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  1. Some minor "not game-breaking bug" I saw in the game (after 1.03 patch.) 1. "His old self" quest- After you finished the quest with Kaenra, if you talk to her again, she will ask you how's the quest going, like she didn't already know the quest is completed. 2. "Champion of Berath"- The fampyr butler- the one escorted you to the rooftop - who suppose give you a option to acquire her to be your servant, disappeared after combat with Raedric. 3. If you have high enough Dex and Con, one of the prostitutes in Salty Mast will offer go to Caed Nua to serve you, but if you sleep with her/him in Caed Nua, you won't get the buff from her/him. 4. Sometimes the one who falled in a combat, won't revive after combat even he/she have health left. Since it's out of combat, you can't cast revive spell on him/her, and you can't do a save and load because the system somehow thinks you're still in a combat. You can, however, camp to fix this, but if you're currently in a non-camp zone like in the city or village, the save is broken. 5. The hirelings still have the "Currently unpaid" status all the time. 6. My save is currently in Act III, like 4-6 in game time i think? Never had a monster attack from the Endless Path. Don't know if it's a bug, but in the guide says there will be monster attacks if you don't clean the Path. 7. How does the tax system works? I now have both prestige and security 40+, but still lose around 200 to bandit and 600-800 earned. And I have to pay 1100 every 5 days to my hirelings. Even it's not a bug, still kinda broken. And why can't we have tax collected like, few days IN GAME DAYS like hirelings payday, not go with turns? It's bad business bro. updates: 8. Pallengina's voice being cut: Pallengina's voice usually started from the 6th or 7th word in a dialogue. 9. Dismiss a companion from party resets his/her combat record. Not sure if it's a bug, but I would like to view my companion's combat record from time to time even I have dismissed him
  2. Spell Slots Bug: Step 1, let your spell casters have bonus spell slot talents or items. Step 2, dismiss them. Step 3, you can change your party multiple times, every time you do it, your spell casters will gain 1 stack of bonus spell slots. Step 4, recruit them again to see the result. Paladin Ability Bug: Paladins have an ability which will suspend target's positive effects for some duration. This ability not only disables magical buffs but also equipments and talents, i.e. your bonus spell slot talents or sword+shield style. This effect can easily become permanent. The only solution I found is dismiss and recruit again, which will lead to the spell slots bug. However, you can not dismiss your main character. So you have to reload every time your main character got hit by this ability.
  3. I'm crashing consistently when moving from one area to the next. I'm playing version of the game on OS X 10.10.3. I've gathered my Player.log, autosave game file, and system info into a zip file. You can get it from this dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xg0e1rb09nnl85k/PoE_crash_when_loading_new_area.zip Let me know if you need anything else. Carl
  4. Hi there, I'm on a MBP 2011 ( 2,8Ghz i7, 4go ram and intelHD 3000) so far so good, except that the game freeze every time after the animation in the hole's room on the second floor of the EndlessPath. The game just freeze after the Xaurip priestress pointed the hole to my party and that's it. Anyone encountered the bug before ? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi! I'm italian and I found a bug in the Tips section of the Cyclopedia. All entries for the this section are without text. Here's the screenshot: I love this game, thanks for all your efforts!
  6. List of significant outstanding, and commonly recurring bugs: 1. Already activated ability bug. http://forums.obsidi...d/#entry1648202 http://forums.obsidi...d/#entry1648187 http://forums.obsidi...even-after-103/ http://forums.obsidi...already +active http://forums.obsidi...already +active 2. Sanitarium hostility bug. http://forums.obsidi...g/#entry1648561 http://forums.obsidi...ve#entry1642714 http://forums.obsidi.../?hl=sanitarium 3. Sound cutting from companion dialogue. http://forums.obsidi...um#entry1654194 http://forums.obsidi...-over-gets-cut/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77895-patch-104-slower-load-times-and-broken-voice-acting/ 4. Reckless Assault bug. http://forums.obsidi...already +active http://forums.obsidi...already +active 5. Difficulty decreasing bug. https://forums.obsid...ifficulty-bugs/ http://forums.obsidi...y-decrease-bug/ 6. Defenses and afflictions don't stack properly bug http://forums.obsidi...stack-properly/ http://forums.obsidi...tribute-scores/ 7. Status Effect Bug (Especially Blinded) http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77907-bug-report-three-of-my-characters-are-permanently-blinded/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76967-some-status-effects-staying-on-permanently/?hl=blinded http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76702-bugpermanent-blinded-icon/?hl=blinded http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/75491-blinded-icon-does-not-disappear/?hl=blinded http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73991-bug-permanent-blinded-status-on-main-character/?hl=blinded http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73430-perpetually-blinded-after-boss/?hl=blinded 8. Various Quest Bugs http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77962-od-nua-dungeonsomeone-can-answer-to-me-plzif-you-dont-want-to-know-about-od-nua-dont-read-this/?hl=quest&do=findComment&comment=1666449 http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77958-104the-sword-from-the-endless-paths-cannot-be-reforged/?hl=quest http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77931-the-changing-of-the-guard-quest-eldrid-wenfeld-isnt-anywhere-to-be-found-help/?hl=quest http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72793-major-plot-progression-bug-act-2-the-duc-invitation/page-3?hl=quest&do=findComment&comment=1665822 http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77855-bug-quests-council-of-stars-and-the-old-queen-and-the-new-king-dont-play-nice-together/?hl=quest http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73835-bug-blade-of-the-endless-path-quest-wont-continue/?hl=quest&do=findComment&comment=1662675 http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76571-whats-up-with-all-the-quest-bugs-game-is-not-playable-like-this/?hl=quest http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76017-cant-advance-main-quest-never-far-from-the-queeneven-with-iemod/?hl=quest&do=findComment&comment=1645628 http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/74942-main-quest-line-broken-bronze-beneath-the-lake/?hl=quest&do=findComment&comment=1648413 9. Save & Load time bugs http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77203-quick-load-and-load-taking-over-a-minute-game-over-premature/?hl=load http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72764-quick-saving-and-loading-times-increased-greatly-after-20-hours/page-8?hl=load&do=findComment&comment=1642515 https://steamcommunity.com/app/291650/discussions/0/618457398967718815/
  7. If I try to open info about any items in inventory interface can hangs for 10-60sec. And if I try to close it will be closed in 10-60sec... Reproducing: 1. Open Stash. 2. Switch on sorting by "Item type". 3. Press rigth mouse button on any items, if interface still fast, close info window and repeat this step again (until reproducing bug: 1-2 times). You can find save file here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx1KtBrQAwPueGlieUh3NEMzZnM/view?usp=sharing My system is: Windows 7 x64 AMD Phenom x4 840 3.2GHz nvidia gts450 4Gb RAM I haven't had any problem with interface in versions <1.05. P.S.: It is raly good feature (sorting). Thank you very much! But it doesn't work for me=(
  8. amazing bug if active -14 Deflection, but must only -3. http://i.imgur.com/oUnLjKZ.jpg
  9. Issue: Alt-tabbing with the loot screen open causes the game to hang. Reproduction steps: 1) Open a loot container 2) Alt tab out of the game 3) Alt tab back to the game. Result: the game window will not respond to any mouse clicks or input, and Windows will eventually tell you the game has hung. Viewing the game's memory usage in task manager in this state will show only ~16-32MB instead of the normal hundreds. Unfortunately it doesn't happen every time, but it's definitely present in 1.05b. I'm unsure if it was in 1.04 also.
  10. I talk to Cwenith and eventually decide to take the quest. I'd completed the other two or three quests in the area. I run around Twin Elms to get enough positivity to allow for the option to arrest the Captain. I ask the Twin Fangs hunter about surrender and if she wants him dead. I talk to him (Captain) and tell him he'll be a prisoner in my dungeon. He's a bit too happy about it, but oh well.. He walks down the path, fade scene...everyone's gone but my party. Wasn't the Twin Fangs hunter supposed to be waiting for me? Hmm... I would attach saves but I cannot get even one below the 1mb limit. The output log.txt is attached but it did take a while for me to realize the quest had not actually completed.. Northweald.zip
  11. Hey there. I got a "special" problem in my Pillars of Eternity. Since i started to encounter Od Nua, i got on every Map 3 Sekeletons and 1 Ghost, who are belonging to me. Sometimes there are out of the Map (you can't see them).But if they are inside the map they start to fight immidiatly if they see an enemy, even if i am not there. Besides, i can't controll them. After 30h of playing with that Bug, the Skelletons and the Ghost, are attacking now every single Person on every Map. Due to this, i cant speak to NPC's even more, because the Skelletons will attack them. I restartet the Game. I reloaded an older savegame. Nothing helped. The .rar is in in the Dropbox folder. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7c7tjbsjucnn3wh/AAA3mERMpkhUuJIMwWJM5qeoa?dl=0
  12. Hi, The Ring of Searing Flames doesn't seem to produce the Combusting Wounds spell when equipped after one of my characters did. To be specific, I had Kana equip the ring and it showed in one of the abilities but after I got Pallegina and equipped it on her, it doesn't show. I've tried on all the other characters and they have the same issues. Please help, thanks! PS: Refer to screenshots below. The second one clearly shows there is no Combusting Wounds.
  13. Hi. I have a problem with Pillars of Eternity. I entered the Temple of Eothas then talked to a guy that gave me quest to search the temple for dead priests. After that, everytime I try to exit the temple in order to search a guy near the forge - the game crashes. I tried to explore the temple further before exiting, but with no luck. Everytime I try to exit - the game crashes. I attached a save gamefile from Steam, dxdiag log and crashlog. Thanks in advance. 2015-05-03_140510.zip DxDiag.txt Pillars of Eternity-save.zip
  14. Hi there, I have played for about 31 hours or so, and had experienced no issues. Today however I have experienced a game breaking bug; the majority of areas I have previously explored have had their fog of war restored, all enemies/NPCs I have killed have respawned and all world events re-occur; I didn't initially think this would be an issue (I can just re-kill stuff, watch any world events, etc) however when I came to enter the Endless Paths, I discovered that I could not access them because the key-requiring door had respawned and I do no have the requisite key. I reloaded a save file from an hour ago and this bug seems to not be present there. All I have done in the mean time is speak to Oly about the murders in the Salty Mast, complete the quest which involves delivering seeds to a contact at the inn in Copperlane and then left Defiance Bay. The only other thing I can think of as a cause is that I changed the game's language to french for an hour or so before deciding to switch back to English. Thanks, Robert
  15. Anybody can test if the companion inventory bug still occurs in 1.05? It was promissed in recent patch but cant find it in patch notes.
  16. Enchanting the Saint's War Armor with the "Fine" quality causes it to lose all its pierce resistance, even the natural pierce DR that scale armor is supposed to come with. It correctly gains 2 DR and 2 Slashing and Freeze DR, but does not display having pierce resist at all. The +3 Pierce bonus displays on the character's detailed information screen alongside the +2 bonus from Fine, but the stat overview on the inventory/paperdoll screen does not show him as having any Pierce DR. I also tried attacking the party member in question using a pierce weapon before and after the enchant to see if this may simply be a tooltip/display error, but the results were unclear - the damage differences between wearing the normal Saint's War Armor, after enchanting it to Fine, and after putting on a leather armor with no natural pierce DR, were all so slight that any changes could have just been natural damage variance. IMAGES Saint's War Armor before enchanting: Saint's War Armor after enchanting (and compared with ordinary Scale Mail):
  17. My main character, a Cipher, for some reason does not get any AoE bonuses from Intellect, while other characters do. The character screen claims I'm getting bonuses, but the area highlight never shows the yellow zone, regardless of my Intellect. I verified that it's not only a visual glitch - the area is indeed not affected by bonuses. I tried disabling/re-enabling the area highlight to no avail. I also tried manipulating the attribute score through cheats in attempts to "unstuck" the calculation, and it actually worked (I got the yellow zone) until I reloaded from a save. I can no longer reproduce this... The version is, GOG. This kind of ruins my game... Any ideas? All relevant files (saves, logs, screenshots, dxdiag info) are here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iqto22xb8lfftzi/aoe_bug.zip?dl=0
  18. Hello, I am writing because I have a bug when I change the zone pillars of eternity. In fact when I load a zone, the game crash. Here is the report: [unityCrashHandler] AppName=Unity Player Info=Unity 4.6.1p2_961a19933c56 FilesPath=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\2015-04-19_125914\ File01=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\2015-04-19_125914\error.log|Error log Time=2015-04-19_130456 File02=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\2015-04-19_125914\crash.dmp|Error dump File03=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\output_log.txt|Output log file I hope someone can help me.
  19. This is my first play through of pillars of eternity and got to the sanitarium mission and was doing fine progressing my character just fine, and after talking to the man in the back it caused everyone to aggro on me as intended i assume, but some of the models that spawned were frozen in place. And everyone in the place turned against me, i have no way of reverting back and the warden is angry with me as if i caused the mess, and now have a deception point though I've no recollection of how i got it. I'm fairly upset as this was completely out of my control and now i have no way of changing it. not sure what's the best method of uploading my save file as it's too big to attach and dropbox seems iffy. edit: added more images of what is wrong, in one image it says i killed the man but he is still there and it didn't even show him as a enemy. but they're too big to upload so i'm linking a imgur album . edit2: Yup my game is broken and can no longer progress without losing a few hours of progress cause luckily i hadn't saved in a while. but seeing as how stuff like this can happen i will take the precaution of leaving a few extra save files.
  20. I have been playing POE for several days now and have noticed a few shall I say discrepancies? The Rolling Flame spell does not work. Instead of going in the direction of the red path when you choose it the flame goes to the left or the right at almost 90 degrees from the path. This I also noted with another spell that shows a red path but forgot to note it down. In the Eothasian temple in Gilded Vale the silver key that opens the door to level two does not always show up when scouting. I have had two out of four parties find the key and the other two nothing shows up when scouting the room the key is in despite having the same mechanics score. This will be my running log of bugs as I find them with the various parties I'm running. Some of the traps in the game require either a very high level to disarm or cannot be disarmed as they don't show up as red (the chest in the two-story job, one of the sarcophagi for example) Had the "already activated" message on one spell also but after casting a different spell with the same character it went away. It did not prevent me from casting a different spell but just couldn't cast that spell until the message cleared. I also lost the deep pockets talent after fighting the thugs in the Valian embassy even though it remained listed in the talents section. Until this is fixed I just won't give that talent to any of my characters. Summoned earth blight in lighthouse by druid and after fight the blight remained on screen whenever I went indoors anywhere in Ondra's Gift. Summoned rain blight in lighthouse by druid and it kept raining on every level of the lighthouse. Armed to teeth for Kana showed active but only two positions not reddened out. Took item out of red slot and put it right back in and slot returned to normal. Happened several combat episodes (even when only fighting beasts) then stopped happening after exiting game and going back in. Aloth stuck in fireball cast when using last fireball of amulet. Fireball icon over his head but he did not respond to any commands even after combat over and the fireball never occurred but the amulet disappeared. Had to save, exit game and reload to get him back to normal.
  21. Description: Cannot change the game to fullscreen on an external monitor. When I do that, the screen turns black (but I can hear the game music). Running the game in windowed mode on the external display does work. Running the game in fullscreen on the built-in display (MacBook Pro) does work. Steps to Reproduce the Issue * Launch the game from Steam on the external monitor * The game starts in Windowed mode (I have configured the game to windowed mode with the built-in display only to be able to see anything) * In Options -> Graphics select: - Resolution: 2560 x 1440 (native resolution of the external display, though I've tried other resolutions and that fails as well) - Check Fullscreen - Close settings window for settings to take effect -> Game window changes size to 2560 x 1440, but no fullscreen (Player.log says "Could not find requested mode.") - Choose Fullscreen in the Pillars of Eternity menu bar -> Changes to fullscreen but the screen is just black (Player.log says "Could not find requested mode.") I've attached ~/Users/USER/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log System Specs Game version: 1.04 / Latest on Steam Hardware Overview: Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,1 Processor Name: Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 2,4 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 2 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 3 MB Memory: 8 GB System Software Overview: System Version: OS X 10.10.3 (14D136) Kernel Version: Darwin 14.3.0 Graphics/Displays: Intel Iris: Chipset Model: Intel Iris Type: GPU Bus: Built-In VRAM (Dynamic, Max): 1536 MB Vendor: Intel (0x8086) Device ID: 0x0a2e Revision ID: 0x0009 Displays: Color LCD: Display Type: Retina LCD Resolution: 2560 x 1600 Retina Retina: Yes Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888) Mirror: Off Online: Yes Built-In: Yes ASUS PB278: Resolution: 2560 x 1440 @ 59 Hz Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888) Display Serial Number: E7LMTF067386 Main Display: Yes Mirror: Off Online: Yes Rotation: Supported Connection Type: DisplayPort Player.log.zip
  22. Description: I can't dismiss hirelings from my stronghold. They don't have any status (e.g. "unpaid") and the hirelings menu only shows "hire" as an option. I also already recruited 8 in total, so I can't get new hirelings anymore. I tried to work around this by killing those I don't need, but that doesn't work. It would still pop up as 8/8 recruited and the hirelings I killed would simpy respawn when the area is reloaded. They do cost me money though and hirelings which were supposed to only stay for a limited time frame are now there permanently. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: I have no idea how to reproduce this bug. I hired 8 people pretty early in the game and didn't pay much attention for a long time. When a checked back much later into the game to dismiss some of them, the UI was stuck this way. Important Files: screenshot In my case, I hired the last three fighters.
  23. So I just finished the quest for The Man Who Waits. After you talk to the kid in the call, and he starts the fight with all the patients. I win, I go to Azo and tell him I'll expose him and he attacks me so I kill him as well. Problem is, when I go back up to the first floor, the entire place is hostile against me, causing me to kill the animancers and lose reputation with defiance bay, also the headmaster's statue wont talk to me anymore. Is this intentional or a bug? EDIT- ugh never mind, I saw there was another thread on this. Apperantly talking to Azo before killing all the golems triggers this for some reason? And my only save earlier to that is 2 hours ago I guess this thread can be closed, sorry for not checking first
  24. With his invisible clone and name errors army !!! (the invisible animat stays even if i remove the mini from inventory. save-load fix it if hes not equiped but once equipping him again, bug comes again)
  25. I would like to point out two minor problems with the game that I encountered so far. 1) Since patch 1.04 I noticed that whenever I select one of my characters when the game is paused, they will not speak their line e.g. Aloth's "Yes?". When I unpause the game the first character that I selected will speak, or finish thier line (it pauses when I pause the game). This has occurred only after the latest patch. I don't know if it was intended to work that way, but it sounds strange. 2) I noticed that in certain battles, my characters would run in some random direction when I ordered them to do something and then selecting someone else. After some time I discovered what was the reason for this. Whenever my screen is in such a position that the UI with portraits is over something that can be selected with magnifying glass, when I selected one of my characters, by clicking on the portrait, previously selected character would run up to "inspect" the thing, cancelling my previous order. This was especially visible in a major fight in the 8th level of Od Nua with a certain Fampyr on a giant hand. On the screenshot below I have my mouse over my main character's portrait and you can see that the magnifying glass is also selectable (I'm not pressing tab):
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