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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. I can't wait grrrr. Think I'm gonna go vampires first since I have a love for undead and then maybe the chaos next.
  2. Yeah, I was excited about the novellas as well during the Kickstarter. Still have a desire to read them. Tbh though since I haven't gotten mine from wasteland 2 either, I'm under the impression MCA maybe didn't actually write them yet, I dunno. It seems MCA had beef with obsidian so u could tinfoil hat that the worse, but MCA seems to be on good terms with inexile so why isn't that one out as well that he supposed to have already finished.
  3. The more I see in th videos, the more excited I am. I know it's different than what I've played before, but holding I like it as well and can wrap my head around new play style. If anything, I'll build an army and just send them all to fight and zoom in and what all the npcs just duke it out lol.
  4. You know what, I think I may have been mistaken about Anders. Been a long time since I played it, and I think it was more along the lines of walking on egg shells of dialogue with mages and not relationship wise. My bad I believe I was wrong about Anders. I remember being excited for him being in the second one because I liked his character in dao, but the second one I was put off with what he become as a character difference. A charming **** into an emo whiner.
  5. Welp thanks for he videos in this thread I have preordered this awesome looking game. Straight fresh fish when it comes to rts (if u don't count the 15 mins I played of Starcraft 2 at my friends house). Looks totally awesome and a brand new style of game for me to play.
  6. Ok I'm bored so I'll muck thru. Welp ok, just one thing right since I'm on break. My problem so far is how "special" bio/beam dog treat their non white straight characters. You can put whatever sexual/race/etc preference into a rpg (been done for years) BUT imho they need to advance the story, not that they are special snowflakes for being normal. 2 examples done wrong. Da2. Anders. Ok he's gay, ok whatever. The problem with Anders in ur party is that u either have to accept his advances OR politely refuse him while still sounding like there's a chance. If u are blunt or rude in denying his advances, u lose him from the party. You basically have to swallow his advances and still be civil while hinting that u maybe interested later on. It was what 3 or 4 times this pops up and u can't just deny him while being urself. U have to baby him in denying him or go thru a romance option with him to keep him. Yes u can be an **** to him but u lose the only healer if u aren't a healer urself. 2. This in between BG. U get a trans who u cannot be an **** to. There's no option. Both characters scream their sexuality and are denied to being blunt or even evil towards. Granted u can be evil and an **** to everybody else and still keep them in ur party, but it feels like u have to treat these people "special" simply because of their sexuality. Now here's an example done right and surpriselingly (well not really seeing how it was the last game MK worked on) but bethesdas Vivec from Morrowind. Here is someone who is straight up bi and transexual in changing his/her sexuality on a fly or a whim, but no ones ever been up in arms about him. Why? Because even though if I read the lore and the ingame books, the game screams this guy is bi and trans, he still an awesome character because of 2 key points. One is that he's very well written and two, his sexuality is never defining his character. Meaning it does play a role in his point of view of some things, but it never the key thing that defined him. You wanna be an **** to him, go ahead he's problemly a bigger **** than u by forcing his people to love him or face the moon crashing and destroying everything. The very same moon that hangs above Vivec that people must stare at everyday. The reason why I have a problem with checklist mentality when it comes to making sure different sexualitys are in the game is because they mainly defining that character by their sexuality. When tbh imho ur sexuality in real life isn't that important at all and it shouldn't be something "special" or a check to check on a list to make sure everyone's being represented. another great example is fallout series. U can be gay/trans/bi/etc and u can roleplay that and u can even get a few new things to happen because of it, but it's not the over defining thing that makes ur character. The main story doesn't change because ur "different" because as it should in real life not matter. Ur not better or worse because of it and my problem is that with sjw that I'm seeing in games is not that they are added (they've been in video games for years and one of my fav characters is a bisexual trans) but that Because of their sexuality they are somehow "special" because of it. And also the woman's attitude and checklist mentality when she thinks she's doing the community a GREaT service because she adds something in and creates them as special snowflakes and thinks she's doing something ground breaking when in actuality imho she's doing worse BECAUSE she views them as special snowflakes that u can't treat normal like other people. Rants over, let the flames begin. Hopefully it was understandable.
  7. Yay! Glad to see u back, been enjoying it. Started up another playthru for the first time in a long while, and I'm so impressed by the game. Granted I love westerns so I fit right in with my William Munny playthru.
  8. Their way of course being borderlands 2 in a fallout setting. I'm really worried bout what TES 6 is gonna be like
  9. Didn't someone already post how to fix said stacking big already in this thread?
  10. Tbh I forgot all about DI2 after I played dying light. I'll be the first to admit that dying light has its flaws, but imho to me it's been the best zombie game I've played in many years.
  11. It should be about the Spanish Inquisition, no one will see that coming.
  12. I volunteer (Note: I am not a full-time artist on Tyranny. My heart belongs to pathfinder!) I can only hope there is still a pathfinder rpg in the works for obsidian still and hopefully u get to do some artwork on it.
  13. Just pulling in, but That's not the spires they are talking about. What they are talking is the interview where asked and she replied that if players had a problem with the direction, they can get over it because that's the direction they are going. It's actually that statement that has made me not purchase the game even if by some stroke of luck of being great (which from what I've seen is far from it). It's that attitude that they are not making a game they want the players to enjoy, they are making a game THEY would enjoy and if the players didn't like it, "well to bad". The problem is its blown up in their faces and that blazer attitude has been thrown right back at them BUT now themselves are the victim when they literally asked for it. It's also not just this game, she has a history of PUSHING her agenda down the throats of whatever product she's done weither it actually benefited the product or not. For a product that is a niche product and u are blantant about what ur putting in and where ur focus is and even do an immature snipe at GG and tell the fans of u don't like it, then to bad. Then sorry, to bad I'm not gonna give money to such a organization. IMHO. To those who are liking it or on the same page of "pushing an agenda", cool I'm glad u liked it and I'm not gonna belittle you at all enjoy it. Myself, nah I'll take my money elsewhere. If I find the statement, I'll be sure to link.
  14. ...Fallout New Vegas? The gameplay consists of shooting up raiders, slavers and mutated wildlife and watching it explode into gorey chunks. The story is great but really not for someone who is all "let's just craft and not hurt anyone", lol. It's a game u can beat WITHOUT killing a single creature and still experience a good bit of the story. Max sneak and speech and barter and ur non lethal skills and u can bypass a lot of combat and settle a lot things without firing a single round. It has a TRUE pacifist playthru, seriously look it up Granted u won't be able to experience ALL the content but it'd be the same amount as pillars.
  15. I would like to drop a game that I think u might enjoy playing and it's FONV simply because of the writing, story, AND can be completed without killing a single thing.
  16. That and South Park. Tbh their last 2 games are looking great as far as how many bugs are in them.
  17. I think the whole reason we got durance instead of the blond priest was bc it's was MCA way of trolling the Romanicers on the boards. "I can just see it now, all those people begging and complains about romance options....well I'd like to see them ask for romance options on a bigot crazed f-ugly male now muhahahaha"
  18. I don't think they will because that will keep people looking at the game til it's released
  19. Sky Dragon is the only boss that kind of irks me. Not because I think it's harder than Alpine, or Adra, or the archmages or anything like that. It bugs me that it is part of a pseudo-mandatory main quest. Technically it's not 100% mandatory, but it's one of 4 solutions to a 100% mandatory quest, and by FAR the hardest of those 4 options.I hear ya. For awhile I was thinking what the big deal was with the sky because the first time I went up against it I facerolled thru it then tried it again with a different party makeup in another game and got my ass handed to me because I was using the same tactics from the last time but I had a different party so I had to redo my plan.My first time was with my bleak walker and the dice rolls were in my favor, I hardly got touched by the stuns and whatnot. Second time with Eder tanking and me as a barbarian....the dice rolls were against us. I think we got hit with every stun lmao. Also I can see why it would irk ya but at the same time, u don't have to fight it. Though I totally understand if it's roleplaying reasons though.
  20. I hear ya OP. With mods I find myself getting immersed as well but at the same time I'm able to immerse myself into PoE. I think the 2 games I've been able to really get "full retard" immersed was a heavily modded Morrowind and FONV. Tbh I don't sweat the details, if I can roleplay then I'm happy Some people find the best immersion when ya can see the plant life and the random wild life and bugs and whatnot and some find the best immersion of being swept away by a tale and just riding out the story. Edit-how I immerse myself in PoE is with imagination. I view myself as the character and I imagine the banter going on between me and them, their reactions to my choices and/or ribbing of some major **** ups. I'm controlling them from top down view but I'm roleplaying and imagining myself as the one I created. Hard to explain.
  21. I'm laughing at the thread title. This game has to be the most balanced game I've ever played. Complaining about OPTIONAL content that supposed to be harder than the normal content...sigh smh. That's like complaining about about rolfstomping sephiroth but getting ur ass handed to you by ruby weapon. Remember OP, in RPGs that are trying to go with the old school formula, the LAST boss is hardly ever the most challenging battle in the game. There's usually always an enemy or two that's hidden off the path that u DONT have to do that would make the last boss seem like a lvl 1 scrub.
  22. I'm gonna start up a new game in morrowind as a paladin of the tribuneral who pieces together the "truth" and decides to side with Dagoth Ur, the true hero of the Dunmer elves.
  23. It's so the match will end quickly so that the next game will come much quicker. Usually happens is that they give the other side a free ride to win to end quickly and will go try and kill something so that they can get something.
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