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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I've pumped a few points into charisma to unlock academic and corp etiquette for my street samurai, it isn't limited to Shamans. There are plenty of karma points to go around so far, so I don't consider it a waste. I'm really enjoying the depth of the skills and playstyles. It's a fantastic game, for sure.
  2. You mean Jake Armitage? He's right at the start, so I don't think it's much of a spoiler.
  3. I think movie studios need to start instituting a hard cap on a lot of these films. Quite a few decent films have simply been the victims of bloated budgets. John Carter was very good, but it was set up to fail from the start. The Lone Ranger is dealing with that as well, it's a western, there is no reason it should cost so much to make.
  4. Heh, my kids are less understanding about the saving situation. I am absolutely loving it so far. They've really nailed the Shadowrun vibe, I love the skill progression and my character is awesome. I went with a Street Samurai Ork who loves pistols. That's the same character I made in the PnP game in middle school, so I'm definitely basking in the memories. Combat is slick and simple. The writing has been very well done so far too. I'm very happy, it has blown away my initial expectations when I pledged on Kickstarter.
  5. When I was in college, I actually started working on a Shadowrun type game with an artist friend and a programmer friend. We really only planned out a couple mission ideas, but I'm going to see if I can make them work with the toolset.
  6. It is a relatively short game, so you'll probably be able to play through it with different styles easily enough.
  7. Again it is a budget title, you can buy it for $20 so I'm not surprised by some of the limitations. I'm really excited to hear the buzz about the toolset. Hopefully we will get a good modding community going and end up with some amazing user campaigns.
  8. Yep, people keep complaining about the save system, but they went into pretty good detail about how big a roadblock it was to implement full saves. I'm not happy about it, but I also think you get what you pay for. This is still very much a budget title.
  9. I read that Valve charges developers extra to release games on midnight. Not sure how reliable that is, but it explains why the game is coming out fairly late into the day of the 25th.
  10. I took my daughter to swimming, then we picked up our RV from the shop, then I took my daughter to tutoring, and then I went to the gym. Pretty busy day, now I have a delicious pot pie cooking in the oven. I also realized at some point in our travels the antenna dish on top of our RV got ripped off. It wasn't a big deal with our old TV because it couldn't pick up digital air channels, but our new TV can and now I need to replace the dish. I have on idea when it came off, crazy. Nothing else is damaged on the roof, so I think it just shook loose on its own.
  11. I'm not against abuse in MP games, they are deathmatches, not an afternoon tea. There just needs to be a way to get rid of the rampant racism and misogyny.
  12. That Xbox controller is awesome to play with, but the battery situation is ridiculous. I take out the battery pack every time I am done with it since there doesn't seem to be any way to shut the controller off. They couldn't put a power switch on the thing?
  13. It is now part of our curriculum in many school districts to try and teach kids not to be internet dickwads. We call it digital citizenship. I have no clue if it will be effective, I think I can do a pretty good job talking with kids about this stuff since I've been dealing with you guys for so long but a lot of my coworkers are clueless.
  14. Why are you making stuff up Volo? You know what, I dont think you really support PEDs, I think.you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. I will stop now, you got me.
  15. Here is a quote from last year's NL MVP winner Buster Posey about Ryan Braun: So this really is about the players. The owners would probably love to let these guys juice it up, jeopardize their personal health for bigger numbers and all that.
  16. No one is saying steroids will make a crappy player great. That isn't how they work. You still need the hand eye coordination, the discipline, and everything else. Barry Bonds is one of the greatest hitters to ever play the game. He didn't need steroids for that. He knew the strike zone better than every hitter of his time. But steroids allowed him to strong arm more balls over the fence. Does he break the homerun record without them? The evidence of his early seasons says no. The sad part is Barry Bonds did them because he was watching Sammy Sosa and Mark Maguire, players he felt he was far better than, getting all the attention in the homerun race. When a player does performance enhancing drugs, they are cheating, and the people who suffer the most are the other players. They are the ones playing against someone who is cheating. Every player in the majors is immensely talented, you don't get there unless that is true. So when two players go against each other, and one has used chemicals illegally to give them an edge, I don't understand how you support that. You are basically telling every player that they have to take PED's to compete in the big leagues.
  17. I'm looking at it more like a bonus level or DLC than an actual game.
  18. You are really ok with players sacrificing their long term health to get an edge in a game? For someone who typically champions player's rights, you seem awfully willing to jeopardize their health for some better stats.
  19. So Volourn is a full on supporter of steroids, I didn't see that coming. You are usually pretty aggro about people who cheat and do things illegally. Is your argument really that performance enhancing drugs don't enhance performance? I think the federal government chasing retired athletes around is ridiculous, but MLB dealing with current players who are cheating seems like a no brainer. Volourn, it doesn't bother you that Ryan Braun lied through his teeth to everyone about this?
  20. For Ros http://youtu.be/U4TH02_uMJI
  21. I'm going to the Giants/Reds doubleheader tomorrow, pretty stoked! I'm also a bit grateful that the ticket prices were pretty low thanks to the Giants having a terrible last month.
  22. I'm always shocked how many people loved Fallout 3 but hated F:NV. I have my preferences, but I don't get the overwhelmingly negative reaction some people had to one over the other.
  23. It really depends. A 60 year old dating a 40 year old isn't that crazy. I'm assuming you are at more of a 30 year old with a 20 year old place, which isn't terrible. But you'll need a pretty mature 20 year old if you don't want to regret it. The best scenario is a 3 year old dating a 2 year old. The creepiest is an 18 year old with a 12 year old.
  24. After the recent interviews about the game, it sounds like a safe bet for the holiday season this year. I would think it would be out before Christmas, to be honest. It might not get to Australia until later though.
  25. I'm right with Amentep, I was enjoying Oblivion until they sent me through my 3rd or 4th gate. That seems to be an issue with Bethesda, I thought Skyrim was better but the dragon fights become repetitive as well. The only Bethesda game I've ever finished was Fallout 3, and I never felt that was repetitive. But I don't really regret buying them, they are great looking games that usually always give me at least 20 hours of fun. I regret buying Perfect Dark for the N64. That is probably my biggest game buying regret.
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