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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Sigh I know that but let me have my fantasy lol
  2. If it was JUST between Hillary and Trump, I'd vote Trump. I actually like the guy. But I'm gonna vote for Gary Johnson. Have no idea what his politices are and I really need to check in to see with that brilliant tax plan of his (no sarcasm, I love the idea) if the current business policies apply to them and if there will be any business policy's that are planning on being changed. With the very good showing off either inconpentance and/or corruption with Hillarys name all over it and the current tensions with race that Trump is getting unfairly associated with as the 2 heavy hitters not looking very rosy, hopefully maybe a brexit type event happens and people are just feed up with the show place their vote with Johnson either serious or in protest and bam. It's a gamble yeah. I'd feel more morally? good about my vote even though in reality the people's vote don't really count.
  3. I've never played it, but I do agree with the writers philosophy with games though.
  4. A good or hell just a WoT rpg
  5. I think the difference is with trump is that he's a racist against nonamericans. He has a history with the black community. I'm stoned but bear with me here. This is my take on trump and racism. Trump seems more of a business man than a diplomats or militant man. So when viewing the Mexicans and the Muslim immigrants, it's not that he thinks that whites are superior than them, but views them as people who are taking our money but not giving back. As a businessman, he's viewing them as freeloaders and when u got a debt to fix, u wanna cut the things that costing money and not getting in return. Now if said people wanted to BECOME Americans and pay taxes and ur due, then he'd have no problem then. But the people wanna stay and enjoy the benefits that are adding to the cost without contributing to the machine, then it's gotta go. So nothing as "white is superior to ur race", but more like "I'm American and in America as an don't matter whatever skin color I am American I'm more important than u when it comes to my govt and American liberties". Like being an American is like being in a special group that's high in stature. I'd say he's more nationist (if that's a word) than racist. I dunno where I went
  6. You raise some good points, to be honest its better to be one or the other because certain fundamental views are necessary to believe one or the other and these things are mutually exclusive But of course there are some similarities Then if I had to chose then I'd be against then.I can stand behind someone calling out injustice and wrong done because of the color of ones skin, but I can't be for a group that isn't treated equally as anyone else (meaning they can do, say, act things that most would lose our lively hood over while no one is batting an eye because of mob screaming racist) and believe and acts like THEY have and had the WORSE outta anyone and everybody. They act and believe they are special snowflakes that it's more important and EVIL and wrong if it happens to them but if it happens to someone else, they are outraged because it's stealing their thunder. Why we let them act and do what they do? Because at the foundation, the BLM is like I said something we can all get behind IF it was just that. When they start demanding and screaming that they have more right and have been wronged more than anyone else in history and it doesn't count if ur history coincides with theirs with slavery and racism, it doesn't matter because it's black power over anything and everything else. Now, I will say this, in light of the Dallas shootings paired with the cop murdering those fellows, the overall mood seems to have changed. The mood feels like they finally accept they are not the only ones who have been wronged and that others have as well and acknowledging that and simply want to be heard as well, if they keep this mood and ideal and atmosphere up, then I can get behind it. Now there seems an air of equality that was massively missing. If they drop this atmosphere and continue like they have been, then no. Burn that banner in fire and start again because all it's doing is causing dividing and more destruction. Tbh it seemed the movement went to wanting special privileges and to be above equal than actually be raised to equality. What you guys are going through now with rationalizing this whole thing and creating opinions I went through about 6 years in SA where only then did I have an epiphany about the history of my country and the true nature of Apartheid It changed me forever but in a good way as I now feel more liberated about my commitment to the new South Africa but I had to learn certain things Anyway I could share them but it gets complicated, so I guess if you looking for a different perspective on BLM but in a more constructive and positive way ask me anytime in the future I've already had my realization. I grew up in a time when ud get ur ass kicked and disowned for being gay, that was very open about their disapproval and agreeing with disowning if u were in a mixed relationship, and that black people were not to be trusted, they were lazy, brought nothing but problems and the only good "*****" was really a dead "*****". I grew up believing the hate and the lies. I know first hand what these people are pissed about because I was the enemy. I may have not murdered or harmed any black person, but I was one of the many these people are angry against. Just to put it out there, I no longer believe those lies or am the "enemy". So I've been on the "giving" end before and now they are using the same tactics that we did to them. Was it right when we did it to them? Hell ****ing no. But here's a question for u Bruce, is it okay for what they are doing the same that we did to them? I'm not talking about burning on crosses, I'm talking about the political environment.
  7. You raise some good points, to be honest its better to be one or the other because certain fundamental views are necessary to believe one or the other and these things are mutually exclusive But of course there are some similarities Then if I had to chose then I'd be against then. I can stand behind someone calling out injustice and wrong done because of the color of ones skin, but I can't be for a group that isn't treated equally as anyone else (meaning they can do, say, act things that most would lose our lively hood over while no one is batting an eye because of mob screaming racist) and believe and acts like THEY have and had the WORSE outta anyone and everybody. They act and believe they are special snowflakes that it's more important and EVIL and wrong if it happens to them but if it happens to someone else, they are outraged because it's stealing their thunder. Why we let them act and do what they do? Because at the foundation, the BLM is like I said something we can all get behind IF it was just that. When they start demanding and screaming that they have more right and have been wronged more than anyone else in history and it doesn't count if ur history coincides with theirs with slavery and racism, it doesn't matter because it's black power over anything and everything else. Now, I will say this, in light of the Dallas shootings paired with the cop murdering those fellows, the overall mood seems to have changed. The mood feels like they finally accept they are not the only ones who have been wronged and that others have as well and acknowledging that and simply want to be heard as well, if they keep this mood and ideal and atmosphere up, then I can get behind it. Now there seems an air of equality that was massively missing. If they drop this atmosphere and continue like they have been, then no. Burn that banner in fire and start again because all it's doing is causing dividing and more destruction. Tbh it seemed the movement went to wanting special privileges and to be above equal than actually be raised to equality.
  8. Why can't u be both? The movement at ground level is imho something needed and something that needs to be, but at the same time u can be annoyed of how some people who are behind it use it as a platform to justify their racist ideals and not be shot down and have the public behind them under the disguise of "elevated power" of truth. Like religions, at ground level most religions have very important lessons that everyone can go by and knowledge on how to be a good or better person, and then people take the religion to push their own agenda. As a white person who tries to debate what they see wrong with some messages that are pushed under the banner of BLM are automatically either ignored outright because of the color of their skin, labeled honky, cracker, white supremist, slaver, etc and pushed down their throat that THEY are the ONLY victims (both present and past) all the while spouting racist remarks defending themselves that they can't be racist because only white people can be racist because white people are in charge. The message at ground level is something most people can get behind but when u start dealing with the some public who use the group to have their voice heard so they can voice their rage of the white man while calling anyone who disagrees with them a white supremist and racist......well. Like I said, it's both.
  9. I was more commenting on the most recent shootings than over all. I think the reason why other races don't really get outraged over this is twofold. One, most would think that if a cop shot an unarmed person and killed them, they were most likely resisting or trying to fight or run bc that's what we grew up with when taught to do what police said or that happened because they have the right to do so, usually first thing to pop in head. Two, now if u say anything bout it or post anything bout a situation where ur race was wronged on social media, it gets bombarded with accusations of trying to take the spotlight away from BLM, and that unless u knew the victim personally, it's usually not even worth it because of what u could or will go thru. Bad mojo. And three, we simply don't care unless it personally effects us bc we know cops are humans just like us and sometimes there's rotten ones and sometimes it's just a bad reaction or blowout with what they gotta put up with. U accept the bad unless it goes overboard because overall there's more good coming out of it. Not saying these are right, but reasons I can think of top of my head why nonblack people aren't as worked up bout what's going with police killing our race. I fully agree with you on the problem with police.
  10. That's fun with numbers, you have to look at the percentages to get a full idea of these statistics. Plus given the fact there is no central database kept that compiles these numbers, they are all estimates instead of cold hard facts. Which is ridiculous, we should mandate that police departments report these things. The government tracks every shark attack, but not shootings. https://action.aclu.org/secure/we-need-data It is true with numbers. Looking at the numbers is like a more bog. Yes white and Latinos have a higher death rate from being killed by cops, but whites make up 62% and Latinos make up 17% while blacks make up 12.5%? Then u factor in the locations and which race has higher crime rates and encounters with police etc etc etc. basically going back and forth with no real answer in sight that everyone can agree on. It's a huge cluster **** mess when trying to find and/or have an unbiased opinion or answer on everything. There's just to many variables which I rather not even try to get into right now. The police killing unarmed and innocent blacks is ****ed up and the incident in Dallas was ****ed up. It's just a huge **** up right.
  11. Not according to the document that stated how many of each race was killed by policemen. more white people were killed by the police than any other race. Our problem is our media in that they won't blow up stuff unless it gets a reaction. White cops killing black people will get blown out while black cops killing white people will only get brushed under. Instead of our news covering EvERYTHING, it only covers the stuff that will get a reaction outta people.
  12. I want a 1800's b&w victorian England CoC game with all the old b&w horror films main monsters being in it but each one as a CoC monster counter part. Another shadow run game by harebrain
  13. What is going on over here in America?
  14. From my years of Bethesda games, I don't ever quick save. I've played thru the game a few times and the only bug I've found was back in the day of my companions who are not in the party seen in random dungeon walls, that was when the game first came out and never saw it again after the first expansion came out. Those who are waiting for the patch, why wait? Turn off quick save, manual save and enjoy the game also the many characters I've created, I've never ran across the stacking bug at all.
  15. Just did a full playthru and didn't run into a single big at all. Really great game
  16. Stoned and playing jazzpunk. Such an awesome game
  17. Quick question, doing a full playthru on my PC and wondering when to do new game+? Should I do it after I beat the base game and the dlcs or should I beat base game then do new game+ and dlcs?
  18. Tbh I think the problem with our press is more important than who are next president is gonna be. I think our press is the reason for ALOT of our social problems over here.
  19. Then when the zombie apocalypse happens, where are the German zombies gonna get the rocket launchers then?
  20. Then it'd be a Britain without any Englishman lol
  21. ****ing A. Prayers for those in Turkey
  22. Then just boot up morrowind again with the overhaul mod, it's so nice. Riding and watching ur boat or strider travel and the landscape. Welp time to play some morrowind now dammit lol
  23. And thank you everybody for the answers to my question. I believe everyone was right lol.
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