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Everything posted by Darth333

  1. Jeez! is that a soooo big problem to have to wait an additional 24-72 hours to get a game? The way some people speak it looks like a life or death problem. Let those employees a chance! As GhostOfAnakin said, they are bound by store policy and what the computer tells them plus not everyone is interested in this game (that's the lot of every game). I pre-ordered my game last week at EB games in Montreal and they told me the game would be available on the 7th. I checked again today and nothing has changed. I made only one phone call and chose that store because it was the closest. And about those reviews, I don't really care about them. After all, 8.5 at gamespot is pretty good. How can you tell it's worth a 9 if you have not played it? Anyways, I don't worry: the main negative aspect they mention is the graphics and the framerate.They seem quite happy about the rest.There will always be people who like and others who dislike. I'll get the game and see for myself.
  2. I've noticed a long time ago that in such surveys many people vote without playing the games.
  3. Well I agree with Avellone's statement too. I don't see the point in having all the same characters as in the first game. I think it's better to have fresh blood. During the first game, you could kill Juhani, Mission, Jolee, Bastila, Carth and Zaalbar. The only tree NPCs that were surely alive by the end are Canderous, t3-M4 and HK-47 (btw, there was also another ending that has been cut off by Bioware -but the files are in the game- where female Revan and Carth would die in the explosion of the Star Forge.) Making a game that would have taken all these possibilities into account and would have added more storyline to all of these party members would surely have required more time and ressources. Also I am pretty sure the storyline would suck if Obsidian would have chosen to do this instead of opting for new party members. Trying to patch a story never works as well as an original storyline. I definitely prefer the way Obsidian chose to do it with more liberty and the possibility to make a good story and strong characters with new secrets to discover. Imagine if all StarWars games would only use movie stuff because you like the characters, the music, etc...I bet it would suck...and KotOR would not exist. Change can be a good thing. Play the game before complaining. Maybe you'll like your new crew even better than that of KotOR 1...and Obsidian said that there would be cameos...so there should be a sort of follow up the old party members too. I won't make my opinion before I play the game.
  4. I got both versions of KotOR 1 and I enjoyed the PC version much more than the Xbox version. For the graphics mainly (the difference is huge), for all the little practical details (such as being able to skip cutscenes - it get's boring after playing a few times - ) and for the possibility to mod the game. Some of my activities make that I have to get the xbox version asp if I don't want to have my game completely ruined by spoilers after a few days. However, if I could avoid this, I would definitely wait until February to get the PC version only (I'll get it anyways).
  5. Near the top right corner of your screen you have three options: Outline - Standard - Linear . Make sure outline is not selected! Everything is normal for me
  6. The first time it took me about 60 hours. I took time to speak with various npcs and explore all the maps, I did not try to do the main and side quests as fast as I could. I was trying to explore dialogue options and see where they could lead me.... (kotor 2 seems to offer much more possibilities in that regard) Afterwars, I played it in about 20-25 hours but that was skipping a lot of dialogues and not exploring the parts of the maps where there was "nothing". However, I always tried to keep a rythm that would made the game enjoyable and never tried to rush to the end.
  7. This new approach replacing the leveling up requirement and the triggers that were firing the banter only at specific places looks most interesting! I very much enjoyed the dialogue with NPCs and banter in KotOR 1 but the fact that no matter what options were chosen would make no difference at the end was a litlle annoying, especially when replaying the game. KotOR 2 TSL looks promising
  8. I'll look at the available faces and then I'll find a name.
  9. This is something I would never do: what's the fun of going through a game when you already know what's coming ahead <_< I prefer to play it one or two times and discover what the game has to offer, especially in a RPG like KotOR. It is much more fun than using a strategy guide. As for finding the hidden stuff...I prefer to look at the game files and find this stuff by myself, I can find more like this than what's mentionned in a game guide.
  10. Yes, this is it
  11. I already took care of this for Kotor 1 and made a new mind trick force power You can get Mind trick for Kotor 1 here and screenshot ...and from what I have seen there will be a similar power in Kotor 2, I just don't remember how it's called.
  12. I don't know about your past but what you did for the Kotor modding community over the last 10 months ( already??? ) is just awesome in terms of programming and also sharing with the other members and I can only thank you for everything , Fred. Fantastic job! I wish you the very best! You already are an excellent tools programmer Your tools have provided more hours of enjoyment to those who have modded Kotor than the game itself (which was already excellent)!
  13. For me, new moves and items are cool but they are secondary, they are not what makes the game. I really hope they did not sacrifice the story, the side quests and the dialogues just to add more goodies to the game, i don't really care about having an extended wardrobe and a multitude of saber hilts in a game .
  14. I enjoyed Kotor 1 very much but yes, it was short and many times I wished that every planet was as extended as Taris. This planet had, in my opinion, the best balance between side quests, battles and "puzzles". There was something to do in every location of the map. It was also less linear than the other planets. I sometimes had a feeling of "emptyness" on the other planets. I also wish K2 has more galaxy extended quests like the Genoharadan assassin missions (without necessarily being asassin missions). In Kotor 1, once you finished a planet, there was little reason to come back there later on in the game.
  15. Thanks:) You are right, on PC you can use the warp cheat if you want but the files are in the game: read my first post above.
  16. erm...mods... I already made an armband that let's you travel anywhere in the game. It's here (however you won't have Zaalbar clones and you can use it to get out of Taris - note that it can still screw up your game so save before using).
  17. This only happens on the Xbox version. The files are also available for the pc version but they cannot be activated "unintentionally". From the script and dialogue files, we can see that it was used for debugging, testing: originally there were possibilities to add remove party members, travel to any planets and set some global variables. However, if you get that glitch on the Xbox version, you can keep a save game of it for fun (if ou go to taris you wont be able to get out of the planet) but I stronly suggest to reload your previous save to continue the game normally.
  18. Sure, a toolset would be nice but they won't make one. This has been pretty clear. As for those tools I was talking about, you will find them here.
  19. There are other games from LA that are moddable. I think it has something to see with the xbox too. They want the same product on both platforms. This has been discussed various times in the past: See these posts per example: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...indpost&p=25967 and http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...indpost&p=19954 About the format, we have this info: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=1564&hl= I don't have a problem with the devs not releasing a toolset: it is time and $ and we can make our own tools. Kotor 1 tools are getting better every day but there is still a lot to do. What would be nice and helpful, would be to have some documentation or information, even very informal, such as on the model format.
  20. Sure, it can be practical but what if the dev has another post at page 15 of the thread? You will end up browsing the whole thread, just in case there is something else? What if this first post is "you can give your suggestions here" only? Notwithstanding the fact that there is an incredible amount of spam in these forums. If you have all the posts, then you can simply go directly to that post in the thread and look for the rest of the discussion. I believe option A is the best.
  21. Great and the game would crash... the game engine would not support that. In Kotor 1, someone tried at 25 v. 25 and it caused enormous lagging...
  22. Developpers posts are normally followed by a lenghty discussion. There is a faq thread in the Kotor section that has almost 20 pages...I don't see how option B would be helpful in those cases. With Option A you can always go to the post and read it.
  23. I agree with Squidget. This would be a useful feature to add to the search function. I would have used it quite a few times myself. I was searching for info concerning Kotor2 to post some news at starwarsknights.com... I ended up clicking on the devs name and looking for their posts but that took forever. @ Servant of Eru: trolling is childish, immature and disrespectful towards other users. I really don't see the point in doing this, even if you don't agree with their policies (and you certainly know what I think about the mod discussion policy in the Kotor forums ). You don't need to give any indication...they can verify it. For images, you can post a url link. This is what I do most of the time, even when we can post images.
  24. One of the things I liked with Kotor 1 in general, and the music more specifically is that they were able to make it "feel" Star Wars without copying everything from the movies. If you listen carefully, you will notice that the music in Kotor 1 uses many leitmotivs from JW's music. I applaud Jeremy Soul for what he did : I think he was able to keep the Star Wars "spirit" while making something original at the same time. I hope they keep a similar line with Kotor 2. I prefer to see innovation than "reheated" stuff.
  25. Kotor 1 already does that in a way: when you reach certain levels, some of the ennemies' attributes raise.
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