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Everything posted by JerekKruger

  1. I've no doubt that was true of some people, but it wasn't for me. For reference I rest spammed all the way through the BG series, but the introduction of camping supplies in PoE did make me change the way I played, and I found I enjoyed it more as a result. I guess I wish there was a way for me to cheat in Deadfire to make the game play like I prefer (with per rest) in the same way you could cheat in PoE.
  2. That'd be fine by me That said, you could keep it in and simply have new food buffs overwrite existing ones, so only one can be active at any time.
  3. Given the state of resting in Deadfire I'd completely agree, and I say this as someone who likes resting systems. It's basically just busy work at this point.
  4. Also, if the powers provided by trinkets really are "powerful [...] abilities that can turn the tide of a battle" then we'll find ourselves, under the current rest system, they're going to be horribly broken.
  5. Indeed. Say what you will about Camping Supplies, but they did impose a(n admittedly small) restriction on rest spamming. No such restriction exists in Deadfire, so per rest is meaningless.
  6. Erm... extremely high. I have a working memory after all. A better question would be "what is the likelihood you still play Deadfire in five years?" The answer to that largely depends on how its final version ends up. I will say that BG2 used to be a game that I'd replay every year or so but, since PoE's release, I've had very little desire to do so. I simply prefer playing PoE. That doesn't stop BG2 being one of my favourite games, but I don't feel the need to replay it any more.
  7. If I could I'd spoiler block the title of the spoiler block hiding my use of the word spoilers, but alas I cannot.
  8. Good point. I've edited my post the fix my mistake
  9. Heh. To be honest I only started it because people have been super sensitive to the tiniest .
  10. Well he is the number one fanboy (though it's sometimes hard to tell) so where else would he be Lies. The number one fanboy couldn't work out how to use it and therefore it is useless.
  11. Whilst you're at it you should start a poll on which is better: "Harry Potter or War and Peace". Because mass appeal is always the best way to measure quality.
  12. I enjoy both but agree that a big part of the fun of these games is actually spending some amount of time at max level and being able to use that power in some challenging fights.
  13. By not doing so you're essentially setting yourself an artificial challenge. That's fine and dandy, people already do that in all sorts of ways, but it's not typical behaviour and devs aren't going to balance around it because most people are going to rest before boss fights (in the unlikely eventuality they fail to realise a boss fight is coming they'll likely wipe, reload, and rest before the boss fight the second time round). So when exactly would you use these 'rare' camping supplies if not before a boss? Completely agree, I just think you're wrong about boss fights
  14. Who doesn't rest immediately before a boss fight? Even if you haven't played the game before boss fights are signposted in these sorts of games. Don't get me wrong, I prefer per rest for Druids, Priests and Wizards, but that argument is pretty weak even to me, and I avoid rest spamming.
  15. My guess would be a written form of the lore exists somewhere in Obsidian (though I'd guess Josh has a more fleshed out version in his head) but even though plenty of people working on the IP will have read it (or at least some of it) they probably don't have the instant recall on it that Josh does.
  16. It's definitely not soulbound (just checked), but it's definitely pretty sweet.
  17. I always forgot to use figurines in PoE1. Now even if I remember I won't use them since I am a hoarder. No real difference, though I do dislike the change in theory.
  18. The link between thermodynamic entropy and disorder is kinda tricky (or at least I find it so). As I understand it (which is probably quite poorly), we can measure certain macroscopic properties of a thermodynamic system* like it's temperature, pressure, volume etc., and these tell us something about the microstate of that system (the exact locations and velocities of all individual particles making it up), but obviously not everything. Entropy is a measure of how much we don't know know the microstate of a system, given the knowledge of it's macrostate, so the higher the entropy of a system, the more information we'd need to fully understand it's microstate. It's for this reason it's often described as a measure of disorder of the system, and it turns out that the highest entropy state of the Universe would be what's often described as its heat death: a state where all matter is at the same temperature (though this isn't an entirely accurate description, it's close enough). It's clear (to me at least) that this is the idea Obsidian had in mind when talking about soul entropy. In this case a low entropy "soul system" would be one including lots of concentrated strong souls, and a high entropy system would be one with lots of what obsidian called soul motes (little bits of souls that have come loose during the natural process of the wheel). It seems that Rymrgand is the god of all entropy in Eora (thermodynamic, soul and, presumably, information entropy). So he'd like to see them all maximised. Hope this was at least somewhat helpful. *Think about a sealed container of air.
  19. Is the number one fanboy aware that TToN isn't an Obsidian game?
  20. Because of power creep. At level 20 we're capable of summoning dragons, calling down meteor swarms on our enemies and summoning avatars of the gods. If you add new levels with all three DLCs you're going to run into problems coming up with new abilities that feel more powerful. I suspect Obsidian could come up with one more power level's worth of abilities, which is why I suspect only one of the three will see the level cap increase (probably the third). I guess they could increase the level cap by one each time which would avoid more than one power level increase, but my guess (and it's only a guess) is that we'll only see the level cap go up once.
  21. I lurk :D I suspect I'll be more active once BoW drops and I give Deadfire another go.
  22. Honestly the difference is kinda artificial. An expansion that is downloaded is a DLC. It's just the bad taste left by early DLCs like horse armour that have left a bad taste with the name DLC, but I doubt anyone within the industry sees a difference beyond a PR one.
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