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Everything posted by Sacred_Path

  1. chuckled. And there is a dog companion. Name's Forton. You get a leash for free if you to take him off his owner's hands.
  2. I wanted to vote yes, only in some quests, but I'm not sure on the 'I don't want a scary world' part. That's actually one of the main questions here IMO. (apart from what's scary and what's not, obviously). Is the world fraught with monsters? Then any attempt to 'step up' the horror is going to be silly/ contrived/ missing the point. If it's a very civilized world where monsters only exist in remote locations, the potential for "horror" is much greater.
  3. I'll see what the devs can come up with and complain later. You have completely changed my mind. I crapped myself watching that. Not out of fright, but it's results that matter, rite?
  4. WTH does ego stroking have to do with anything? BTW that picture was taken from what would translate to first person perspective in a game. See my point? For the sake of argument, you have a group of people that can be many things, but they're probably not afraid of dying. A lot of the things you do in CRPGs even look downright suicidal from the start. Quite different to the preferred setup of average Joes getting sucked into horrible circumstances when they just wanted to enjoy life.
  5. I'm not arguing against subtlety... the opposite. I think subtle writing and design is the only way to affect the player in an isometric RPG, shock effects just don't work. That's my entire point. I would welcome some sinister plots that convey a feeling of surprise, or grief. It's just that it won't be scary in the conventional sense.
  6. First horror games was from isometric perspective. Even Gorky 17 was rpg horror with isometric And exactly how horrified did you feel? How horrified did you feel when watching Birds from Hitch****? Imagine if the birds attacked a party of ultra-badass dragon slayers. Yes, exactly that horrifying. I don't find that convincing. In an FPS you're in the thick of things, and with help from things like surround sound you can create some nice effects. Plus you're alone/ feeling seperate from others. A party based game with an isometric view? Not a chance. Atmospheric writing is possible, even a gasp of surprise, but chills? No way.
  7. First horror games was from isometric perspective. Even Gorky 17 was rpg horror with isometric And exactly how horrified did you feel?
  8. So what you're saying is that a monk is basically a crappy mage who has to hit stuff with his fists to be effective rather than bringing AoE flaming ranged death. I guess that nails it, but that also reinforces the point that monks are a bad idea.
  9. Dunno if horror even works from an isometric perspective. Unless it's a hovering monster ô.O
  10. I very much hope there will be oddball companions. Forton, Edair and Cadegund all have some potential there I think. Also freaky romance options. If Obs did this I'd love them to bits. Even if they don't, that's how it'll play out in my head
  11. I want an ending where a little text box proclaims you heroes of Waterdeep before booting back to Windows.
  12. I've never been so excited over the picture of a house. A virtual house.
  13. I take it that you for one welcome our Amazonian overlords
  14. It always feels a bit artificial when the ships themselves aren't interactive. Fireball FTW
  15. another succesful thread by mcmanusaur I always play high Charisma characters, naturally. When my handsome features aren't hidden by my beard I have a natural charisma of 18. This figures is raised or (rarely) lowered depending on time of day
  16. Sadly, most CRPGs aren't very strong on the gameplay side. It's the atmosphere, the exploration, and often the story that are the high points and motivate you to go on; thus, replays tend to be not as much fun. And if you've seen/ played many, that also subtracts a bit from the enjoyment. I very much hope that PE will score not only in the story and world departments but also on the tactical level, so that you can really grind your teeth on it for a long time. So far things are looking very bright IMO
  17. the inclusion of issues like sexism in an alternate world is probably easier to justify than its exclusion. Unfortunately in the latter case noone asks you for justification.
  18. So according to the latest info from Mr Brennecke the dungeon is optional and won't have (m)any quests in it. How very unfortunate a decision; can you say Watcher's Keep?. I'm p. sure it's going to sit there on the world map like a turd, beckoning you on the one hand for completion's sake, OTOH filling you with dread with its mindless grinding.
  19. So our rowdy bunch set out to sea from the majestic port city of A, and we sailed due south until we reached the beckoning shores of B. From there we could see, in the distance, the glimmering mountain tops of C. Yarr!
  20. We Need to Talk About Edair he molests kittens and got thrown out of reform school, oh my
  21. As far as uncontrollabe fits of rage go, yes. I can totally see that in the concept art. But talking to rodents? No. Edair could be semi-suicidal though, always looking for that one opportunity to shed his mortal coil and make his ancestors proud.
  22. I don't think there should be ways to counter sexism if it's in the game, at least not on a regular basis. The thing about cultural prejudice is that it victimizes you and you can't usually change the way people perceive you. So if there's a tribe of barbarians demeaning your female character because "women are weak", besting one of them unarmed shouldn't radically change the way they think about you/ women in general. It would be far more realistic if they either a) don't comment on it at all, b) all get up in arms and you have to slaughter them - a very unpleasant resolution. If they are going the 'mature' route of integrating racism and sexism, do it properly and make them as uncomfortable as they really are.
  23. Thorvalla's KS just failed. Very sad, but for really old-school RPGs (much more so than PE) there seems to be no sufficient interest.
  24. Those bonobos sound suspiciously like elves.
  25. Do you show any other hipster characteristics? Do you have an eclectic taste in music? Do you favor eccentric movie directors? Do you take photographs of your food? References to hipsters should totally be in PE. They're the group everyone loves to hate (yes, once upon a time that position was occupied by women)
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