couple occasions until I didn't. This game (specifically the Steam storefront page) doesn't feel like it's selling the biggest asset that I love most and that is base building. There is one image in the slideshow on the storefront that shows an unbuilt blueprint and someone holding a stack of grass planks. Until someone actually plays the game or has seen other people playing it's not obvious from this pic alone that the base building is extremely deep and extravagant. I checked out Raft's storefront page and they included some pics showcasing their recent renovation update. Your Steam community hub artwork has loads of great bases and would be neat if you featured what your players were building. Your recent shroom update adds a whole new dimension to base design. A picture or two really are worth a thousand words. Especially on the Steam storefront since many quickly skim or make snap judgements on only images (when you mouse over games on the search page it has a mini popout that flips through only this slideshow). Thanks for reading! I hope this is useful in some way. Let me know if I can elaborate more on anything here. I'll be keeping an eye out for this game when it exits early access. Best wishes and good luck!
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So uh, I play a lot of build them up games and stuff. I only recently just picked up Grounded, but I haven't been able to stop playing and have been convincing friends to buy it too. Anyways! I play a lot of games like Ark, The Forest, House Flipper, Valheim, 7 Days to Die, Subnautica- obvious Sandbox and Survival games that are replayable. I love this game a lot, because there is so much to do, even if you get a lot of the stuff done in the game itself. On that note I just have mild suggestions in terms of gameplay: Balancing Thoughts: - Poison/Gas Arrows: I uh, don't see this working on anything I fight, it'd be nice to have like a status symbol under the health bar or something just to see that it's working? I don't tend to see the health go down, but the venom/gas arrows feel a little pointless if you don't see them actually working? - Crow Feathers: I saw you fixed the issue where they stay forever as well as the free respawns, I just think it might be a good idea to up the amount of fragments you get- not by a lot. Maybe 2-3 per a drop rather than 1? Since you only award 2 Raven Arrows per a fragment it'd be nicer to not have to wait days to farm the feathers. Either that or increase how many arrows you get per? Make gameplay a little more balanced when you do get what you need. - Spike Traps: I hate saying it, but you should pull the damage down on them, I killed a wolf spider on accident because it went for a lure trap surrounded by spikes. It only took a minute for it to die. Those may be just a tad over powered. I did do this on patch 8.2 though, so maybe they will break before they kill the wolf spider this time, but even then; just might be a good idea. - Weapons: So far the best weapons ( which I think was your intention ) for dealing heavy damage are the maces/clubs. Which is nice, they are well balanced ( Stamina Cost, Speed and Stun Rate ) and honestly satisfying as all hell. Same with the spear ( Good Damage, Mid-Speed, Long Range and Good Stamina Consumption ), but uh, I wish the daggers or the Mosquito Sword thing were a bit more rewarding? Maybe dual wield daggers or something so the low damage and high speed mean a little more. Or just make successive hits more damaging? Make a perk with it? I'm unsure on what would be good in that regard, but everything else feels pretty good. Just thought I'd offer some input. I haven't tried the trident yet, but if it's like the spear I'm sure it'll be amazing. - Raw Science: Alright, so this one I'm on the fence about, I've explored the majority of the map- including the U/C areas. Raw Science is pretty abundant, but finding it is a literal bitch sometimes. I have a lot on this one so uh, sorry if it's a long read? XD But for the most part, purchases are too expensive at the rate we accumulate RS or find it. It may be different on other difficulties, but I'm unsure as I haven't tried them yet. These are all just personal opinions as someone who plays games too much XD For upgrades such as the Eyepatch (2k), Fiber Bandage (2k), Torch (1.25k), Canteen (5k) and the Acorn Shovel (2.5k). The amount of Raw Science is so expensive that I honestly just thought "Is this even worth it?" and after using them. No. No they aren't. I can say the only decently balanced RS cost out of this, is the Torch Upgrade. Everything else? It's so expensive for how little it is used. Personally I cut the majority in half or down to 75%. In terms of use, the torch is one of the bigger ones so it's cost is actually pretty good for the amount of use it'll get. I would still lower it to 1k, but that's just me. However. The Eyepatch, Fiber Bandage and Acorn Shovel. For the amount that you have to spend on all these and the lack of effectiveness they have underwhelming for the cost. I personally would cut these costs down- Eyepatch at 500 since a lot of people only use it for early game, Fiber Bandage 750-1k, since I'm unsure of other people's playstyle it may be a good work around as purchasable if you use them a lot. Acorn Shovel, honestly unless you are digging a bunch of clay ( I dunno about the Pond Items since I had the Shovel+ prior to exploring there ) it's so inefficient. Personally if you keep it the same price, make it break Clay in 2 hits instead of 4 cause it's painful to have this expensive RS shovel but it not do more than dig 1 step faster. Otherwise I'd lower it to 500. As for the overly expensive Canteen....honestly I'd make this something you could just make after finding a blueprint, but that's me. Otherwise, cut the cost in half for it. 5k for 4 drops of water? Even when you finish the map and all, you'd really only need the base canteen. To make it a more viable option just cut the cost in half. The 2 Koi Pond items, are actually well priced- personally I'd shove the Light Source down to 1.5k just because the normal ones really don't last long enough, but that's my opinion. Those two are pretty well balanced that I don't have much to say on them. Build Upgrades- oh man. So, I think the Multi-Story and such are extremely well balanced and perfect for the cost of what you are getting. However. I think Fortified Bases should be cut down- not a lot, just a drop to 3k instead so you don't have to cut off a literal arm and that extra foot. The Buoyant Foundation is also well priced for those that want that cool on top of the water base, decently priced- even if you only get one item. Due to the fact it's not necessity and it's more of a 'must really want' I think it's well placed. Now comes the excess- As for the Pebblet Foundation, I'm not sure which is better between it or the solid Clay, but if Pebblet is stronger, the price is right and I will STFU, but if it's not. I'd cut cost down to 500. Or leave it alone completely if you plan on adding more stuff- like walls, sconces and roofs, things of that kind. Right now though? Honestly way too expensive. Ziplines, honestly I can understand why they are so expensive. Personally I didn't really take heavy interest in them, because I had less use for them, but others probably have cool ideas and uses for it. At the moment ( until there are more ways to get large amounts of RS besides saving that 300 day per Quest ) I'd cut it down to 5k- still expensive and robust, but allows for a little more freedom and option- as well as some more flexibility in getting other stuff you may need if you speed the chipsleuth. That's just my opinion though, others may say its worth, or not at all. Splatburst isn't.....strong enough for it to cost 3k. I've played with it a lot cause I love explosions. I'd honestly cut it down to 2k with it's current damage and range- it works well for it's effectiveness or when you uh, wanna genocide the ants. XD But since its something that takes a bit to unlock ( with the right Burg L chip and all ) I'd say it'd be better at 2k. Its already expensive to make ( the ingredients are a bit painful to get after all ) so not eating my RS wallet would be kinda nice. Daredevil, alright. I have an issue with this perk specifically. I haven't tried it, but unless I take next to no damage when falling, it's not worth 5k. If it just softens a blow at 25% or so, cheapen it. I can't offer as much input since I was just dead staring at the price in exchange for it's effect. I'd honestly price it similar to it's effectiveness, if it cuts fall damage by 25% make it 1k, 50% 2k, 75% 3k. That 100% is worth the 5k for those of us who suck at looking where we leap. Signage: 1k is too expensive for these. Pulling it down for those who really like cosmetics may be a better choice- or making them unlockables in the varying bases. At best I'd throw these at a 500 cost rather than 1k. Just some feedback on that regard and suggestions- since I know if you play the game a lot with really good equipment, farming 300 RS a day is excessively easy, but you heavily rely on the RS you find at the beginning so much that some costs really should be cut down a little for flexibility. It'd be a more streamlined progression if some of the early starter things you get ( since there is no step by step unlocking the chips ) were a bit cheaper to get. Some of the harder unlocks that are hidden behind puzzles should be a bit more expensive and offer a bit more progression in the game. No qualms on that. I think it's kinda strange to grind out quests daily on the game to get some of these unlocks- it may promote some explorations, but people can generally be lazy. They will more than likely return to the same spots to farm, which...kinda makes it grindy? Which in this game I don't think grinding should be a go-to kinda deal. If that is what you're going for then disregard me. Otherwise the RS placements and the amounts you get from Burg L I think are really decent and well spaced out thus far. Personally I wish the TAZY. T's respawned ( After like weeks ) or gave a little more for a single encounter deal, but that might make things a little too easy. As more stuff becomes available though I'm sure RS will be easier to get, but as an early access it shouldn't be a grind is all. - Perks: I don't have much on this- I actually like the perks and all as well as their progressions. Personally I wish we could have more active- like make an upgrade that cost RS or an unlock- something to allow the use of 1-2 more mutations at once ( with a total of 4 or 5 ), but otherwise I think the system is quite brilliant. Since it's so interchangeable with all the combos, its very nice. I only have one small suggestion and its just after you unlock them- I couldn't find a progress bar ( maybe I'm blind ) to see what I need to get it to the next phase, its honestly not necessity or anything. Just a Quality of Life type improvement. - Armor: I actually really love your armor system- it feels really good to be able to have different effects on everything. Personally my favorite set is the Worker Ants cause of the haul capacity xD Ehem, but overall I think the armor system is well balanced- requires you to take chances to get better stuff and it deteriorates at a decent rate to boot. The set effects and the many quirks they give are unique and fun to mix and match. I truly do love them a lot and I'm so god damn excited for what other's you guys come up and out with. ( I'd love to see more Marksman stuff xP ) - Gliders: Oh man, I want more we get crow feather fragments and iridescent wings, it'd be cool to have some really awesome craftable gliders with those ingredients. That's just my opinion XD - Traps: I really want more traps and lures....they are so cool and it makes me feel like a badass when I set up something really good XD Be awesome to make a spike pit or use the spiders webbing again to make something similar to the dew drop catcher. But it catches bugs instead. A predator deterrent wouldn't be a bad idea either.... - Mob Stuff: Another long section, I'm so sorry. Weevils: Love them, good source of meat and all, but uh. I did the dumb and dropped a mushroom on the ground early on. There were so many weevils and the ants trying to kill said weevil that I was terrified I'd crash the game. It'd be cool if they could eat the mushrooms on the run or the mushrooms despawned ( cause they get kicked around and become hard to find after a bit ) after a bit. So that it's less painful- it also might help with being less taxing on computers. Plus I've had them glitched in a lot of random places ( I think I still have some glitched in a cave??? I can hear them but can't see them ) as well as spawning the ground. Where you can see the top and kill it, but the poor things can't move. It's like they are half-buried XD Aphids: These things are fine- I think there is an issue with the AI though. If they get scared, sometimes they just hop in place over and over and over again. Sometimes they explode randomly too, but uh yeah, besides the fact they are super annoying when they get stuck in that loop. I have no issues. Spawn rate is really good and overall decent. Grubs: Need to spawn a little more frequently- like if I leave corpses it'd be nice if they were more likely to spawn close by? I dunno, I rarely get the dig areas so I often have to go hunting for them in the first place. Be nice if they dropped more hide instead of goop though. Other then that, they are fine. OH and they spawn on top of leaves and that one wooden board sticking out of the ground- which is really weird. Larva: These things are so damn fast- which is good. I find these guys to be a challenge. Personally I have no issue with them at all. Just wish they had more drops- maybe an armor since they look kinda cool. Lawnmites: Oh my god. I hate these things. Which makes them good. I just wish they took longer to respawn- so they aren't a daily issue. Infected Mites are fine with how many are around in that one area, but the amount of regular bastards is ridiculous. Preferably, just don't make them come back daily- even just one day after killing them all kinda respawn would be better. That's just an extremely personal opinion though, because I freaking hate the battle music starting with an enemy that can't even get to me. Water Fleas: No issue- maybe a little too dumb? Other then that, think they are fine, could probably be a little faster in water to make them a bit more challenging of an enemy. Tadpoles: They are fine too. Just wish they gave a bit more meat since they are kinda beefy looking. Maybe drop tails to make better fins too? Gnats: Same as Water Fleas, may want to raise the visibility on their corpses though- their body physics are a little wonky at times too. I killed one under a tree root and found it further up next to the oak tree itself for some reason. Water Boatman: It'd be a bit more appealing if they would fightback....otherwise I honestly think they are cute and want them as pets XD Spiderlings: Perfectly balanced. Fast, annoying, hard to hit. Orb Weavers: No issue with them combat wise, AI wise or anything like that. Since they are so abundant currently, I think personally, the amount of spider parts they drop can be lowered a bit. Since on average you get 5 per a kill? Something of that sort. It'd also be nice to have a rare drop of Spider Mandibles from them as well so you don't have to hunt the wolf spiders constantly. Wolf Spiders: These guys are messed up? Like not in the combat sense- when I don't do sneaky BS they are a really tough fight that I like. However, they glitch. Often. I have one spawned in the actual Oak Lab where Burg L is. I've had them glitch into trees. Glitch into dirt mounds and the like. They are very very easy to stick with how their AI works. I personally get a lot of satisfaction in killing one in actual combat then it getting stuck staring at me while I lob away at it's head XD As for drops, since they can be a hard kill ( if you don't do dirty tricks like most of us ) maybe some more venom? Since they are a bitch to fight ( especially when their venom attack vaporizes your health bar even after you win ) they should be a little more rewarding with special drops, not by a lot of course. Worker Ants: So, the Weevils attract the ants- then they pile up and yeah. That's a problem. Other than that, I think they are adorable and I get really sad when I have to kill them for parts XD Be cool if they attacked other bugs that get near their anthills though. Soldier Ants: Perfectly balanced- I found it cool they came to murk my ass after slaughtering a bunch of workers near by. I don't see any issues with them. They do get glitched in the Old Anthill sometimes though. Stinkbugs: I haven't really fought these, so I don't know much about them. Far as I know, they spawn too close together so it's really difficult to kill one without 2-3 more coming to beat your ass XD Besides that I think they are pretty cool looking, intimidating enough. Bombardiers: I have a physical vendetta against these things now because of Grounded. I promised to kill any of them that I find out of spite. I feel like I may just be unlucky, but every time I fight one, I either end up fighting 1-2 more in a group of up to 3, or the larva help these bastards. Either way, I wish they didn't spawn so close together. They are a decent and engaging fight- even if I hate the acid spitting. Well balanced offensively other than that. Bees: No issues, I like the way they are balanced, difficult to get and all. Wish you could make a lure for them so you have a better chance at smacking them. Or well you'd have to Spawn Kill them in the U/C area. Mosquitoes: Hate them, great enemy, well balance and you have room to breath. However the follow distance should be reduced. I honestly tested how far these bastards will follow and it tagged me all the way from the Flooded Grounds to the Western Anthill. =| Not okay. Diving Bell Spiders: No issues, I dunno if they are supposed to give you air back on kill, but they do? Their attack box on the player is also a bit wonky- may just be a glitch? Fireflies: Need to spawn more XD Honestly. I know they have little in the way's of crafting, but it'd be cool to be able to place attractors or something near the base so you can see them. Other then that I feel bad for killing them since they are neutral babies. Ladybugs: Oh man, I find these guys pretty rarely, which I'm guessing is a good thing since they are pretty strong. Uhhhh I think they are excessively well balanced and just the right amount of challenging. Wish you could attract them with aphid bodies or something. It'd be both challenging ( if you get more than one ) as well as something nice to look at. Tazy. T: No issues, just wish they gave more RS or respawned after a really long amount of time. I think the game is perfectly balanced when it comes to challenging the mobs, there are so few things honestly wrong with them that it makes the game really fun to play and remain exciting throughout. I also enjoy the satisfaction you get when you do defeat some of them- I do have some arachnophobia, more so cause of venomous spiders though. So murking them feels excessively good xD I really like the spread so far and I'm excited to see more. Odds/Ends Just a few little things- since Smoothies can be kinda costly, I was hoping maybe they would be more cost efficient if they lasted longer. Maybe for half the day or at least 6 hours in game time would be a better balance for that. I'm unsure, but they just really don't feel like they are worth making currently. Acorn Bits: I wish we could roast these or something. It's painful to have a lot of these and get so little when eating them. I don't think I really use them at all were I to be honest. Maybe at some point you could make stronger healing salves with them? I dunno. I find them pretty useless. Berry Chunks: Wish they were edible. Besides that, wish they were used in crafting a little more. Mushroom: Would be more beneficial if you could roast them or use them in recipes since they are very abundant. I dunno about the balancing around them, but honestly they just take up inventory space for the most part. Spinning Wheel: I think it's well done for time vs efficiency. I do hope at some point you could put it near chests filled with grass/webbing so that it just does it on it's own so you don't have to stop and pick things up all the time. It's more of ease of use type thing though rather than quality of life, just a thought. Tool Tips: This is major quality of life, since I have to search so hard just to find the effects of things and what they do. It'd be nice to have a short description just pop up when you hover over things. Like for the canteen it just tells you how many drops it holds. Be cool to also have the tooltips pop up on armor set effects and all so people don't have to hunt through the OS, but this is also made for game systems so it's probably too difficult. Storage: It'd be great if we could name our storage chests as well as see an indicator for the workbench on what area it draws items from. A condense button wouldn't be bad either...personally would love some larger storages cause I'm a hoarder XD Decorating: This is just because I know you can make really cool houses all over. Making halfwalls and windows would be pretty neat, double doors or um 'glass' walls/roof would be an interesting concept too. Love to see some more decor using bug parts since a lot of bugs are colorful or unique. Be awesome to see a gnat bean bag chair, a mite fuzz carpet or a ladybug table. Just little things. Also, this is just because the fact its an exploring thing. Maybe it'd be cool to make paths with standing lamps and such? For navigating and the like. Crafting bridges and stuff too would be interesting.....just little cool things like that. Or um using the Bioluminescent Goop as markers for underground, or on armor to make yourself glow in the dark...could use it for some cool stuff is all.
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Can we like chill out with the number of diving bell spiders? I'm at the point in the game now with full ladybug armor minus the helmet when I'm diving, that they're not like a huge problem or anything by themselves, but it's kind of annoying trying to explore the lake and I get attacked every 5 seconds. Like you don't even get attacked that much in the backyard rummaging through the grass and stuff. One, two, three of them okay I get it. My example that brought me here, I just went to get bones from the lake. Swimming from the lily pad that my house is on, down toward the bones I fought three spiders when I got in the water, two more after I swam for about five seconds, three more at the entrance to the cave, and three more after that inside the cave. The other thing is even though they don't hit super hard it's annoying to fight them. They will swing once, you block, and then they dash back like 40 yards and you have to sit there and be like okay I'll wait no problem. It's just a totally unnecessary irritation. It's not that they're difficult it's just they're super abundant to a ridiculous point. We don't really have any super good underwater weapons at this time. So can we take a serious look at the diving bell spawn rate or population rate?
After seeing some of the new building items in the latest patch I had a few ideas. - Curved walls (mostly for spiral staircase. For building nice looking towers) - Pebblet and Clay walls, windowed walls and roofs would look amazing. Would really help with castle building. - Fusing two different types of armour into one to get both buffs. Getting the defence of the ladybug armour while also getting the carry capacity of the ant armour. Adding a nerf to it would be fine. Like ant soldiers not seeing you as friendly anymore or maybe taking more stamina to run faster. - Arrow quiver. Basically an armour piece that would have similar carry capacity of the backpack but only stores arrows. - Craft-able Pouches. Being able to add a pouch to armour to increase carry capacity would be a nice idea. - Harvesting the metal from nails etc, to make tier 4 weapons from would be awesome. Just a few ideas I had for this promising game.
Whole family is really enjoying the game so far. Though those spiders are a bit daunting! . A few suggestions for the game below: Would be great if you could change or customise the difficulty in game. That way if you are finding it too hard/too easy you don’t have to start over from the beginning. Having the grass and clover move or sway as you walk/run around. Keep getting stuck on them and being killed by insects as the grass and clover act like a wall. When playing with another person; being able to bring your inventory into their game would be great. That way you or the host are not having to craft doubles of gear and weapons when you want to play together. A ground leveling tool for building would be great to smooth out the dirt where it forms mounds. And being able to chop up fallen leaves (possible resource?). Having the option to upgrade the backpack so it has more inventory space (maybe a purchase with burg.l?). Equipped items not taking up backpack space and items such as dandelion tufts, weapons etc stacking in the backpack (maybe up to 5 per stack as they are bigger/heavier items). That’s it for now. Really enjoying the game though
Here are just some overall fixes and feedback I have for the game after playing it the first few days it came out. Keep in mind I have not played since so these may already be fixed. -Faster way to transfer larger quantities of items from inventories as well as for crafting. -The enemy Ai and health is difficult to deal with if you have just started. -The areas that you are able to build structures onto need to be more clear. Or make a way to terraform or flatten the ground. -When holding a stack of planks or grass, if you are selected on a bow in your hot bar, you are unable to drop the planks and are instead forced to shoot the bow. -There needs to be a little more info/tutorial around the UI and inventory. -The hot bar slots should be separate from your actual inventory spaces. -Hard to figure out which high tier tools you need and how to obtain them. Theres a lot that I really appreciate about the game, but sometimes these issues definitely took away from the gameplay experience.
It would be super helpful if you could flag an item/tool/ETC to alert you when you have gathered all the parts to craft it. That way you wouldn't have to repeatedly check your inventory to see if you've got enough of something to craft it. I imagine you could either have all the needed parts on screen, or a less intrusive system where it just pops up when all the parts have been gathered. Loving the game! Keep up the awesome work! Thank you!
Hi everyone! I’m brand new here and I just want to start by mentioning how excited I am to have found this game! I think it has a lot of potential and I’m really interested to see how it grows and changes. This post is intended to give devs (and whoever else is interested) an idea of what the game looks like to a player that is brand new. Hopefully you can glean some interesting ideas or useful pieces of information from it. Let’s get right into it! Progress through the game so far: Spent roughly 10 hours (over about 3 sessions) in a single world on moderate, playing with 2 others who are also brand new players All three of us are on XBOX Completed the story mode objectives Built a small but substantial base (more than a 2x2, but not a sprawling castle or anything…) Challenged most insects we’ve come across to a fight (won some, lost many) Initial Spawn and First Hour On our initial spawn, we immediately loved how things looked and were very excited to get started. There was a little bit of “information overload” while moving through the inventory and crafting menus, and it took a little bit of getting used to but we eventually figured out how everything was organized. After about an hour of playing, moving through the menus became quite easy and intuitive. I was also impressed with how well the starting zone was set up. It shepards new players to the first research station very well. When starting out in a new survival game, I usually get lost almost immediately and have very little idea of what I’m supposed to be doing, but Grounded does a nice job of keeping that from happening. One issue we ran into on the first day (but haven’t experienced since) was a stampede of ants. At one point we had over 20 ants all crowding around the research station. This wasn’t much a problem while the ants were only workers, but whenever a soldier showed up we would get swarmed and almost instantly die. This was the source of a lot of our deaths during our first day, but eventually the ants dispersed and we were allowed to continue. My suggestion would be to severely limit the bug spawns around the research station during the first day so as to facilitate low risk exploration and learning of the game mechanics. That way new players don’t get discouraged in their first 10 minutes (which as we all know, are some of the most crucial minutes). Combat My younger brother quickly became the “combat expert” of our crew. He led the charge in most of our battles, and is always itching to take on whatever bug may be crawling around near us. He was the first of our trio to craft new weapons/armor, perform a perfect block (which he now declares that he has mastered), and challenge both variants of spiders. From what I can gather so far, the combat seems fun and engaging. We are punished (usually with death) for engaging bugs without a plan or the proper equipment, but dispatching them becomes pretty easy with a little bit of practice. I think this is the perfect balance for new players because it offers them a challenge while not being too cruel. (Note: this is excluding wolf spiders…we will get to those below) We do have a few suggestions! The first is to show us numerical stats on weapons and armor! That way we can quickly compare the equipment and be totally sure that wearing our ant helmet is better than the eyepatch. (is it?) Second is we want an indicator as to how much damage we are doing to enemies! This could take the form of numbers that float in the air for a short while which display the damage done on that attack or something of that nature (making that feature toggle-able is also a good idea). Finally we just want more stuff! I don’t want this to turn into an “Add this and this and this” thread so I won’t push all my ideas on you just yet, but keep adding more! (ok maybe just one real quick…maybe think about some special weapons that aren’t craft-able? These would have to be placed in specific locations around the world, and probably protected by some type of strong enemy, but they would provide unique properties to players who obtain them!) Base Building If my brother is the “combat expert” then I guess that would make me the “building expert” of the crew. I’ve spent the most time out of our trio working on the base and doing “basely” duties, and here are my conclusions… I like the concept of the building mechanics a lot. I’ve spent some time playing Ark, and let me tell you, I like this so much better for two main reasons. 1.) Building one wall piece doesn’t take an obscene amount of resources. 2.) The blueprint concept. Messing up and misplacing a wall no longer means sacrificing resources. 10/10 on that one. The building UI is also well put together and easy to understand, and I really like how holding blades of grass and other building materials is different from them just being in your inventory. Very neat idea. Of course its still rough around the edges, but that’s to be expected. Sometimes I’m able to build a wall that’s half in the ground and other times I’m not. If I put my head at the just the right angle while in blueprint mode, the wall flashes blue to red and teleports around my screen like its in the middle of a fight in DragonBall Z. Etc. You guys are aware of these I’m sure, so I won’t spend any more time talking about them. In short, I really like the building mechanics! Continue to polish them and they will be great!! Surviving I wouldn’t say I’m a survival game expert or anything, but I have spent some time playing a few. Ark, The Long Dark, Minecraft and Terraria (I know, I know…but they have survival game aspects) is what I’m basing this off of. Food and Water: Food is pretty easy to come by. At first we starved a lot but once you figure out where to look/what to kill you can get by fine (and you can’t call it a survival game without a little starvation). However, WATER. Always THIRSTY. Never ENOUGH. Really though, there should be more dew drops around the starting zone. I get not wanting to make it too easy, but we were practically fighting each other for the few dew drops we came across (with the loser often “Giving Up” just to get a full water bar again). Health: This circles back to the combat section, but give us some numbers! That way I can know exactly how many more ant bites I can take before its time to take off in the other direction. Stamina: Honestly I think we have a very fair amount of stamina, and it refills fast which is AWESOME. Miscellaneous: Please, please, please do not ever add a weight factor. I don’t care if its unrealistic for my character to carry an entire inventory of pebblets…this survival game is clearly not one that is striving for realism, so don’t add a weight factor (and actually ants can lift like 5000 times their own weight so…just pull that tidbit out if any of the survival purists come around complaining and whatnot). Spiders Why do spiders get a special section? Because, they are actually what enticed me to try the game in the first place. While watching Youtube clips of Grounded, I noticed a key element in most videos was wolf spider attacks. I would watch in fascinated horror as Youtuber after Youtuber would have a wolf spider seemingly materialize out of no-where and utterly obliterate them. So let talk about our spider experiences… Orb-Weavers: I think this enemy is well balanced. We need to keep our eyes peeled for them, but they seem pretty docile, and only really attack if you engage or wander too close. Fighting them is challenging, but we’ve killed most of the ones we’ve attacked. They are a good warm-up for Grounded’s real beast… Wolf-Spiders: The first 3 in-game nights were pretty much spent in anticipation of a wolf-spider attack of our own, but one never came. To be honest we were a little disappointed. We eventually set out specifically to look for them, and find them we did. I can confirm that they are every bit as vicious as they were in the videos. But there wasn’t any stalking! Come to find out, it was toned down significantly in a recent update. We were bummed! Personally, I kinda like the horror aspect of running around at night and constantly having to be hyper aware of my surroundings. Currently it doesn’t even feel that dangerous to be outside at night. I get that you guys probably toned it down in response the community, but bring back some spider stalking! One idea would be to make it so that 1 out of every 5 (or something) wolf spiders is of the stalker variety. That way it brings down the number of spider related deaths, but still forces players to stay on their toes. The wolf spider is currently your flag-ship insect (okay, arachnid, you get what I mean). Changing how they work too much might seriously affect how many new players you are drawing in. Story (no spoilers here) I really like the story so far. If we are getting more stuff like that, then I’m excited to see how the rest of it turns out! Keep up the good work and keep doing what you’re doing! Alrighty, that wraps up my post. It is very long, but I had a lot to say. In short, keep up the great work! We are very excited to see where this game goes! I plan to be hanging around on the forums here for a bit, so expect to see more posts from me (hopefully not as long as this one). Thanks! :) ~Nyr1n Oh, also shoutout to Sthen0z and Hawkeyeboy1 for being sick teammates!
Posting this here as the interview covers a lot of threads I've read under this category. Some things covered or hinted at during the interview: Equipment no longer taking up inventory slots. Shared/dedicated servers Dungeons / boss battles Additional ways to travel around the world World changing events Road map coming Improvement to combat Interaction with items (sitting on chairs) Naming saved games files If it's already been posted, sorry but didn't show after a quick search.
Having played about 10 hours of the game on Xbox so far, really enjoying it and love the world and story so far. With that said, here are some observations and suggestions I have (some of which have already been shared by others) in a hope they may be considered for future enhancements. Ability to name save files, or at least differentiate Auto-Save files between Single and Multiplayer Multiplayer Accessibility Ability to invite Friends into game from the Xbox menus (current option where you have to host and then they have to join from the menu is a bit clunky) Ability to set game to "Private" (we had a random person join our game multiple times and had to keep kicking them) Hotpouch Control - change to "Tap LB" to quick cycle through the Hotpouch items, and "Hold LB" to open Hotpouch radial menu. Currently very cumbersome to quickly or easily swap things in certain situations, especially if your items break or run out of consumables. PC players can easily assign these to 1-8 keys for example, so Xbox would benefit from another option and would be similar to Minecraft. Xbox can remap some of the Hotpouch spots to the D-Pad, but then you'd lose other commands (not that Non-verbal comms or emotes are that useful for Single player, I've also reassigned D-Pad Right to Open the Map) Find a new function for the Y button, as toggling the markers could be moved to the Map screen. This would allow for another remapped command as the Marker Toggle exists on the Executable Radial or to activate your "off-hand" items like torches, maybe an eventual Shield, Another option would be a "Ping" command for a temporary marker to highlight an item or location, and would be especially useful for Multiplayer (preferred option) I've currently mapped it to Swap to Previous Item, which is useful only if the equipment you last used compliment each other (I likely will be remapping it again to be Hotpouch Slot 1 and putting a weapon there) Inventory Quality of Life Armor once equipped should not take up an inventory slot Option to move stacks of items into storage Sort functions Being able to "tag" areas of interest (i.e. a juice box) on the Map to set a waypoint or marker for slightly easier navigation, but then disappears once you get to it. Adding a basic compass marker to SCA.B HUD/UI Currently very easy to get lost as the biomes are visually mostly the same in the majority of the map, and large defining structures (i.e. Oak Tree) aren't always visible. Option to slide by pressing crouch while sprinting, or to roll by double clicking crouch while moving (would be helpful for dodging bug attacks) Option to clamber up small heights by pressing or holding the jump button (this has become such a staple in games now that it just feels missing here) Ability to interact with "friendly" insects Petting Ants are a must, and feeding them food Option to "tame" temporarily Ladybugs and Ants to help you harvest or get somewhere Item/Equipment Requests Slingshot with different ammo types - rock, multi-shot, AOE effect shots (smoke bomb, sap trap, diversion lure) Bug Net - to capture Gnats and Aphids Shield - (alternative form of blocking) Healing Ointment - for immediate health recovery instead of recovery-over-time like the Bandage Baitball (Lure? - haven't tested those yet so unsure if this already exists) - throwable consumable that attracts predators so that you can escape/sneak past Crossbow - for more damage but slower rate of fire, and as optional "Zipline" alternative ammo type Zipline - for quick traversal of the environment from height Bug Types for the future - praying mantis, caterpillars, fireflies, bees/hornets, Or other animals that act as "world-events" - frogs, birds, snakes Building controls are a little wonky with the controller and how structures snap to build points, in that walls don't always align with each other or doors, or can float above the ground leaving gaps. Also, small observation - there are currently 4 characters, but when you first spawn into the world the canister with the body cutouts has 5 there going to be a 5th character, or option to "create your own" in a limited sense? I think that is it for now. As stated above, loving the game so far, and looking forward to see how it develops. Thank you Obsidian.
Here is the few things I figured out after 20 hours of playing in WOAH! Difficulty Solo and Co-op. Insects: Spiders should be alot fewer and be a more lethal threat: The Orb Weaver's web spit never hit its target, and its bite is really easy to perfect blocks, the same with the Wolf Spider's bite, its jumping attack is a bit more complicated to perfect block and deal alot more damage, that really the only thing that make the Wolf Spider a bigger threat.More patterns should make them more difficult, maybe multi-attacks like the Larvae's one where you need to perfect block each of one to not take damage, an improvement of the web spit which create a AoE in the ground like the Bombardier Beetle that stuck you in the ground if you walk in, there is alot that can be done. Now talking about the number of spiders that can be encountered: too many. I really don't know if a population control like the ant is planned later in the game, but currently you stumble every 5 minutes on a spider. Plus the fact that they are really easy to kill when you have the experience make it only an annoyance, there is maybe just too much spider's den. Bombardier Beetle probably the hardest bug, but not for the good reasons, In short: its acid splash cone AoE attack. Too quick, too lethal, very few cues that it will make it and super hard to dodge, sometimes you only need to strafe around him to dodge it, but most of the times it just lock you and turn during the animation making it impossible to dodge. I don't know if it's intended but it makes this bug a pain in an ass to beat. Plus the fact that its charge attack has almost the same animation make cues that it make this attack really hard to spot in the short amount of time before it make it. Larvae, probably just a bug, but its multi-attacks have difficulties to connect, even when you're really close to it. Inventory management, chests management: Armors and quick bar items should not take places in inventory: To go to the adventure, you need a Armor (Three pieces) some foods, a canteen, bandages, a weapon, a hammer, an axe, maybe a shovel, a bow and arrows (maybe multiples types of arrows), just by stuffing yourself, the third maybe the half of your inventory is taken, I think it's an intended Game Design, it discourage greatly long trips in the wild, and encourage short trips to seek specific things. For the moment it's not hyper bothersome, but when the game will become larger with more differents items to pick, it will become a real problem. Just my 2 cents on this specific thing. It doesn't seem to be enough slot in the quickpouch bar, eight is too few, again you need weapon, tools, drink, foods in it and maybe more in the future, it's not convenient to swap items between hotbar and inventory that often. Also the fact in PC you can't scroll items in your bar to select them (like in minecraft) is really downside to this feature and push mouse and keyboard user to play with the radial menu. It's hard to have the perfect world for this, maybe allow to have 1 or 2 quickbar swappable with a touch, or expend to quick bar to 10 is a solution (solutions which ask heavy UI redesign), or a smart system that switch to the correct tool when you press a button, or a auto feed button. There's a lot of solutions for this I think. It will be cool to have the now famously requested deposit stacks button, but I would also suggest more, like a quick sort (in inventory and chests) , a quick deposit: there's already tag management for containers why not utilise it fully, that would be the caviar of Quality of Life (but maybe a pain in the ass to implement in the game?). Bases and building: In general base building is really intuitive and fun, but when you decide to build on top of a rock or on a soda can and the fun is gone, there is just too much of restriction when it come to clipping stairs, roofs, walls into pre-existing object (rocks, can etc.) and make really hard to come up with fun ideas that work. Regrowth mechanic, don't seems to work or work as expected: cutting down the root of a grass doesn't prevent it to regrow, if it's intended then it restrict base building a big downside. Larvae raids are really too destructive when it come to grounded base, if you can't take them down quickly they destroy your base an chests really to quickly, even if you try to build reinforcement, and if they break a chest with stuff in it, be ready for 3 minutes of diaporama at 1FPS. The mechanic of raids, and having to protect your base in really fun, but there is issues when it comes to bug destroying your chests and lagging the **** out of you when all the items pop off, the fact that it take 2 or 3 hits of a larvae to destroy one is maybe too few. Perfect blocking/armors on WOAH! Difficulty: I think it's a big issues right now, perfect blocks should prevent armors from taking damage, in WOAH! Difficulty and solo, the only defensive option to take down bugs is to perfect blocks, tanking it is just madness, and strafing doesn't seems to work consistently. All of this making you repairing your armor after one fight, maybe it's intended but here's what happen next: I just don't wear armors anymore, and there's no death penalty and most of the bugs are easily manageable with perfect blocking. (Btw Pefect Block feels really good and is a cool mechanic.) Now a thing that is a personal point of view : Death Penalty and Save System. I think Grounded qualify itself as a survival game, but it is in a really bizarre ground: you can manually save the game, and if you die you can re-pickup all of your stuff. There is no real penalty to dying beside making the road to your stuff and try again, and better you can save before taking a combat and reload until you succeed. Once you get that there is not really any tension anymore and the game lose of his "survival" side. It's inherent to a another survival game which I played name Green Hell, where the death penalty is so inexistent that letting you die is the easiest way to cure from sickness, replenish your hunger, sanity, etc. and Grounded is no stranger to that. Miscs: Swimming at 1st person view is a tad broken when it come to swim above the water The blurry depth of field should be configurable, and turned off. You should be able to write feedback like this, in the feedback tab in-game. Hope this insight will help the game, i'm not native English hope it's understandable.
First I'd like to say I absolutely love this game. My first play through no Raw Science ever spawned. I didn't realize this until I had played for 3+ days IRL. I had to restart witch was fine. . . My second playthrough around 20 days in game my clock stopped. I was able to load a save and get it going but every time my friend on Xbox joined it stopped again. I'm not sure if that was the cause OR if it was building a sky fortress. . . The next day when I loaded up a good save everything was fine until I started building the same stairs we had been working on the day previously. So I didn't build anything on that side of my fortress and time continued normally in solo mode. A few hours later I realized my lady bugs were extinct and I hadn't seen one in forever. Completely gone. I found 2 lady bugs stuck in the rock in the South with some Stink bugs. My friends said in their games all the lady bugs are stuck in rocks too and went extinct. I'm super sad about this because I spent the beginning of the playthrough building instead of exploring/fighting lady bugs so I never got lady bug armor. Love love love love love this game. Just needs a few less of the icky bugs and more scary ones Can't wait til it's a bit more playable. Ill try to find a work around ... maybe I'll restart again. Feedback: It would be SUPER awesome if my armor didn't take up inventory slot when I was wearing it .