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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Well it just like, your opinion, man

  2. Missing point of this thread as there is already separate thread for each of this classes
  3. Already posted it elswere but I particulary like idea about ingerients. and as for those who fear a need of them I am for lowering required amount of ingredients as user level up. So at the end, low level spells will require 0 ingredients where you will still need to find rare ingredients to cast those awesome imba allinsightisdead spells and think about using them in right moment (because you never know when or how many more you will find)
  4. I would love dev tracker feature implemented, that would be really cool
  5. These are my feelings too. Dont get me wrong I would maybe welcome new category of monsters called Vampiric but it doesnt mean that I would like to have completly different beings called vampires.As I would like to see vampires in PE it would be humans who sacrifice their soul for endless life or were cursed by gods or other powerfull beings. But price for it that they live forever is that they becoming more monstrous so no normal people would ever talk to them and that they are driven by thirst for bood because their dead body is unnable to produce new one or they can be possed by some kind of thirst deamon. Perhaps blood can be connected to soul of victim as well so if they feed on victim they absorb part of their souls which grant them supernatural powers. Hence if they want they can dominate their victims and make them their servant if they 'hold' part of victims soul or if victim is wicked as well he can become Vampire himself. As far as look goes I would like them to look more or less like humas with long claws, pale skin, hollow/white eye fillet and sharp teeth. As powers goes it depends on how many souls that particular Vampire swallowed. From greater strenght and dexterity, nightvision, polymorph to giant bat or dread wolf to maybe some kind of batmonster, also like mist form idea if they are 'destroyed' by weaponst which are not lethal to them. They can have psychic powers if powerfull enough as well. Vampire have still same inteligence as he got in normal form. So you can enounter evil peasant vampire who is hiding in woods near village where someone done him something wrong in past or vapire beggar hiding in sewers because he killed his friend for few cooper coins but also powerfull lord who done wrong to his people and now haunting whole country from his castle. They still should be sensible for sunlight, silver, garlic and holy symbols and maybe fire. There are often diseases spreading around country when vampire is present as his body is constantly rooting and regenerating. Truly powerfull ones can even shorten day/night cycle or amend weather to rainy so they can get out from their hideout during the day.
  6. I can't figure out if this thread is complete joke or not. Mostly people reload when someone from party die but oh well thre are clearly some masochists. For Ironman mode it can be interesting to get some last wish quest. Other than that - using your companion as shield? seriously? I am in wrong parts of forum aperently
  7. I am for mage need regents for different spells. As someone mentioned latern to produce fire spells. And if you dont want to have equiped latern you can have sulfur with whatever and then when wizard want to cast spell he can hold i in hand and start mumbling, area around his hand start heating and than bam! I love Ultima Online. And for rare High level spells you would need more expensive/hard to optain regents so you will spare them for harder battles instead of spamming them on every goblin. Druids can touch ground and start whispering to spirits of nature for help. And when caster is good enough in spell he will need less and less regents until he can cast these spells even without them. To summon skeleton caster throw bone ash on ground and then start performing some ritual and mumbo jumbo. Yes I like different casting animation for different type of spells. I think we can do better than in BG where all characters just waving hand around colorfull balls.
  8. Hard to choose option, I largerly aggre with OP that F2 was just right but F3 was just joke. But I think that dismembering is apropriate but have to have its rules. It doesnt make sense when you shoot someone with arrow to explode (looking at you F3) but I can see how hero cutting of tentacles from sea monster with 2H sword or whacking orc to gory mash with Warhammer. All effects should be appropriate used technique - be it arrow, sword or lighning
  9. Well I think that problem with outdoor enviroments in isometric games is that maps are not large enough to have that feel of space. I would like to have much larger areas even if it means that I will walk through forest for 30 seconds to spot somethink interesting ( of course it shouldn't be too large) and missing some viasual interesting effects. Like walking through grass should leave steps after party, wind should move snow or leafs. In swamps characters should soak into mud, in jungles lianas should move when characters walk beneth them and bushes should be stomped. These all viasual effects add much to feel of open space around character rather than colorfull monitor space. With deserts I got problem that its done too small to have feel of desert and anyway have not enough interesting locations (except cities or tombs of course but these are more urban areas). Good at that was Fallout 1,2 desert/wastelend was huge and you still have feel of it even when locations were quite small becasue most locations were cities or encampments or random wastland encounters (which wre just randomly generated rocks and trash) On other hand thats why I just cant play F3, it was ridiculous where there was 'vilage' with 7 guys getting periodicaly raided by 20 Supermuties with rocketlaunchers which have camp behinde next hill. Or city build around nuclear bomb filled with 10 characters and 1 brahmin in WHOLE GAME.
  10. Yeah sorry for that, as I told savanah should be included but there is maximum of answears i can put in, I also want to add other... but I dont understand your problem with not liking any terrain. If you dont actualy like any just dont vote, nobody force you
  11. I am not sure if its not trolling from you but tunnels(if you mean caves and dungeons) can be in any of these enviroments I never troll. Especially about tunnels. I am starting to like your sarcasm even more
  12. Too big wall of text but from what I have read it resemble me blade what Dak'kon wear in PS:T. I dont have anything against it but I think that it was great because it was unique for him/his race. On the other hand I think that 'soul' doesn't have to by only human soul but it can be manifested by lesser spirits and souls of multiple living things or maybe even events?
  13. Actualy it would be great if there are swamps where you party member have to whatch their steps or get drowned
  14. I am not sure if its not trolling from you but tunnels(if you mean caves and dungeons) can be in any of these enviroments
  15. I am sorry that I didnt please you enough (but there is only 10 options possible for each question). I am bad bad poll creator. But you can always post your ideas (as you do)
  16. Hello, Simple question for forum members. What is your favorite enviroment in game? I mosty enjoy deep northern woods and swamp areas and particulary hate deserts and I am not big fan of jungles. Like to hear your opinions!
  17. Yeah that is sadly true, last time I played ToEE i was just like: Why I would spend money and EXP on gloves +1 when I know in next 2 levels I will craft gloves +2 On other note i thin in NWN2, BG1 and BG2 wre blacksmiths who can make weapons to you
  18. OK so i will put in my two cents. Just to be clear, I stop reading after second page or so, because its starting to be only battle of personal preferences. Fallout 1,2 - great atmosphere, items have actualy value even when are not ultra magical, some good lines and quests, and oh god how I loved that depresing music of wasteland (got CD in car for long journeys), good character creation/growth, great combat mechanics for its time. Drugs, prostitutes, raiders, faschist, slavers ... And best part was that small box on left down corner where all the best things where displayed - information pannel describing what you see, combat taunts after shot to groin etc... PS:T - again great atmosphere and setting, unique approach for fantasy. Best conversation lines in all games. Awesome companions. Nice spell effects for its time. Moral views on many things. Fetch quests which I like to do and want more. Weak combat parts without much tactics BG1 - I cant comment much on this one as it was my first ADnD game and I still like it even when I know that there are better games in most aspects, but hey it was first one and I still remember most parts of it so its not bad game in any way. Just want to point out that people refer on this that it was game about por boy getting famous bhallspawn when actualy it was about find out who killed your mentor and why are these assasins hunting you. Just that other IS games are better in some aspects - dialogues PST, combat IWD (or fallout but its different combat system) BG2 - Much bigger BG1 with less exploration (sadly) good quests, good story, good characters, a lot of items. Not much to not like for its time, just polished game. IWD - quite same as BG series, not much to mention about it (mayne I like more these snowy enviroments) IWD2 - Much less focus on story and dialogues and much more funny combat - still playing it some times Arcanum - Great settings tech vs arcane, AWESOME music, awfull combat and companions. sheep ToEE - like it because its ADnD game but itself it was nothing special - except quite nice combat and HORRIFIC invetory I know its not too much mentioned here but what I loved was Fallout Tactics real time combat system. it was quite epicly good, sadly rest of game was just meh Also enjoyed Vampire> Masquerade - great dialogues and nice setting as well with its own unique atmosphere To sum it up what I would like in PE Atmosphere - Fallout + PS:T Dialogue - PS:T + BG2 Combat - not sure there I mostly enjoyed Fallout and IWD2 but its time to get something new NPCs (companions) - PS:T
  19. I would love return of map travel from F2, you got random encounters, you use survival skill to skip them, know whats waiting for you, speed up map travel speed. I would like to see even some permanent locations with small quests which you can find only if you have enough survival skill (in F it depend on your luck atribute). But I also support your idea even if its seems more complex than neccesary
  20. art is just great, you sir got talent. Actualy I like it much more then concept art and her face is reminding me of someone from movie or game but I cant remember her. I like her though but still femine look. Maybe Johan of Arc? edit, i know now who is she reminding me: Brienne from game of thrones
  21. I like idea of ingrediences AND cast times. I can imagine that when caster grows in levels he should not spend too much ingerdients/non on low level spells and can cast them almost instantly, but then when it comes to casting finger of death user have to stand still, read from the spell book mumbling dark rituals and using rare ingredients for such valuable spell and your party should protect that wizard for that time or he will have to start over if he is interupted. Of course, high level spells should have cooldown to protect from spamming them infinetly. This could be really great as different spells would require different ingredients. I quite like casting system in Ultima Online. There should be magic shop selling ingredients but the most valuable should be spare and you should probably go hunting these things. Need toad eyes? swap are it is. Need sulphur? lets go party to volcano. This can even 'force' user to not spend valuable ingredients on pathetic foes and resting after each fight
  22. These two are relly cool. Even if I dont like guns in fantasy with these I can live
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