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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'll be playing Saint's Row instead. They keep it fun.
  2. Shroud of Avatar does look pretty fantastic. I'm glad I pledged to it.
  3. I have been pleasantly surprised by how Dominoes changed their recipes. That being said, I prefer the take and bake kind.
  4. I thought this little tidbit about Ender's Game was interesting. I wasn't planning on seeing the movie anyway, since the greatest part for me is the illusion that the kids are simply in training. Based on the trailer, that seemed like it was not happening. It's kind of an odd protest, it's a very violent book that doesn't touch on his religious views, so I'm not really seeing the point. Some of his books go full on Book of Mormon, so that would seem a better target. I love Tom Cruise movies and he's in a certified wackjob cult, so I'll take a pass on this particular protest.
  5. I will probably never ever understand people who play swtor for its story. To me it's like eating at mcdonalds for their excellent culinary qualities That's really the only reason to play it in my eyes. There are plenty of MMO's that do everything else better. And really, much of the time I find myself enjoying the dialogue and plot progression. But there are some glaring missteps.
  6. That's really quite vague. I mean the rhetoric is fantastic and full of imagery and epic history, but it's pretty light on actual losses of freedom. The Kent State shooting would seem to lessen the point, since there haven't been many protests lately that resulted in dead students. What specific students is this blog speaking about? It's actually quite common for students to protest and then get arrested, it has been happening for decades. I actually have more freedom than I did a couple weeks ago. Thank you Supreme Court for overturning DOMA and Prop 8.
  7. Yeah, I shoved Galt into a passenger cabin and never let him out with my BH. It was a bad story decision, I know two players that stopped playing over it.
  8. What about if you love the original Lone Ranger?
  9. They've already shot a lot of footage, so I'd imagine they will find some way to get it done even if Kickstarter doesn't work. Maybe they will relaunch with a more realistic goal in mind.
  10. That is pretty cool, they should make their goal. Always liked the story of Sierra. It does not look like they will make that goal, they are not really moving.
  11. I thought Bale was good as Bruce Wayne, but not very good as Batman. I also really think it was less Bales' fault and more how it was directed. Thankfully the villains and other characters more than made up for it for me.
  12. That's really why they target schools, too. Extremism thrives on ignorance.
  13. The A's are doing great. They are built on good pitching as well.
  14. Buster Posey won the MVP and Sandoval hit 3 home runs in a World Series game. They aren't completely devoid of hitting. I will concede that 2010 was a below average hitting team that got just enough to win tight games, but the 2012 squad was much improved. Heck, the only reason they aren't 15 games behind is because their hitting won a lot of games early on when the pitching was struggling. Aubrey Huff is pretty awesome.
  15. That's way too dismissive of their pitching.
  16. Huh, I just looked it up. Weird, I thought Pujols was their only real power guy. So why didn't they beat the Giants n 2012 again? Bad luck? I guess I'll take luck like the Giants over power.
  17. Neither the Giants nor the Cardinals are power hitting teams, and they've won the last 3 championships. I'm not sure what else you need to see.
  18. Did you watch the 2012 playoffs? I watched every pitch, and there was no staff better than the Giants. They embarrassed the Triple Crown winner at the plate. When it comes to baseball I trust the numbers more than the eyeball test. And yes. I watched. The most important number is 2, the number of championships they've won.
  19. Did you watch the 2012 playoffs? I watched every pitch, and there was no staff better than the Giants. They embarrassed the Triple Crown winner at the plate. I also remember watching the staff pitch 36 straight shutout innings in 2012. I really don't need a stat breakdown to tell me who has the best pitching staff. They win the big games.
  20. We should probably remember that the Giants were leading their division before Buster Posey got injured in 2009, and they started this season out well before they lost Sandoval, Pagan, Vogelsong, and Casilla. You can argue that they aren't a deep team, but saying they got lucky is silly. You don't luck into anything in the long baseball season.
  21. As a die hard Giants fan, I have no idea what you are talking about. They had the best pitching staff in baseball the last few years, and it showed in the postseason. This year has been rough because of injuries. Slugging will get you to the playoffs, but pitching wins championships. edit: They also weren't luckier in 2012. They won the division easily, they had better hitting, and they swept the slugging Tigers. Edit 2: The Giants had plenty of slugging teams that never got a championship.
  22. The Giants try to alternate their seasons to keep things fair, I guess.
  23. Well we could break it down by position, what you can do with 64 million. Goalie : 3-5 million Defense #1 - 5-6 million each Defense #2 - 3-4 million each Defense #3 - 1 million each Forward line #1 - 6-8 million each Forward line #2 - 4-5 million each Forward line #3 - 2-3 million each Forward line #4 - 1 million each If you go with the lowest number for each of those, you end up with $60 million. Now I'm just guessing and playing around with numbers here, there is obviously a lot more complications when it comes to putting together an NHL team (and a few more roster spots for reserves.) But Clowe seems to be getting a second line contract, when he really didn't put up second line numbers last year. It seems risky to me. I'm rooting for him though.
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