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Everything posted by Sacred_Path

  1. Noone wants to dilute their stories by going off on tangents though. And you don't want to destroy your audience's belief! That's the entire goal of a fantastical story! Any good storyteller would leave out an element that adds neither flavor nor enhances believability nor adds different options of storytelling. That's why I was asking, why is this [monks] in there?
  2. QFT. 1) it's much more interesting to read/ click your way through dialogue than it is to backtrack through the entire dungeon to see what effect your last rearrangement of those 12 levers had 2) usually, dialogue "puzzles" are the only ones with replay value. This is of course enhanced if you don't get any info on what stat/ skill checks are performed.
  3. I think this would take away entirely too much exploration and discovery. This is v. subjective of course. To me, the question of what creatures or interactive items there might be on a map is much more interesting than the excitement of discovering that there are trees 5 feet in front of you. You just couldn't see them because of FoW. Also, the automap could be highly stylized, so instead of a waterfall, you'd just see a blue patch. Only when you walk there would you see the awesomely drawn scenery.
  4. It's all there in the name, actually. Ape-ocalypse. Now you just need to fill in the blanks
  5. Personally my favorite option would be not to have FoW at all, but display the entire landscape at once; with the exception of objects of interest (NPCs, monsters, chests, doors etc.). Those should only be revealed by realistic line of sight. Especially in cities this would prevent the stumbling around a (relatively) peaceful area.
  6. That's not surprising at all though. Interactive companions have been advertised. Homage to IE games has been advertised. That means by 99% that there will be romance in the game. It's simply not necessary for promancers to lay out the reasons why this should be a good idea. Even if Obs hadn't made it obvious that there will be romance, I think it's becoming such a staple in party CRPGs that it can be expected.
  7. I hope they're being administered absinthe by the studio, well designers and artists at least.
  8. True, though in most cases, scouting should enable you to tell monsters are around. NPCs going hostile out of the blue shouldn't happen too often.
  9. Since they don't want to make empty maps anyway... clear the FoW once you've bypassed the central/ most difficult encounter on that map.
  10. Wizardry 8 did monster recycling p. sweet. Yes it was 'same monster different color', but they had different attack types, inflicted different status effects, had different (not just higher) resistances etc. If you have to use monster recycling, do it this way.
  11. Are the two mutually exclusive? I hope fan-girl. It's about time Josh or MCA got their rockstar potential recognized.
  12. Since they've advocated non-combat solutions, I'd expect some alternative routes through the dungeon, even though it's probably supposed to be a combat heavy area. We're dreaming big here tho Absolutely. Reputation is a big thing in PE, and reaching that final objective (whatever it may be) in the mega dungeon should be recognized.
  13. I was under the impression it's more of a party trick, personally.
  14. That's basically what I meant when I said cues should be taken from ToEE. I can definitely see a small village near the dungeon. Or even just a small keep. Something you can use as a base for your raids. Make it epic!
  15. I'm in favor of traits/ feats that increase your viewing area (realistic LoS notwithstanding). It's obvious use would be scouting, but could just as well be used for clearing FoW. I can't see myself backtracking late in the game just to see a map in its entirety. Add a stackable feat that increases your view by a small increment every time you pick that feat. To make it worthwhile, it should also increase the distance at which you can use bows, crossbows and rifles by the same margin. So if you want to have that super scout/ sniper you need to concentrate on it feat-wise.
  16. I'm so happy you decided to add this to your post. *facepalms self into oblivion*
  17. What? Since when is it impossible to lay a finger on what's scary? Be it books, movies, or games, if there's something that gives you creeps it's generally possible to describe it. You didn't even say what's scary about that game, much less why (I could understand the latter to some degree). I wasn't trying to convince you they're scary, I said that's one thing that gave me the creeps, and that's the only times I can remember when games achieved that. I also said: so obviously I'm NOT saying it's a great idea. And wait, RE= Resident Evil? I never even mentioned that. I'm not feeling strongly about horror in this game, I was merely replying because you quoted me. If they put no "horror" in the game, fine. If they do it, still fine. If they do it and it's lame, I'll be like 'meh' but it won't ruin the game for me.
  18. True, though your opinion on it is also irrelevant if you can't describe what's scary about it. Of course it's subjective, but if you add a horror theme to a game your goal should of course be to make it scary for as large a number of players as possible. Not "oh I think we should put in this monster with noodly appendages, maybe someone will find it scary". One thing that makes games scary is bad controls. In Clocktower you move slow as **** which gives it a nightmarish quality. When I played Dead Space on the PS3 it freaked me out because I was bad at playing with a gamepad, and there were things breathing down my neck I couldn't get a proper look at (much less hit them). Obviously I want neither to be the case in PE. One thing that's easy for creeps is v. bad visibility at night/ in dungeons. This could be in the game.
  19. I looked up Lone Survivor, doesn't look scary. The only 2D game that gave me the creeps, ever, is Clocktower. But you're not playing an unarmed schoolgirl in PE. Maybe those who think PE could be scary should give some concrete examples of scary scenarios. My example of what I want to see was:
  20. Versatility. [/obvious] I expect a few nice buffs, possibly offensive effects too. They'll have their very own spell list so they'll be passable casters. And since even mages can fight in melee in PE I expect the Chanter to be an ok combatant. As far as skills go, we don't know yet how that will work out so maybe a chanter won't have more skills than a fighter. I hope they avoid the "charisma bound to spell casting bound to talking" trap, so the chanter wouldn't be the only sensible choice for a conversationalist.
  21. Interestingly, I hope there'll be very few of those. Like you mentioned, they're mandatory for quite a few encounters in IE games, where you're often as good as dead if you don't have them active (which you find out by having at least one character be cursed/ charmed/ chunked). It almost never makes for quality gameplay. I get informed about the fact that one character just got paralyzed by a monster, and I have a spell that protects from paralysis. It's not rocket science to figure out what to do before the next encounter. It's even worse if you only see a random spell effect go off, then have to figure out what buff would have protected you. I really hope they put a new spin on that kind of buff. Adding disadvantages as has been suggested is one idea. I could also imagine having few buffs, but having different effects on them. I.e. "Body of Stone" is a high level buff that adds damage resistance, immunity to paralysis and petrification, as well as enhancing melee damage. OTOH it slows you down and possibly makes you more susceptible to certain kinds of energy. It could be cast in all kinds of situations, but is hopefully not your one-key-solution to encounters that use paralysis or petrification.
  22. Slightly, yes. But you have to agree that a party that really consists only of one class is pretty derpy. Practically forcing you to have at least one caster or tank in the mix is ok IMO. I'd prefer it if it were handled in such a way that the effects of buffs aren't also found on equipment in the exact same form. I.e. if there's a spell that raises strength, don't add rings of strength. Otherwise I'd also be in the "non-stackable" group.
  23. I totally understand any simulationist objections.
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