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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Kids don't start really picking up on differences in a negative way until a bit after 10. Until then they are more curious than condemning.
  2. Pledged for $100. Sounds awesome!
  3. I just checked, I spent $23.99 on it. It has been worth it. That price may come back around on the last day.
  4. I don't think Far Cry 3 is going any lower than the flash sale price it was at a couple days ago, I think it was $14.
  5. I haven't played through all of SR3, but I never thought Gat was really dead.
  6. If you believe the defense or the prosecution in these cases, you are doing it wrong. The answers are somewhere in between.
  7. So I'm having a beer party on Friday, and we are doing an International theme. I chose England, and I picked up a couple pints of Wychwood Wychcraft and Hobgoblin. I've never tried them, so hopefully they are good. I also need a decent British appetizer. I'm thinking a batch of small meat pies would be good. Any suggestions?
  8. Not really. The first one is meant to be like a tutorial, so it's not going to kill you easily. But it has little in common with the terrible cliff racers. But I do agree the dragon fights in general were more annoying than fun.
  9. I just dropped the Sierra On-Line documentary for the Jim Walls game.
  10. Picked up Organ Trail for a buck and change, then proceeded to spend way too much time playing it! It was a pretty fun romp
  11. I almost flipped out when I got the email, but it looks like we still have 10 days. Still nice to see them getting prepped.
  12. I don't know, if you clearly have a faulty prosecution team, don't you think there should be some fallback plan for justice? I mean people who get convicted have a ton of ways to appeals their verdict, so shouldn't their be a way to appeal an innocent verdict? I can see where it sounds like a nightmare though, getting declared innocent and then repeating the process over again.
  13. Sorry to hear that TN. Hopefully it works out and she is ok.
  14. We also should not forget that there will likely still be a civil case against Zimmerman brought forward by the family of Martin, and I would not be surprised to see Zimmerman lose that.
  15. I don't think he was the lead actor, I think that the music teacher is considered the lead. He was a student and he'd already graduated. I'm guessing they will address it in the show somehow though.
  16. I think the prosecutors handled this terribly by going after 2nd degree murder. If they had focused in on a manslaughter conviction from the start, I think they would have had more success with a jury. I haven't followed it that closely, but that seems to be my feeling on the case. There really is no winners in this case, but making it about race is simply elevating it out of control. That woman who was sentenced to 20 years has to have terrible lawyers too. She doesn't even have a criminal record!
  17. Just picked up NBA2k13, I didn't even know that was on the PC!
  18. Super jealous, that sounds delicious.
  19. Far Cry 3 - Better than I expected, I really like the crafting, hunting, and skill tree aspects they have incorporated. I've had some crazy moments. I was watching a tiger attack some pigs across a river, and I decided to take him out with my sniper rifle. He did not go down easily. So I waded across the river, and I guess I alerted some bad guys with my rifle shots, because I was attacked by 4 of them. After a tough fight I was still standing, so I wandered over to skin the tiger at the bank of the river. Then I was eaten by a crocodile. Ouch.
  20. Nah, I've mastered the art of facial expressions. All I really need is a smoldering glare, disdainful grimace, and a sarcastic smirk to handle classroom management. It works in parent conferences as well.
  21. That's a pretty awesome retort from a pro sports team.
  22. I've always hated talking on the phone, in fact I've ended a relationship just to avoid talking to the girl over the phone during my winter break. But I also don't really like to text. I'm not a huge fan of face to face conversations either. So I guess I'm against communication in general.
  23. I say you call them back when you get a chance and give your regrets that you were not available to meet up. However it is much easier just to text this stuff nowadays. Calling is only for complicated conversations.
  24. As an agonistic, I do not believe that science and divine work need to be exclusive. Without wishing to specify your beliefs, I think you mean 'agnostic'. I think he meant antagonistic
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