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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Nice!!! Can't wait to see some videos and pictures of the live demos!
  2. Preciate that info. I'm happy that obsidian just through steam made back double what was given through kickstarter.
  3. I have received a game that was completely free of bugs. It was called chess. Apparently it's considered a classic now. Lucky you. I received a chess set from my grandpa and he had found it in the attic. Unfortuantly their were a few bugs in the game, but I got rid of them myself
  4. *Stands guard with a fine club to whack any animancer away if they even look at the bloody pulp of that dead horse And get any ideas of trying to use their foul sorcery on reviving it* Edit-I do stand curious about how well it has sold though.
  5. I hear a lot of times on forums that u can always expect an Obsidian game and a Bethesda game to be shipped with bugs. While obsidian maybe known for shipping games with bugs, lately they become a lot better at squashing them. I mean FONV was released very buggy, but unlike Bethesda games, by the time they get done with their patches the games are usually pretty solid. Like FONV by the time all the patches came through, it was more stable than oblivion and fallout 3, the game they took most of their stuff from. They are overambitionist and cram as much as they can before it has to be released, thankfully they are getting a lot better with patching it later to a very stable game. Usually their gamble pays off as I was vastly amazed and impressed with FONV and SPsot.
  6. That is good writing, see if the game was moddable we could get that into POE right now, make a new companion and even get someone to voice act it. Very nice. I had to add I fully agree. I read that and thought it would actually fit perfectly with the tone and atmosphere of the game. Straight up animancer material.
  7. Mmmm I always thought it had something to do with the merchant inventory system keeping track of every single item u sold to different vendors. I wonder if they make it to were the stock would refresh and delete the items over a certain amount of time, if that would help loading times.
  8. As someone who played table top games long before recently diving into crpgs, I'm gonna have to say that while not perfect the atributes system if tweeked a lil bit more could be ALOT better than dnd's. What I mean by this and why I believe sawyer succeeded in his goal is that in pathfinder or dnd, u picked a class and it was fairly obvious what state u put a good chuck of ur points into and which ones u basically stayed away from or dropped down. In PoE I get a class and while there is still a stat or 2 that u know u want to max or put a lot of points into, the difference is that all the stats will do something for the classes. Each of the stats will do something nice for ALL the classes. While again it isn't perfect, all the stats will do and compliment every class. And like some have already stated, right now the biggest problem is the AI and I'd argue con being the one who needs that lil something. I think 2 things will improve and strengthen atributes. 1. AI. Weak tanks should have a harder time holding targets while glass cannons should be targeted quickly. Enemies should be given a range weapon and swap to if they cannot get to their target. 2. Right now each class starts off with a set number in fort, will, reflex, etc and the percent gains are based on that base number weither it's a minus or gain. If they instead changed instead of the base, have the percent go off the number after percentage given. That way if someone max might but dumps con, the percentages won't cancel each other out but would actually make fort worse since the 18% decrease isn't going off the base, but the highest number of increase. This would actually make it more harmful to drop both atributes of the same type of defense but would also increase and make more powerful if u up the atributes of the same defense.
  9. Yes this game is in awesome and I'm impatiently waiting for moar!
  10. A good review and a good read. From what I've seen of patch 1.04 I hope that more AI tweeks are in store for us. But a good read, one that shines the light on not only its flaws but also what it did right. Sometimes it seems I'm seeing the spotlight on its flaws and the absence of its good even if they enjoyed the game.
  11. I agree 100% and Ty because this really needed to be said and I don't think it coulda been said any better than what u did. I also wanna add my thanks along with urs and thank everybody at obsidian for this awesome and fun crpg and would gladly back them again. Time for me to get back to playing.
  12. Also some suggestions. Oozes should have an attack to bypass some type of dr and also should be able to go thru the party and other npcs and still give damage if moving thru or being on top of, enemies and friendlies alike. Also make them mindless, basically go after first target or whoever damages it first. All spiders should have a hobble or knotchdown attack. Make them smart to flee away from dangerous but prey on the weak. Stelgaer should being hidden due to stealth (as in change the mechanic to not be party based but individual that didn't break stealth until they attack or are hit) or give them that rogue ability that they can use frequently and basically mob attack targets. Beetles....eh keep them the way they are tbh. Got nothing for beetles. Delemgan should actually be neutral to parties or even friendly if ranger or Druid in the party, unless we purposely attack them or injure any of their animals etc. be nice to have something still on maps after our bloodshed. Pwgra should autofocus on Druids or rangers in the parties and change targets when they are being held back from their target after so much time. Beef up the amount of time they cast spells. Spores......eh I'm drawing a blank on what to suggest. They can use improving but can't think of how really. Lurkers. They are slow, they just need to hit harder. Have them move away from pcs that deal fire damage to it. Ghosts. Teleport more, all of them. Stuns, daze, confuse (call it possession). Just make them chaotic by randomly picking targets and switching after so many attacks. Xaurips. More traps being placed. More of them and have some stealthed. After taking down a few, have the rest run away and try to gather more xaurips. More ambushes, and more chances of ambushes. Sigh, I'll give more later
  13. Rework stealth to be a single instead of party wide. Also don't let combat take everyone outta stealth, only when targets have attacked or been attacked. Have casters use aoes when so many pcs, npcs, etc are within so many distance from each other. We see a clump of enemies coming for us, we aoe. The computer should do the same. Should be some types of immunities, but not to go overboard. It should be a case by case, and not "almost everything" is immune to something or another. Enemies and creatures should have a backup weapon set that makes sense. Funnel a group of lions in a doorway or tunnel? Check that's fine and a good way to do it. Replace lions with something humanoid? Not good, if they can't attack then they should go range then instead of running and humping the npc before them to melee. Armor and weapons are fine atm, especially once ai get tweeked to not just focus on the tank, then range will need to consider weither they want better armor or no.
  14. I say we need more picture book instances BUT!!!!!!!!l I want Ron Perlman to voice and read it to us using his "lich" voice from adventure time. That is all.
  15. Damn nice! ----grabs his list of things never to do and put "don't piss off 76prophet....ever!!!" at the very top.
  16. Damn I'm so excited about the expansion
  17. I can understand your frustration, those games were based on an older, quite hardcore D&D pen'n'paper ruleset. They call out to an older era of video games that no longer exists. Still, for us older gamers they are among the best rpgs of all time, maybe so for some younger gamers. Enter PoE, marrying the obsolete with many of today's standars, while showing the younger what made the old games great. And the result is: *totally brilliant awesomeness* :D Unfortunately, here in the forums there is a lot of negativity going on (& on & on...) by people who cling to the past. Don't mind them. I wish I could like this post more than once. Those are exactly my feelings as well.
  18. True it's still following the same "logic" but just dialed back. I could actually see certain high level spells fitting in Poe like maze but re flavored. But I will admit with what the got set up for lore and "because souls" at higher levels I could and expect to see some crazy stuff. Also I hope I didn't give that impression that I'm crying about magic>>>>>>marshals because that's how it works in dnd and I'm fine with that and play with that mindset and have lots of fun. At the same time I see Poe trying to do a "low magicish" campaign and tweeking where magic and nonmagic users can at times be on the same level and I'm digging that and enjoying it.
  19. Just for the uninformed, that is $24 million. Just for VO. Damn! Tyvm for the info. Yeah next game cut the va back a bit to only the starting of certain dialogue trees. Just give us more dialogue and those pick what u wanna do screens.
  20. Makes sense and just to clarify, I'm not complaining as it didn't ruin immsersion or whatever for me, it's just I've seen a few posts complaining about it and I remembered reading something about not getting all the lines voiced in that session and thought the 2 might have been related. All good though. Tbh I think u could cut back a lil on the va and instead focus on giving us more of those old dnd chose ur own adventure book type scenarios hehe Maybe enough to give each character their own voice and use it in the first couple of lines and then switch totally to full on reading their lines and let us use our imaginations to continue hearing the lines in our heads with the characters voice.
  21. I'm not really complaining, but was the reason why a lot of va wasn't voiced and seemed to jump from voiced to having to read the lines, was it something to die with something I read from from one of the obsidian employees about they only booked for a single session and only was able to get thru half the lines for va by chance?
  22. also, to take this a step further.. what i really hope to see is a game like this set in the pathfinder system. IMO, that is THE BEST version of D&D 3.5 thats currently released. i think it would be fantastic to see it translated to the video game realm. it sure wouldnt be that difficult to do.You should check 5e- imo it's the best d&d edition so far, by far (I ve been playing dnd ever since the AD&D days) I'd have to disagree. I'm with Kale on this, Pathfinder is for me the ultimate expression of D&D awesomeness. Well yal will be in for a nice treat since the CEO of Pathfinder has stated that their partnership with obsidian, they plan on "many" pathfinder crpgs done by obsidian in the future after the card game is done with ) And yes I'm still very excited over this as I have GMd pathfinder for quite a few years now and love it, specially their unchained stuff that's coming out, spoiler alert they have imho fixed the rogue to be on par with most classes now )
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