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Everything posted by argan

  1. Got it. Just to check; if I copy the entire saves folder, that is all I need for the saved games to be copied, right? Also, is the bug mentioned in the linked topic above fixed in the latest patch? It seems I was not alone in having it...I guess Durance is tricky to debug, with all those conversation trees...
  2. So the safest bet might be do to a fresh re-install and then apply the patches one by one without adding that fix?
  3. Hi, So because I encountered the bug with Trials of Durance, I downloaded this fix, which worked for the vanilla version of the game. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73209-the-trials-of-durance/page-2 I have since decided to try and patch it up (with the GOG patches, since I have that version of the game). However, when trying to patch it to it says in the patch_log.txt "incorrect versions of (the files in the durance fix). But the game still runs, so I decide to try and patch it to the latest version. Then it says "there were some errors", and the log file is full of them, attaching it here: https://www.sendspace.com/file/rgmieb When I try to run PoE I get the error "Runtime error! Program: This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information". and the game crashes. Why is this, and how can it be resolved? It worked perfectly fine before. I am attaching the DxDiag file, not sure how it will be of help though. Seems like the patches broke it? Or was it because I used the durance fix? Edit: I replaced the "fixed" durance files with the old ones and tried applying the patch again...somehow it worked. I just hope there's nothing broken resulting from this. DxDiag.txt
  4. Too bad they didn't just decide on what they wanted, though.
  5. Personally, I would really like a backer site for the simple reason of organisation. Some of my kickstarter projects, I was a late backer to, and the backer sites that pop up in every project is very helpful in keeping track of what I backed, how much etc.
  6. Still hasn't seen anything about it. Did they drop the idea entirely?
  7. I think he might be talking about the non-Fallout Fallout games.
  8. Screw digital, give us something real!
  9. Oh, that's a shame. Arcanum's manual is a real piece of work by itself!
  10. I agree. It is almost essential in some games (Yes I'm looking at you Bethesda) to have access to the dev console.
  11. I love game manuals. Even if they are not really needed to play the game sometimes, it is still a very nice way to get to know the game world, and more than anything it's a testament to the effort and love developers put into something. Just go read any manual for an old game...Fallout and Fallout 2, System Shock, Darklands, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Arcanum, Redneck Rampage, Syndicate and Syndicate Wars...they all added something extra to the experience and it was a joy to read when the game was installing. I think Betrayal of Antara even had a couple of pages by the game producer describing the general development process of the game, and some thoughts on it. Today's manuals are useless in comparison.
  12. The product doesn't exist when you're seeking funding for it. So you're not a customer you're a backer. So people who pre-order games that aren't done yet are "backers"? As the other guy said, if a game is cancelled when pre-ordered the customer gets his money back. People need to understand that not a single one of us has "pre-ordered" a game. We have funded a game and hope to get something in return, provided everything goes as planned. We are not customers in any way, and there is not even any certainty the game will even be made. That is the preimse of Kickstarter, you take a risk and hope to get something in return. I think that PE will manage just nicely but this whole idea that backers are pre-ordering customers is a perception that needs to be cleared up.
  13. I would actually go so far as to say, give us a believable space ninja. Not for Project Eternity of course since PE has nothing to do with space. (I think). Haha. My problem with Kai Leng had nothing to do with him being a space ninja. He would've fit in perfectly in the Shadowrun universe, as a Street Samurai. 8P My problem with Kai Leng is that he was all "I'm literally the best person operative in the universe, because of my own awesomeness and skill. Oh no, you've partially killed me! GUNSHIP! COVER ME WHILE I USE A BUNCH OF TECHNOLOGY THAT WAS GIVEN TO ME FOR FREE (and which I had absolutely no part in developing or implementing) TO ESSENTIALLY REGENERATE MYSELF BACK TO MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS! ZOMG, YOU GUYS! Did you see how badly I kicked your arses, solely on my own, without the help of a huge effing gunship or a bunch of technology that could make a kitten badass? LOLZ!" How's about no characters like that. No calm, collected, precision badasses with narcissistic tendencies who rely on literally everything that isn't of their own making. A narcissist who's so obsessed with being the best that he trains as hard as he can for 10 hours a day and can break into a castle with a toothpick? Sure. But not one with literally a cyborg body who constantly runs away and has gunships and oodles of no-name soldiers cover his cowardice, all the while thinking he's the ultimate badass. That's true as well. It felt extra stupid that Shephard is heralded and built up to become some kind of unstoppable demi-god and then this joke of a guy comes and beats him in a damn cutscene? Seriously, Bioware, what the hell were you thinking? And just the fact that he's introduced in the ME novels before being introduced in the game, and then not even given an explanation of who he is or why the hell he is there? Yeah, Bioware lost it completely with Mass Effect 3.
  14. Sorry to bump, but...still no new word on this?
  15. Me neither. I want that audio CD and playing Cards that I pledged extra for!
  16. Insta-win dialogue choices. Romances (a'la Bioware, Ps:T is fine)
  17. :what-the-hell-am-I-reading: No comment on that link...
  18. I hate level-scaling. I want to be able to go back at a later stage and completely obliterate entire tribes of the damn gnolls/kobolds/goblins/whatevers that swarmed me when I was a weak first level character. (the kind of level scaling present in e.g. Oblivion, that is)
  19. That's not really the case. There might be more choice, as far as the devs changing the dialogue along the way and maybe writing up more options for dialogue, but I don't think you can prove that it will necessarily mean more depth. Part of what makes a line of dialogue memorable or "deep" for me is hearing the power with which it's delivered.One of my all time favourite video game lines of dialogue was the "would you kindly" speech from bio-shock (sort of a spoiler if you haven't played it) that dialogue really stuck in my mind because of the way it was delivered. If it was just a line of dialogue I probably would have just skipped through it without a second glance. Whatever happened to imagination?
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