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Everything posted by Darth333

  1. jeez! Look at the link you posted: http://www.jeuxvideo.com/cgi-bin/jvforums/rd_forums.cgi? (jeuxvideo.com)
  2. lol! Looks like my screenshot is travelling all around the planet! But it's really easy to get with KSE. In fact I was testing KSE at that time and just changed Atton
  3. This part has been cut from the final release of the game and there is no way to access it during normal gameplay. If you have an xbox and action replay, Stormsinger made a savegame where you can play the factory: http://home.alltel.net/jls31/ However, the files have been removed from the pc version.
  4. I play pazaak only when it adds something to the storyline such as the Dancer on Telos or the Champ at the pazaak deck on Nar Shadaa. Since I hate swoop racing and only want the credits (Onderon pays quite well), I made an easy swoop racing mod...
  5. You can use tk102's KotORTLK: http://www.pcgamemods.com/8872/ (allows you to search by keyword too)
  6. G@l@kmech: finally not being able to use the whereami cheat is not a bad thing: my armband now comes with an .exe file that allows you to extract a serie of coordinates to a txt file.
  7. Even better than cheats: Kotor Savegame Editor (KSE) You can also edit your apperance and much more (and you don't get the "cheats used" screen). It works for the PC version and on xbox if you have a modded xbox
  8. Actually all these side-quest can be completed.
  9. err...use you party selection screen to add them back to your party "
  10. Why don't you look at the dialog.tlk table or the .dlg files? It would be much quicker than listening to the sound files if you want to find out the unused stuff (plus you can copy/paste the lines you like instead of typing them...)
  11. Is that photoshoped? If its not when dose he take off his helmet? Thats awsome <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no it's not "photoshoped". I took the screenshot. It is an unused ingame model . I simply changed Atton's appearance to that of Mandalore's without helmet with KSE to take the screenshot onboard the Harbinger
  12. Thanks for fixing this Akari This will save us a lot of headaches!
  13. G@l@kmech, I fixed this "whereami" cheat issue with an armband
  14. This did not work <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you are playing on xbox, there is a cheat you can use: pause the game when you get in front of the first purple "bubble" and press A to exit the swoop race (if done correctly, you should get a boost when you press A and you will exit the swoop race). You'll be made champion automatically and you'll get tons of credits I tried it on the PC and it didn't work but maybe I did it wrong...but there's a solution: I made "easy swoop racing" mods for nboth Kotor 1 and 2. You can get them from my site (click my sig).
  15. I'm currently using Catalyst 4.11 with an ATI Radeon 9800 PRO 128 mb card and have no experience any problems so far. I set the AA at 4 and anistropy at 4 too and it runs smooth. AMD Athlon 64 3400+ 1GB DDR Ram
  16. Infact, there is an ingame model without a helmet: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Dar...adal_nohelm.jpg
  17. actually, in my experience, an INT of 14 in NWN and most computer DnD games, is optimum. 16 is overkill. V***V <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You get a few additional dialogues if your int is 15 + in Kotor 2.
  18. Running the game with Cat 4.11 ATI Radeon 9800 PRO, 128 mb AMD Athlon 64 3400+ 1GB DDR Ram No issues so far
  19. The console won't show up with a small ">" like in Kotor 1. You won't see anything, even when you type your cheat codes but it works.
  20. I don't think the robes are in TSL. I don't have the game with me but I remember that the cheats to get robes are (I don't have the game with me right now so I can't give more details): giveitem a_robe_1 X to giveitem a_robe_30 X x = to the quantity of robes you want to add to your inventory (there are a few normal clothes between 1 and 30 ) You'll find the most powerful robes between a_robe_20 and a_robe_30 (oh and for those who want a new force powe3r for TSL, check my sig)
  21. Cheats work fine and mods too: you only need to create a new folder called Override in the C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2 directory to be able to add mods.
  22. kind of difficult to help you without knowing your PC specs...simply mentionning that I have downloaded all the drivers for my computer and its internals sounds a bit like my car doesn't start but I have all four wheels equipped
  23. In any event, Bastila did not have DS jedi robes in the tomb <_<
  24. Something similar happens when you mention that Revan was DS male at the beginning. I got the Bastila video from t3 and then I brought t3 with me in the Korriban Academy and got the other video with Bastila from the Sith Holocron and there was not even a single line from t3. Another thing I noticed is that you can ask t3 who is the woman in the video (it implies the Exile didn't know Bastila) but when you get in the tomb on Korriban and Malak recruits Bastila, the Exile recognizes her (you can chose an answer like "But Bastila didn't join you")...
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