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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Shale is more of a 'get his rocks off and roll' guy than relationship material.
  2. The Rock has done a couple comedic roles, but they haven't done well. I enjoyed him in The Rundown, but I'd say Sean Michael Scott was also a big part of that. He's great at bit parts, he had a fantastic role in the Reno 911 movie.
  3. I was a huge fan of M&M games, starting with MM3 in 8th grade and continuing to MM6 in my early 20's. With the development of MMX I also thought it would be cool to try one of the later releases, so I picked up MM8 for a few bucks on GoG. Surprisingly it has not aged well at all. I love to go back to the hand drawn games of the 90's, but for some reason the polygon style of MM8 just killed me. I found in unplayable. I wish I had bought the earlier ones that were more cartoony, I think they might have been less harsh. As is, I'd recommend Wizardry 8 over any of the MM games until MMX comes out.
  4. I went and got a massage before my back to school night, which was pretty decent. Now I'm just waiting for parents to come in so I can ramble for 10 minutes. It's pretty fun, actually.
  5. I have a feeling the entire crew from Sierra On-Line would disagree with that statement.
  6. The key is to never put yourself in a position where, if you do miss the shot, even at 99%, you are vulnerable. But I can't say I always follow that rule myself.
  7. I'm not really interested in doing research for you. It is pretty simple to look up game development costs and see how much they've risen over the last 30 years.
  8. Sarex, there are so many things wrong with your cost analysis that I don't know where to start. Please, just stop now.
  9. Complaining about day one DLC is so last year. As long as they don't stick the DLC vendor in my camp shilling his exciting adventure for just $4.99 I'll be happy
  10. Japan is a great baseball country, but lets not forget that the best players in Japan often go to the US to compete, while the US players that go to Japan are usually struggling to make an MLB roster.
  11. I would imagine that a beer or two isn't going to cause much of an issue though.
  12. We should get into a 'games as art' debate, it has been awhile since we've had one. Bioware games aren't any more or less art than almost every other game out there. All I care about is the entertainment value, and I get that from most Bioware games.
  13. In the comics, Alistair behaves like Christian Bale's Batman. Isabela and Varric hardly joke with one another. None of those characters are in the novel. Wynn gets a big role in Asunder, as does Shale and Lelianna.
  14. Hah, I love both Crime & Punishment and the Brothers Karamazov, but I dig Russian literature in general. Still, I need to be in a very special mood to sit down with Dostoyevsky, whereas generic fantasy can be read for a few quick plops on the toilet.
  15. So is he average, quite below average, or terrible? You are being unclear in your writing.
  16. I'd have to agree, there is a tremendous amount of garbage in the fantasy genre Gaider isn't just a writer though, he's a successful one. He's had three books published, and I'm guessing his numbers sold is pretty good. Now it helps that he has Bioware backing him up, but a huge amount of writers would love to have his portfolio.
  17. Yeah, I know. It's just his self-congratulatory "I thrive on anguish, I'm a serious writer!!" pabulum that is irritating. Dude, you wrote video game tie-ins with the skill of a 12th grader. Get over yourself. As someone who grades a lot of writing, I'd say you are exaggerating greatly. Gaider's work is pretty average for the genre.
  18. Hurlshot do you not think this game is a little violent...it seems its just about killing things? Sounds like a Might and Magic game. Yeah I suppose you are right, good call I'm not really sure what you mean. It isn't overly gory or anything. I'm not really against violence in games, I just want it to have a decent motivation behind it and some strategy involved as well. Heck, I love the Saint's Row series, those are quite a bit more violent.
  19. If artichokes weren't so pricey, I'd eat them every day. Actually I did when I had a farmer's market nearby. Just steam them and eat them. I had them with tortellini last night.
  20. It's pretty cool to see how they are progressing on this and keeping the community involved. I was a bit surprised that early access was really early alpha testing, so I've backed off playing, but I can see myself getting back into it after a few patches.
  21. Don't feed the trolls, people I initially forgot the comma there, which made sense in a different way. I mean, I get that there are plenty of people that freak out about gay people, but I have a hard time believing there is seriously people who still doubt the effectiveness of solar power and the importance of renewable energy.
  22. Have they recently passed laws that legalize corruption? This whole thing is in response to the propaganda laws that were passed.
  23. I'm not sure why criticizing these policies is 'bashing' Russia. We criticize US policies, politicians, and other things on a very regular basis here, and often times I even agree with the criticisms. That doesn't mean I don't love my country and enjoy living in the US. I am sure there are many wonderful things about Russia and I hope to visit there someday. But raising awareness about human rights violations is important, pressuring Russia to be more tolerant is admirable. Also in regards to other countries where things are way worse, it's really a matter priorities. African countries that end up with children getting abducted and forced into crazy military groups need to address more pressing concerns before they move on to other civil rights.
  24. Why are you so butthurt about some homos being killed and beaten up on the other side of the planet? This seems like a pretty lazy troll attempt. I mean there is no way Cultist wrote this and thought, yeah, this doesn't make me sound like a terrible person.
  25. That sounds real nice. My preparation just involves closing enough doors in the house so that if the kids catch on to the fact their parents are missing, we will hear them coming. It's a chess match. I can hear the "Mission Impossible" music in the background during this! Yep, with a bow chicka wow wow worked into the middle
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