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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Day 9 - We made a short drive to Bryce Canyon, settled in and did some laundry. Later we went shopping at a gem store, and they had piles of Obsidian! Then we went to a dinner show, where they sang and danced while we ate piles of meat. The kids chowed down and now we are back in the RV and they've passed out.
  2. Identity Thief - Pretty funny comedy. Nothing groundbreaking, but entertaining enough. We've been watching a lot of movies in the RV. I'm enjoying the Nick version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with my son, it's very well done. Also we watched an animated movie called Escape from Earth that was more entertaining than expected. Oh, and Frankenweenie, which was sad and scary and very much a Tim Burton flick.
  3. I'm not a fan of the Heat, they are basically the Evil Empire Yankees of the NBA right now. That said, LeBron James is an amazing athlete and apparently a super nice guy. It's a good thing he won this one too, 1 ring in 4 appearances would have looked bad. I think he still needs one more to compete with Jordan. Michael Jordan is also apparently a terrible person, so I'm rooting for James somewhat. Go Warriors!
  4. They don't got very far back, but there are a bunch of cubbyholes. I hiked up to one higher up and it had two branching rooms. We also went by one with a firepit. I got a good picture of my wife and daughter from above.
  5. Day 8 - Posting this a day late, as we were in an area with no internet. We spent the night at an animal sanctuary, then took a tour in the morning. It was a very interesting place. They could really use a decent business manager, as most of the people working there are better at communicating with animals than humans. It was difficult to have the RV there as most places were not accessible for us, and they had no transportation available. Still, the animals are well taken care of and it was fun seeing the cats and dogs. Afterwards we went to the Moqui Cave down the road, and it was very cool. It was built as a bar and dance hall, and the tours are run by the son of the people who built it. It even had a real man cave! It was a busy day and we hiked back up to the cave again. We slept in, I'll post an update on Day 9 later tonight.
  6. http://imageshack.us/a/img577/5606/2yce.jpg It is a bit tricky posting images with a phone and spotty 3G.
  7. Day 7 - No internet access, but we have arrived at an animal sanctuary. I actually climbed with the kids to the top of a cliff to post this. We are outside a big cave.
  8. It's odd that we never really have versus debates on these forums.
  9. Whatever happened to the guy who posted a 90 minute video about how bad DA2 was? I think he would have a lot to say about this stuff.
  10. Day 6 - After hiking the last two days, we decided to take it easy today and explore the town of Springdale outside of the park. We had a tasty lunch and bought a couple gifts for folks. Logan and I got kicked out of this store a few minute later for 'browsing too roughly' Tomorrow we drive out to an animal sanctuary.
  11. Day 5 - Today we hiked the Narrows, and it was easily the best hike I've ever done with the kids. We hiked about a mile in the shade of the canyon wall to an area where the trail ends, and then we started hiking in the river itself. Logan had it pretty easy. At one point it got pretty deep and I had to carry my daughter, it was about mid-thigh high. We covered about half a mile down the river before stopping at a sandbar and relaxing. There was a great little runoff coming down the walls. Logan just wanted to play in the sand. He was actually the only one that got to stay dry during this hike. When we got back to town we stopped for a much needed refueling break. Logan doesn't look happy about being stuck with water.
  12. I showed the picture to my wife and now she says I'm not allowed to play with you guys anymore. Actually she said she is more of a stars and stripes than polka dots.
  13. Sorry mkreku, my wife said no to the bikini pics. Day 4 - I apologize for the socks, I've never owned a pair of ankle socks in my life. We took a shuttle to Zion, passing some towering sandstone mountains. I'd really call it a red version of Yosemite, they are very impressive. Today we kept it simple and hiked to a place called Emerald Pools. Logan was being pretty difficult about it. I actually have a backpacking carrier for him but he refuses to sit in it. He wants to be hand carried. It was very misty up at the pool, which was great in the heat. He calmed down and walked all the way back though, stopping regularly to throw red dirt around. It was only about a mile and a half circuit, although it was a decent climb. When we got back down we took off our shoes and walked along the Virgin River. We ended back at the lodge and ate lunch on the lawn. It was an excellent father's day. Now I'm enjoying a Zion Canyon Amber Ale and BBQing some chicken for dinner. I'll post some more impressive park shots tomorrow, when we attempt to walk along the Narrows River trail.
  14. Day 3 - We were driving for most of the day, so all the pictures are from the road. But I convinced my wife to hang out the window to take some great shots. We passed Helios One, err Solar Two, out in the Mojave. You can see an odd light shining out of it. Then we actually stopped in Primm for some shopping. I've never actually seen the coaster at Bisons Steve's running. We drove through Nevada and Arizona, and finally entered this impressive pass to get to Utah. We are at a very nice park along the banks of the Virgin River, just a few miles outside of the Zion park entrance. We are jumping on a shuttle early tomorrow to explore the park. Now I just need to get the kids to bed.
  15. If only we all were important enough to warrant the attention of government agencies The government does get in trouble, much like a surgeon or a policeman, when they mess up. They are in trouble right now. The NSA is under scrutiny and the IRS is getting lambasted. The NSA does not want all this media attention, it is the worst thing that can happen to them. The IRS does not want to get audited. These things completely undermine their authority. I don't trust the government. I trust the political, media, and social pressure that is put on them when they go too far.
  16. Not quite, it is further east than where we are going. We will be going through Kanab at one point, but that is the farthest we are going into Utah.
  17. Day 2 - We took a shuttle up to Calico Ghost Town, which was a major silver boom town for a couple years before being abandoned. It was restored by the guy who owns Knott's Berry Farms. We got there around 10 AM, which was good, because it got hot by the afternoon. We ran into a little trouble with the law at first. We rode a little train around and saw a lot of holes in the rocks where people had prospected. Apparently there are millions of dollars worth of silver in the leftover rock from the blasting and digging, but it would cost more to process it than it is worth. Later on we visited Doc's house in Primm. We were dead tired by about 2 and headed back to the RV for a nap. At least the adults took naps, the kids watched a movie. Tomorrow we get back on the road towards Utah. We'll be passing through Vegas, baby. But not stopping
  18. Calax - we are taking that route home, I like to make my trips as circular as possible. mkreku - the front of the RV only has the two seats, so the kids sit in the house part. My 3 year old usually sits in a car seat that I strap into the couch. It is right behind the passenger seat, so he can see out the window and he's easy to get to. My daughter is 6 so she can sit next to him on the couch or at the table using a regular seatbelt. Sometimes my wife will take them back to the bed and watch a movie while we are driving too. The law says you only need seat belts when in the front part, but I try and keep them strapped in as often as possible. It's a lot more comfortable than travelling in a car, that's for sure.
  19. Yeah I was trying to use dropbox and failed, so I went back to imageshack.
  20. With the school year wrapped up as of yesterday, it is time to hit the road in the RV for a few weeks. This year we are focusing on southern Utah, mainly Zion and Bryce Canyon National parks. It was a bit tough getting out of the house and on the road, I had a hockey game last night at 11 PM and so I was struggling to get everything out of the house in the morning. We got on the road a little before 10 and the kids promptly fell asleep for the first leg of the trip. We stopped for lunch around Bakersfield, and finally reached our first RV park in Calico. Calico is definitely a desert town, we had hot dusty wind blowing as I tried to BBQ some pork chops. But there is an old west ghost town up the road, and we plan on visiting it tomorrow. The park has a pretty great playground.
  21. Heh, this thread is the exact opposite of the boob thread in C&C.
  22. This thread sure does bring the crazy out.
  23. It helps that Martin is not only heavily involved in the show, meaning he can actively fix things after a decade of hindsight, but he's also an experience television writer.
  24. It has been about 20 years since I've read it, so that is probably true.
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