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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. You probably don't have a suggestions list filled with My Little Pony and Iron Man cartoons
  2. Was it ever the majority? I mean, Obama promised to shut Gitmo down, and the majority elected him. And now the Gitmo is still running and funded. Gitmo is a pretty complicated situation. http://swampland.time.com/2013/05/30/why-gitmo-will-never-close/2/ The article really shows how limited the President's power is.
  3. There are plenty of people in the US protesting what the US does on a regular basis. Gitmo, Drones, and the NSA received a huge amount of flak in the public eye. You even have congressmen speaking out against this stuff. The trouble is they need a majority to enact change.
  4. Actually now that I have three computers, desktop at home, personal laptop, and a work computer, Steam is way more convenient than discs. I can easily access the game on all three devices and most games even let me store saved games on the cloud. I used to hate Steam, by the way. I lived in the boondocks and had a spotty internet connection. But I've been converted by my fancy high speed wireless. Now I am a rabid fanboy!
  5. I like Origin well enough, but yeah it is a hassle that 95% of my games are on one service and only a few of them are on Origin. It means I can go a year or more without logging in to Origin, and when I do, I can't remember my info and it takes forever to update everything.
  6. Well the US as a whole has always been pretty bad at geography, and maybe they just figured they were already in the neighborhood with Afghanistan, so they might as well get rid of Iraq.
  7. Reloaded a new build and it seems to be working well. Fixed a few bugs, although there are still some smaller issues I need to tweak. It's also apparently a bit hard
  8. You probably would have been better off just targeting Stephen Fry than using words like entitlement and the gay agenda.
  9. Yeah, I'd build a castle as well. I'd put in modern insulation though
  10. So a lot of our local mosques have open houses around Eid, where they offer up delicious foods. It is quickly becoming one of my favorite holidays.
  11. I don't necessarily agree with the war in Iraq, but let's put a little of the blame on Saddam Hussein as well. It's really not related to this discussion though. It's not a competition over who has the more righteous cause. You are basically dismissing vocal gay rights activists because they are too vocal? That's kind of the point of activism.
  12. I say it is more important to use this time to raise awareness of the terrible discriminatory policies than to try and cancel or move the Olympics. Also, what Wals said. Being gay is not a choice and it isn't about being entitled. If my child was gay I would want them to have the same rights as everyone else in this world, and that is simply not true in many places.
  13. Hrm, now people are getting black screens when they try it. I know Tale got it to run last night, anyone else having issues?
  14. I have finished my adventure, Spectrum Street Episode 1. I've been running over it quite a bit trying to balance and make it decent for multiple classes, but I can really use some feedback on balance and how it looks from other people's perspective. So I'm putting it up on Steam and it is available to all my friends.
  15. How is the situation dangerous as opposed to all other talks that have been attempted? Would you prefer the Obama administration did nothing? But we have to complain about every action the current administration takes! That's how politics work!
  16. Awesome pics! I would be happy going on a vacation where all I did was visit castles and breweries. Or a combination of those two.
  17. I saw a guy wearing an Obsidian sweatshirt in SF today. I yelled at him, but he moved away in the opposite direction quickly.
  18. We took the RV up to Marin, and today we are taking a ferry into San Francisco and going to the exploratorium. Sumner vacation is almost over, so we wanted to get away for a couple days.
  19. Generally I prefer a game that allows me to avoid killing anyone. It's refreshingly different from most everything else.
  20. I think death wobble is a better name
  21. Saw The Wolverine - It was much better than the first film. I enjoyed it, Hugh Jackman has always been a great fit for the role, but he was really able to shine as the noble savage here. There were bothersome story bits, but I tried to just focus on the growling and action bits and that made it work well.
  22. So I'm finished with the content in my mission and I'm starting to balance it. So far I've got it well balanced for an adept or a fighter type, but mages get their butts kicked and riggers dominate. I need to fool around with the drones more to figure out what is a good balance. Deckers don't really have a place in the mission, but I might adjust that. Maybe throw in a turret control to make it worth playing one. I also need to put in music, tinker with the lighting, and I am thinking about messing with the loading screens. Other than that it is playable from start to finish. Here is my synopsis: I'm wrestling between the titles: "In Full Bloom" "Spectrum Street"
  23. It was nice watching the Giants play competitive baseball at least.
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