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Everything posted by Darth333

  1. Would n't it be much simpler to read the dialogues in a logical suite of entries/replies than to listen to a series of separated sound filles? If you get Kotor tool and editortk102's dlg editor you can read the dialogues in a form similar to this. (acutally it looks a little different: this is a pic of Kotor tool's dlg editor which does not fully support TSL for the moment but I don't hav ethe game with me right now and I cannot take a pic). The dlg files in tsl are located in the bifs (for party members) and the module specific stuff int he ERFs.>modules (it's easily identifiable with Kotor tool)
  2. The site is working fine. If you are having trouble accessing the site it is most likely because you have spyware in your computer. Try scanning and cleaning with ad-aware and if it doesn't work, use another browser such as firefox.
  3. I edited my post above and added the link to the screenhot.( I forgot to post it at first )
  4. No, it's really "new" areas. There is also a third bar on Nar Shadaa (the door behind the Trandoshan who tells you about the bounty hunter) and the area near Vogga's place. You'll also find a few additional rooms on Onderon but they are empty. Here is a screenie that shows the position of the unused area on Malachor (it looks just the same as the rest of the Academy: gray and red rooms, not much to see. ) - Edit: oops forgot the screenie, here it is: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/newareas.jpg - I didn't take a screenie of the bar. You can open all the closed doors if you download my "whereami armband" from here: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php and patch it with these two files: http://mars.walagata.com/w/darth333/armband.zip . The armband was originally made for modders so they could get the player coordinates and determine the location to place new placeables and npcs. The patch adds the possibility to open any door. You simply have to stand in front of the door you want to open and activate the armband to open it (note that sometimes there are invisible doors between visible doors so you have to activate it more than once to pass the door.)
  5. Check my post here
  6. Yes, of course there are warp codes: just take the name of the module and add warp before it: example 298TEL.rim gives warp 298TEL other codes are: warp 299TEL warp 801DRO warp 802DRO warp 803DRO warp 804DRO warp 805DRO warp 806DRO warp 807DRO If you run into closed doors because the areas are not fully completed, you can download my whereami cheat armband here: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php and patch it with this: http://mars.walagata.com/w/darth333/armband.zip and you will be able to open any door with it by just activating the armband when you stand in front of a door (cheat code to get the armband is d3_location )
  7. The Factory wasn't rebuilt. It was always in the game, simply what triggers it was cut. Not sure how but I'm sure someone can get the triggers back. As for the rest of the cut content, SOME of it is possible but without certain models, its impossible. But thats a minor problem, especially when it comes to Attons death. Atris as Traya probably can't be added back in. Atton versus Disciple, or Handmaiden vs Visa, maybe. Droid Planet- No way. It would take years for us to get that done. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually I didn't verified if all the cutscenes are there but a lot of them are already scripted and it's only a matter of setting a few globals. I already posted this in another thread but the scene with Atton's death is in there: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/atton1.jpg A lot of stuff is there for the droid factory too. However both have incomplete parts and there are things that make no sense with the actual state of the story.
  8. I downloaded both and moved the modules into the modules directory and the save files in the saves directory. That's what I meant...the savegame doesn't even appear. I tried everything, renamed the Savegame name, removed all files that did't appear in my "normal" savegames and so on. It still does not work... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> then just use the following cheat code: "warp 298TEL" (without quotes)
  9. If you downloaded the save game instead of the modules, you need to put the files in your "saves" folder.
  10. The area models were left in the PC version. You don't need the savegame on the PC version as you can use the warp code. You only need to the module files. The only thing that was removed for the PC version release were the .ifo, .are and .git files for the area (roughly the files that ontian the area properties and tie up everything together)
  11. It is better if you link to the page rather than to the app. For non English users, the "regular" version of KSE may not work. If this happens, they can download KSEA instead: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php (also allows people to check for updates)
  12. Visas can wear armor if you give her the proper feats. I didn't verify but her body model reminds me Mission's model (head and color excluded).
  13. Go to your save game loading screen and click on "switch character"...
  14. check my post here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...02entry293002
  15. You have a summary of the available tools here.
  16. There are several robes that are not available during normal gameplay but you can get them with cheats or with KSE. You will find a complete list of robes + descriptions and stats here: http://www.starwarsknights.com/itempages/robe.php
  17. There are two additional tools that you can use to look for globals: The global variable comparison tool and Findrefs, all available here: http://starwarsknights.com/tools.php
  18. raise your repair skill and break dow items you won't be using.
  19. No, LucasForums is not the LA boards. It is a fansite that has strict rules about flaming...and the above mod is just one mod among many other mods and tools. There are mods for all tastes.
  20. lol! Just note that the mod doesn't take the dialogue bugs out of the game. Make sure you don't take nay practice run and don't crash (there's no way to crash with this mod anyways)
  21. If you really hate it as much as I do, you can try the easy swoop racing mod: http://www.pcgamemods.com/10703/
  22. I made an armband some time ago to allow modders get the player coordinates in the game. Coordinates are useful when you want to place new stuff in existing or new areas. In kotor 1, we could use the "whereami" cheat code but in Kotor 2, since the cheat console was invisible, we had to find another way to get the coordinates.... The armband can be downloaded here: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php but it is of no use if you don't mod. I simply replaced my original script attached to the armband (d3_getloc.ncs) by a script setting global variables and was able to view the scenes by simply activating the armband.
  23. Some scenes are already scripted in the game. By curiosity (I do not intend to work on this), I just fired a few existing scripts I found in the files from an armband I made. Here are some screenies I took from what I saw: From the scene where atton is alive: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/atton2.jpg From the scene where Atton is dying: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/atton1.jpg And some new areas in the Trayus acedemy: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/newareas.jpg (the rooms are there but they do not appear on the map - once more, I just attached a small script to an armband that allows me to open any door)
  24. Ask Obsidian... Nevertheless, from what I can see, the script (c_visas_melee.ncs) starts like this: int StartingConditional() { object oObject = GetObjectByTag("VisasMarr"); object oItem = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_BODY, oObject); if(GetTag(oItem) == "a_robe_01") //...etc }
  25. No, it's not a bug. The script clearly makes a check to see if Visas is equipped with clothes only.
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