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Everything posted by Lychnidos

  1. Everything is possible, and for viable it depends what you mean by it, being on par with a more damage oriented class, or good enough to play the game on normal? A fighter most likely won't be able to compete with a rogue damage wise, but I think the later will be possible with the addition of new talents and a little number tweaking.
  2. Gentlemen I'm getting really restless, everything I did bore no fruits, forum searches have failed, Google has let me down, I even resorted to Bing . So, before I start sacrificing to the Internet Gods, WHAT DOES THE BIG RED BUTTON IN THE HOLLYWOOD SEWERS DO? Dramatics aside, I'll greatly appreciate if someone has the answer, I really want to know .
  3. They could call the stronger Cave Lion, like the Eurasian Cave Lion which was slightly larger than modern lions, though that way it would be strange when a group consists of both stronger and weaker ones.
  4. It's possible that some of the dialog is pruned to avoid spoilers.
  5. To be fair barely anyone really goes it so much effort they post videos, so that makes him stand out more than the rest. There is also that by putting so much effort in their suggestions, they make people more accepting and less scrutinizing to them. And there are people that just take a glance, see all that work, go WOW, and post "Great work!" by default. Edit: Before anyone gets to defensive, I'm talking in general.
  6. Fear not StrangeCat, the game is going to be a never ending graveyard, accommodating family crypts, mass graves, battle memorials, rich man tombs, and of course hanging corpses.
  7. Better recheck that.
  8. Not necessarily, it depends on the relational operators used in the condition checks. Though for those numbers to be correct requires a rather weird use of them, one of the checks to use a different one than the others. But, this is a rather uninformed comment, I know nothing of the code Obsidian uses, so it's quite possible some logical reason to exists. Or, those numbers are simply wrong .
  9. Kickstarter doubles as a quite good marketing mechanism, the amounts asked for might not always be that crucial for the development.
  10. It doesn't help that based on videos and screenshots it seems the dwarfs have bigger heads than all the other races. At least to me.
  11. Another improvement would be to choose portrait before appearance. It will be easier to match them, as we have greater control over the later.
  12. Same for me, I mostly attribute that to being younger and Oblivion being the first open world game I played. But there is also the really good Thieve's Guild quest line and Skingrad, whose atmosphere I was quite fond of.
  13. Open betas are mostly used by online multiplayer games to really test infrastructure and networking code. I don't see any benefit they can bring to a single player game, contrary they'll most likely hurt sales.
  14. Then the if checks must be if it is equal or greater than, i.e. value >= 10 skill X is 4. Edit: The values I posted are the ones they get if you increase the skills in game. If you want you can check them by giving yourself skill points, then raising a skill in game and checking the value in the save file for every level. Edit 2: Just mouse over each level of skill you have at 0, the number of skill points you need to buy them are the values the game assigns.
  15. There is a problem with that order, Culture affects starting gear based on Class, so it needs to come after Class.
  16. Actually they aren't multiples of 3, the values are: 0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44. Also you can download a save game editor here, much faster than editing the xml directly.
  17. I think it was something like he can only log in with his dev account from Obsidian's offices, this is not an unreasonable security measure for a company.
  18. Thank you . It would, but you have only so many points and the other attributes seem to draw me more.
  19. PC: A priest from Aedyr, with a big gun, coming to sort those damn colonials. Companion 1: A paladin, second in command/commander of the guard. Companion 2-5: Fighters, henchmen/guard. I'm gonna have myself a proper Inquisition. Seriously, though I will most likely play something of fighter, paladin, wizard, priest, and use the Obsidian created companions. But this is an option for a second playthrough, if the game proves interesting enough.
  20. Really hard to do that. You need a number that's low enough to prevent kamikaze style playing, but not that low so people playing regularly end up with no recruits to replenish their potential loses(especially on high difficulties).
  21. That's an interesting suggestion, though I would prefer it to be a talent. How much of the damage received is from grazes compared to other hits?
  22. How much experience you get solo compared to full party doesn't really matter that much since the game will have a level cap.
  23. Is there any reason to have more than one character with charisma higher than 1, other than RP?
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