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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. How did you get Concentration and Interrupt to show on your record screen like that? Also, how are they calculated exactly?
  2. Chances are this is related to this. EDIT: Unrelated, but I've just noticed that 1.5 shows "Interrupt" and "Concentration" in the character record. Nice touch Any chance they'll get a small icon next to them like other items shown in there (accuracy, damage, defenses, damage reduction)? Also, could any dev shed some light on how exactly Interrupt and Concentration are calculated?
  3. 1.5 has about 30 new item icons—can anyone running the beta confirm this hat got one too?
  4. In the book about the Broken Stone War, everything's narrated in the past tense except for two sentences that are in present tense. Screenshot1 ; Screenshot2 When you talk to Urgeat for the second time (after Raederic's son is born), there's a mismatch between the VO and written text. I can't recall exactly what the VO says but I think it's "all Eothasians". Notwithstanding, I'm sure the devs can listen to the VO and amend accordingly Screenshot A quotation mark is missing at the end of this sentence: Screenshot Typo in the bell scripted interaction in the Temple of Eothas in Gilded Vale ("protusion" should be "protrusion"): Screenshot When talking to Nonton, there's a sentence in which an ellipsis should be followed by a space but isn't: Screenshot There's an extra "the" in the book titled The Great Western Stag: Screenshot The following is not a typo per se, but a major lore inconsistency. When you get to Gilded Vale with a female character, you are asked whether you have ever conceived a Hollowborn child (Screenshot) even if your character is a Godlike. However, we know from the lore of Eora that Godlike cannot bear children, so the question makes no sense in the case of a Godlike protagonist.
  5. Yeh, I would like to have a reason for wearing the Sanguine plate besides its looks. I mean—I really want my main to wear it because of the looks, but now picking the Sanguine plate over the funky adra plate would be shooting myself in the foot.
  6. I agree with more scripted interactions. The game doesn't really need more VA. What VA is there is enough. This is an IE spiritual successor, not a mass-appealing, modern shooter-with-swords that needs voiced one-liners as an excuse for dialog.
  7. JoniOdin - mine is also "shipping soon" and I got it last Thursday. The backer portal simply doesn't matter; did you get an email from Paradox?
  8. I had this issue in the temple of Rymrgrand, as well as after killing the dwarf in the Sacrificial Bloodlines quest. I couldn't repro after reloading, however, so I didn't report it. Thanks for raising this, Witkh13
  9. I agree with people asking Obs to reconsider the change made to Sanguine Plate. It's easily the best-looking armor in the game and I would like an excuse to make my main wear it Interesting that this blog post has "portraits" within its tags ... any new portraits coming with 1.5?
  10. I use the physical copy all the time. It's very good imho.
  11. Askii, you can use dropbox to upload your saved game and link it here
  12. 32Khz is already higher than 22Khz so I don't get what exactly you're asking for? 380kbps is also decent for a lossy format; the best mp3 are 320kbps and mp3 has a worse compression algorithm than ogg to boot.
  13. Thanks for your reply, Darren! Do you know whether this patch also brings AI improvements to the table?
  14. Typo reports will have more visibility if they're posted here (Eric actually reads that thread): http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/77064-translation-errors-missing-translations-english/page-2
  15. Does the patch add new icons for unique items that lacked them?
  16. Got mine today despite the truncated address. I live in Hungary.
  17. Luckmann - you forgot "no exploration XP". It's mostly inconsequential in amount but so overly stupid in concept.
  18. EDIT: Just found the cave. Looks like my completionist run wasn't as completionist as I had thought...!
  19. Do I understand correctly that all rings granting extra spells to wizards and priests are also part of the random loot table? I've just beaten the game on my first completionist run and I found none. Any hints as to where they are supposed to spawn? (I really don't like random loot tables of the "if you don't find X in that specific place on this play through, you'll never find it until your next play through" kind.)
  20. Hi. Make sure FXAA is disabled in your nVidia control panel. Additionally, make sure Transparency AA is set to either OFF or MULTISAMPLE (also in the nVidia control panel.)
  21. There should be no quotation mark after "strikes" (but I agree with your other point.)
  22. OP—your repro steps speak of Skaen priests but your attached saved game puts you in the Black Hound Inn. Guess you meant to attach a different save?
  23. I'm having a lot of fun with PoE. My main gripes are with some mechanics, particularly in relation to combat; everything else is very much to my liking. (for reference, the BGs are my all-time favorites alongside PST.)
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