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Everything posted by Lychnidos

  1. Has an icon of a helm, looks like a helm, claims it's a hood.
  2. Easy way to use Sagani is to simply send the fox around the main ruckus, and have it together with her take care of casters and archers. The fox is fast enough to reach them in no time, and when you are finished flank the main line.
  3. You cannot load a Trial of Iron save from in game (only from the main menu), and quitting overwrites the save, which is also deleted on game over. Only thing you can do to save the situation is to Alt+F4, or close the process in Task Manager, but then whats the point of Trial of Iron.
  4. I found out what's needed for the Resolve option to work, it's 7 Survival on any party member. Also, for the Field Triage option to work, Eder needs to be present, don't know if there is a second condition for the other options.
  5. Bumping this, because the Resolve option doesn't resolve the situation, no mater if Eder is present or not. Eder does react if you use the Field Triage option though.
  6. The phrase is for when the guards, or priests, stop to question you, even when you are wearing the robes. The phrase, or the right attributes are needed for them to not attack. You made the logical leap that he meant you don't need any disguise at all, which isn't that unreasonable given what he says: "Oh - this will do you more good than a disguise. We have a passphrase. It is 'From every ending, a beginning'. Say that and the guards here will leave you be. On this floor alone, I'm afraid. Raedric's sellswords have little patience for such things." What I don't understand is how can you have 30 h of play time, and the guards there still be a challenge.
  7. If I remember correctly they fixed that even pre TWM I.
  8. @Tanred Much more thorough . I'm only in Act I, and have just completed Raedric's Hold with a 5 men level 4 party(I have Caed Nua and Madmr Bridge left) and also decided to not level up further until Defiance Bay. This will help with Act II, which is hardest to keep challenge in, now that there is high level scaling for III. Regarding White March II. I think it's meant to start on level 9 and can be upscaled on 12, which is done by 30% so the begging ares are also level 12.
  9. It's been quite some time since I last played the game, but I'm pretty sure there is one when you enter Defiance Bay. Anyway to keep the challenge I decided to delay leveling up, so I'm going in the following order: Do the following but don't level up past 5Act I Endless Paths until it gets too difficult Do the following but don't level up past 7All quests in Defiance Bay Endless Paths until it gets too difficult Do the following but don't level up past 9White March I Rest of Act II Endless Paths until it gets too difficult Do the following but don't level up past 12White March II Endless Paths Cragholdt Bluffs Finish the gameUpscale Act III Upscale Act IV Any thoughts on the order or levels? On what level to do the Alpine Dragon and the new wizard? Will I be able to reach max level from level 12 full exp(level 13 no exp) in Act III and IV?
  10. Looks good on Kana with his turban. Also, this game needs some plumed open burgonets, or morions, add some barbutes too when you're at it. Frog helms are lame . Edit: Oh oh, also a special request for a face mask/bearded morion, I'll be ever grateful . Something like this, but with a morion:
  11. Hahah . People are mostly bothered because they stick out like a sore thumb, with the garishly colored nameplates and names most likely written by monkeys on keyboards where the only consonants were X,Y,Z,J.
  12. How so, when wizards were/are quite good even before they reach per encounter levels?
  13. Didn't Durance's Staff had a unique description, or was it only described in dialogue?
  14. You need to use Disunity to unpack the corresponding .unity3d file. They are located in Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle. Edit: Also, the icons, if a recall correctly, are .dds files.
  15. I would really like a bear trap grenade .
  16. Could be Abydon's former body, or some other forgotten/failed god.
  17. Edit: Posted in the wrong thread .
  18. Thoughts on the skeleton? Screenshots at different stages of development in the spoiler. P.S How do you embed twitter posts on this forum?
  19. This is how I imagined a paladin would play, from the first class concept presented by Obsidian.
  20. hahahahaha
  21. You right of course...its weird...almost like its intentional ...but surly she wouldn't do that, do people do things like that on the Internet
  22. Nope...this is Haifa Wehbe, Lebanese singer Meh. I have darker tan than her during summer, and I try hard to avoid the sun.
  23. Bruce is a "little" to naive to continue the suspension of disbelief.
  24. Those sound way too interesting for a Bethesda game.
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