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Everything posted by Lychnidos

  1. I'm playing an unoptimized (RP focused) Goldpact Paladin, dual-wielding rapiers while wearing a breastplate. The stats are also RP focused: Mig 15 Con 10 Dex 11 Per 14 Int 14 Res 14 Abilities: Flames of Devotion Zealous Focus Sworn Enemy Talents: Weapon Focus Noble Critical Focus I'm only level 5, almost 23h in the game, of which the last 3 are in Act II. My paladin is second in damage done (10070), Aloth being first (12023). Third, fourth, and fifth respectively are Kana Rua, Eder, and Durance having between 4k and 6k. Sagani is last with 2k, but she's only been in the party since the begging of Act II. For next talent I'm on the fence between Two Weapon Style and Intense Flames (the Full Attack of Flames of Devotion synergies pretty good with dual-wielding), but will most likely take the former.
  2. The base damage shown already accounts for Quality enchantments.
  3. If i recall correctly there is at least one when you talk with Raedric, also there are 3-4 more for other paladin orders in Act I alone.
  4. Are you sure you didn't have any buffs when that attack was made.
  5. Oh, I'm sure he did it all on his own. It's not like Obsidian would've kept the text in the game if he said no. They would've just deleted it altogether without having him rewrite it. Thought youd come out with that one. But the fact is we dont know what Obsidian would have done had he said no, which he didnt. So that point is moot. Have you actually asked Obsidian to give you your money back by the way? You never know. I did make a request for a refund or credit. Obsidian naturally, completely ignored my email. Big surprise... You should ask for a refund on Steam, if you really want one. When you buy a product from a store and want a refund you go to the store, not the manufacturer.
  6. Sure you aren't asking for yourself?
  7. Can someone explain how the SetTime command works, I'm an idiot. I tried various values, but no matter what it just changes the hour to 26 (it's 22 when I use the command).
  8. The following UI bugs are present in version Character Creation and Level Up screens show that Intellect increases the duration of Phrases, in game ability sheet doesn't which is correct. The same is also the case with Might and damage, but for those I don't know which one is correct. This two invocations Level Up screens don't show duration, the in game ability sheet does. This invocation's Level Up screen shows incorrect duration, the in game ability sheet shows the correct values which is 20.0 sec for all effects. This invocation's description states that it is Foe Target, but it can be targeted on allies which it also damages. This is present in both the Level Up screen and the ability sheet.
  9. They duration isn't affected (don't know about the damage), it's a UI bug on the Character Creation and Level Up screens. It still present in version, don't know if it's fixed in
  10. First DLC revealed. The Yokelicious alone makes it worth the 60 bucks.
  11. Sawyer's response to this in my opinion makes things worse for Obsidian by considerably limiting their options. They should have kept quite until a proper response and course of action were decided upon, unless it's already decided to remove it.
  12. Steam itself says 42222. It's great that a peak number has been reached 3-4 times, most games only reach one once. http://store.steampowered.com/stats/
  13. It's because you can have 1 Quality enchantment (it says Quality 1/1), and that bow already has the Fine enchantment. I think you can replace it with a higher quality one but I'm not sure.
  14. Mouse over a skill and press the key you want to bind it to.
  15. Mouse over a skill and press the key you want to bind it to.
  16. Give her an unconnected mouse she'll never notice, at least my cousins don't.
  17. Those resolutions have the same aspect ratio, so just resize them. Also, I think you can use them as backgrounds directly, no need to do anything. Anyway, it's better if someone needs to downscale, then another to need to upscale.
  18. The weapons and armour enemies drop are the ones they are using, I don't know about other items. The case you are describing can be due to different difficulty levels, which change the number of enemies or their type.
  19. this is one thing I do not get,, does expert mean I have to estimate the angle at which I want to throw the spell or radius of fireball? I mean i like other things, but this makes no sense... Expert mode means more like the IE games, which didn't have AoE indicators.
  20. I thought that the -1 MIG of the Orlan reduced the maximum Might to 17 (18 with the culture).If not then there is only a 2 might gap between the class, i.e. 4,7% more damage for the Aumaua compared to a 19 MIG Orlan. For accuracy>deflection, the bonus gets lower in comparison to the Aumaua not because of the lower chance of hit, but because of the lower chance of miss, which means that the MIG bonus from the Aumaua gets applied more often (whereas the hit conversion stay the same until a difference greater than 51). Lets assume you have an accuracy = 50 + deflection. You never miss, have 50% chance to hit and 50% chance to crit. The Orlan with 19 MIG and 30% hits to crit has then on average per attack a multiplier of (1+0.03*9)*((1+0.5*0.3)*0.5 + 1.5*0.5) = 1.68 The Aumaua with 21 MIG and 20% hits to crit has then on average per attack a multiplier of (1+0.03*11)*((1+0.5*0.2)*0.5 + 1.5*0.5) = 1.72 You can see that the Aumaua clearly wins in this case. Actually after calculation, even without base hit to crit conversion and with a 2 MIG gap, the Aumaua always wins the DPS race (lowest difference between the two factors is at accuracy=deflection, 0.889 for the Orlan, 0.898 for the Aumaua). The difference is quite negligible (1-2% increase for the Aumaua in most case) but it doesn't require you to attack the same target as an allie and it grants you an additionnal trait. You are right, and I completely forgot about the Orlan's might penaly .
  21. Elagabalus wasn't black, and neither were any of the Roman Emperors. Don't equate African with black. Also, your notion that nobody in Europe cares, and that only Americans obsess over race is really ridiculous.
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