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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. And yet here we are. Of course you can always take the view that party id is so strong that you could have a literal zombie and mummy as DNC/GOP nominees, and the results would still be the same. Whoever is on the ticket goes, no matter what. Trump would be evidence of that. Very true, I was more along the lines at taking a jab at Hillary comparing her charisma to a zombie or a mummy. Bruce, it's very true but I think it's more along the lines of not him being charismatic, but more along he was smart with his choice of issues and focus. His very "un-PC" approach was yet another issue he was campaigning for.
  2. I think calling Trump charismatic, is like calling the village idiot charismatic compared to a zombie or a mummy.
  3. Keep the EC and get rid of the winning take all. Fair balance and everyone has a voice.
  4. I don't think it dilutes, they bringing it up because the end result can/are/could be the same, just a different path. Scandals and bribes and etc still could go on, just gotta do it differently and not unanimously. Imho it's basically they gotta spend that money for that service anyways, might as well spend the money u was already gonna spend on hotels at his for a friendly gesture.
  5. Main difference between trump's hotels and clintons foundation is one is a visible albeit "cheap" purchase while the other is an "investment" where u have a say in spreading/hindering products/ideals/technology/etc. Apples and oranges.
  6. It's ****ing awesome. Very smooth, haven't noticed any dips in frame rate even when it's getting chaotic on the screen. The controls work great except one thing. With Kb/m u can press a number key to go to a weapon. I'll go ahead and say it maybe me but I can't figure out how to go to weapons slots without just cycling through the weapons til I get to the one I want
  7. Do you know if they ever got cross-platform pay working? If so I'll gladly join you for a game or three (otherwise I'll not be able to given that I only have it on the PC and don't intend to get a PS4). I don't think they have yet. I have it for PC as well, so if ya ever need someone to help slaughter, hit me up. I play a round or 2 at least every day lol
  8. Been playing killing floor 2 on PS4. Damn they did a good job, playing on normal and think I've only beaten the boss I think once lol. Nice and intense, great game to unwind to after working lol
  9. Killing floor 2 comes out on PS4 tomorrow, I know I'm gonna be binge playing that when I get off.
  10. Who you referring to when you say A and B? A-time magazine, CNN, CBS with a less than min google search B- right now seems like every liberal media is gnashing their teeth, and get this, this is the best part WHY they say they angry.....because they believe their job is to protect the president and can't if he doesn't let them know where he is..... Like I said, media needs to die in fire right now. I need to start sending playdoo and color books to news anchors now it seems.
  11. Media......just die already. Your shooting urself in ur damn foot, **** I feel like u already blew off ur leg and now pulling a Cheney. Can someone please explain the hate and backlash Trump is getting from A. Not accepting the presidential salary and B. Blowing up because he wanted to have a family dinner without the media. Seriously, WTF is going on?!
  12. Obviously ****tards didn't pay attention in social studies here when they were younger when it was explained how presidential election worked and function. The popular vote don't mean ****, it was designed as the electoral votes meaning the most so that every citizen felt no matter where they are, their votes counted. Otherwise people from 3 states could dictate the direction of the country and the other states felt like their voice wasn't heard. Now WHAT IS the problem and was not original designed, is the winner take all way the states are operating. Each state had assigned amount of electoral voters and by math, each candidate be assigned so many voters to how many the state had. Democrates in California wouldn't get ALL 55 voters and maybe a lil over half. BUT wait there's more! https://youtu.be/i_thvwaKryY Now think about third party candidates, theybreally feel they have no voice at all, BUT if we get rid of the winner takes all votes that all the states adopted later on, we would actually see 3rd party actually having votes and taking away from other party votes they mass amountvas they do today. The system was actually a lot better and a helluva lot less confusing before they adopted that policy, which they can drop at anytime and I still don't know why they haven't. Since for the mass majority of the time, popular and electoral votes always matched up except in 4 chances (3 really, 1 was just a govt total **** you to Andrew Jackson) to motivate voters, they gave the impression that their individual vote maters and is important, which isn't a lie but more of u thinking it's directly for the president but instead it does matter but in a smaller scale so that voters everywhere could be on a more level playing field. Sorry rants over, I'm not getting into politics but it's just frustrates me that the ignorance is being so blantant out there. It's like read a ****ing book on the ****! Confused, pissed off? Instead of assuming what u think is what's right, look that **** up other than on media and Wikipedia sites. No, go to a ****ing library and pick u up a encyclopedia and sit down and quietly read mother ****er!!! Now I'm waked and baked and had a ****ty week AND I'm gonna take my own advice and go look this **** up so I'm not just sprouting stoned high comments..... Carry on
  13. The problem with PC is that it's used as a means to shut down exchange of ideas and goal is to force the other to submit. Ben No.3, the reason why it might work where u are is because yal don't HAVE PC. PC is used now incorrectly because it shoves what is considered "right" without seeing the other side, seeing WHY it's there in the first place. Yal might have gotten to where yal wanted something so different than the past, that yal went the opposite direction. I dunno, everywhere and everyone is different in how they think, morals, and what they consider right. Here we have freedoms, meaning we have the freedom to think and believe and follow what WE want to. To change people here without badgering/etc (from personal experience) is more along the lines of osmosis and respect for differences. The respect for differences is NOT in PC, PC does not respect you for having a different opinion in how it is used now.
  14. Ok fellas and gals and etc, this should NEVER happen again. It's over and it's done. Hallelujah and what religion or spaghetti monster or agnostic version of it. I need a break and I'm out. I don't have to and I sure as ****ing hell don't NEED to even think about politics and go on a 3 1/2 year vacation from even thinking about politics. Thank yal for the company, knowledge, opposing views and ideas, and the laughs. Everyone stay the same, yal ****ing awesome in yals own way. I'll see yal in other threads.
  15. As long as we have have echo chambers, we will have democrates and a trump somewhere stepping up. TBH having the 2 party system is ok, we all benefit from both democrates and republican ideals and practices. Why we DONT need a 2 party system is imho simply because the 2 parties WONT work together even if it's a great idea. If they worked together and instead viewed as partners with different ideals that they need to compromise with, I don't believe we would need anymore parties.
  16. Guardian decided to play the role that Fox has done past 8 years, as Fox can't be trusted anymore to do their job as party that they support is in the control. Kinda sad that it drove the nail home for viewers of fox, CNN, NBC, and all of them that the news are supposed to be factual and people are tired of opinionated news. I believe our biggest villain in this election was our media on both sides.
  17. I'm actually quite proud of all 3 in their speeches (trump, Hillary, and obama). While I disagree with a lot of the 3, at least the message they sent wasn't filled with the poisen and venom we have grown accustomed to during the election process. Quite refreshing
  18. "establishes new screening procedures for immigration to ensure those who are admitted to our country support our people and our values" Reading implementations of this will be fun. Hopefully there's a camera on the eyes. Come, come now, you can do better than that one.I'll be quite honest, I don't have a problem and actually think that's something that's needed for when we bring people in. Land of freedom, respect our laws and respect other people's freedom as well. Hell, I think a lot of citizens could benefit from that. When in Rome, do as the romans do. Not when in Rome, expect romans do what YOU do.
  19. Yep, ahh the whole racist, sexist, bigotist accusations have been spewing forth like a huge broken sewer pipe... I'll be honest, maybe .......JUST maybe it's that kinda attitude that has drove Trump to become president and why the senate AND house is full of republicans.... Just maybe These type of people have no idea that they are in same group as racists, bigots, and such with their attitudes and hate.
  20. Isn't the opposition to gay marriage declared unconstitutional so even if pence wanted to do something about it, he wouldn't be able to?
  21. To the people who are worried about Trump bringing in WW3, I present everyone no matter who u voted for some good news https://youtu.be/q-pUHYXRvIk
  22. Coincidence, probably, aggregate rates just vary for no real reason sometimes. Some years just have higher crime or more traffic accidents or more twins born and there isn't really an underlying cause for it. . I can understand that, but that big of degree though in both Australia and U.K. the same years? Was their a polical movement people didn't agree with or something? Ours was the 90s then it's been dropping since, maybe they were just a decade behind us maybe. Still think it's strange that if reversed and guns were introduced and this happened, it's be blamed on the having the guns. A situation relating to guns that is about disarming the public and having a different effect seems a bit double standardish to me. If sexual assult had risen in an area that is low on officers like the U.K. and guns were introduced, that'd be the blame, but having banned it's credited to people's trust in a police system that's understaffed.... Ow wells, that's all I'll say. I'll concede that I maybe wrong, but I can't say that's it's not possible either. Could be the media trying to soften the situation and make it not as bad as it actually is. Dunno, American media has kinda left me jaded and mistrustful when double standards could easily come into play when it's not fitting the narrative.
  23. It's because of our media, the Clinton Narcissistic Network. Don't worry bout it, democracy gonna be fine. We just gonna tidey up a bit, spring cleaning, and putting some things out on the curb that don't belong or aren't useful. Policy wise Sigh, I'm trying to be positive. It's the first time strangely in a long time I've been able to.
  24. From what I've been reading, it's because most feel betrayed by the Obamacare. Apparently when u say bad things about people they will dislike you BUT u **** with their money, they will dispose you. .........omfg!!!!! Does this mean Obamacare will be dismantled and done away with?!?!!!!! Please I hope so! I maybe able to actually afford things now.
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