Our neighbors bought a horse, but it turns out the fence they just built isn't tall enough, so now we have a horse walking around the front yard. The kids are amused
Before I put up all the ivy and moss it didn't have much personality at all. I'll throw in some yellowish lighting as the last thing.
I was going for a more Victorian feel but the art assets are limited. There also isn't much in the way of greenery.
Ok I finished my little test adventure. Nothing too in depth, really only takes a few minutes to run through it, but it helped me get the hang of things and allowed me to build my first three maps. It is called "Roofles" and it is dedicated to Volourn
Now I'm going to focus on making a more serious story based adventure.
Yeah pistols not needing an AP to reload is a pretty sweet bonus. It also means the high powered revolvers having less ammo is not an issue.
I think I'm almost done with my little Obsidian Forum Adventure using the toolkit. I'll update it when it is ready. I still haven't figure out how to transition to different places on the same map, but that's my only real glitch.
Well we can blow it up to 20 pages today Keyrock, I know we can!
Today I'm playing with triggers, goals, and quest items. There are a lot of options with the triggers, but I'm having trouble getting them to fire all the time.
Tale, I'm going to share what I have so far if you want to take a look. I'm curious how the uploading to the workshop work out.
edit: I uploaded it and it is available to all my Steam friends. It isn't finished yet, just the start of it. I'll probably update it in a day or two.
I'm trying to puzzle out how to get scene transitions to understand where the character is entering from. I have multiple entry points into the Seattle streets, but I've only got my character spawning at one place.
I'm enjoying puzzling it out though.
It's doable. The Matrix levels aren't really any different than the regular ones, at least not from what I can see. You can place NPC's and create conversations for sure.
I'm guessing we will see some pretty fantastic decker campaigns in the near future. The tools are all there to make them.
I've had the editor open since yesterday and I'm starting to make some progress. I made a basic apartment, set up some stuff to interact with, got an NPC conversation and a quest item worked out, and now I've got it linked to the Seattle downtown map the game came with. It's not hard to get a handle on it.
I've been working with the editor and watching the tutorial videos. The videos seem pretty well done, and I was able to make some good progress. I still have a lot to learn about building maps though.
Really? Huh, he was the first melee character I had used and I found his variety of hits pretty useful. He was also a better mage than most of the runners I hired. He was better than that elf guard I brought for an extra bug zapper.
I think I'll go decker next run through. I also didn't use many riggers, but I noticed quite a few air ducts for them to take advantage of.
Gah, I finished! It was awesome, and I already want more adventures. Hopefully the modding community will be fast. I've played around with the toolkit, I have no idea what I'm doing.
I've played 3 Kickstarter games at this point, and they've all been gems. I was skeptical at first, but it really is looking like a bright future for crowd funding.
Wow, Full Control is banging these games out. After Shadowrun Returns they've earned my purchase.
edit: Oops, was confusing the Shadowrun Returns developer with the Jagged alliance Flashback one. Well Space Hulk will give us a good idea on what the new JA will look like, at least.
I had a good hockey game last night, we won 4-3 and I had a nice goal, but I also landed on my hip at some point in the game and now I am hobbling around. Ah, old age.