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Everything posted by JerekKruger

  1. Terrified, but I believe that Obsidian removed the ability to cause disengagement attacks caused by Terrified enemies at some point during the beta.
  2. The teaser doesn't tell us much (nice map, cool monster), but a release date is much appreciated.
  3. Interesting, though it doesn't surprise me. There has been a movement away from Steam amongst a subset of PC gamers on the grounds that Steam is bad in a variety of ways, and GOG is probably the main alternative for these people. In addition to what house2fly says (which I agree with), I suspect that Deadfire is probably more popular amongst this group than amongst the population as a whole (old school CRPG fans are more likely to be the sort of people who will leave Steam on ethical grounds). I look forward to hearing news from Obsidian itself on how well Deadfire has done. I am quite willing to believe it hasn't done as well as Pillars, but I strongly suspect the news of its failure will turn out to have been grossly exaggerated.
  4. Even then I think they do it anywhere near as well as more linear games.
  5. I'd assume Ondra's challenge would involve repeating the intro sequence with Berath every time you rest as well, since she'd have to remind you that you're her Herald and that you have a job to do.
  6. "The question would be what god would make sense to associate with such a change?" Maybe Woedica? She is not in the timeline yet. My thought as well. Maybe Abydon as a Plan B? Rymrgand: entropy is tiring stuff, you've got to take a rest to recover from its effects.
  7. Now that can't be right. I've seen multiple threads on these very forums declaring that Deadfire is the biggest flop since Willy escaped his enclosure, some appearing less than a week after release when Deadfire failed to knock PUBG as the Steam top seller for more than a day or so. As I understand it, Deadfire is so unsuccessful it has literally sold negative copies: Obsidian have actually had to pay people to install it on their computers.
  8. As I understand it, SA goes through phases of being viewable by subscriber only and phases where it's viewable by all. Not sure why exactly.
  9. Fairly certain they do. The armour, at least, starts as Superb (I haven't had a look at the shield yet) so it would be surprising if it didn't upgrade to Legendary.
  10. It's explicitly a Battle Axe rather than a Pollaxe that simply looks like a Battle Axe, so I'd expect so. I was somewhat surprised how few additional weapons there are in the expansion, although I only took a brief look last night so perhaps I missed some. That said, they are pretty cool so I'm not too bothered.
  11. I think the best we've been given is the three season pass DLCs are supposed to be a similar length to the DLCs for New Vegas.
  12. You should have a key available in your Obsidian Portal, I've had it since (iirc) shortly after release. No need to log back into Fig afaik. Portal can be found here [urk]https://eternity.obsidian.net/[/url] (top right).
  13. Parody is hard to detect when it mimics reality so closely so, perhaps, next time just say "no".
  14. It is until you realise it's set just before the "Soul Heat Death" of Eora, and the eponymous Last Watcher sees nothing but the static of trillions of tiny soul fragments
  15. This. I manually input a lot of the information on Weapons and Armour on the Wiki but ran out of steam before I started doing the enchantment upgrades. Ideally I think every individual enchantment page should have a list of possible upgrades, and the weapon pages themselves should have a summary of the options as well. Agreed. My main concern was when Obsidian said (pre-release) weapons would only be able to have their quality enchantment (fine, exceptional, superb etc.) upgraded once, so a fine unique weapon would never be better than exceptional. However they obviously changed their mind about this, and the resulting system is, imho, great. This highly depended on your choice of weapon in PoE1. If you chose morningstars then you'd have very few options (none of them particularly good) until very late in the game, similarly for quarterstaffs. It didn't have a great spread of weapons (particularly before the release of WM1+2) I'll agree however that Deadfire currently has a very bad spread of weapon types. There are loads of swords of all varieties, but things like clubs are in short supply.
  16. I'd love to see this added, though my preference would be for a Priest of Abydon and/or Galawain, but any extra choice is welcome. I didn't realise Obsidian responded to the Sanguine Plate request. Fingers crossed eh?
  17. Really? Okay that's interesting. I'll have to take a look.
  18. Doesn't really work sadly: I can't mimic non-regenerating health or limited spells per rest.
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