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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. Not true, I use steam for it's convenience of use, and because I have many friends with whom I play who use the platform. I play quite a bit of team Fortress 2. And I absolutely despise Steam's always on DRM.
  2. I like some of your suggestions, though I'm not a great fan of time limits in general, in some cases it can work. I certainly welcome a wide variety of challenges and quests uncommon in many RPG's I'd enjoy being challenged in a diverse bunch of ways.


    The most romantic song I know.
  4. I hate being told in what manner I mean something when I choose an option. This is role-playing, is it not? I don't get to choose how a person responds, but I do get to choose how I intend my comment. There are countless conflicts and disconnects between me and the played-character when a game forces an intention of remark on me. Absolutely hate it to the core. then don't vote for it, and put your objections in the relevant thread where they can be discussed.
  5. I also believe HP inflation can be an incredible unbalancing factor.
  6. You'd still be rewarding people for play which might (or might not) be degenerate.
  7. Twelve. It was twelve gods. And I stand by every one of them. They each are awesome an inspired. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63274-design-a-god-for-pe/

  8. I propose that whenever we have 10 more ideas, we make a new poll?
  9. Well, one more for the road. Ladamo God of education, games, challenge, competition and sportsmanship. Ladamo is the inventor of the ancient game of Oware, also known as the first game. Captured with the rest of his tribe by an invading army, in order to pass the time, hone his tribe's tactical ability Ladamo set out the bare bones of the stones game. It didn't take long for the guards to develop an interest in what his tribe seemed to be doing all day. Ladamo, along with his tribe was slated for human sacrifice to the bloodthirsty gods of his captors and was kept alive only for that reason. When the guards got involved in the game, something strange happened, for the first time, they started speaking, over time, friendship was built The man in charge of the guards, Mastan was a close friend and first advisor to the God-king, and struggled with his conscience as he got to know Ladamo and his tribe. And when time came for Ladamo to be sacrificed, his guards rebelled and organised an escape. Ladamo was the only survivor of the chase, along with Mastan. Eventually recaptured, Mastan pleaded that Ladamo could demonstrate his game to the God-king demanding his sacrifice. Arrogant, the God-king believed himself invincible and superior. And agreed to show this little barbarian man mercy if he were beaten. It was agreed that the king was allowed five practise games after learning the rules. then it was agreed he was allowed twenty more practise games. Increasingly angry the god king took a spear and speared Ladamo. Or tried to, but Mastan had stepped in and took the spear through his gut. "You have lost, now fulfil your due" Shocked by this sacrifice, humbled by the words of his now dead best friend, the God-king agreed to send Ladamo into exile. Ladamo loves playing games, he loves all manner of games, from Chess, to Mah-Jong, to tag, to hide and seek, to drinking games to sports. As long as they are challenging and fair. Ladamo hates puzzles, not riddles, not mysteries, but puzzles irk him as stale and boring. A good challenge is dynamic! Ladamo loves learning new games and picks them up with great speed, yet is on a continuous quest to learn of new games. Eventually he built a great hall and arena, where he displayed many games for both spectators and participants, asking a small fee for participation and rewarding the victors. Around this place arose the clergy of Ladamo, and it still serves as the first temple to him. While Ladamo's views on gambling are unknown, games have a tendency attract the practise and eventually the clergy decided that if it was to happen fairly, as is important by their doctrine, they should be the ones running the practise. Corruption is not unheard of in the clergy, and from time to time, scandals do occur. The Clergy of Ladamo searches for new games to bring to the temples, adjudicates disputes and referees events. They also dominate the gambling business, a practise they manage to maintain by offering more honest odds than organised crime would. Temples of Ladamo all have a wide variety of board games, an arena to practise sporting games in and each take part in friendly challenges. Rank is determined by mastery of games or sports with Oware being (unofficially) considered the most valued. Followers of Ladamo are required to seek challenge and to teach to those who desire learning. Many towns welcome the priesthood and offer spaces for them to establish a temple. Most people enjoy a good game on their off day. Also children often love games, so the priesthood has found in these places they quickly come into contact with children, and have taken up teaching children through play. This makes their presence even more desired in a mostly illiterate society, and their religion, while small, is the fastest growing in the world. Unlike many gods who are hard to track down, and might never be encountered, Ladamo doesn't concern himself with normal expected divine behaviour. From time to time Ladamo himself is seen returning to the first temple. He comes unannounced, always brings a new game, stays to teach it, plays a few opponents and then vanishes again. Without exception the game is fun, challenging, and teaches some valuable strategic or tactical insight or skill. Naturally these games quickly spread. Those who are lucky enough to play Ladamo find themselves with new insights and skill, regardless of how they fared against Ladamo. Ladamo himself is a cordial man, believes in fairness, believes a good game is "easy to learn, hard to master" and enjoys losing a good game more than winning a bad one. He caught someone cheating against him once. Rather than punish the man with some exotic torture, he forced the man to play different games with him for weeks on end, with a crowd of onlookers asked after each game to analyse the moves of either player. Asking what could have been changed, and encouraged them to play these moves and see what would have happened. The Cheater became Ladamo's greatest follower. He shed his old name and took on the name "The Cheater". It is said that The Cheater goes around exposing cheats and conmen, and is very good at it. Sometimes he just exposes them, other times he beats them at their own game.
  10. -Flexible and intuitive spell effects that can be adjusted to fit encounters and environment link: l -Sticking to a weapon will set off familiarity rewards and even quests over time link: l add two l's there please
  11. I certainly would prefer to buy it through steam, so "does not require steam to be connected to the internet" is a huge plus for me. great news, thanks!
  12. So there was this whole topic I had forgotten all about :S http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/62532-update-33-paypal-ends-soon-current-developments/ So that kind of makes this thread moot, I suppose.
  13. Damnit, I knew I thought I had seen a thread on the topic before. Should have paid more attention before going off on a spree.
  14. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63274-design-a-god-for-pe/ Some inspiration here.
  15. NO! why couldn't you just let this thread die? it's been derailed long, long long ago.
  16. It would be cool if the game required you to study some monsters before tackling them, or maybe just even study without tackling them.
  17. Masteef The goddess of poetry and prose has many foes because as hysterical satyr her lyrical fire comes with satirical ire She sings of strings on puppet kings and it stings when they're cut A historical liar She tells the truth when it hurts and salves the pain with perfection in pitch and inflection reflecting the soul She has no goal but is the agent of change in soft summer rains and sweet perfumed dew wherever she reigns Seeking her praise in a myriad ways are poets and composers musicians and writers and other seekers of truth If you cross her path better do your best to impress with meritorious deeds and you need to please or fear incurring her wrath A keenness of spirit is all you need for her love Worship no more than you wish to achieve Like a passing fancy she has no permanent marks no signs or portends no symbols nor priests You know her when she smiles altogether too brief
  18. don't forget a thousand years of darkness, chuck norris said that.
  19. What makes you assume that? I take my time through a game. If I can enjoy all characters it only means I've taken the time to put all of them in my party at one point or another, quested with them, and perhaps helped them on their personal quest(line) Perhaps I was unclear with my intent, it wasn't that I want to rush through all my characters in one short blow, but rather that I don't get limited in one game to just a few of the characters. I hope I can play all of them, if I spend time and effort on it.
  20. I think that replayability is very important, but I also want a very interesting plot that would involve the party members. You might think that a yoshimo-imoen sequence is boring after 1 play, and you may be right, but I prefer that, then having mute and anemic party members who follow you around all the time like puppies (untill you tell them go wait over there and be quite) and don't even have their own opinion, and that nothing nothing, ever happens to them: dying, betraying you, being kidnapped, getting lost and separated etc. I mean this IS an adventure. Things should always happen out of the blue and surprise you and work exactly the opposite way you planned and if the cost is replayability then so be it. I want to feel like I am on a REAL adventure, like I am reading a good book. That's how I felt playing BG2:SOA and it never stopped me from playing it over several times again. right, because the replayability wasn't dependent on that. It was dependent on the varied quests and the different ways to deal with them.
  21. Just adding I's to where I haven't before. -Magical items are very rare, gold is for consumables: lll -Loot is "branded/tagged", origin of items affects NPCs differently: ll -Crafted magical items are few, unique and true achievements: llll -Temporary abstract armour degradation in combat, repairs are "automagical": ll -Armour and weaponry can get "enfeebled"/"fatigued" over time, easy repair: ll -Individual party-member quests in cities to challenge their personal strengths & weaknesses: llll -Beast-of-burden teams embodying the deep stash; they are useful and sometimes shady: ll -Give magical non-weapon items much more love: lll -Magical artefacts for our houses and strongholds: ll -Maps, weather and environment affecting spells and the party: ll -Nice UI for weather and temperature, including an adaptive fog of war: ll -Guns can be used on certain doors and chests to open them: lll -Innovative ideas for strategic cipher abilities before and during encounters: l -Quests, or rather objectives, centered on discovery, intrigue, info and non-fetch, non-kill X critters-goals: lll -Icons marking the tone and skill implemented when picking dialogue options: lll
  22. a chase scene is something they haven't done before, I present to you my favourite scene from my favourite game
  23. I would play it, no question about it.
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