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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. From what I understand the proposed systen for Deadfire is HP+Injuries. I like this system in a world where ressurrection is impossible personally, it's a nice balance to the lack of raise dead and better than the PoE1 system. I'd also like HP to be independet of class, so a Barbarian with a con of 4 doesn't have a ****load more health than a Wizard with a con of 16.
  2. Fresh fries are the best. Even if they're not super crisp there's just a flavor there that destroys frozen. Anyways I ate a protein shake and will probably grab a burrito or salad for lunch. Beans in chili? You should be ashamed.
  3. The one who hasn't bothered to read their work. Your understanding seems to come from wikipedia and fan fiction. At best what you meant was that you like to play with alternative history navel gazing. It doesn't matter what Marx would think if somehow ripped from the 19th century to be transplanted in the modern world, becauae that's not going to happen and is frankly irrelevant to a discussion on his theory or historocal contributions. You may as well speculate if Thomas Jefferson would have been a white nationalist or if Genghis Khan would be operating a resturant if taken out of historical context and given modern sensibilities.
  4. You're being called a one-trick pony because the only frame of reference you only have is socialism. And given the content of your posts one you lack an understanding of, including any knowledge of the literature written by the two men in your avatar.
  5. It's the IE mod, it also allows companions to equip pets and any class to use grimores.
  6. That's cool. Hopefully I'll get my badges, as well as the green K I've been missing for a few years now.
  7. There's at most 5 here now, counting Ben, to be very generous and that doesn't describe any besides Ben.
  8. This new alt is trash, you need to up your game. I got an A in the only philosophy class I ever took (it was required as a computer science major for some bizarre reason) without doing any of the reading, so... What I learned is that getting good grades in pretty much any of the humanities is easy as long as you can figure out what the teacher wants to hear, and are a competent bull****ter. That's pretty much every class in my expereince.
  9. Looking at the wiki(haven't played WM yet), very few seem to go past superb(or whatever the 3rd quality tier is) and along with the general lack of lashes and no durgan steel option they do seem to take a hit compared to say Legendary Bittercut with a corrosive lash and durgan steel. So I'd say some improvement is needed, as well as maybe allowing certain enchantments to be made, but maybe in an even more limited form than "ordinary" magic weapons. There's also the issue of multiclassing and class specific soulbound weapons, particularly if one was to take two classes for one, like a Cipher/Ranger using Stormcaller. In any case it needs to be refined but the concept is really cool. And there should be a soulbound katana used to defeat a shapeshifitng master of darkness, preferably with a quest that involves getting thrown into a portal in time.
  10. Wizard abilities are going to be per encounter in PoE2 so that's a moot point.
  11. That just proves it takes the stars to align for millions of Americans to get up.
  12. Before I answer, question: I suppose you mean the debate over wether the Turkish government should be able to propagate their reform here?Well that and those marches of pro Erdogan and Kurds. Also I read that Volker Bouffier actually grown some balls and told Turkey that its enough - it took ages thoMy stance is first of all to let them speak. I do not support Erdogan, however, I do see this as an issue of free speech. Governments of other countries need to be able to express their opinions and yes, also members of forgein governments. However, I also expect our politicians to take a clear stance against it.But I don't want to see a limit am free speech or political campaigns merely because it doesn't fit EXACTLY our own opinionWell, laws of country needs to apply only for its own citizens which Turkey government is obviously are not. And frankly I don't see that big of a deal when they have speech there, but rather marching of thousands of 'Germans' waving Turkey flag and carrying photos of almost (so far) dictatorCan you imagine how 3 millions of Russians marching through Washington waving Russian flags and pictures of Putin? xD I'd be amazed if 3 million people got off their ass for anything in burgerland.
  13. Canada will pay for it. So that's where we're dumping sick people?
  14. Sounds like his wife has bad taste in porn tbh.
  15. Didn't a bunch of the core Bioware team--writers, leads, etc.--leave after EA bought them? I mean, Jade Empire and 3/4 of Mass Effect were prior to EA and they both show a *LOT* of that "dumbed down" stuff that you think EA forced on them. Not right away I believe. That seems to be the case now though.
  16. If they think they can do it then sure why not. Wouldn't mind getting a party of 5 and yelling at people to learn how to play their class.
  17. I doubt it. I like PoE well enough, but I don't see Obsidian being able to make a TES-like game or TwitcherClone or MassEffect sort of thing set in Eora given their budget.
  18. All I can remember about the new system is some weapons can't have certain enchantments. I'm fine with that I guess.
  19. So you want to remove a hard limit(camping supplies and inns) and replace it with a series of complicated mechanics? I don't see the point, especially with all abilities being per encounter and the implementation of a new health system based on surviving particular encounters. I disagree, it's a good idea but the sheer amount of trashmobs ****ed it up. Hopefully PoE2 has significantly less trashmobs though.
  20. Thanks for the advice guys, but I had to start over for PotD because I just kept steamrolling everything. One thing I have noticed is that savage attack seems to only affect base weapon damage and doesn't influence might, quality bonus, or any ability (on Eder at least), with Reckless Assault doing the same on an AH rogue. Does this mean that modals are in general a bad choice for a weapon damage build, outside of ranged abilities for Rangers? I'm using the IE mod so that could be the cause in my case.
  21. I'll agree with the posters here, not to mention by appearances Rogue comes with Reckless Assault, and that 1.2X Melee damage and +8 accuracy will result in much higher damage with sabres than a 5 DT bypass and a 0% loss in attack speed. EDIT: Actually never mind, Reckless Assault seems to only add base damage and round down to boot, so it's +2-3 damage with sabres at the cost of -8 deflection. Used console to confirm the same seems to hold true with savage attack as well. Reckless Assault is still the most damage boosting modal for melee, but I don't know if you want to take that -8 deflection hit which is pretty damn high for a fairly small payout. Note I play with the IE mod so that could be causing an issue.
  22. I beat PoE once, though after getting to level 12 with the bounties I plowed through the crit path because PotD combat at that point was tedious and boring. At any rate if you got to twin elms you played through more than most and got enough of 1.0x mechanics to be able to talk. I will admit PoE seems better now that I'm coming back to it, though kind of a bummer there's no multiclass Rogue/Cipher or Wizard option after Deadfire promised multiclassing.
  23. I'll probably pick it up when the UE drops, but is charge back?
  24. This is good. The Democratic Party would never move beyond milquetoast liberalism and driving off anyone remotely class consiouss in the US still holding on will hopefully make a split happen. The issue is where those people go, a socdem party like the recent Green Party or a more radical organization. At this point I'm willing to bet on the former in the short-term, with a Trump victory in 2020 and maybe an economic downturn that wounds the right. "Yay! A bunch of people will suffer and die as a result of disastrous Republican policies, but there's a tiny chance that a major party will self-detonate and an even tinier chance that one of the offshoots will have policies I like, but hey, totes worth it bro, it isn't ****ing wishful thinking AT ALL" As opposed to disatrous Republican policies from 2 decades ago?
  25. This is good. The Democratic Party would never move beyond milquetoast liberalism and driving off anyone remotely class consiouss in the US still holding on will hopefully make a split happen. The issue is where those people go, a socdem party like the recent Green Party or a more radical organization. At this point I'm willing to bet on the former in the short-term, with a Trump victory in 2020 and maybe an economic downturn that wounds the right.
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