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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. I think it's more along the lines of hoping he's another Chester A. Arther. Fair warning, lame comedy but I'm a sucker for history stuff. https://youtu.be/eFXYd0S443k
  2. A good explanation indeed....but why is he supporting Hillary? He is speaking of the people and the area that he is from after all. I think it's more along the lines of, he gets why Trump is popular without thinking there's a lot of backwards people left in America, but even if he gets why, doesn't mean those reasons are what he's looking for in a president.
  3. https://youtu.be/pADHLsECWxY A good explanation on why Trump is popular
  4. Very beautiful pictures. I'm about 4-5ish hours away near Winston Salem. lol I'm not that far, just don't have the gas money to just go drive
  5. Speeching of which yal woulda have basked in the glory of one of our best presidents around that time https://youtu.be/SupNaQeJrq0
  6. Keyrock, ur making me home sick lol. Very beautiful mountains, I miss them
  7. Something to tie in with vibe of emotions, something to think about and laugh at. The best piece from SNL since a long time. https://youtu.be/O7VaXlMvAvk
  8. BruceVC, it's more along the lines of "great timing". Yes it could very well be true that he did in fact sexually assault these women, but because of their timing right now instead of earlier, it also seems like another "set up" like how they instigated fights at his rally's and started making everyone including urself that the supporters were very violent. Also this is America, when something is slipped we EXPECT someone to come forward to take advantage of the situation for money. It's sad but that's something we have to accept when we give the victims the right to accuse and get justice without retaliation, we have to accept that sometimes scumbags will take advantage of the system that protects the victims for an out of court pay off.
  9. lol I love this
  10. I think you're grievously misunderstanding the people you seem to be arguing against here. No alum, this is different and relevant. I have a hard time treating the stance of anybody who seems to be incapable of grasping the concept of "it is possible to acknowledge that certain segments of society are benefiting from social structures that have their origin in deeply unsavory historical events without holding the very same people personally responsible for those events" as "different and relevant". Im a bit stoned and happy AF bc a pretty lady came up and gave me her number, so I don't wanna go into the thoughts of politics right now. So I'll say that yes I do realize that's a reality in many things and sometimes wrong, the other times just unfair. I'm also not so closed eye'd to not only see a lot of people who DO have problems but is "misdiagnosing" it something different than what it is. Also I get what u saying Bruce, it still ties in because this is a thread about politics and right now people are feeling emotional BC of politics and ur country is going thru similiar emotions as well BC of politics there.
  11. I think a big issue we in USA is having right now is that we are having some problems but in trying to "fix" the problems we are laying the blame on someone else. We WANT to fix these problems but we can't accept the fact that it maybe our fault or hell NO ONE's fault but we are having to blame someone other than ourselves or recognize that no one maybe at fault or it's just how it's going right now due to someone's decisions that was made before any of us was alive. We have all become "VICTIMS".
  12. Empathy is a thing, though. The world you live in is the result of history. If you can't see that the American Indians got an incredibly raw deal, and they are still struggling because of it, that's not good. Doesn't mean you need to hang your head about it all day long, but it also seems pretty bad to just write it off as ancient history. No, it means I can sympathize with the Indians and feel bad just like I can anyone who's down on their luck or going thru hard times....but I don't BLAME myself for their position.
  13. Why take the blame for colonization? I don't feel like it's my fault for what happened to the Indians and I don't hold the British to putting my Irish family as slaves. That's the past. If u didn't personally do it, then don't take the blame for it. Your not to blame.
  14. I think it's more along the lines of world wide jet lag. A world wide "**** Everything right now, let me relax". Usually what we have done/learned/created/etc in the past 30+ years usually gradually seeps in over a much longer period of time. It's like teaching kindergarteners basic math all the way to calculus in their first year without nap times or weekends off or summer breaks. It can be done but there's a reason why knowledge is spread out over a period of time instead of mass amount crammed in short period of time. We need a nice long summer break. I say break/burn it down and keep what's most important, the core ideals and values and build up something new from there. Right now we got to much waste/conflict built in structure and foundation.
  15. So a lot of people not only here in USA but all over the world is tired of the NWO politics that is trying to inject into every country.... TBH I think a lot of places need a revolution and burn their place to the ground so that something new, not old or present can raise up. Why force what they don't want down their throats? Let them have the freedom to chose and win/lose on their own. We need something new, because the old and what we have presently isn't cutting it. We haven't had a good plague or world war to thin out the numbers and rotate ideology of the people up top for a hot min. Let Mother Gaea break out the knife and do a nice trim and wash it all away. Cthulhu
  16. Just preordered killing Floor 2 on PS4 sigh can't wait til November 18th
  17. He's a sexist pig idiot who's has a big mouth that would put most drunken uncles to shame and doesn't actually have a plan, just want you to rely on "I'm great so everything I do will be great!" while relying on people's insecurities to put him in the White House? I can do one equally as bad for Hillary as well
  18. https://youtu.be/vnr066v-kEY
  19. The thing is that I'm wondering about Wikileaks that assad has released is how is it propaganda? It seems more like he's just dumping evidence out there for people to read as in emails and such.
  20. When cheering for those in power, is it the only time when it you feel like you are part of something larger than you? Making history? Finding meaning or purpose? Just curious. I support a certain ideology like we all do. Assange is a parasite and a very divisive personality who has a personal grudge against the West and particularly the USA Of course I feel like Im part of something greater when someone like Assange is unable to continue his cyber attacks on the USA, one less source of propaganda to worry about I want to ask u 2 questions and please answer honestly. 1. What exactly has Assange released that was false? If it's true even with an agenda, it's not propaganda is it? 2. Is it okay for the media and the DNC to instigate violent riots at opponent rally's?
  21. I have company insurance. It changes almost every year and I have to accept that or find my own.
  22. im just hoping that whoever wins gets rid of Obamacare and if not rid of them at least made "optional" instead of forced onto us. My insurance is killing me and doesn't even cover not even half of what the insurance did before this thing went into act. Also NC voter here, I castes my vote for Johnson.
  23. Im thinking trump has said something about taking down Obamacare, has Hillary said anything about it either? Are they both at least agreeing that Obamacare has to go?
  24. That's actually one of my favorite scenes in games in general. I look the clip up on YouTube occasionally just to revisit the moment. Although they drive the scene better than I did. lol. There's a scene in SAINTS ROW 2 that really transcended for me, when The Boss is drugged and the Sons of Samedi kidnap them/attack the base. The character I was playing, plus the voice set I'd chosen made the scenario attack both gripping and daft at the same time. You weaving around on drugs shooting up badguys before finally tripping over a couch after the fight. It sealed me as a fan of the game. Truly hated they changed the voice sets in SRIV since the one I was using wasn't there anymore. On a totally different note, when I played Dragon's Dogma I spent a lot of time exploring. I loved going out at night with a lamp on and how it changed the ambience. But one thing is I saw walking around a waterfall - games had taught me that secret stuff can be hidden behind them, so I walked up and...there was a cave that led to a temple. Wandering around the temple I got into a fight with a cyclops. Couldn't get far because I hadn't even gotten the quest to go to the temple yet. But it really made the exploration work for me, finding that cave and that cyclops. Ah, the Watergod's Altar. I remember the first time I got jumped by a Chimera while minding my own business making my way to the Shadow Fort (and actively avoiding the "big scary monsters" because I assumed they'd tear me to shreds). It was a fun fight (and I won) and got me hooked on the game (and hunting bigger and bigger baddies). At one point in F.E.A.R. I was skulking around an empty office building where all the offices had glass walls when suddenly something seemed to be tossed through one of those, shattering the glass and almost giving me a heart attack (no enemies were involved, the building was and stayed empty). That was the first and only jump scare in the game and it worked so well *because* it was the only one as the rest of the game I was always on edge expecting more of that... Hehe I lov d that part I'd have to say 2 more comes to mind when I think of that game. 1. When u go down the ladder and she's in ur face. 2. Right before u exit the sewers into the office and a cloak enemy jumps down and takes off in front of u. The rest of the level and onwards I was looking in every corner not wanting that sob to ambush me lol. Man I need to play that game again..
  25. Screw wasting money on the new CoD games (waste for me), looks like I will buy the remastered when it's good for single purchase and I got the funds. I started with MW 2 and loved it. That's the game I'm waiting to be remastered but never played the first MW.
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