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Everything posted by JerekKruger

  1. Looking forward to it. To be honest I'd have been surprised if they introduced a higher level cap with all three DLCs. My guess is only one will have a higher level cap (probably the last one).
  2. I don't know how, but I know this is some cynical ploy by Obsidian to get at my money and it makes me incandescent with generic rage! How dare you Obsidian!
  3. I'm not sure he wears shoes, at least not before he meets the Watcher and is forced to don some enchanted ones.
  4. If I remember correctly this came up before and the artist for Eder confirmed that it was an inspiration.
  5. It's not necessarily the same people who were complaining about the game being too easy who are complaining about certain abilities being nerfed. Moreover there were plenty of things that were nerfed in the difficulty patch which really didn't need to be (a bunch of items that no one had ever complained about were suddenly nerfed seemingly at random). It's quite possible to both think the game is too easy and not want random abilities to be nerfed.
  6. Yeah it's a huge shame. Several abilities had separate speed buffs (Monk's Swift Strikes and Barbarian's Frenzy) so they could have done the same with DAoM. I suspect that Obsidian viewed it as too powerful in PoE (it was very good) so over nerfed it as is their wont. What they ended up with is a third level spell that is, realistically, worse that the first level spell Fleet Feet.
  7. Indeed, it's about right for a true two-handed sword (as opposed to a longsword which would usually be wielded two-handed, but could be used one-handed). They were big swords. By the way note that the bottom portion of the blade is wrapped in leather and there are a pair of spikes that act as a cross guard: both designs make it ideal for half swording.
  8. Ner. Ogre Transmuters get Form of the Average Person which transforms them into a human for 30s. This reduces their Might and Constitution but does increase their Intellect and allows them to use gear.
  9. Any non-kith party member would be appreciated on my end. I seem to remember someone on Obsidian's end saying the main obstacle was modelling armour, since you'd have to redo it for the new race. This is presumably why these sorts of characters in previous games often don't have armour slots, and I'd be happy to have something similar in Deadfire e.g. because the Ogre is so big, it can't wear armour you find anyway so relies on its thick hide.
  10. Someone needs to get their information about the outside world from somewhere other than Breitbart
  11. Unless you particularly enjoy choking on the smoke produced by torches, and replacing them every 30 minutes or so, they are indeed a terrible tool for use in dungeons (or indeed in any indoor situation, and most outdoor ones too). Yep. I wish more games would recognise this. So often dual wielding is the best option whereas historically you pretty much always either used a two-handed weapon or a weapon and shield. Shields are incredibly useful.
  12. People overrate the importance of attributes. They weren't particularly important in Pillars and they aren't particularly important in Deadfire either. Sure, to be an absolutely optimised damage dealing Wizard you'll want high Might, high Dexterity, high Perception and, assuming you use AoE spells, high Intellect; but if you, say, kept Might at 10 (or even dropped it a little below 10) you'd still be a perfectly good damage dealer (particularly on lower difficulties where the difference matters even less). Arbalests are pretty much defined by their use of a mechanical means of drawing (typically either a windlass or a cranequin - see here). Bear in mind that the biggest arbalests had draw weights higher than the current world record for the deadlift (and even smaller ones had draw weights that would be a very impressive deadlift for >99.9% of the population). Realistically most simply couldn't be drawn manually, and even if they could you wouldn't want to do so multiple times per battle. Note however that even lighter crossbows typically used some for of spanning aid by the time the equivalent historical era to Pillars (see the link above). Even if you're very strong a mechanical aid slows the onset of fatigue. EDIT: as a side note strength is far less important for melee fighting than games like D&D give it credit for. You certainly need a certain amount to use weapons effectively (but far less than many imagine), along with endurance (probably more important), but the reality is it doesn't take all that much force to cause a lethal blow and it's often better to use lighter blows to avoid over-committing to an attack than might be dodged or ending up with your weapon stuck in your now dead opponent.
  13. I agree that to you craft a spell would be too much extra work for a DLC. Having a handful of options for a "crafted" spell which has your Wizard's name attached would be viable though. In a sense it would simply be like adding new spells to the skill tree, but gating then behind a scripted interaction rather than clicking on a button at level up. Ultimated just fluff, but fluff that could add a lot of roleplaying.
  14. Same. I want my Wizard to become an archmage and to get a spell named after them in that DLC.
  15. Changing Might would probably be relatively easy. Changing the healing system significantly less so.
  16. Obsidian removed a lot of mechanics from PoE that I liked, and replaced them with ones I like less (or don't like at all). It sucks (for me), but it is what it is. I still enjoy the world and the story telling so I'll get more than my money's worth from the game, but I can't see myself replaying the game anywhere near as much as I did PoE. From that point of view I can understand where the OP is coming from. Of course Obsidian didn't make Deadfire for me, and some of the changes I don't like seem to be generally popular. Given Obsidian's bottom line is to sell their games in sufficient volume to keep going I can't begrudge them really. The concerns of the OP, and in general everyone who discusses the game here or elsewhere online, are not held by most players.
  17. Exactly. I might be remembering wrong, but I don't think it stacked with itself in that way in PoE. It wasn't AoE in PoE. The description here says otherwise. Yeah, that's how I remember it being.
  18. Exactly. I might be remembering wrong, but I don't think it stacked with itself in that way in PoE.
  19. I only just noticed the second pun. I assumed it was a typo but now I realise it was deliberate.
  20. I'm holding off playing until the balance settles somewhat. I don't want to get attached to certain abilities or items then see them get nerfed.
  21. These are the people who nerfed the Unlabored Blade. Are you surprised (no I'm not bitter, why do you ask )
  22. It's worth noting that Raw damage is a lot less powerful in Deadfire than it was in Pillars. In Pillars Raw damage (almost) always did more damage in comparison to non-Raw damage due to there (usually) being a DR value to bypass. In Deadfire, if you have enough Penetration, non-Raw damage does full damage just like Raw, and if you can over penetrate it actually does more damage than Raw (Raw damage attacks can't over penetrate). Given how easy it is to reach full penetration against most enemies, this negates the benefit of Raw damage in a lot of cases. I get the feeling Obsidian didn't take this into account when setting Raw damage values. There are a couple of unique weapons that do Raw damage, and they have significantly lower base damage than their non-Raw counterparts. This made a lot of sense in Pillars where you could face enemies like Adra Beetles which had at least 9 DR and, often, 18+ DR, but in Deadfire it makes a lot less sense.
  23. You're the one who's been "following it on the steam charts ever scince it got released" because you "love BG2 style games" and were "hoping that deadfire would do really well so they can make more of them", but I'm the fanboy (even though I don't actually enjoy Deadfire currently and am not convinced I ever will)? Projecting much?
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