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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Mage and decking are very viable. It's going with cyberware that will hurt ya. Decking though, bah. Get ya a good deck and some good programs and U'll be good inside the matrix and a kickass Mage outside the matrix. Edit-also any word yet when the mini expansion for the game is coming out and if it's free like a directors edition or if we gotta pay?
  2. On the Paladins, when u create one u pick the order they are from. Those orders not only give certain abilities but also have a certain reputation to uphold. I went with a bleak walker and their reputation is cruel and aggressive. So the more I am cruel and aggressive, the more bonuses I get towards my defense. Now if I start going the opposite as benevolent and kind, then my bleak walker will start losing points in defenses. Now i know the gain is called as 2 level of bonuses, but I don't know if the losses are capped as well. Also the bonuses towards reputation is only for PC Paladins. Created or npc Paladins will not gain or lose due to reputation.
  3. Same thing happened to me and it was at the docks lol.
  4. While there are might conversation options that read exactly like physical strength tests would in D&D games, that doesn't automatically imply that the person is physically strong, since in POE the force with which you lift/hit/impact the world depends on a mixture of physical and spiritual strength; In other words, it is only because we are used to such actions depending solely on physical strength that we read them that way, whereas if we truly accepted the game's universe, we'd acknowledge that lifting a heavy weight or throwing a mighty punch was a combination of physical and spiritual strength rather than merely depending on physical strength. And then there are the other might conversation options that don't go that far. As an example, the two latest might conversation options I had were both [might x] [intimidate] and didn't - to my eyes - read like tests of physical strength at all, but rather like overawing and scaring the target into submission - i.e. intimidating. Very true, but I guess the real core of my problem with the ones that read like a physical might is that I wish there was ingame examples or ingame lore (then again there might be and I may have missed it) of it being explained or accepted that might doesn't straight up mean physical might but that it's a soul power thing. Because a lot of people who have already dealt with established rpg systems are rightfully to think that magic power=how big ur muscles are. With having 2 separate dialogue options for might, one for physical and one for magical, that could simply go a long way to help the player roleplay without thinking their character is a huge mass of muscles.
  5. Tbh as a pen and paper GM/player I'm happy with the attributes system. As others pointed out, the dnd system their were dump stats due to what class u played. Now with the new patch and how enemies work now, even tanks don't really have dump stats either. All the attributes do something nice and look viable to all classes. Now the 2 things I DO think needs to be worked on. First is the dialogue with might, so far all the might conversations imply the person is physically strong. Yes I understand u can chose not to use those options if u don't feel ur character is "physically" strong, but I think I know an easy and quick solution. Simply with "might" Dialogue options, add different ones for magic. When u got one for physical intimidation such as picking someone up, add a delegate option of u visibly cackling with energy or maybe using magic to do the same effect. Second is to remove might from crossbows and guns. It's just simply gotta jump thru hoops to explain why the attribute effects it and could easily just be explained that it's the weapon against magic users etc blah blah.
  6. I'm Rdy for them to make another Shadowrun game. For the 4th one, they can keep going the route they going but I do hope they bring back the atmosphere and music from dead mans switch. Dragonfall and Hong Kong have excelled in regards compared to dead mans switch, but dead man switch still has that atmosphere and music that just screams futuristic cyberpunk more so than the latest 2 games. Just saying they keep making them, I'll keep buying. It's been a long time since I've had as much fun as I had with these games.
  7. im thinking about hiring a paladin but I was wondering since its been a while since I've played, if hire able Paladins actually gain benefits from faith and devotion? I know when the game came out that the player was the only one benefiting from faith and devotion, didn't know if hire able ones benefit from it now? And if they do, does our responses effect the FaD or is it just set without the player messing it up or advancing it?
  8. I started up yesterday for the first time playing in awhile and I deleted all my old saves and started fresh... I remember long load times when I started playing it but maybe because I started fresh and deleted all my old characters and their saves, my load times have been...like not even there. Like so short I don't even see it. I had even forgotten about the long load times because it's going so fast. Like I said I'm not saying it's yals fault because I do remember the long load times, but since I deleted all my old saves and started fresh, I'm not seeing any atm. Granted I maybe just be lucky and may (hopefully not knock on wood) hit me later in the game, but I'll keep yal posted.
  9. I finished up Hong Kong. Took my sweet time with it, was excellent but I will say this. Dead mans switch seemed to have the best music and best "atmosphere". I dunno if I wanna start up PoE or witcher 3 now. Atm killing time in South Park stick of truth. Such a fun and quick South Park rpg lol.
  10. I really hope we ain't charged for it and they add it on like a directors edition or something.
  11. He has a podcast about Shadowrun lore.
  12. It was cool seeing Opti in the game
  13. Ok running a troll adept with cyber ware razor claws. Focusing more on cyber ware and putting points into chi to get passive and nondamaging abilities. Charismatic **** with gang and socialite. Also gonna use a few spells if they fit his character. So far having a blast, but had to restart a few times due to not knowing about adepts and learning thru trial and error. A lot of my problems would have been answered if I actually paid attention to descriptions lmao. Overall great game. Loved dead mans switch and dragonfall and tbh very happy they continued with the same mechanics and just added and tweeted them. Refreshing since I'm so used that everyone seems to think now a days that u have to completely change the entire mechanics of u ever do a sequel. Also loving all the dialogue ) feels great and really hoping they kickstart another Shadowrun game. IMHO I say keep them coming for as long as they can )
  14. Playing Shadowrun Hong Kong as a troll charismatic **** razor blades adept....I'm really enjoying it a lot so far. It's so refreshing with all the role playing options, I'm gonna go ahead and say it's now my new favorite series as far as fun and addicting. Well smokes done, time to go back to my addiction
  15. Let's see, SRR I was a street Sam, dragonfall I was a decker/rigger, so for Hong Kong I'm going adept. I'm learning but I know body/str/will. With the razor claws, does unarmed and/or strength influence it?
  16. Does anyone know if Chris is still gonna write novellas for pillars of eternity?
  17. I started with SRR and tbh I think people should start with it. I really enjoyed it and then dragonfall was the same but so much better. I dunno it's always a nice feeling to play a game and enjoy it and then play the sequel and get blown away. Basically more Shadowrun fun and see it only get better hehe. I'm stoked about Hong Kong but I may have to wait til I play dragonfall again. SRR I stayed in character but in dragonfall I seem to have strayed away from the type of character I wanted to play....if that makes any sense. I think I'll hold off and just make sure I stay in character when I replay the games back to back again.
  18. Have been binge playing. Started with dead man switch and now I feel like I'm closing in on the end of dragonfall. Hong Kong was a prepurchase for me and hoping to wrap it up and start it when Thursday. I really loved both games, dead mans switch felt like a nice one shot campaign and really dogged the whole feeling that all that badass epic stuff is just a regular day for someone else. I felt like I was a big shot and then the game sucker punched me and knot her me off my mountain top and showed me there's whole other levels at play way above my current position. Dragonfall I'm loving because they just did everything better. The team was a nice touched. Whelp back to playing
  19. Sunday got to sit in on my very first shadowrun PnP game and I'll admit, I was blown away. Dunno, lately been burnt out on video games and TV and whatnot, but after sitting and watching my friends play (they wanted me to play but creating a character takes hours lol and we only had a few to play so I declined), it's lit a fire in me. Plowing thru shadowrun returns and getting ready to start dragonfall, I'm having a blast. Been watching ghost in a shell in between my breaks. Right now really wanna get into the lore and when I learn the mechanics, start my own games for my other friends. Saving up for the fifth edition because that's what my other friends play, but any suggestions on some one shotters or is the book that's just on lore by chance out there?
  20. Right now this is my games I'm going back and forth between. Witcher 3 Shadowrun returns Shadowrun dragonfall Killing floor 2 Jazzpunk
  21. Some things I will preorder even if there's a chance it will be crap. I'm not gonna be preordering fallout 4 but I will be getting it. I'm gonna try my hardest not to spoil myself with anything and go in expecting to be disappointed that way I won't be let down )
  22. Following the weird conventions for Japanese localization, Secret of Mana is the second game in the series while Secret of Mana 3 (or 2) was never released on the states there was a relatively high profile translation project for the ROM version for emulators. Its a good game. I really need to learn Japanese lol. Very fond memories of SoM when I was young. Glad the others were good, and didn't fail like the second chrono trigger did......shivers
  23. Wait......there's a secret of mana 3 let alone there was a second one as well??????
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